10 Are you sure you want to skip the remaining configuration steps? If you continue, defaults will be used for any remaining settings.
11 Server Extensions Configuration Wizard
12 Unable to restart your computer. Please restart manually.
13 The directory with the specified path cannot be created.
14 Cannot find the Office Server Extensions log file. Operation cannot proceed.
15 Are you sure you want to quit now? \nYou must complete this setup before Office Server Extensions will work properly.
18 Could not set the physical path for the MSOffice virtual folder at %1. Please set the path manually in the Internet Service Manager.
19 Could not set the type for the Vroot.
23 Unable to write registry value.
24 The configuration wizard must now restart the machine.
25 Name
26 Another instance of the configuration wizard is already running.
27 Administrators
28 Web names can only contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, underscores and spaces. Please enter a different name.
29 Your web server's configuration will allow anyone to author pages on your web server\nonce the extensions are installed.\nTo fix this, stop installing the extensions now, reconfigure IIS to use an NTFS partition\nand then use the FrontPage server administrator tool to install the extensions.\n\nAre you sure that you want to install the extensions?
30 The Server Extensions MMC snap-in extends the IIS snap-in. To administer the Server Extensions on IIS,\nopen the Internet Service Manager (the IIS snap-in) and then use the Server Extension commands from there.
31 You need to install the FrontPage client software to open a web with FrontPage.
32 placeholder string #1
33 placeholder string #2
34 placeholder string #3
35 placeholder string #4
36 placeholder string #5
37 placeholder string #6
38 placeholder string #7
39 placeholder string #8
40 placeholder string #9
41 placeholder string #10
100 Fpmmc
101 Microsoft Server Extensions
103 Web
104 Install server extensions onto an existing virtual server
105 Explore
106 Explore item
107 Open With FrontPage
108 Edit item
109 Open
110 Open item
111 Browse
112 Browse item
113 Server Extensions Web
114 Create new subweb directory
115 Remove Server Extensions
116 Un-extend this web and all subwebs nested beneath it
117 Check Server Extensions
118 Fix the basic problems that prevent FrontPage from connecting to and opening a website.
119 Convert Server Extensions Web to Directory
120 Merge subweb into its parent's directory structure
121 Verdana Bold
122 12
123 Web Server Type
124 Select the type of web server that you wish to configure.
125 Web Servers
126 Select the servers that you want to configure.
127 Access Control
128 Enter the administrator account information.
129 Delete Web
130 Delete Server Extensions Web
132 Unable to set VSS project. Check your server configuration and try again.
133 These websites will be configured:
134 These new local machine groups will be created:
135 FrontPage Administrator account:
136 After the wizard completes, you should use the Windows User Manager to add users to these groups.
137 Server %1 (%2!d! of %3!d!)
138 Subweb Name
139 What do you want to call your new subweb?
140 A FrontPage-Extended subweb with this directory name already exists. Please use a different name.
141 A directory by this name already exists. Converting this directory to a FrontPage-Extended subweb will preserve content files but will reparent all child webs contained within this directory, which can affect security.
142 URL:
143 Title:
144 Security inherited from parent web
145 Configure Server Extensions
146 Add server extensions to this virtual server
147 Configure Server Extensions
148 Turn existing directory tree into a subweb
149 Deleting a subweb permanently removes this web's content files and also deletes any subwebs located beneath this web. Continue?
150 Checking web %1!d! of %2!d!:
151 &Close
153 Web
156 Begin check
157 End check
158 No problems found
160 <Default Server>
161 This name is reserved by the FrontPage Extensions. Please use a different name.
162 Web Collaboration Database
163 Please configure the Web Collaboration Database.
164 How do you want to control &access to %s?
165 We recommend that you let the wizard automatically create local machine groups for %s of this web. After the wizard has completed, you can use the Windows User Manager to add users to these groups.
166 Administrators, Authors and Browsers
167 Administrators, Authors, Browsers and Collaborators
168 %1\n\n%2\n\n%3
169 %1\n\n%2\n\n%3\n\n%4
170 Admins
171 Authors
172 Browsers
173 Collaborators
174 Access Control
175 Please specify how you want to control access to this web.
176 Mail Server
177 Some Server Extensions need to send mail to users. How should this be done?
178 Please specify the web administrator account for %s.
179 Who should administer this subweb?
180 webserver
181 webmaster
182 The administrator account (%s) you entered could not be found.
183 Removing this web from its current source control system will cause all changes users have made to checked out files to be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?
184 The Configuration Wizard was unable to start the service %1. The Office Server Extensions requires this service to run normally. Would you like to attempt to start %1 again?
185 Upgrade Extensions
186 Upgrade to the current version of the server extensions
187 Upgrade completed successfully.
188 None
189 Use built-in
190 Use external
191 Tune for <100 pages
192 Tune for 100-1000 pages
193 Tune for >1000 pages
194 Use custom settings ...
195 Install Server Extensions
196 We recommend that you install the server extensions on your web servers.\nTo do this, run the FrontPage web server administration tools after setup is complete.
