PC World 2001 April
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Python/XML Reference Guide
Python/XML Reference Guide
The Python/XML Special Interest Group
(edited by akuchling@acm.org)
XML is the eXtensible Markup Language, a subset of SGML, intended to
allow the creation and processing of application-specific markup
languages. Python makes an excellent language for processing XML data.
This document is the reference manual for the Python/XML package,
containing several XML modules.
This is a draft document; 'XXX' in the text indicates that something
has to be filled in later, or rewritten, or verified, or something.
* Contents
* 1. xml.arch.xmlarch
+ 1.1 ArchDocHandler methods
+ 1.2 Architecture methods
+ 1.3 ArchParseState methods
+ 1.4 ArchException methods
+ 1.5 AttributeParser methods
+ 1.6 Normalizer methods
* 2. xml.parsers.xmllib
* 3. xml.sax.saxexts
+ 3.1 ExtendedParser methods
+ 3.2 ParserFactory methods
* 4. xml.sax.saxlib
+ 4.1 AttributeList methods
+ 4.2 DocumentHandler methods
+ 4.3 DTDHandler methods
+ 4.4 EntityResolver methods
+ 4.5 ErrorHandler methods
+ 4.6 Locator methods
+ 4.7 Parser methods
+ 4.8 SAXException methods
+ 4.9 SAXParseException methods
* 5. xml.sax.saxutils
+ 5.1 Location methods
* 6. xml.utils.iso8601 24
1. xml.arch.xmlarch
The xmlarch module contains an XML architectural forms processor
written in Python. It allows you to process XML architectural forms
using any parser that uses the SAX interfaces. The module allows you
to process several architectures in one parsing pass. Architectural
document events for an architecture can even be broadcasted to
multiple DocumentHandlers. (e.g. you can have 2 handlers for the RDF
architecture, 3 for the XLink architecture and perhaps one for the
HyTime architecture.) The architecture processor uses the SAX
DocumentHandler interface which means that you can register the
architecture handler (ArchDocHandler) with any SAX 1.0 compliant
parser. It currently does not process any meta document type
definition documents (meta-DTDs). When a DTD parser module is
available the code will be modified to use that in order to process
meta-DTD information. Please note that validating and well-formed
parsers may report different SAX events when parsing documents.
The xmlarch module contains six classes: ArchDocHandler, Architecture,
ArchParseState, ArchException, AttributeParser and Normalizer.
* ArchDocHandler is a subclass of the saxlib.DocumentHandler
interface. This is the class used for processing an architectural
* Architecture contains information about an architecture.
* ArchParseState holds information about an architecture's parse
state when parsing a document.
* AttributeParser parses architecture use declaration PIs (attribute
* ArchException holds information about an architectural exception
thrown by an ArchDocHandler instance.
* Normalizer is a document handler that outputs "normalized" XML.
1.1 ArchDocHandler methods
Still undocumented.
1.2 Architecture methods
Still undocumented.
1.3 ArchParseState methods
Still undocumented.
1.4 ArchException methods
Still undocumented.
1.5 AttributeParser methods
Still undocumented.
1.6 Normalizer methods
Still undocumented.
2. xml.parsers.xmllib
This is a version of the xmllib module from Python 1.5, modified to
use the _sgmlop C extension when it's available. This produces a
significant speedup, amounting to about a factor of 5. The interface
is unchanged from the original xmllib module; consult the Python
Library Reference documentation for that module.
3. xml.sax.saxexts
make_parser ([parser])
A utility function that returns a Parser object for a
non-validating XML parser. If parser is specified, it must be a
parser name; otherwise, a list of available parsers is checked
and the fastest one chosen.
An instance of the ParserFactory class that's already been
prepared with a list of HTML parsers. Simply call its
make_parser() method to get a Parser object.
ParserFactory ()
A general class to be used by applications for creating parsers
on foreign systems where the list of installed parsers is
An instance of the ParserFactory class that's already been
prepared with a list of SGML parsers. Simply call its
make_parser() method to get a parser object.
An instance of the ParserFactory class that's already been
prepared with a list of nonvalidating XML parsers. Simply call
its make_parser() method to get a parser object.
An instance of the ParserFactory class that's already been
prepared with a list of validating XML parsers. Simply call its
make_parser() method to get a parser object.
ExtendedParser ()
This class is an experimental extended parser interface, that
offers additional functionality that may be useful. However,
it's not specified by the SAX specification.
3.1 ExtendedParser methods
close ()
Called after the last call to feed, when there are no more
feed (data)
Feeds data to the parser.
get_parser_name ()
Returns a single-word parser name.
get_parser_version ()
Returns the version of the imported parser, which may not be
the one the driver was implemented for.
is_dtd_reading ()
True if the parser is non-validating, but conforms to the XML
specification by reading the DTD.
is_validating ()
Returns true if the parser is validating, false otherwise.
reset ()
Makes the parser start parsing afresh.
