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- """Assorted Tk-related subroutines used in Grail."""
- import string
- from types import *
- from Tkinter import *
- def _clear_entry_widget(event):
- try:
- widget = event.widget
- widget.delete(0, INSERT)
- except: pass
- def install_keybindings(root):
- root.bind_class('Entry', '<Control-u>', _clear_entry_widget)
- def make_toplevel(master, title=None, class_=None):
- """Create a Toplevel widget.
- This is a shortcut for a Toplevel() instantiation plus calls to
- set the title and icon name of the widget.
- """
- if class_:
- widget = Toplevel(master, class_=class_)
- else:
- widget = Toplevel(master)
- if title:
- widget.title(title)
- widget.iconname(title)
- return widget
- def set_transient(widget, master, relx=0.5, rely=0.3, expose=1):
- """Make an existing toplevel widget transient for a master.
- The widget must exist but should not yet have been placed; in
- other words, this should be called after creating all the
- subwidget but before letting the user interact.
- """
- widget.withdraw() # Remain invisible while we figure out the geometry
- widget.transient(master)
- widget.update_idletasks() # Actualize geometry information
- if master.winfo_ismapped():
- m_width = master.winfo_width()
- m_height = master.winfo_height()
- m_x = master.winfo_rootx()
- m_y = master.winfo_rooty()
- else:
- m_width = master.winfo_screenwidth()
- m_height = master.winfo_screenheight()
- m_x = m_y = 0
- w_width = widget.winfo_reqwidth()
- w_height = widget.winfo_reqheight()
- x = m_x + (m_width - w_width) * relx
- y = m_y + (m_height - w_height) * rely
- widget.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- if expose:
- widget.deiconify() # Become visible at the desired location
- return widget
- def make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=0):
- """Subroutine to create a frame with scrollbars.
- This is used by make_text_box and similar routines.
- Note: the caller is responsible for setting the x/y scroll command
- properties (e.g. by calling set_scroll_commands()).
- Return a tuple containing the hbar, the vbar, and the frame, where
- hbar and vbar are None if not requested.
- """
- if class_:
- if name: frame = Frame(parent, class_=class_, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(parent, class_=class_)
- else:
- if name: frame = Frame(parent, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(parent)
- if pack:
- frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- corner = None
- if vbar:
- if not hbar:
- vbar = Scrollbar(frame, takefocus=takefocus)
- vbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)
- else:
- vbarframe = Frame(frame, borderwidth=0)
- vbarframe.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)
- vbar = Scrollbar(frame, name="vbar", takefocus=takefocus)
- vbar.pack(in_=vbarframe, expand=1, fill=Y, side=TOP)
- sbwidth = vbar.winfo_reqwidth()
- corner = Frame(vbarframe, width=sbwidth, height=sbwidth)
- corner.propagate(0)
- corner.pack(side=BOTTOM)
- else:
- vbar = None
- if hbar:
- hbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL, name="hbar",
- takefocus=takefocus)
- hbar.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
- else:
- hbar = None
- return hbar, vbar, frame
- def set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar):
- """Link a scrollable widget to its scroll bars.
- The scroll bars may be empty.
- """
- if vbar:
- widget['yscrollcommand'] = (vbar, 'set')
- vbar['command'] = (widget, 'yview')
- if hbar:
- widget['xscrollcommand'] = (hbar, 'set')
- hbar['command'] = (widget, 'xview')
- widget.vbar = vbar
- widget.hbar = hbar
- def make_text_box(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=0, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, wrap=WORD, pack=1,
- class_=None, name=None, takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a text box.
- Create:
- - a both-ways filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a text widget on the left, and
- - possibly a vertical scroll bar on the right.
- - possibly a horizonta; scroll bar at the bottom.
- Return the text widget and the frame widget.
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Text(frame, wrap=wrap, name="text")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
- def make_list_box(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=0, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a list box.
- Like make_text_box().
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Listbox(frame, name="listbox")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
- def make_canvas(parent, width=0, height=0, hbar=1, vbar=1,
- fill=BOTH, expand=1, pack=1, class_=None, name=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a canvas.
- Like make_text_box().
- """
- hbar, vbar, frame = make_scrollbars(parent, hbar, vbar, pack,
- class_=class_, name=name,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- widget = Canvas(frame, scrollregion=(0, 0, width, height), name="canvas")
- if width: widget.config(width=width)
- if height: widget.config(height=height)
- widget.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=LEFT)
- set_scroll_commands(widget, hbar, vbar)
- return widget, frame
- def make_form_entry(parent, label, borderwidth=None):
- """Subroutine to create a form entry.
