home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- """An extensible library for opening URLs using a variety of protocols
- The simplest way to use this module is to call the urlopen function,
- which accepts a string containing a URL or a Request object (described
- below). It opens the URL and returns the results as file-like
- object; the returned object has some extra methods described below.
- The OpenerDirectory manages a collection of Handler objects that do
- all the actual work. Each Handler implements a particular protocol or
- option. The OpenerDirector is a composite object that invokes the
- Handlers needed to open the requested URL. For example, the
- HTTPHandler performs HTTP GET and POST requests and deals with
- non-error returns. The HTTPRedirectHandler automatically deals with
- HTTP 301 & 302 redirect errors, and the HTTPDigestAuthHandler deals
- with digest authentication.
- urlopen(url, data=None) -- basic usage is that same as original
- urllib. pass the url and optionally data to post to an HTTP URL, and
- get a file-like object back. One difference is that you can also pass
- a Request instance instead of URL. Raises a URLError (subclass of
- IOError); for HTTP errors, raises an HTTPError, which can also be
- treated as a valid response.
- build_opener -- function that creates a new OpenerDirector instance.
- will install the default handlers. accepts one or more Handlers as
- arguments, either instances or Handler classes that it will
- instantiate. if one of the argument is a subclass of the default
- handler, the argument will be installed instead of the default.
- install_opener -- installs a new opener as the default opener.
- objects of interest:
- OpenerDirector --
- Request -- an object that encapsulates the state of a request. the
- state can be a simple as the URL. it can also include extra HTTP
- headers, e.g. a User-Agent.
- BaseHandler --
- exceptions:
- URLError-- a subclass of IOError, individual protocols have their own
- specific subclass
- HTTPError-- also a valid HTTP response, so you can treat an HTTP error
- as an exceptional event or valid response
- internals:
- BaseHandler and parent
- _call_chain conventions
- Example usage:
- import urllib2
- # set up authentication info
- authinfo = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
- authinfo.add_password('realm', 'host', 'username', 'password')
- # build a new opener that adds authentication and caching FTP handlers
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(authinfo, urllib2.CacheFTPHandler)
- # install it
- urllib2.install_opener(opener)
- f = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.python.org/')
- """
- # XXX issues:
- # If an authentication error handler that tries to perform
- # authentication for some reason but fails, how should the error be
- # signalled? The client needs to know the HTTP error code. But if
- # the handler knows that the problem was, e.g., that it didn't know
- # that hash algo that requested in the challenge, it would be good to
- # pass that information along to the client, too.
- # XXX to do:
- # name!
- # documentation (getting there)
- # complex proxies
- # abstract factory for opener
- # ftp errors aren't handled cleanly
- # gopher can return a socket.error
- # check digest against correct (i.e. non-apache) implementation
- import string
- import socket
- import UserDict
- import httplib
- import re
- import base64
- import types
- import urlparse
- import os
- import md5
- import mimetypes
- import mimetools
- import ftplib
- import sys
- import time
- import gopherlib
- try:
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- except ImportError:
- from StringIO import StringIO
- try:
- import sha
- except ImportError:
- # need 1.5.2 final
- sha = None
- # not sure how many of these need to be gotten rid of
- from urllib import unwrap, unquote, splittype, splithost, \
- addinfourl, splitport, splitgophertype, splitquery, \
- splitattr, ftpwrapper, noheaders
- # support for proxies via environment variables
- from urllib import getproxies
- # support for FileHandler
- from urllib import localhost, thishost, url2pathname, pathname2url
- # support for GopherHandler
- from urllib import splitgophertype, splitquery
- __version__ = "2.0a1"
- _opener = None
- def urlopen(url, data=None):
- global _opener
- if _opener is None:
- _opener = build_opener()
- return _opener.open(url, data)
- def install_opener(opener):
- global _opener
- _opener = opener
- # do these error classes make sense?
- # make sure all of the IOError stuff is overridden. we just want to be
- # subtypes.