3.2 ParserFactory methods
get_parser_list ()
Returns the list of possible drivers. Currently this starts out
as ["xml.sax.drivers.drv_xmltok",
make_parser ([driver_name])
Returns a SAX driver for the first available parser of the
parsers in the list. Note that the list contains drivers, so it
first tries the driver and if that exists imports it to see if
the parser also exists. If no parsers are available a
SAXException is thrown.
Optionally, driver_name can be a string containing the name of
the driver to be used; the stored parser list will then not be
used at all.
set_parser_list (list)
Sets the driver list to list.
4. xml.sax.saxlib
AttributeList ()
Interface for an attribute list. This interface provides
information about a list of attributes for an element (only
specified or defaulted attributes will be reported). Note that
the information returned by this object will be valid only
during the scope of the DocumentHandler.startElement callback,
and the attributes will not necessarily be provided in the
order declared or specified.
DocumentHandler ()
Handle general document events. This is the main client
interface for SAX: it contains callbacks for the most important
document events, such as the start and end of elements. You
need to create an object that implements this interface, and
then register it with the Parser. If you do not want to
implement the entire interface, you can derive a class from
HandlerBase, which implements the default functionality. You
can find the location of any document event using the Locator
interface supplied by setDocumentLocator().
DTDHandler ()
Handle DTD events. This interface specifies only those DTD
events required for basic parsing (unparsed entities and
attributes). If you do not want to implement the entire
interface, you can extend HandlerBase, which implements the
default behaviour.
EntityResolver ()
This is the basic interface for resolving entities. If you
create an object implementing this interface, then register the
object with your Parser instance, the parser will call the
method in your object to resolve all external entities. Note
that HandlerBase implements this interface with the default
ErrorHandler ()
This is the basic interface for SAX error handlers. If you
create an object that implements this interface, then register
the object with your Parser, the parser will call the methods
in your object to report all warnings and errors. There are
three levels of errors available: warnings, (possibly)
recoverable errors, and unrecoverable errors. All methods take
a SAXParseException as the only parameter.
HandlerBase ()
Default base class for handlers. This class implements the
default behaviour for four SAX interfaces, inheriting from them
all: EntityResolver, DTDHandler, DocumentHandler, and
ErrorHandler. Rather than implementing those full interfaces,
you may simply extend this class and override the methods that
you need. Note that the use of this class is optional, since
you are free to implement the interfaces directly if you wish.
Locator ()
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.
A locator object will return valid results only during calls to
methods of the SAXDocumentHandler class; at any other time, the
results are unpredictable.
Parser ()
Basic interface for SAX parsers. All SAX parsers must implement
this basic interface: it allows users to register handlers for
different types of events and to initiate a parse from a URI, a
character stream, or a byte stream. SAX parsers should also
implement a zero-argument constructor.
SAXException (msg, exception, locator)
Encapsulate an XML error or warning. This class can contain
basic error or warning information from either the XML parser
or the application: you can subclass it to provide additional
functionality, or to add localization. Note that although you
will receive a SAXException as the argument to the handlers in
the ErrorHandler interface, you are not actually required to
throw the exception; instead, you can simply read the
information in it.
SAXParseException (msg, exception, locator)
Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning. This exception will
include information for locating the error in the original XML
document. Note that although the application will receive a
SAXParseException as the argument to the handlers in the
ErrorHandler interface, the application is not actually
required to throw the exception; instead, it can simply read
the information in it and take a different action.
Since this exception is a subclass of SAXException, it inherits
the ability to wrap another exception.
4.1 AttributeList methods
The AttributeList class supports some of the behaviour of Python
dictionaries; the len(), has_key(), keys() methods are available, and
attr['href'] will retrieve the value of the href attribute. There are
also additional methods specific to AttributeList:
getLength ()
Return the number of attributes in the list.
getName (i)
Return the name of attribute i in the list.
getType (i)
Return the type of an attribute in the list. i can be either
the integer index or the attribute name.
getValue (i)
Return the value of an attribute in the list. i can be either
the integer index or the attribute name.
4.2 DocumentHandler methods
characters (ch, start, length)
Handle a character data event.
endDocument ()
Handle an event for the end of a document.
endElement (name)
Handle an event for the end of an element.
ignorableWhitespace (ch, start, length)
Handle an event for ignorable whitespace in element content.
processingInstruction (target, data)
Handle a processing instruction event.
setDocumentLocator (locator)
Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document
events. You'll probably want to store the value of locator as
an attribute of the handler instance.
startDocument ()
Handle an event for the beginning of a document.
startElement (name, attrs)
Handle an event for the beginning of an element.
