61441 The version of Windows 2000 you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install.
61442 This Service Pack is for a different language.
61443 Service Pack Setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of the Service Pack, or vice versa.
61444 You do not have enough free disk space on drive %c: to install the Service Pack.\nThe Service Pack requires an additional %dMB, or an additional %dMB if you choose to also backup files for uninstall.
61445 You do not have permission to update Windows 2000.\nPlease contact your system administrator.
61446 Service Pack Setup could not determine whether you are running Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
61447 Service Pack Setup cannot open or modify your SETUP.LOG file.
61448 Service Pack Setup could not find the UPDATE.INF file.
61450 Service Pack was not installed.
61451 Service Pack Setup was unable to shutdown Windows 2000.\nPress Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down now.
61453 Could not locate entry for HAL.DLL in SETUP.LOG to determine type of HAL to update.
61454 The Service Pack UPDATE.INF file is not correct.
61455 Service Pack Setup canceled.
61456 Service Pack Setup could not start the hotfix installation program.
61457 The Service Pack UPDATE.VER file is not correct.
61458 Service Pack Setup could not locate the Service Pack files.
61459 WARNING:\nYou have chosen to overwrite your existing uninstall:\n\n %s\n\n\nIf you continue, you will only be able to uninstall to the following Service Pack version: \n\n %s\n\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?\n\nClick Yes to continue creating the uninstall, No to not create the uninstall.
61461 This Web-based version of Service Pack Setup requires Internet Explorer 3.0 or later to install the Service Pack.\n\nFor instructions on how to download a version of the Service Pack that does not require a Web connection during installation, go to the Windows 2000 Service Pack Web site and select "Problems Downloading the Service Pack."
61462 This Service Pack has not been qualified by your hardware vendor for installation on this copy of Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.\n\nPlease contact your hardware vendor for additional information on obtaining a Service Pack that has been qualified for your system configuration.
61463 Not all files necessary to perform an integrated installation are present.
61464 This Service Pack is for a different hardware platform.
61465 Cannot install the Service Pack.\nThe Print Spooler service is not started.
61466 The system must be restarted before installing the Service Pack, to allow some prior file update operations to complete. (These operations were previously scheduled by some other install or uninstall operation.)
61467 You do not have enough free disk space on drive %c: to install the Service Pack including backup files for uninstall.\nTo install the Service Pack and backup the files for uninstall, an additional %dMB is required.
61468 Unable to locate RSAENHS.DLL in the update directory, high encryption for uninstall aborted.
61469 Unable to locate UPDENCIN.INF in the update directory, high encryption for uninstall aborted.
61470 Unable to locate UPDENCTS.INF in the update directory, unable to export TS files.
61471 High encryption ENCINST process failed.
61472 High encryption upgrade failed.
61697 Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup
61698 Service Pack Setup Warning
61699 Service Pack Setup Error
61700 The file %s is open or in use by another application.\n\nClose all other applications and then click Retry.
61701 UPDATE [-u] [-f] [-n] [-o] [-z] [-q] [-s:<dir>] \n\n -u Unattended mode\n -f Force other apps to close at shutdown\n -n Do not backup files for uninstall\n -o Overwrite OEM files without prompting\n -z Do not reboot when installation is complete\n -q Quiet mode -- no user interaction\n -s:<dir> Integrate Service Pack files into <dir>\n
61702 Creating file %s
61703 Service Pack Setup could not backup registry key\n%s\%s\nto file %s\%s. %s\n
61704 Service Pack Setup could not backup registry value\n%s\%s,\'%s\'. %s\n
61705 %s\n\nClick OK to undo the changes that have been made, or click Cancel to quit. If you quit now, Windows 2000 will only be partially updated and may not work properly.
61706 %s\n\nWindows 2000 has been partially updated and may not work properly. It is recommended that you use your Emergency Repair disk to repair your system. To do this, insert the Windows 2000 Setup Boot Disk into the floppy drive, restart your computer, and then select the Emergency Repair option.
61707 Are you sure you want to cancel?
61708 Windows 2000 Service Pack Uninstall Directory
61709 Windows 2000 Service Pack Source Files
61710 Windows 2000 System Files
61711 Service Pack Setup found hotfixes on your system.\nWould you like to install these hotfixes now?\n
61713 %s\n\nYour computer vendor installed this file on your computer.\nDo you want Service Pack Setup to replace this file?
61715 Downloading files and patches
61716 Backing up files
61717 Backing up file %s
61718 Installing files
61719 Installing file %s
61720 Finishing installation
61721 Welcome to %s Setup.
61722 &Restart
61723 %s installation is complete. You must restart your computer for the Service Pack update to take effect.
61725 Please wait while Service Pack Setup updates your system files.
61727 Must accept license agreement before installing
61728 Service Pack Setup needs to connect to the internet now to download service pack files and patches for installation.
61729 Service Pack Setup is ready to begin replacing system files.
61730 Connecting to %s
61731 Connected to %s
61732 estimate
61733 minutes
61734 seconds
61735 Downloading files and patches: %dKB remaining%s
61736 Download complete
61737 Download complete, now unpacking files: %d remaining
61738 The following error occurred while Service Pack Setup attempted to download the Service Pack files from the Internet:\n\n
61739 The server did not respond (error code %d).
61740 The server did not respond.
61745 If this error persists after you have clicked Retry several times, go to the Windows 2000 Service Pack Web site and select "Problems Downloading the Service Pack." This will give you instructions on how to download a version of the Service Pack that does not require a Web connection during installation.\n
61746 Service Pack Setup determined that the following downloaded Service Pack file is corrupt:\n\n
61747 Service Pack Setup determined that the following downloaded Service Pack files are corrupt:\n\n
61748 Service Pack Setup was unable to download all the Service Pack files necessary for installation.\n
61749 Service Pack Setup encountered an error:
61750 Error opening SVCPACK.LOG file
61751 Copied file:
61752 Skipped copying file:
61753 Copied file (delayed):
61754 Starting process:
61756 An error has occurred copying files from the Service Pack share to the distribution share.
61757 Integrated install has completed successfully.
61758 Failed to copy some or all of the files necessary for integrated install.\n\nPlease check that:\n a) No network or copy errors occurred during the integration process\n b) The format of the destination directory is correct.\n The files to be integrated must reside in an i386 or nec98 directory\n (i.e. for an i386 share, if you typed "update /s:c:\cdshare", the files must be in the c:\cdshare\i386 directory).
61760 Copying file %s
61761 Failed to install catalog files.\n
61762 Failed to add registry entry.\n
61763 Service Pack started with following command line
61764 bytes downloaded.\n\n
61765 No Service Pack
61766 The file %s is missing from the Service Pack installation.\nThe file must be present for Service Pack Setup to continue.\n\nPress OK to cancel Setup.
61767 US/Canada Only, Not for Export
61768 Domestic Use Only
61769 US and Canada Use Only
61770 Service Pack Setup is ready to begin upgrade of uninstall to high encryption.
61771 Integrated install failed. The language type for the destination directory and the Service Pack must be the same.\n
61772 Integrated install failed. The destination directory contains an evaluation copy of Windows 2000.\n
65296 You have already created an uninstall directory during a previous Service Pack installation.\nWould you like to replace the information in the uninstall directory with the new uninstall information?\n