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- FoxMail 2.1
- Copyright (c) 1997 Zhang XiaoLong
- FoxMail 2.1 is a 32 bits Internet mail client, supporting full Internet
- mail functions, running in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.
- This document contains the following topics:
- == New Features in version 2.1
- == New Features in version 2.0 beta 1
- == Features in each version upgrading
- == System Requirements
- == Installation Guide
- == Upgrading Guide
- == Distribution
- Features
- ========
- New Features in version 2.1
- * Include the mail notification tool: Notifier
- * View HTML format message directly (MS Internet Explorer required)
- * Auto reply flag for the replied messages
- * New messages count in the mailbox list
- * Auto mailbox file compress to release the waste disk size
- * Support Multipart/partial splitted messages, auto re-assemble
- * Mouse right click for edit menu and Ctrl+A for select all
- * UUDecode command from menu
- * Speed button "Send" can be set as "Send and Receive"
- * Auto dial up to ISP AND auto hang up
- * Import/Export from/to Exchange, Outlook, etc
- * Date and TIME are shown in the messages list box
- * Some bugs fixed
- New Features in version 2.0 beta 1
- * Auto dialup network support
- * Improved network routines, based on 32bits TCP/IP stack
- * Background sending and receiving
- * New address book manager
- * Address book supports mail list function
- * Colorful and clickable URL to invoke your browser
- * Gray the quoted message contents
- * Can be set as system default mailer,
- to be activated from Internet Explorer
- * Add a 'Sent box', to move the sent messages to this box automatically
- * Open the attachments directly in preview window
- * Improved user interface:
- * The main window can be splitted vertically or horizonally
- * Dockable toolbar
- * Show or hide preview window easily
- * A 'read/unread' flag icon is added to mark read/unread easily
- * Compatible with the mailbox file format of 16 bits FoxMail
- * BIG5 and GB Chinese text convertion for Chinese users
- New Features in version 1.6
- . Remote mailbox management: operate on server before download.
- . local mailbox encryption.
- . Re-edit the queued sending messages.
- . Support multiple address books, and address book sharing.
- . Import address from Netscape Mail and Eudora
- . Ctrl+B to display the sender's address, add it to address book.
- . Auto mark a message as READ after viewing several seconds.
- New Features and bug fixed in version 1.4.2:
- . Customized message label with color.
- . Bcc, Reply-To, and From fields in composing message head.
- . Double-click on URL in a message to bring out the browser.
- . Play sound when new messages come.
- . Now you can send messages to hundreds of recipients.
- . Allow longer mail address up to 64 bytes.
- . Add address to address book by double-click the From field.
- . Press ESC to close the message viewing window
- . Fixed bugs in QP encoding, and inline message decoding.
- . Fix bug when connecting to some POP3 server.
- New Features and bug fixed in version 1.4:
- . Remember password permanently.
- . Continue to retrieve message from another server even the first failed.
- . Load text file to a composing message.
- . Print to selected printer instead of the first printer.
- . Next and Privious button to go to next or previous message.
- . Save Compact or Extended status in name list of Address book.
- . Multiple selecting in address book and attachfile dialog listbox
- . Fix a bug occurred when retrieving messages from server that does not
- support POP3 optional command 'UIDL'.
- . Fix a bug occurred when sending queued messages.
- New Features and bug fixed in version 1.2:
- . Retrieving mails from Multiple POP3 accounts.
- . Auto Check new messages in user specified time interval.
- . Fix bug in cancel sending large size message.
- . Display WinSock error with a simple explain message.
- . Support HZ-GB Chinese coding, which is used by Microsoft
- Internet Mail (Chinses version). This feature is still to
- be studied to expand to multi-language support.
- . A small 'bug' fixed, so it works with EMWAC IMS POP3 Server(ver 0.8X).
- Features (1.0 Beta):
- . Fast, in sending/receiving/decoding messages.
- . Although 16 bit, if run under Win95, it will has a 95 look.
- . Preview window, to browse message contents easily
- . Address book support many info items.
- . Attach any size of files in your message.
- . MIME and UUEncode compatible.
- . Mailbox Assistence, automatically dispatch the imcoming messages to
- different boxes due to the custom defined rules.
- . Browse HTML format mail with your own browser.
- . Has been tested with many mail client, such as Eudora, Netscape mail,
- Microsoft Internet Mail, etc.
- . Available in Both English version and Chinese version.
- System requirements:
- ====================
- . Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, or higher.
- . 32 bits TCP/IP stack. If you have installed the DialUp Network, the
- TCP/IP stack is already ready.
- If you need to run foxmail in Windows 3.X or Windows NT 3.51, you have
- to run the 16 bits version FoxMail. For details, see the help file.
- Installation:
- =============
- If you have the self installation package, just run it, and a setup
- wizard will help you for the installation procedure.
- If you have the ZIP compressed package, follow the steps:
- 1.Create a new directory. Fox example, c:\foxmail;
- 2.Copy all of the files extracted from the ZIP file to the created
- directory;
- 3.In your desktop, create a shortcut linked to foxmail.exe;
- 4.Create a shortcut linked to notifier.exe.
- 5.Double-click the shortcut icon to run FoxMail.
- In FoxMail's first time running, it will automatically create a mail
- directory and other associated files.
- 6.Enter the Options dialog to set your mailbox account and other
- necessary information before you could sending/receiving messages.
- Upgrading:
- ==========
- As the mailbox file formats of 32bits FoxMail is compatible with the
- 16bits version, upgrading from 16bits FoxMail is very easy:
- Just de-compress this package in your previous FoxMail directory, override
- the old version files.
- If you are running the self installation program, just select your foxmail
- directory as the destination directory.
- Distribution:
- =============
- Freeware. Can be distributed FREE of charge under conditions
- specified in the license agreement (see file license.txt).
- Zhang XiaoLong.
- E-mail: gzdragon@public1.guangzhou.gd.cn