- class URLError(IOError):
- # URLError is a sub-type of IOError, but it doesn't share any of
- # the implementation. need to override __init__ and __str__
- def __init__(self, reason):
- self.reason = reason
- def __str__(self):
- return '<urlopen error %s>' % self.reason
- class HTTPError(URLError, addinfourl):
- """Raised when HTTP error occurs, but also acts like non-error return"""
- __super_init = addinfourl.__init__
- def __init__(self, url, code, msg, hdrs, fp):
- self.__super_init(fp, hdrs, url)
- self.code = code
- self.msg = msg
- self.hdrs = hdrs
- self.fp = fp
- # XXX
- self.filename = url
- def __str__(self):
- return 'HTTP Error %s: %s' % (self.code, self.msg)
- def __del__(self):
- # XXX is this safe? what if user catches exception, then
- # extracts fp and discards exception?
- if self.fp:
- self.fp.close()
- class GopherError(URLError):
- pass
- class Request:
- def __init__(self, url, data=None, headers={}):
- # unwrap('<URL:type://host/path>') --> 'type://host/path'
- self.__original = unwrap(url)
- self.type = None
- # self.__r_type is what's left after doing the splittype
- self.host = None
- self.port = None
- self.data = data
- self.headers = {}
- self.headers.update(headers)
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- # XXX this is a fallback mechanism to guard against these
- # methods getting called in a non-standard order. this may be
- # too complicated and/or unnecessary.
- # XXX should the __r_XXX attributes be public?
- if attr[:12] == '_Request__r_':
- name = attr[12:]
- if hasattr(Request, 'get_' + name):
- getattr(self, 'get_' + name)()
- return getattr(self, attr)
- raise AttributeError, attr
- def add_data(self, data):
- self.data = data
- def has_data(self):
- return self.data is not None
- def get_data(self):
- return self.data
- def get_full_url(self):
- return self.__original
- def get_type(self):
- if self.type is None:
- self.type, self.__r_type = splittype(self.__original)
- assert self.type is not None, self.__original
- return self.type
- def get_host(self):
- if self.host is None:
- self.host, self.__r_host = splithost(self.__r_type)
- if self.host:
- self.host = unquote(self.host)
- return self.host
- def get_selector(self):
- return self.__r_host
- def set_proxy(self, proxy):
- self.__proxy = proxy
- # XXX this code is based on urllib, but it doesn't seem
- # correct. specifically, if the proxy has a port number then
- # splittype will return the hostname as the type and the port
- # will be include with everything else
- self.type, self.__r_type = splittype(self.__proxy)
- self.host, XXX = splithost(self.__r_type)
- self.host = unquote(self.host)
- self.__r_host = self.__original
- def add_header(self, key, val):
- # useful for something like authentication
- self.headers[key] = val
- class OpenerDirector:
- def __init__(self):
- server_version = "Python-urllib/%s" % __version__
- self.addheaders = [('User-agent', server_version)]
- # manage the individual handlers
- self.handlers = []
- self.handle_open = {}
- self.handle_error = {}
- def add_handler(self, handler):
- added = 0
- for meth in get_methods(handler):
- if meth[-5:] == '_open':
- protocol = meth[:-5]
- if self.handle_open.has_key(protocol):
- self.handle_open[protocol].append(handler)
- else:
- self.handle_open[protocol] = [handler]
- added = 1
- continue
- i = string.find(meth, '_')
- j = string.find(meth[i+1:], '_') + i + 1
- if j != -1 and meth[i+1:j] == 'error':
- proto = meth[:i]
- kind = meth[j+1:]
- try:
- kind = string.atoi(kind)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- dict = self.handle_error.get(proto, {})
- if dict.has_key(kind):
- dict[kind].append(handler)
- else:
- dict[kind] = [handler]
- self.handle_error[proto] = dict
- added = 1
- continue
- if added:
- self.handlers.append(handler)
- handler.add_parent(self)
- def __del__(self):
- self.close()
- def close(self):
- for handler in self.handlers:
- handler.close()
- self.handlers = []
- def _call_chain(self, chain, kind, meth_name, *args):
- # XXX raise an exception if no one else should try to handle
- # this url. return None if you can't but someone else could.
- handlers = chain.get(kind, ())
- for handler in handlers:
- func = getattr(handler, meth_name)
- result = func(*args)
- if result is not None:
- return result
- def open(self, fullurl, data=None):
- # accept a URL or a Request object
- if type(fullurl) == types.StringType:
- req = Request(fullurl, data)
- else:
- req = fullurl
- if data is not None:
- req.add_data(data)
- assert isinstance(req, Request) # really only care about interface
- result = self._call_chain(self.handle_open, 'default',
- 'default_open', req)
- if result:
- return result
- type_ = req.get_type()
- result = self._call_chain(self.handle_open, type_, type_ + \
- '_open', req)
- if result:
- return result
- return self._call_chain(self.handle_open, 'unknown',
- 'unknown_open', req)
- def error(self, proto, *args):
- if proto == 'http':
- # XXX http protocol is special cased
- dict = self.handle_error[proto]
- proto = args[2] # YUCK!
