home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2001-06-04 | 11.2 KB | 606 lines |
- [Main]
- NumberOfTasks=7
- [Task1]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Hledßnφ: disketa A:
- NameENG=Scan: Diskette A:
- NameGER=Durchsuche: Laufwerk A (Diskette)
- CommentCZE=Prohledß disketu vlo₧enou do mechaniky A: ...
- CommentENG=Scans floppy diskette inserted in drive A: ...
- CommentGER=Durchsucht in Laufwerk A eingelegte Disketten ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=diskettea
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=1
- ScanForPolyViruses=1
- IgnoreVirusSelectiveness=0
- TestCompleteFiles=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=1
- ScanForMacroInOLEOnly=0
- TestIntegrity=0
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=8
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Virus alert" tab
- OnFileVirus=interactive
- FileInteractiveDelete=1
- FileInteractiveRepair=1
- FileInteractiveRename=1
- FileInteractiveStop=1
- OnMacroVirus=interactive
- MacroInteractiveDelete=1
- MacroInteractiveRepair=1
- MacroInteractiveRename=1
- MacroInteractiveStop=1
- OnBootVirus=interactive
- BootInteractiveDelete=1
- BootInteractiveRepair=1
- BootInteractiveRename=1
- BootInteractiveStop=1
- MoveFolder=C:\Temp\
- VirusMessageCZE=Soubor "%1" je infikovßn virem "%2".\nByla pou₧ita ·loha "%3".
- VirusMessageENG=File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus.\n"%3" task used.
- VirusMessageGER=Datei "%1" ist infiziert mit "%2" Virus.\n"%3" Aufgabe angewendet.
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=executables;ZIP
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task2]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Hledßnφ: lokßlnφ pevnΘ disky
- NameENG=Scan: all local disks
- NameGER=Durchsuche: alle lokalen Laufwerke
- CommentCZE=Prohledß vÜechny pevnΘ disky na p°φsluÜnΘm poΦφtaΦi ...
- CommentENG=Scans all hard drives on current machine ...
- CommentGER=Durchsucht alle Festplatten dieses Rechners ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=localharddrives
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=1
- ScanForPolyViruses=1
- IgnoreVirusSelectiveness=0
- TestCompleteFiles=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=1
- ScanForMacroInOLEOnly=0
- TestIntegrity=0
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=7
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Virus alert" tab
- OnFileVirus=interactive
- FileInteractiveDelete=1
- FileInteractiveRepair=1
- FileInteractiveRename=1
- FileInteractiveStop=1
- OnMacroVirus=interactive
- MacroInteractiveDelete=1
- MacroInteractiveRepair=1
- MacroInteractiveRename=1
- MacroInteractiveStop=1
- OnBootVirus=interactive
- BootInteractiveDelete=1
- BootInteractiveRepair=1
- BootInteractiveRename=1
- BootInteractiveStop=1
- MoveFolder=C:\Temp\
- VirusMessageCZE=Soubor "%1" je infikovßn virem "%2".\nByla pou₧ita ·loha "%3".
- VirusMessageENG=File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus.\n"%3" task used.
- VirusMessageGER=Datei "%1" ist infiziert mit "%2" Virus.\n"%3" Aufgabe angewendet.
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=executables
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task3]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Hledßnφ: zvolit slo₧ky
- NameENG=Scan: interactive selection
- NameGER=Durchsuche: Interaktive Auswahl
- CommentCZE=Prohledß oblasti, kterΘ zvolφte p°i startu ·lohy ...
- CommentENG=Scans areas you will be asked to choose ...
- CommentGER=Dursucht von Ihnen ausgewΣhlte Bereiche ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=interactive
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=1
- ScanForPolyViruses=1
- IgnoreVirusSelectiveness=0
- TestCompleteFiles=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=1
- ScanForMacroInOLEOnly=0
- TestIntegrity=0
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=4
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Virus alert" tab
- OnFileVirus=interactive
- FileInteractiveDelete=1
- FileInteractiveRepair=1
- FileInteractiveRename=1
- FileInteractiveStop=1
- OnMacroVirus=interactive
- MacroInteractiveDelete=1
- MacroInteractiveRepair=1
- MacroInteractiveRename=1
- MacroInteractiveStop=1
- OnBootVirus=interactive
- BootInteractiveDelete=1
- BootInteractiveRepair=1
- BootInteractiveRename=1
- BootInteractiveStop=1
- MoveFolder=C:\Temp\
- VirusMessageCZE=Soubor "%1" je infikovßn virem "%2".\nByla pou₧ita ·loha "%3".
- VirusMessageENG=File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus.\n"%3" task used.
- VirusMessageGER=Datei "%1" ist infiziert mit "%2" Virus.\n"%3" Aufgabe angewendet.
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=executables
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task4]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Integrita: lokßlnφ pevnΘ disky
- NameENG=Check: all local disks
- NameGER=Prⁿfe: alle lokalen Laufwerke
- CommentCZE=Otestuje soubory na vÜech pevn²ch discφch, zda nebyly zm∞n∞ny ...
- CommentENG=Checks all hard drives on current machine for files changes ...
- CommentGER=Prⁿft alle Festplatten auf Datei-VerΣnderungen ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=localharddrives
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=0
- ScanForPolyViruses=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=0
- TestIntegrity=1
- IgnoreArchiveAttribute=0
- DoNotTestContent=0
- TestIfChanged=0
- ScanChanged=0
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=0
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task5]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Integrita: zvolit slo₧ky
- NameENG=Check: interactive selection
- NameGER=Prⁿfe: Interaktive Auswahl
- CommentCZE=Otestuje soubory v oblastech, kterΘ zvolφte p°i startu ·lohy ...