4.3 DTDHandler methods
notationDecl (name, publicId, systemId)
Handle a notation declaration event.
unparsedEntityDecl (publicId, systemId, notationName)
Handle an unparsed entity declaration event.
4.4 EntityResolver methods
resolveEntity (name, publicId, systemId)
Resolve the system identifier of an entity.
4.5 ErrorHandler methods
error (exception)
Handle a recoverable error.
fatalError (exception)
Handle a non-recoverable error.
warning (exception)
Handle a warning.
4.6 Locator methods
getColumnNumber ()
Return the column number where the current event ends.
getLineNumber ()
Return the line number where the current event ends.
getPublicId ()
Return the public identifier for the current event.
getSystemId ()
Return the system identifier for the current event.
4.7 Parser methods
parse (systemId)
Parse an XML document from a system identifier.
parseFile (fileobj)
Parse an XML document from a file-like object.
setDocumentHandler (handler)
Register an object to receive basic document-related events.
setDTDHandler (handler)
Register an object to receive basic DTD-related events.
setEntityResolver (resolver)
Register an object to resolve external entities.
setErrorHandler (handler)
Register an object to receive error-message events.
setLocale (locale)
Allow an application to set the locale for errors and warnings.
SAX parsers are not required to provide localisation for errors
and warnings; if they cannot support the requested locale,
however, they must throw a SAX exception. Applications may
request a locale change in the middle of a parse.
4.8 SAXException methods
getException ()
Return the embedded exception, if any.
getMessage ()
Return a message for this exception.
4.9 SAXParseException methods
The SAXParseException class has a locator attribute, containing an
instance of the Locator class, which represents the location in the
document where the parse error occurred. The following methods are
delegated to this instance.
getColumnNumber ()
Return the column number of the end of the text where the
exception occurred.
getLineNumber ()
Return the line number of the end of the text where the
exception occurred.
getPublicId ()
Return the public identifier of the entity where the exception
getSystemId ()
Return the system identifier of the entity where the exception
5. xml.sax.saxutils
Canonizer (writer)
A SAX document handler that produces canonicalized XML output.
writer must support a write() method which accepts a single
ErrorPrinter ()
A simple class that just prints error messages to standard
error (sys.stderr).
ESISDocHandler (writer)
A SAX document handler that produces naive ESIS output. writer
must support a write() method which accepts a single string.
EventBroadcaster (list)
Takes a list of objects and forwards any method calls received
to all objects in the list. The attribute list holds the list
and can freely be modified by clients.
Location (locator)
Represents a location in an XML entity. Initialized by being
passed a locator, from which it reads off the current location,
which is then stored internally.
5.1 Location methods
getColumnNumber ()
Return the column number of the location.
getLineNumber ()
Return the line number of the location.
getPublicId ()
Return the public identifier for the location.
getSystemId ()
Return the system identifier for the location.
6. xml.utils.iso8601
The xml.utils.iso8601 module provides conversion routines between the
ISO 8601 representations of date/time values and the floating point
values used elsewhere in Python. The floating point represtentation is
particularly useful in conjunction with the standard time module.
Currently, this module supports a small superset of the ISO 8601
profile described by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This is a
subset of ISO 8601, but covers the cases expected to be used most
often in the context of XML processing and Web applications. Future
versions of this module may support a larger subset of
ISO 8601-defined formats.
parse (s)
Parse an ISO 8601 date representation (with an optional
time-of-day component) and return the date in seconds since the
parse_timezone (timezone)
Parse an ISO 8601 time zone designator and return the offset
relative to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) in seconds. If
timezone is not valid, ValueError is raised.
tostring (t[, timezone])
Return formatted date/time value according to the profile
described by the W3C. If timezone is provided, it must be the
offset from UTC in seconds specified as a number, or time zone
designator which can be parsed by parse_timezone(). If timezone
is specified as a string and cannot be parsed by
parse_timezone(), ValueError will be raised.
ctime (t)
Return formatter date/time value using the local timezone. This
is equivalent to "tostring(t, time.timezone)".
See Also:
International Organization for Standardization. Data elements and
interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of
dates and times. International Organization for Standardization, 1988.
Gary Houston. ISO 8601 date/time representations. January 1993.
Available online as compressed PostScript:
Markus Kuhn. A Summary of the International Standard Dateand Time
Notation. Available online at
Misha Wolf and Charles Wicksteed. Date and Time Formats. World Wide
Web Consortium Technical Note, September 1998. Available online at
About this document ...
Python/XML Reference Guide
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator.
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Python/XML Reference Guide