- meth_name = 'http_error_%d' % proto
- http_err = 1
- orig_args = args
- else:
- dict = self.handle_error
- meth_name = proto + '_error'
- http_err = 0
- args = (dict, proto, meth_name) + args
- result = self._call_chain(*args)
- if result:
- return result
- if http_err:
- args = (dict, 'default', 'http_error_default') + orig_args
- return self._call_chain(*args)
- def is_callable(obj):
- # not quite like builtin callable (which I didn't know existed),
- # not entirely sure it needs to be different
- if type(obj) in (types.BuiltinFunctionType,
- types.BuiltinMethodType, types.LambdaType,
- types.MethodType):
- return 1
- if type(obj) == types.InstanceType:
- return hasattr(obj, '__call__')
- return 0
- def get_methods(inst):
- methods = {}
- classes = []
- classes.append(inst.__class__)
- while classes:
- klass = classes[0]
- del classes[0]
- classes = classes + list(klass.__bases__)
- for name in dir(klass):
- attr = getattr(klass, name)
- if type(attr) == types.UnboundMethodType:
- methods[name] = 1
- for name in dir(inst):
- if is_callable(getattr(inst, name)):
- methods[name] = 1
- return methods.keys()
- # XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows things like
- # the fact that a ProxyHandler needs to get inserted first.
- # would also know when it makes sense to skip a superclass in favor of
- # a subclass and when it might make sense to include both
- def build_opener(*handlers):
- """Create an opener object from a list of handlers.
- The opener will use several default handlers, including support
- for HTTP and FTP. If there is a ProxyHandler, it must be at the
- front of the list of handlers. (Yuck.)
- If any of the handlers passed as arguments are subclasses of the
- default handlers, the default handlers will not be used.
- """
- opener = OpenerDirector()
- default_classes = [ProxyHandler, UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler,
- HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler,
- FTPHandler, FileHandler]
- skip = []
- for klass in default_classes:
- for check in handlers:
- if type(check) == types.ClassType:
- if issubclass(check, klass):
- skip.append(klass)
- elif type(check) == types.InstanceType:
- if isinstance(check, klass):
- skip.append(klass)
- for klass in skip:
- default_classes.remove(klass)
- for klass in default_classes:
- opener.add_handler(klass())
- for h in handlers:
- if type(h) == types.ClassType:
- h = h()
- opener.add_handler(h)
- return opener
- class BaseHandler:
- def add_parent(self, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- def close(self):
- self.parent = None
- class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):
- def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):
- raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
- class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):
- # Implementation note: To avoid the server sending us into an
- # infinite loop, the request object needs to track what URLs we
- # have already seen. Do this by adding a handler-specific
- # attribute to the Request object.