197 Do you want to upgrade your web server to use the server extensions? The extensions make it easy to publish to your server.
198 Recalculate Web
199 Recalculate hyperlinks and web meta info for this web
200 Recalculation completed successfully.
201 (subweb)
202 (vdir)
203 You must be a machine administrator to use the Server Extensions Administrator.
204 Create local machine groups
205 Server Extensions Administrator
206 Add an administrator to this web
207 The Windows Groups help you control access to this web server.
208 Admins - Members can create and manage Webs
209 Authors - Members can create and modify folders and files in Webs
210 Browsers - Members can read documents in Webs
211 Collaborators - Users granted access to Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions
212 Microsoft Office Tools
213 Server Extensions Administrator
214 Administrative Tools (Common)
215 Administrative Tools
216 Convert Web to Folder
217 Changing this web into a folder will cause pages in it to change:\n\n- Their themes may change to match the parents web's theme\n- Only people with access to the parent web will be able to access these pages\n- Entries in the navigation bar for these pages will be lost\n- The to do list for these pages will be lost\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
218 Your server is being configured for use with the Server Extensions. Depending on the number of files your web server contains this could take a long time. Please be patient.
375 Collab
376 Create Windows Groups
377 Make executable
378 Make non-executable
379 Make the current directory executable
380 Make the current directory non-executable
382 Members of the %s Groups
383 Everyone with a Windows account on this machine
384 All users, including those without Windows accounts
385 Server Extensions Configuration Wizard
386 The Configuration Wizard was unable to complete the configuration of OSE due to incorrect SQL Server connection information or system errors on this machine. You can verify the connection information and retry the configuration operation.
387 The Configuration Wizard was unable to initialize the Web Collaboration Database. Please ensure that the MSSQLServer Service is running by checking its status in the Services Control Panel applet.\n\nClick 'Retry' to repeat the initialization operation. Click 'Cancel' to exit.\n\nIf you exit now, the Wizard will run again the next time you log in.
388 The Configuration Wizard was unable to initialize the Web Collaboration Database. Please ensure that the SQL Server on %1 is running and that the database %2 exists.\n\nClick 'Retry' to repeat the initialization operation. Click 'Cancel' to exit.\n\nIf you exit now, the Wizard will run again the next time you log in.
389 The Configuration Wizard was unable to set a Collaboration option. Your Windows Registry may be corrupt or out of space or you may not have permission to update keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Please consult the Windows documentation for more information.\n\nClick 'Retry' to repeat the operation. Click 'Cancel' to skip it.\n\nIf you skip the operation, OSE will still function correctly. You can verify and change the Collaboration options in the OSE Administrator.\n
390 The database %1 already exists on the SQL Server %2.Do you want to use the existing database? Existing tables and records will NOT be deleted.\n\nClick 'Yes' to continue. Click 'No' to change your settings.
391 The Configuration Wizard was unable to configure the database %1 on the SQL Server %2 because the following error occurred:\n\nUnable to connect to the SQL Server at the specified location. Please make sure the SQL Server Service is started.\n\nRetry? Clicking 'No' will return you to the Configure Database step.
392 The Configuration Wizard was unable to configure the database %1 on the SQL Server %2 because the following error occurred:\n\nCould not log into SQL Server with the supplied user name and password. Please check your typing.\n\nRetry? Clicking 'No' will return you to the Configure Database step.
393 The Configuration Wizard was unable to configure the database %1 on the SQL Server %2 because the following error occurred:\n\nUnable to connect to the SQL Server at the specified location. Please make sure the SQL Server Service is started.\n\nRetry? Clicking 'No' will return you to the Configure Database step.
394 Server Extensions Configuration Wizard\n\nThe Configuration Wizard was unable to connect to the SQL Server %1 because the network connection timed out.\n\nClick 'Retry' to attempt the connection again. Click 'Cancel' to change your settings.
395 The Configuration Wizard was unable to create an object needed to perform a critical configuration task because the system cannot find a required file. You will need to exit now and reinstall the OSE pre-requisites.
396 The Configuration Wizard was unable to create an object needed to perform a critical configuration task because the system is low on memory. You may be able to correct the problem by closing unnecessary applications.\n\nClick 'Retry' to retry the operation. Click 'Cancel' to exit the Wizard. If you exit now, the Wizard will restart when you reboot the machine and/or log in again.
397 The Configuration Wizard was unable to configure the database %1 on the SQL Server %2 because the following error occurred:\n\nUnable to create the ODBC data source for the database. Please verify that the SQL ODBC driver is installed correctly.\n\nRetry? Clicking 'No' will return you to the Configure Database step.
398 The Configuration Wizard was unable to configure the database %1 on the SQL Server %2 because the following error occurred:\n\nUnable to create the ODBC data source for the database. Please verify that the SQL ODBC driver is installed correctly.\n\nRetry? Clicking 'No' will return you to the Configure Database step.
