100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 &About multiwiz...
102 Publishing Point wizard
104 <HTML>%n<HEAD>%n<TITLE>Document Title</TITLE>%n</HEAD>%n%n<BODY>%n%n<!-- When the following HREF is selected, a browser will download the %n.asx file and try to "run" the file. This will launch the Microsoft Windows%nMedia Player which in turn opens the file and plays the URL within it. It%nis assumed that this .htm file and the .asx file are located in the %nsame directory. -->%n<a href="%1">HREF to %2</a>%n%n<!-- The following line is a sample for how to retrieve an .asx file from%nan HTTP server. -->%n<!--<a href="http://HTTP_server/sample.asx">HREF to %3</a>-->%n%n%n</BODY>%n</HTML>%n
105 <HTML>%n<HEAD>%n<TITLE>Document Title</TITLE>%n</HEAD>%n%n<BODY>%n%n<script language="JavaScript">%n<!--%n if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )%n {%n //-- This next line ensures that any plugins just installed are updated in the Browser%n //-- without quitting the browser.%n navigator.plugins.refresh();%n // We don't need the APPLET within IE%n // ***Please note that if you do not need to script events, you can safely remove the next two lines%n document.write("\x3C" + "applet MAYSCRIPT Code=NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy.class")%n document.writeln(" width=5 height=5 name=appObs\x3E \x3C/applet\x3E")%n }%n//-->%n</script>%n%n<!-- Set ShowControls, ShowDisplay, ShowStatusBar to value 0 to not display the corresponding thing under the video window -->%n<OBJECT ID="NSPlay" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=128 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"%ncodebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701"%nstandby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."%ntype="application/x-oleobject">%n <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="%1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="1">%n <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"%n pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"%n filename="%2"%n src="%3"%n Name=NSPlay%n ShowControls=1%n ShowDisplay=1%n ShowStatusBar=1%n width=290%n height=320>%n </embed>%n</OBJECT>%n%n</BODY>%n</HTML>%n
106 Windows sockets initialization failed.
107 %n<a href="%1">HREF to %2</a>%n
108 %n<script language="JavaScript">%n<!--%n if ( navigator.appName == "Netscape" )%n {%n //-- This next line ensures that any plugins just installed are updated in the Browser%n //-- without quitting the browser.%n navigator.plugins.refresh();%n // We don't need the APPLET within IE%n // ***Please note that if you do not need to script events, you can safely remove the next two lines%n document.write("\x3C" + "applet MAYSCRIPT Code=NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy.class")%n document.writeln(" width=5 height=5 name=appObs\x3E \x3C/applet\x3E")%n }%n//-->%n</script>%n%n<!-- Set ShowControls, ShowDisplay, ShowStatusBar to value 0 to not display the corresponding thing under the video window -->%n<OBJECT ID="NSPlay" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=128 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"%ncodebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701"%nstandby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."%ntype="application/x-oleobject">%n <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="%1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowControls" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowDisplay" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="ShowStatusBar" VALUE="1">%n <PARAM NAME="AutoSize" VALUE="1">%n <Embed type="application/x-mplayer2"%n pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"%n filename="%2"%n src="%3"%n Name=NSPlay%n ShowControls=1%n ShowDisplay=1%n ShowStatusBar=1%n width=290%n height=320>%n </embed>%n</OBJECT>%n
200 General
201 Cannot obtain current computer name.
202 Windows Media Administrator
203 Can't open file %1 for write.
204 Cannot setup unicast rollover at this point. You will need to manually add a publishing point alias '%1' defined as '%2' for the unicast server on machine '%3'.
205 Connection to Station Manager failed. Please check your connection to the server and try again.
206 Name
207 Description
208 Windows Media server uses stations to multicast ASF content. Continue through this wizard to create a new station, program, and stream, or to add a program and stream to an existing station.
209 NOTE: When you click next, the wizard will create default values for the station's IP address, port, time to live (TTL), adapter address, unicast rollover URL, and distribution limit. To change these default values, click the Multicast Stations main menu item and edit the station after you finish the wizard.
210 No station name was entered.
211 New station name has invalid characters.
212 New station cannot be added because it already exists.
213 Station%d
214 Stream1
215 Program%d
216 Specify a name for the program and stream. A stream is the ASF content that is played on the station. A program is a container for a stream that enables you to control streams independent of other streams assigned to the station. For example, you can loop a stream before the station moves to the next stream. Use this wizard to create a single program and stream.
217 NOTE: To create additional streams for this program, click Multicast Stations on the main menu and edit the program.
218 No program name was entered.
219 Program name has invalid characters.
220 No stream name was entered.
221 Stream name has invalid characters.
222 New program cannot be added because it already exists.
223 The format of a Windows Media URL to an .asf file must be <protocol>://<unicast_server>/<filename>. For example, mms://unicast_server/sample.asf. It is suggested that you use MMS as your protocol although you can also use the HTTP protocol. The unicast server can be identified using its DNS name or its IP address. If you want to use Windows Media server for HTTP streaming, please see Windows Media documentation for enabling HTTP streaming.
224 The format of the URL you entered is incorrect.
225 The format of a Windows Media URL to a Windows Media Encoder must be: <protocol>://<encoder_name>[:port]. You can use MSBD or HTTP as the protocol. The encoder name must be identified using its DNS name or its IP address. If the encoder uses a port other than 7007, you must specify the port after the encoder, for example, msbd://encoder:1061.