- def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
- if headers.has_key('location'):
- newurl = headers['location']
- elif headers.has_key('uri'):
- newurl = headers['uri']
- else:
- return
- nil = fp.read()
- fp.close()
- newurl = urlparse.urljoin(req.get_full_url(), newurl)
- # XXX Probably want to forget about the state of the current
- # request, although that might interact poorly with other
- # handlers that also use handler-specific request attributes
- new = Request(newurl, req.get_data())
- new.error_302_dict = {}
- if hasattr(req, 'error_302_dict'):
- if req.error_302_dict.has_key(newurl):
- raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code,
- self.inf_msg + msg, headers)
- new.error_302_dict.update(req.error_302_dict)
- new.error_302_dict[newurl] = newurl
- return self.parent.open(new)
- http_error_301 = http_error_302
- inf_msg = "The HTTP server returned a redirect error that would" \
- "lead to an infinite loop.\n" \
- "The last 302 error message was:\n"
- class ProxyHandler(BaseHandler):
- def __init__(self, proxies=None):
- if proxies is None:
- proxies = getproxies()
- assert hasattr(proxies, 'has_key'), "proxies must be a mapping"
- self.proxies = proxies
- for type, url in proxies.items():
- setattr(self, '%s_open' % type,
- lambda r, proxy=url, type=type, meth=self.proxy_open: \
- meth(r, proxy, type))
- def proxy_open(self, req, proxy, type):
- orig_type = req.get_type()
- req.set_proxy(proxy)
- if orig_type == type:
- # let other handlers take care of it
- # XXX this only makes sense if the proxy is before the
- # other handlers
- return None
- else:
- # need to start over, because the other handlers don't
- # grok the proxy's URL type
- return self.parent.open(req)
- # feature suggested by Duncan Booth
- # XXX custom is not a good name
- class CustomProxy:
- # either pass a function to the constructor or override handle
- def __init__(self, proto, func=None, proxy_addr=None):
- self.proto = proto
- self.func = func
- self.addr = proxy_addr
- def handle(self, req):
- if self.func and self.func(req):
- return 1
- def get_proxy(self):
- return self.addr
- class CustomProxyHandler(BaseHandler):
- def __init__(self, *proxies):
- self.proxies = {}
- def proxy_open(self, req):
- proto = req.get_type()
- try:
- proxies = self.proxies[proto]
- except KeyError:
- return None
- for p in proxies:
- if p.handle(req):
- req.set_proxy(p.get_proxy())
- return self.parent.open(req)
- return None
- def do_proxy(self, p, req):
- p
- return self.parent.open(req)
- def add_proxy(self, cpo):
- if self.proxies.has_key(cpo.proto):
- self.proxies[cpo.proto].append(cpo)
- else:
- self.proxies[cpo.proto] = [cpo]
- class HTTPPasswordMgr:
- def __init__(self):
- self.passwd = {}
- def add_password(self, realm, uri, user, passwd):
- # uri could be a single URI or a sequence
- if type(uri) == types.StringType:
- uri = [uri]
- uri = tuple(map(self.reduce_uri, uri))
- if not self.passwd.has_key(realm):
- self.passwd[realm] = {}
- self.passwd[realm][uri] = (user, passwd)
- def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri):
- domains = self.passwd.get(realm, {})
- authuri = self.reduce_uri(authuri)
- for uris, authinfo in domains.items():
- for uri in uris:
- if self.is_suburi(uri, authuri):
- return authinfo
- return None, None
- def reduce_uri(self, uri):
- """Accept netloc or URI and extract only the netloc and path"""
- parts = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
- if parts[1]:
- return parts[1], parts[2] or '/'
- else:
- return parts[2], '/'
- def is_suburi(self, base, test):
- """Check if test is below base in a URI tree
- Both args must be URIs in reduced form.
- """
- if base == test:
- return 1
- if base[0] != test[0]:
- return 0
- common = os.path.commonprefix((base[1], test[1]))
- if len(common) == len(base[1]):
- return 1
- return 0
- class HTTPBasicAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
- rx = re.compile('[ \t]*([^ \t]+)[ \t]+realm="([^"]*)"')
- # XXX there can actually be multiple auth-schemes in a
- # www-authenticate header. should probably be a lot more careful
- # in parsing them to extract multiple alternatives
- def __init__(self):
- self.passwd = HTTPPasswordMgr()
- self.add_password = self.passwd.add_password
- self.__current_realm = None
- # if __current_realm is not None, then the server must have
- # refused our name/password and is asking for authorization
- # again. must be careful to set it to None on successful
- # return.
- def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
- # XXX could be mult. headers
- authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
- if authreq:
- mo = HTTPBasicAuthHandler.rx.match(authreq)
- if mo:
- scheme, realm = mo.groups()
- if string.lower(scheme) == 'basic':
- return self.retry_http_basic_auth(req, realm)
- def retry_http_basic_auth(self, req, realm):
- if self.__current_realm is None:
- self.__current_realm = realm
- else:
- self.__current_realm = realm
- return None
- # XXX host isn't really the correct URI?
