100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 &About pubwiz...
102 Publishing Point wizard
104 <HTML>%n<HEAD>%n<TITLE>Document Title</TITLE>%n</HEAD>%n%n<BODY>%n%n<!-- When the following HREF is selected, a browser will download the %n.asx file and try to "run" the file. This will launch the Microsoft Windows%nMedia Player which in turn opens the file and plays the URL within it. It%nis assumed that this .htm file and the .asx file are located in the %nsame directory. -->%n<a href="%1">HREF to %2</a>%n%n<!-- The following line is a sample for how to retrieve an .asx file from%nan HTTP server. -->%n<!--<a href="http://HTTP_server/sample.asx">HREF to %3</a>-->%n%n%n</BODY>%n</HTML>%n
105 <HTML>%n<HEAD>%n<TITLE>Document Title</TITLE>%n</HEAD>%n%n<BODY>%n%n<script language="JavaScript">%n<!--%n if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )%n {%n //-- This next line ensures that any plugins just installed are updated in the Browser%n //-- without quitting the browser.%n navigator.plugins.refresh();%n // We don't need the APPLET within IE%n // ***Please note that if you do not need to script events, you can safely remove the next two lines%n document.write("\x3C" + "applet MAYSCRIPT Code=NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy.class")%n document.writeln(" width=5 height=5 name=appObs\x3E \x3C/applet\x3E")%n }%n//-->%n</script>%n%n<!-- Set ShowControls, ShowDisplay, ShowStatusBar to value 0 to not display the corresponding thing under the video window -->%n<OBJECT ID="NSPlay" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=128 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"%ncodebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701"%nstandby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."%ntype="application/x-oleobject">%n <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="%1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="1">%n <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"%n pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"%n filename="%2"%n src="%3"%n Name=NSPlay%n ShowControls=1%n ShowDisplay=1%n ShowStatusBar=1%n width=290%n height=320>%n </embed>%n</OBJECT>%n%n</BODY>%n</HTML>%n
107 %n<a href="%1">HREF to %2</a>%n
108 %n<script language="JavaScript">%n<!--%n if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )%n {%n //-- This next line ensures that any plugins just installed are updated in the Browser%n //-- without quitting the browser.%n navigator.plugins.refresh();%n // We don't need the APPLET within IE%n // ***Please note that if you do not need to script events, you can safely remove the next two lines%n document.write("\x3C" + "applet MAYSCRIPT Code=NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy.class")%n document.writeln(" width=5 height=5 name=appObs\x3E \x3C/applet\x3E")%n }%n//-->%n</script>%n%n<!-- Set ShowControls, ShowDisplay, ShowStatusBar to value 0 to not display the corresponding thing under the video window -->%n<OBJECT ID="NSPlay" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=128 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"%ncodebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701"%nstandby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."%ntype="application/x-oleobject">%n <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="%1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="1">%n <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"%n pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"%n filename="%2"%n src="%3"%n Name=NSPlay%n ShowControls=1%n ShowDisplay=1%n ShowStatusBar=1%n width=290%n height=320>%n </embed>%n</OBJECT>%n
200 General
201 Windows Media Administrator
202 Cannot obtain current computer name.
203 Connection to Station Manager failed. Please check your connection to the server and try again.
204 Can't open file %1 for write.
205 To play an on-demand .asf file from a Windows Media server, the .asf file must be stored in an on-demand publishing point. During Windows Media Server Components setup, the on-demand publishing point known as Home was created. You can store .asf files in the Home publishing point or create an additional on-demand publishing point.
206 <Home>
207 Alias
208 Path
210 The path must be a complete directory path where you want to store .asf files, for example, 'c:\dir'. NOTE: This directory is local to the Windows Media server you are currently administering, in this case, %1.
212 Select publishing point directory
213 No alias name was entered.
214 Invalid characters (one of '\/<>|:*?') in alias name.
215 Invalid Path format, Must be local path path or UNC.
216 You already have an alias '%1' defined as '%2'. Do you wish to redefine the alias as '%3'?
219 .asf Path not located within the selected Virtual Root %1.
220 The file must end with an .asf extension.
222 You have selected the following options:\n\n
223 The publishing point '%1' will be created with the path defined as:\n %2\n\n
224 The published .asf file is assumed to be on server '%1' at location:\n %2\n\n
225 An .asx file will be created with this URL reference:\n %1\n\n
226 An .htm file with an <HREF> tag will be created with a URL reference to the .asx file.\n\n
227 An .htm file with an <OBJECT> tag will be created with a URL reference to the .asf file.\n\n
228 The HTML <HREF>, <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
229 The HTML <HREF> tag will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
230 The HTML <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
231 &Finish
232 ASX Files (*.asx)|*.asx|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
233 Save .asx file
234 HTML Files (*.htm)|*.htm|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
235 Save .htm w/<HREF> file
236 Save .htm w/<OBJECT> file
237 The .asx and .htm files you are generating are in different directories. The generated HREF in the .htm file assumes the .asx file is in the same directory. Do you wish to continue?
239 The two .htm files you are generating cannot be of the same name in the same directory.
240 Failed to Add New Virtual Root Alias.
241 Failed to write .asx file.
242 Failed to write .htm file with an <HREF> tag.
243 Failed to write .htm file with an <OBJECT> tag.
244 Failed to copy tags to clipboard.
245 &Next >
247 The publishing point '%1' was successfully created.\n
248 The .asx file '%1' was successfully created.\n
249 The .htm file '%1' was successfully created.\n
250 The HTML <HREF>, <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags were copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
251 The HTML <HREF> tag was copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
252 The HTML <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags were copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
253 \nClick 'More Info' to learn more about:\n- Accessing .asf, .asx and .htm files from a Microsoft Windows Media Player or web browser.\n- Adding features to .asx files.\n- Where to get information on programming the Microsoft Windows Media Player API.\n- Editing and creating publishing points.