399 Do you want to delete the database %1 on the SQL Server %2?
400 Cannot delete directory %1
401 FrontPage Server Extensions Help
402 Unable to load the HTML Help Viewer. The help system for the FrontPage Server Extensions relies on the Microsoft HTML Help Viewer. \n\nTo use help, you will need to install the Microsoft HTML Help Viewer, which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/workshop/author/htmlhelp/.
403 An error occurred while trying to secure the MSOffice virtual folder on %1. The Configuration Wizard could not create the desired Access Control List.
405 An error occurred while trying to enable the Logon Local privilege for users of other browsers (such as Netscape) to access Web Collaboration. These users may not have access to your server.
406 An error occurred while trying to secure your Server. The Configuration Wizard could not apply the security settings to the specified directory. You may have to secure your server manually.
407 The Configuration Wizard could not connect to Internet Information Server (IIS). A complete installation of IIS is required to properly use the Server Extensions.
408 The specified web site does not appear to exist. Please check its integrity in Internet Service Manager.
409 The Configuration Wizard could not delete the MSOffice virtual folder from the specified web site. You can do this manually in the Internet Service Manager.
410 The Configuration Wizard could not register any configuration information with Internet Information Server (IIS) . Please verify the integrity of your IIS installation by running the Internet Service Manager.
411 The Configuration Wizard was not able to find the %path% directory and cannot proceed. Please reinstall the Server Extensions.
412 The Configuration Wizard was not able to find all of the necessary data for configuring the Server Extensions and will continue with default data. If the Server Extensions don't work as expected, you should uninstall them and run Setup again.
413 Cannot copy file %1 to %2
414 Cannot create directory %1.
415 (version %1)
416 Do you want to keep the existing Web Discussions and Subscriptions? Click No to delete them and create a new, empty database with the same name and location.
417 The Office Server Extensions were successfully installed and configured.
418 The specified database name is not valid.
419 Error collect data from the wizard.
420 The following unexpected error occurred: %1!#x! \n\nPlease consult the OSE documentation for more information and record the error number before contacting Microsoft Product Support.
421 Not enough space to create the database %1 on the server %2 . Please empty the Recycle Bin and/or delete unneeded folders and files. Retry?
422 &Password:
423 &Confirm Password:
424 &Username:
425 Unable to set System Administrator password because the new and confirmed passwords did not match. Please type them again.
426 The Configuration Wizard cannot configure this web site with the Office Server Extensions Web Collaboration features because it uses a port number other than 80. You can continue, but Web Collaboration will not be available.\n\nDo you want to continue?
427 Internal application error: Could not create internal server object. Please quit the Configuration Wizard and rerun.
428 Could not log in with the user name %1. Please supply a valid user name.
429 Error: The password for the user "%1" could not be changed. Your Collaboration Database may not be secure. Please consult the Microsoft Office Resource Kit on how to secure your database.
430 Error: The database name "%1" was used in a previous installation of Microsoft Office Server Extensions, and was not deleted. Please use another name.
431 Cannot delete the log file %1 [This message is temp]
432 The Configuration Wizard was unable to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server '%1' due to version incompatibilities. If you wish to continue, you will have to manually create the database on that server before continuing. Would you like to use this server?\n\nSelecting NO will allow you to modify your settings.
434 The Configuration Wizard was unable to create the database %1 on SQL Server %2 because the specified user doesn't have sufficient permissions. Please give this user the appropriate permissions or provide another user account.\n\nClick 'Retry' to repeat the operation. Click 'Cancel' to change your settings.
435 The groups that you specified already exist. Are you sure\nthat you want to use them to control access to this web?
436 Administrators: These users have the same permissions as Authors, but can also create new webs, change web settings, and control Authoring and Collaboration access.
437 Authors: These users can browse and modify folders and files on this server. They can participate in Web Discussions and create Web Subscriptions.
438 Browsers: These users can browse, but not modify, folders and files on this server. They cannot participate in Web Discussions, or create Web Subscriptions.
439 Collaborators: These users can browse, but not modify, folders and files on this server. They can participate in Web Discussions and create Web Subscriptions.
440 Administrators: These users have the same permissions as Authors, but can also\ncreate new webs, change web settings, and control Authoring access.
441 Authors: These users can browse and modify folders and files on this server.
442 Browsers: These users can browse, but not modify, folders and files on this server.
443 Collaborators: These users can browse, but not modify, folders and files on this server.
444 The Configuration Wizard can create local Windows Groups that you can use to specify the users that are %1!s! on this Web Server.
445 The Configuration Wizard could not read all of the required information from the script file. The configuration was not successful.
446 Which user name and password should be used to access the database on behalf of all Collaboration users?
447 Please choose a password to secure this database and the MSDE System Administrator account.
448 Please enter your MSDE System Administrator password.
449 The Wizard will create the above database and secure it with the MSDE System Administrator password.
450 The Wizard will prepare the above database for storing Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions.
451 You have not provided a password to secure your Collaboration database. Your database will not be secure! Are you sure you want to continue?
452 The system returned the following unexpected error: %1!d! \n\nPlease consult the Windows documentation for more information.