- host = req.get_host()
- user,pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, host)
- if pw:
- raw = "%s:%s" % (user, pw)
- auth = string.strip(base64.encodestring(raw))
- req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth)
- resp = self.parent.open(req)
- self.__current_realm = None
- return resp
- else:
- self.__current_realm = None
- return None
- class HTTPDigestAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
- """An authentication protocol defined by RFC 2069
- Digest authentication improves on basic authentication because it
- does not transmit passwords in the clear.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.passwd = HTTPPasswordMgr()
- self.add_password = self.passwd.add_password
- self.__current_realm = None
- def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
- # XXX could be mult. headers
- authreq = headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
- if authreq:
- kind = string.split(authreq)[0]
- if kind == 'Digest':
- return self.retry_http_digest_auth(req, authreq)
- def retry_http_digest_auth(self, req, auth):
- token, challenge = string.split(auth, ' ', 1)
- chal = parse_keqv_list(parse_http_list(challenge))
- auth = self.get_authorization(req, chal)
- if auth:
- req.add_header('Authorization', 'Digest %s' % auth)
- resp = self.parent.open(req)
- self.__current_realm = None
- return resp
- def get_authorization(self, req, chal):
- try:
- realm = chal['realm']
- nonce = chal['nonce']
- algorithm = chal.get('algorithm', 'MD5')
- # mod_digest doesn't send an opaque, even though it isn't
- # supposed to be optional
- opaque = chal.get('opaque', None)
- except KeyError:
- return None
- if self.__current_realm is None:
- self.__current_realm = realm
- else:
- self.__current_realm = realm
- return None
- H, KD = self.get_algorithm_impls(algorithm)
- if H is None:
- return None
- user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm,
- req.get_full_url())
- if user is None:
- return None
- # XXX not implemented yet
- if req.has_data():
- entdig = self.get_entity_digest(req.get_data(), chal)
- else:
- entdig = None
- A1 = "%s:%s:%s" % (user, realm, pw)
- A2 = "%s:%s" % (req.has_data() and 'POST' or 'GET',
- # XXX selector: what about proxies and full urls
- req.get_selector())
- respdig = KD(H(A1), "%s:%s" % (nonce, H(A2)))
- # XXX should the partial digests be encoded too?
- base = 'username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", ' \
- 'response="%s"' % (user, realm, nonce, req.get_selector(),
- respdig)
- if opaque:
- base = base + ', opaque="%s"' % opaque
- if entdig:
- base = base + ', digest="%s"' % entdig
- if algorithm != 'MD5':
- base = base + ', algorithm="%s"' % algorithm
- return base
- def get_algorithm_impls(self, algorithm):
- # lambdas assume digest modules are imported at the top level
- if algorithm == 'MD5':
- H = lambda x, e=encode_digest:e(md5.new(x).digest())
- elif algorithm == 'SHA':
- H = lambda x, e=encode_digest:e(sha.new(x).digest())
- # XXX MD5-sess
- KD = lambda s, d, H=H: H("%s:%s" % (s, d))
- return H, KD
- def get_entity_digest(self, data, chal):
- # XXX not implemented yet
- return None
- def encode_digest(digest):
- hexrep = []
- for c in digest:
- n = (ord(c) >> 4) & 0xf
- hexrep.append(hex(n)[-1])
- n = ord(c) & 0xf
- hexrep.append(hex(n)[-1])
- return string.join(hexrep, '')
- class HTTPHandler(BaseHandler):
- def http_open(self, req):
- # XXX devise a new mechanism to specify user/password
- host = req.get_host()
- if not host:
- raise URLError('no host given')
- try:
- h = httplib.HTTP(host) # will parse host:port
- if req.has_data():
- data = req.get_data()
- h.putrequest('POST', req.get_selector())
- h.putheader('Content-type',
- 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
- h.putheader('Content-length', '%d' % len(data))
- else:
- h.putrequest('GET', req.get_selector())
- except socket.error, err:
- raise URLError(err)
- # XXX proxies would have different host here
- h.putheader('Host', host)
- for args in self.parent.addheaders:
- h.putheader(*args)
- for k, v in req.headers.items():
- h.putheader(k, v)
- h.endheaders()
- if req.has_data():
- h.send(data + '\r\n')
- code, msg, hdrs = h.getreply()
- fp = h.getfile()
- if code == 200:
- return addinfourl(fp, hdrs, req.get_full_url())
- else:
- return self.parent.error('http', req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
- class UnknownHandler(BaseHandler):
- def unknown_open(self, req):
- type = req.get_type()
- raise URLError('unknown url type: %s' % type)
- def parse_keqv_list(l):
- """Parse list of key=value strings where keys are not duplicated."""
