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- Adobe Photoshop compartible filters package "Toadies"
- 1. Brief description of the package.
- The package contains a set of plug-in filters for Adobe Photoshop 3.0 (or
- higher).
- Filters are available in two modifications for Windows and Mac respectively.
- Filters also were tested by author and shown to work with the following host
- applications:
- (Win) Fractal Design Painter 4.0 (32-bit) or higher;
- (Win) JASC Paint Shop Pro 4.0 or higher;(Win) Ulead GIF Animator 3.0;
- (Win) GIMP 1.1.0 (Win32 port);
- (Win) IrfanView 2.97 and higher (freeware viewing/converting utility).
- According to users feedback, they also work with the following host
- applications:
- (Win) Corel Photo Paint 7.0 and above;
- (Win, Mac) Adobe Illustrator 7.0;
- (Win) SPG ColorWorks 3;
- (Win) Ulead PhotoImpact 3 and above;
- (Unix) GIMP 1.1.0 by using User Filter plugin.
- All filters were created using Adobe Photoshop Filter Factory (FF).
- Current location of the package under http://www.chat.ru/~bufo/
- Note for Mac users: all these filters originated as Windows version. Due to
- Win/Mac FF difference, many filters are recompiled for Mac in "light" form only,
- without some features/controls originally presented in Win versions; some
- filters cannot be recompiled with current Mac FF so they are available for
- Windows only. Filter decriptions are based on Windows version and do not always
- match Mac filters.
- Notes for a non-Photoshop users on Windows side: first, Transparency Effects do
- not work properly under plug-in friendly applications having alpha channel
- structure different from Photoshop. Please read the respective plug-in filters
- description; second, all these plug-in filters require MSVCRT10.DLL to run.
- Photoshop installs this file into user's system but other hosts sometimes do
- not. If properly installed filters do not show in filters menu - check out
- whether you have MSVCRT10.DLL in your system before sending complains to the
- author.
- 3. Filters Description
- Blast 'em!
- Applies diffuse effect. Both effect amount and transparency are controllable.
- Blur 'em!
- A complex diffuse effect more pronounced at the contrast image edges.
- *Sucking Toad* Bevel I
- Rectangular buttonmaker.
- *Sucking Toad* Bevel II
- Rectangular buttonmaker. Both button shape and shading algorithm are different
- from No. I.
- *Sucking Toad* Bevel III
- Round buttonmaker - turns an image into cone shaded button over "black
- transparent" background.
- *Sucking Toad* Bevel IV
- Oval buttonmaker - turns an image into oval button over "black
- transparent" background.
- Metalwork.
- Generates many extra hughlights/shadows, thus making image look shiny and
- metallic, by applying two sine transfer functions.
- Crazy Colour Waves
- A "false-colour" version of "Metalwork".
- Metallic Onion.
- Generates many extra hughlights/shadows, thus making image look shiny and
- metallic, by applying sawtooth transfer function.
- 3D Mesh
- Generates a checkerboard/grid pattern with a size proportional to the
- brightness of the original image, thus giving it a look as if it were
- mapped over a 3D object.
- 3D Supercheckers
- Generate a complex fractal pattern with a size proportional to original image
- brightness thus giving it a look of mapped over 3D object.
- Cyborg
- A combination of 3D Checkers and Metalwork, applies a 3D-looking grid pattern
- over shiny metallized image.
- Living Sine Linear
- Produces a bright linear rainbow gradient displaced according to source image
- brightness. Built-in source posterization provides additional "layered" effect.
- Gradient is seamless i.e. left and right edges match perfectly.
- Living Sine Circular
- Produces a bright circular rainbow gradient rotated according to source image
- brightness. Built-in source posterization provides "layered" effect, like in
- previous one.
- Metalfalls
- Generates multiple linear gradient bands with a frequency proportional to source
- image brightness.
- Boost
- Promotes any grayshade to white, retaining a colour cast.
- Banding Suppress Noise
- Generates a hue-protected noise signal and subtracts it from original image, the
- brighter the original is, the more noise applied. Good for eliminating banding
- in
- bright areas of inkjet prints and the like.
- Old Photo
- Provides subtle colour cast effect.
- Plain Mosaic
- Produces a range of mosaic effect, with rectangular (or oval over transparent
- background) mosaic cells and various cell edge shadings.
- Plain Mosaic Blur
- Produce a mosaic of cells filled with a smooth blend between top left and bottom
- right cell corners.
- Ommadawn
- Produce a mosaic of cells filled with a smooth blend between all four cell
- corners.
- Weaver
- Produce a mosaic of cells filled with a cross-shaped smudges.
- Picasso's Last Word
- Produce a mosaic consisting of rectangular cells with size depending on source
- image brightness. Depending on source image and user settings, results may vary
- from artistic to ugly.
- Picasso's Another Word
- Yet another mosaic mosaic consisting of rectangular cells with size depending on
- source image brightness, each cell have a gradient shading.