- Create:
- - a horizontally filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a label on the left, and
- - a text entry on the right.
- Return the entry widget and the frame widget.
- """
- frame = Frame(parent)
- frame.pack(fill=X)
- label = Label(frame, text=label)
- label.pack(side=LEFT)
- if borderwidth is None:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN)
- else:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=borderwidth)
- entry.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1)
- return entry, frame
- # This is a slightly modified version of the function above. This
- # version does the proper alighnment of labels with their fields. It
- # should probably eventually replace make_form_entry altogether.
- #
- # The one annoying bug is that the text entry field should be
- # expandable while still aligning the colons. This doesn't work yet.
- #
- def make_labeled_form_entry(parent, label, entrywidth=20, entryheight=1,
- labelwidth=0, borderwidth=None,
- takefocus=None):
- """Subroutine to create a form entry.
- Create:
- - a horizontally filling and expanding frame, containing:
- - a label on the left, and
- - a text entry on the right.
- Return the entry widget and the frame widget.
- """
- if label and label[-1] != ':': label = label + ':'
- frame = Frame(parent)
- label = Label(frame, text=label, width=labelwidth, anchor=E)
- label.pack(side=LEFT)
- if entryheight == 1:
- if borderwidth is None:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, width=entrywidth)
- else:
- entry = Entry(frame, relief=SUNKEN, width=entrywidth,
- borderwidth=borderwidth)
- entry.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=X)
- frame.pack(fill=X)
- else:
- entry = make_text_box(frame, entrywidth, entryheight, 1, 1,
- takefocus=takefocus)
- frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- return entry, frame, label
- def make_double_frame(master=None, class_=None, name=None, relief=RAISED,
- borderwidth=1):
- """Create a pair of frames suitable for 'hosting' a dialog."""
- if name:
- if class_: frame = Frame(master, class_=class_, name=name)
- else: frame = Frame(master, name=name)
- else:
- if class_: frame = Frame(master, class_=class_)
- else: frame = Frame(master)
- top = Frame(frame, name="topframe", relief=relief,
- borderwidth=borderwidth)
- bottom = Frame(frame, name="bottomframe")
- bottom.pack(fill=X, padx='1m', pady='1m', side=BOTTOM)
- top.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx='1m', pady='1m')
- frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
- top = Frame(top)
- top.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx='2m', pady='2m')
- return frame, top, bottom
- def make_group_frame(master, name=None, label=None, fill=Y,
- side=None, expand=None, font=None):
- """Create nested frames with a border and optional label.
- The outer frame is only used to provide the decorative border, to
- control packing, and to host the label. The inner frame is packed
- to fill the outer frame and should be used as the parent of all
- sub-widgets. Only the inner frame is returned.
- """
- font = font or "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- outer = Frame(master, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
- outer.pack(expand=expand, fill=fill, side=side)
- if label:
- Label(outer, text=label, font=font, anchor=W).pack(fill=X)
- inner = Frame(master, borderwidth='1m', name=name)
- inner.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, in_=outer)
- inner.forget = outer.forget
- return inner
- def unify_button_widths(*buttons):
- """Make buttons passed in all have the same width.
- Works for labels and other widgets with the 'text' option.
- """
- wid = 0
- for btn in buttons:
- wid = max(wid, len(btn["text"]))
- for btn in buttons:
- btn["width"] = wid
- def flatten(msg):
- """Turn a list or tuple into a single string -- recursively."""
- t = type(msg)
- if t in (ListType, TupleType):
- msg = string.join(map(flatten, msg))
- elif t is ClassType:
- msg = msg.__name__
- else:
- msg = str(msg)
- return msg
- def boolean(s):
- """Test whether a string is a Tk boolean, without error checking."""
- if string.lower(s) in ('', '0', 'no', 'off', 'false'): return 0
- else: return 1
- def test():
- """Test make_text_box(), make_form_entry(), flatten(), boolean()."""
- import sys
- root = Tk()
- entry, eframe = make_form_entry(root, 'Boolean:')
- text, tframe = make_text_box(root)
- def enter(event, entry=entry, text=text):
- s = boolean(entry.get()) and '\nyes' or '\nno'
- text.insert('end', s)
- entry.bind('<Return>', enter)
- entry.insert(END, flatten(sys.argv))
- root.mainloop()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()