- CommentENG=Checks areas you will be asked to choose for files changes ...
- CommentGER=Prⁿft von Ihnen ausgewΣhlte Bereiche auf Datei-VerΣnderungen ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=interactive
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=0
- ScanForPolyViruses=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=0
- TestIntegrity=1
- IgnoreArchiveAttribute=0
- DoNotTestContent=0
- TestIfChanged=0
- ScanChanged=0
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=0
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task6]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=┌pln² test program∙
- NameENG=Complete test of executables
- NameGER=Komplette Prⁿfung von ausfⁿhrbaren Dateien
- CommentCZE=Prohledß zm∞n∞nΘ programy na vÜech pevn²ch discφch ...
- CommentENG=Scans changed executable files on all local hard drives ...
- CommentGER=Durchsucht alle ausfⁿhrbaerne Dateien auf den lokalen Festplatten ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=standard
- ;"Areas" tab
- Areas=localharddrives
- ;"Test" tab
- ScanForStdViruses=0
- ScanForPolyViruses=0
- ScanForMacroviruses=0
- TestIntegrity=1
- IgnoreArchiveAttribute=0
- DoNotTestContent=0
- TestIfChanged=0
- ScanChanged=1
- ;"Types" tab
- Types=executables;oledocuments
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=0
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Common" tab
- DisplayEachFile=1
- Paranoid=1
- ShowNoResult=1
- StopOnVirus=0
- NotifyRemoteComputer=0
- StatisticsRefresh=global
- ;"Exclusions" tab
- Exclude=
- ;"Virus alert" tab
- OnFileVirus=interactive
- FileInteractiveDelete=1
- FileInteractiveRepair=1
- FileInteractiveRename=1
- FileInteractiveStop=1
- OnMacroVirus=interactive
- MacroInteractiveDelete=1
- MacroInteractiveRepair=1
- MacroInteractiveRename=1
- MacroInteractiveStop=1
- OnBootVirus=interactive
- BootInteractiveDelete=1
- BootInteractiveRepair=1
- BootInteractiveRename=1
- BootInteractiveStop=1
- MoveFolder=C:\Temp\
- VirusMessageCZE=Soubor "%1" je infikovßn virem "%2".\nByla pou₧ita ·loha "%3".
- VirusMessageENG=File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus.\n"%3" task used.
- VirusMessageGER=Datei "%1" ist infiziert mit "%2" Virus.\n"%3" Aufgabe angewendet.
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=0
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=
- ;"Priority" tab
- Priority=0
- ;"Run" tab
- [Task7]
- ;"Task" tab
- NameCZE=Rezidentnφ ochrana
- NameENG=Resident protection
- NameGER=Speicherresidenter Schutz
- CommentCZE=VÜechny spouÜt∞nΘ programy a otevφranΘ dokumenty nejprve otestuje ...
- CommentENG=Scans started programs and opened documents ...
- CommentGER=Durchsucht automatisch Programme und Dokumente, die ge÷ffnet werden ...
- Owner=Anonymous
- Group=Anonymous
- ;"Type" tab
- Type=resident
- ;"Resident" tab
- Providers=standardshield
- ;"Icons" tab
- NormalIcon=24
- EditedIcon=0
- RunningIcon=0
- PausedIcon=0
- ;"Scanner" tab
- ScanBootSector=1
- ScanOLEDocuments=1
- ScanWin32Executables=1
- ScanWin16Executables=1
- ScanMSDOSExecutables=1
- ScanCreatedChangedFiles=0
- ;"Blocker" tab
- BlockOpenForWrite=0
- BlockRename=0
- BlockDelete=0
- BlockFormat=0
- AutoAnswer=deny
- ;"Enhanced" tab
- ShowDetailedInfo=0
- SilentMode=0
- Exceptions=?:\Recycle?\*,?:\Config.sys,?:\MsDos.sys,*\PageFile.sys,*\Win386.swp,*\System.da?,*\User.da?
- ;"Virus alert" tab
- OnFileVirus=interactive
- FileInteractiveDelete=1
- FileInteractiveRepair=1
- FileInteractiveRename=1
- FileInteractiveStop=1
- OnMacroVirus=interactive
- MacroInteractiveDelete=1
- MacroInteractiveRepair=1
- MacroInteractiveRename=1
- MacroInteractiveStop=1
- OnBootVirus=interactive
- BootInteractiveDelete=1
- BootInteractiveRepair=1
- BootInteractiveRename=1
- BootInteractiveStop=1
- MoveFolder=C:\Temp\
- VirusMessageCZE=Soubor "%1" je infikovßn virem "%2".\nByla pou₧ita ·loha "%3".
- VirusMessageENG=File "%1" is infected by "%2" virus.\n"%3" task used.
- VirusMessageGER=Datei "%1" ist infiziert mit "%2" Virus.\n"%3" Aufgabe angewendet.
- ;"Report" tab
- CreateReportFile=0
- ;"Net alert" tab
- ;"Archives" tab
- Packers=
- ;"Scheduling" tab
- StartWithOS=1
- StartWithEnhanced=0
- ExitWithLastTask=0
- ContinueTaskCZE=
- ContinueTaskGER=
- ContinueTaskENG=