226 To specify the URL to a remote station, be sure that you have configured the station. The format of a Windows Media URL to a remote station is <protocol>://<server_name>/<station_name>. The server can be identified using its DNS name or its IP address.\n\nTo specify the URL to a broadcast publishing point, be sure the publishing point exists. The format of a Windows Media URL to a broadcast publishing point is <protocol>://<server_name>/<alias_name>. It is suggested that you use MMS as your protocol although you can also use the HTTP protocol. The unicast server can be identified using its DNS name or its IP address.
229 Microsoft Windows Media Players use stream formats to decode a multicast ASF stream. A stream format includes information about the stream, the media the station contains and its codec. A stream format is required for every type of stream that plays through a station. If you have two or more stream objects defined for a station and are using different codecs, bitrates, or frame sizes for these streams, then specify stream format information for both types of streams. Stream formats are stored in a station file (.nsc) for download to a Microsoft Windows Media Player.\n\nStream format information for an .asf file is stored in the header of the file. Specify a path to your target .asf file below. Stream format information is retrieved from this file and added to the station definition.
230 Must be an .asf file.
231 File must end with same .asf file as in previous dialog.
232 ASD Files (*.asd)|*.asd|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
233 Load .asd file
234 Windows Media Encoder allows you to use template stream formats to setup standard configurations. This stream configuration is contained in the .asd file.\n\nIf the Encoder is using a template stream format, select the standard configuration below. If the Encoder is using a customized configuration, select customized configuration below and then specify the path to the .asd file that defines that configuration.
235 File must end with .asd extension.
236 NSC Files (*.nsc)|*.nsc|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
237 Save .nsc file
238 File must end with .nsc extension.
239 The station information must be saved to a Windows Media Station file (.nsc) and made accessible to a Microsoft Windows Media Player. The .nsc file contains important information a player needs in order to know how to receive multicast packets and decode the multicast stream. A Microsoft Windows Media Player typically downloads this file from an HTTP server or a network share.\n\nSpecify a path and file name where the .nsc file will be saved.
240 Specify the URL that Microsoft Windows Media Player should use to access the .nsc file. If specifying a UNC path, be sure users have at least read-access on the network share.
241 File must end with same .nsc file as in previous dialog.
242 Start streaming '
243 &Next >
244 You have selected the following options:\n\n
245 The station '%1' will be created.\n
246 The station '%1' will be used.\n
247 A new program named '%1' will be created containing the stream '%2'.\n
248 The program will replay when the stream ends.\n
249 The source URL for the stream will be '%1'.\n
250 The %1file '%2' will be used to collect stream format information.\n
251 An .nsc file '%1' will be created.\n
252 An .asx file will be created with a reference to the above .nsc file using the path:\n %1\n
253 An .htm file with an <HREF> tag will be created with a URL reference to the .asx file.\n
254 An .htm file with both <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags will be created with a URL reference to the .asx file.\n
255 The HTML <HREF>, <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
256 The HTML <HREF> tag will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
257 The HTML <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags will be copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
258 The program '%1' will be started immediately after creation.\n
259 &Finish
260 ASX Files (*.asx)|*.asx|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
261 Save .asx file
262 HTML Files (*.htm)|*.htm|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
263 Save .htm w/<HREF> file
264 Save .htm w/<OBJECT> file
265 The .asx and .htm files you are generating are in different directories. The generated HREF in the .htm file assumes the .asx file is in the same directory. Do you wish to continue?
266 The two .htm files you are generating cannot be of the same name in the same directory.
267 Failed to create/update station with Station Manager.
268 Failed to create Program with Program Manager
269 Failed to write .nsc file.
270 Failed to write .asx file.
271 Failed to write .htm file with an <HREF> tag.
272 Failed to write .htm file with an <OBJECT> tag.
273 Failed to copy tags to clipboard.
274 The station '%1' was successfully created.\n
275 The program '%1' was successfully created.\n
276 The .nsc file '%1' was successfully created.\n
277 The .asx file '%1' was successfully created.\n
278 The .htm file '%1' was successfully created.\n
279 The .htm file '%1' was successfully created.\n
280 The HTML <HREF>, <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags were copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
281 The HTML <HREF> tag was copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
282 The HTML <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags were copied to the Windows clipboard.\n
283 \nClick 'More Info' to learn more about:\n- How to change station parameters and export the .nsc file.\n- How to add additional stream formats to a station file after it has been created.\n- How to publish an .asx from the Stations page.\n- How to add additional stream objects to a program.\n- Accessing .asx and .htm files from a Microsoft Windows Media Player or web browser.\n- Adding features to .asx files.\n- Where to get information on programming the Microsoft Windows Media Player API.
284 &Restart
285 &Close
286 &More Info
287 < &Back
288 Cancel
289 Are you sure you want to cancel?
290 Station currently in use.
291 URL must end with an .asf file.
292 There is a problem with the Station you selected. Please choose another Station or create a new one.
293 The program cannot be started for this station. Click the Troubleshooting link on the 'Multicast Station' page to learn more about important issues when configuring multicast streams.
294 File does not exist. Must enter an existing .asf file.