- parsed = {}
- for elt in l:
- k, v = string.split(elt, '=', 1)
- if v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"':
- v = v[1:-1]
- parsed[k] = v
- return parsed
- def parse_http_list(s):
- """Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.
- In particular, parse comman-separated lists where the elements of
- the list may include quoted-strings. A quoted-string could
- contain a comma.
- """
- # XXX this function could probably use more testing
- list = []
- end = len(s)
- i = 0
- inquote = 0
- start = 0
- while i < end:
- cur = s[i:]
- c = string.find(cur, ',')
- q = string.find(cur, '"')
- if c == -1:
- list.append(s[start:])
- break
- if q == -1:
- if inquote:
- raise ValueError, "unbalanced quotes"
- else:
- list.append(s[start:i+c])
- i = i + c + 1
- continue
- if inquote:
- if q < c:
- list.append(s[start:i+c])
- i = i + c + 1
- start = i
- inquote = 0
- else:
- i = i + q
- else:
- if c < q:
- list.append(s[start:i+c])
- i = i + c + 1
- start = i
- else:
- inquote = 1
- i = i + q + 1
- return map(string.strip, list)
- class FileHandler(BaseHandler):
- # Use local file or FTP depending on form of URL
- def file_open(self, req):
- url = req.get_selector()
- if url[:2] == '//' and url[2:3] != '/':
- req.type = 'ftp'
- return self.parent.open(req)
- else:
- return self.open_local_file(req)
- # names for the localhost
- names = None
- def get_names(self):
- if FileHandler.names is None:
- FileHandler.names = (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'),
- socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))
- return FileHandler.names
- # not entirely sure what the rules are here
- def open_local_file(self, req):
- mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.get_selector())[0]
- headers = mimetools.Message(StringIO('Content-Type: %s\n' \
- % (mtype or 'text/plain')))
- host = req.get_host()
- file = req.get_selector()
- if host:
- host, port = splitport(host)
- if not host or \
- (not port and socket.gethostbyname(host) in self.get_names()):
- return addinfourl(open(url2pathname(file), 'rb'),
- headers, 'file:'+file)
- raise URLError('file not on local host')
- class FTPHandler(BaseHandler):
- def ftp_open(self, req):
- host = req.get_host()
- if not host:
- raise IOError, ('ftp error', 'no host given')
- # XXX handle custom username & password
- try:
- host = socket.gethostbyname(host)
- except socket.error, msg:
- raise URLError(msg)
- host, port = splitport(host)
- if port is None:
- port = ftplib.FTP_PORT
- path, attrs = splitattr(req.get_selector())
- path = unquote(path)
- dirs = string.splitfields(path, '/')
- dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1]
- if dirs and not dirs[0]:
- dirs = dirs[1:]
- user = passwd = '' # XXX
- try:
- fw = self.connect_ftp(user, passwd, host, port, dirs)
- type = file and 'I' or 'D'
- for attr in attrs:
- attr, value = splitattr(attr)
- if string.lower(attr) == 'type' and \
- value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'):
- type = string.upper(value)
- fp, retrlen = fw.retrfile(file, type)
- if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0:
- sf = StringIO('Content-Length: %d\n' % retrlen)
- headers = mimetools.Message(sf)
- else:
- headers = noheaders()
- return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.get_full_url())
- except ftplib.all_errors, msg:
- raise IOError, ('ftp error', msg), sys.exc_info()[2]
- def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs):
- fw = ftpwrapper(user, passwd, host, port, dirs)
- ## fw.ftp.set_debuglevel(1)
- return fw
- class CacheFTPHandler(FTPHandler):
- # XXX would be nice to have pluggable cache strategies
- # XXX this stuff is definitely not thread safe
- def __init__(self):
- self.cache = {}
- self.timeout = {}
- self.soonest = 0
- self.delay = 60
- self.max_conns = 16
- def setTimeout(self, t):
- self.delay = t
- def setMaxConns(self, m):
- self.max_conns = m
- def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs):
- key = user, passwd, host, port
- if self.cache.has_key(key):
- self.timeout[key] = time.time() + self.delay
- else:
- self.cache[key] = ftpwrapper(user, passwd, host, port, dirs)
- self.timeout[key] = time.time() + self.delay