- Bitches Crystal
- Complex mosaic-distortion effect somewhat resembling facetted glass lens.
- Rasterline
- Turns an image into a horizonatal or vertical lines, either black on white or
- original over transparent, with a line width proportional to source image
- brightness.
- Look, Butthead, a TV!
- Turns image into a shaded/transparent horizontal lines producing a TV-screen
- look.
- Poster
- Applies a brightness-only posterize effect, quite different from standard which
- posterizes chroma also.
- What Are You?
- Makes image look dizzy - what else can I tell?
- Inside-Out
- User-controllable vortex effect. Note, on second run on the same settings,
- restore image back (except for interpolation artifacts). Also note, this filter
- belongs to "Distort" category.
- The Toad's Pool I
- Ripple-distortion effect. Please notice, this filter belongs to "Distort"
- category.
- The Toad's Pool II
- Ripple-distortion effect. Please notice, this filter belongs to "Distort"
- category.
- DirectáOpacityá(TM):
- Simply sets opacity value for a non-background layer. Not a big deal, but needed
- often.
- Glasswork Gray
- Linear transparency effect: the darker the source image, the more
- opaque the result. White turns into "fully transparent black", black
- into "fully opaque black". Converts any image to grayscale
- (apparently).
- Glasswork Colour
- Linear transparency effect: the darker the source image, the more
- opaque the result. Works like "Glasswork Gray" but retains chroma.
- 3. Legal stuff
- All these filters were created by Ilya Razmanov aka Ilyich the Toad; several
- filters utilizes the ideas and/or code fragments created by some other people,
- that is emphasized in "About" of every such a filter. All filters are freely
- distributable; you may use, distribute for free (after receiving authors
- permission), delete, reverse-engineer (for educational purposes only), giving a
- credit to the author. You cannot pretend you developed these or your company
- have
- paid for the development; any commercial use without author's permission is
- prohibited (in a word: don't try to make money on my freeware. Both images you
- created and knowledge you earned is yours of course). You can make the entire
- package only available for public download but you are obliged to ask author's
- permission first; also, if you recompiled any particular filter for Premiere or
- GIMP, you can distribute it separately, on a non-commercial basis only, giving a
- credit to author and asking his permission. The complete source code of most
- filters has been posted to the Filter Factory Discussion Group and is freely
- available.
- While distributing the entire pack or any particular filter, you are obliged to
- keep this readme file with the filters.
- 4. Acknowledgments, apologies etc.
- Many thanks to all active FFDG members for sharing their ideas;
- Thanks to Helmut Schug and Tatsuya Sasaki for making Mac part available;
- And apologies to all the companies whose Ö's, ⌐'s and «'s were misspelled at
- this
- pages.
- 5. Contacting the author.
- If you have any questions regarding Filter Factory programming, I strongly
- recommend you, first of all, to visit the FFDG-related page under
- http://pluginhead.i-us.com. There you will find either answers to all you
- questions
- or links to FAQs etc containing the answer. If you're still interested in
- contacting
- the author or feel that it's really necessary after that, you may always e-mail
- him (means me) at ilyich@cacr.ioc.ac.ru. If you feel like contacting the author
- on his particular filter matter, again, you're welcome to e-mail me.
- Good luck and happy photoshopping!
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Special notes to bulk distributions of filters for Windows:
- Bulk distributions are assembled in several forms:
- 1) as two large ZIP archives; simply unzip it into your Photoshop plugin dir.
- Note that while the most filters go to separate "Toadies" category,
- one ("Turn Your Inside Outside") goes to "Distort". One archive
- contains filters for PS 3.0 (and higher) and PSP 5.0. These filters do
- transparency tricks and won't work correctly under many host apps
- pointed above. Another (larger) archive contains non-transparency
- related filters which are shown to work correctly under all aps
- forementioned.
- 2) as a self-extracting RAR archive, taking advantages of RAR solid
- archives. Since RAR is not convenient on the net, I had to make archive
- self-extracting involving disadvantage of large RAR exec header and
- possible danger of viruses (although I did my best to check the exe
- file with antiviruses). To install, simply run EXE file and browse to
- the dir you want filters to be installed, then prompted. Take note,
- transparency-related filters would be installed under special subdir
- below dir you pointed; if you're working with PS 3.0-3.05, you should
- move them to plugin dir above; with PS 4.0 and PSP 5.0 you should have
- no problems at all; with all other forementioned hosts - simply delete
- this unnecessary dir since you won't be able to use these filters;
- 3) as an archived .ffl file to be converted with Plugin Commander
- (PiCo) available at http://pico.i-us.com. This distribution for is
- very compact and is highly recommended to PiCo owners.
- Take note, filters have a Win95 longnames and I recommend you
- to keep it - file names correspond to filter name that simplifies
- filters management.
- Ilyich.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ilya Razmanov (a.k.a. Ilyich the Toad), Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS
- "It's either an incisive representation of the futility of man,
- or it's a log and a couple or rocks." - Guybrush Threepwood, Monkey Island
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------