- self.check_cache()
- return self.cache[key]
- def check_cache(self):
- # first check for old ones
- t = time.time()
- if self.soonest <= t:
- for k, v in self.timeout.items():
- if v < t:
- self.cache[k].close()
- del self.cache[k]
- del self.timeout[k]
- self.soonest = min(self.timeout.values())
- # then check the size
- if len(self.cache) == self.max_conns:
- for k, v in self.timeout.items():
- if v == self.soonest:
- del self.cache[k]
- del self.timeout[k]
- break
- self.soonest = min(self.timeout.values())
- class GopherHandler(BaseHandler):
- def gopher_open(self, req):
- host = req.get_host()
- if not host:
- raise GopherError('no host given')
- host = unquote(host)
- selector = req.get_selector()
- type, selector = splitgophertype(selector)
- selector, query = splitquery(selector)
- selector = unquote(selector)
- if query:
- query = unquote(query)
- fp = gopherlib.send_query(selector, query, host)
- else:
- fp = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host)
- return addinfourl(fp, noheaders(), req.get_full_url())
- #bleck! don't use this yet
- class OpenerFactory:
- default_handlers = [UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler,
- HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler,
- FTPHandler, FileHandler]
- proxy_handlers = [ProxyHandler]
- handlers = []
- replacement_handlers = []
- def add_proxy_handler(self, ph):
- self.proxy_handlers = self.proxy_handlers + [ph]
- def add_handler(self, h):
- self.handlers = self.handlers + [h]
- def replace_handler(self, h):
- pass
- def build_opener(self):
- opener = OpenerDirectory()
- for ph in self.proxy_handlers:
- if type(ph) == types.ClassType:
- ph = ph()
- opener.add_handler(ph)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # XXX some of the test code depends on machine configurations that
- # are internal to CNRI. Need to set up a public server with the
- # right authentication configuration for test purposes.
- if socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle':
- localhost = 'bitdiddle.cnri.reston.va.us'
- elif socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle.concentric.net':
- localhost = 'localhost'
- else:
- localhost = None
- urls = [
- # Thanks to Fred for finding these!
- 'gopher://gopher.lib.ncsu.edu/11/library/stacks/Alex',
- 'gopher://gopher.vt.edu:10010/10/33',
- 'file:/etc/passwd',
- 'file://nonsensename/etc/passwd',
- 'ftp://www.python.org/pub/tmp/httplib.py',
- 'ftp://www.python.org/pub/tmp/imageop.c',
- 'ftp://www.python.org/pub/tmp/blat',
- 'http://www.espn.com/', # redirect
- 'http://www.python.org/Spanish/Inquistion/',
- ('http://grail.cnri.reston.va.us/cgi-bin/faqw.py',
- 'query=pythonistas&querytype=simple&casefold=yes&req=search'),
- 'http://www.python.org/',
- 'ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/welcome.msg',
- 'ftp://www.python.org/pub/tmp/figure.prn',
- 'ftp://www.python.org/pub/tmp/interp.pl',
- 'http://checkproxy.cnri.reston.va.us/test/test.html',
- ]
- if localhost is not None:
- urls = urls + [
- 'file://%s/etc/passwd' % localhost,
- 'http://%s/simple/' % localhost,
- 'http://%s/digest/' % localhost,
- 'http://%s/not/found.h' % localhost,
- ]
- bauth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
- bauth.add_password('basic_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton',
- 'password')
- dauth = HTTPDigestAuthHandler()
- dauth.add_password('digest_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton',
- 'password')
- cfh = CacheFTPHandler()
- cfh.setTimeout(1)
- # XXX try out some custom proxy objects too!
- def at_cnri(req):
- host = req.get_host()
- print host
- if host[-18:] == '.cnri.reston.va.us':
- return 1
- p = CustomProxy('http', at_cnri, 'proxy.cnri.reston.va.us')
- ph = CustomProxyHandler(p)
- install_opener(build_opener(dauth, bauth, cfh, GopherHandler, ph))
- for url in urls:
- if type(url) == types.TupleType:
- url, req = url
- else:
- req = None
- print url
- try:
- f = urlopen(url, req)
- except IOError, err:
- print "IOError:", err
- except socket.error, err:
- print "socket.error:", err
- else:
- buf = f.read()
- f.close()
- print "read %d bytes" % len(buf)
- print
- time.sleep(0.1)