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- #
- # Tkinter
- # $Id: tkFont.py,v 1.1 1998/08/11 19:07:58 guido Exp $
- #
- # font wrapper
- #
- # written by Fredrik Lundh <fredrik@pythonware.com>, February 1998
- #
- # FIXME: should add 'displayof' option where relevant (actual, families,
- # measure, and metrics)
- #
- # Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1998.
- #
- # info@pythonware.com
- # http://www.pythonware.com
- #
- __version__ = "0.9"
- import Tkinter
- import string
- # weight/slant
- NORMAL = "normal"
- BOLD = "bold"
- ITALIC = "italic"
- class Font:
- """Represents a named font.
- Constructor options are:
- font -- font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple)
- or any combination of
- family -- font 'family', e.g. Courier, Times, Helvetica
- size -- font size in points
- weight -- font thickness: NORMAL, BOLD
- slant -- font slant: NORMAL, ITALIC
- underline -- font underlining: false (0), true (1)
- overstrike -- font strikeout: false (0), true (1)
- name -- name to use for this font configuration (defaults to a unique name)
- """
- def _set(self, kw):
- options = []
- for k, v in kw.items():
- options.append("-"+k)
- options.append(str(v))
- return tuple(options)
- def _get(self, args):
- options = []
- for k in args:
- options.append("-"+k)
- return tuple(options)
- def _mkdict(self, args):
- options = {}
- for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
- options[args[i][1:]] = args[i+1]
- return options
- def __init__(self, root=None, font=None, name=None, **options):
- if not root:
- root = Tkinter._default_root
- if font:
- # get actual settings corresponding to the given font
- font = root.tk.splitlist(root.tk.call("font", "actual", font))
- else:
- font = self._set(options)
- if not name:
- name = "font" + str(id(self))
- self.name = name
- apply(root.tk.call, ("font", "create", name) + font)
- # backlinks!
- self._root = root
- self._split = root.tk.splitlist
- self._call = root.tk.call
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def __del__(self):
- try:
- self._call("font", "delete", self.name)
- except (AttributeError, Tkinter.TclError):
- pass
- def copy(self):
- "Return a distinct copy of the current font"
- return apply(Font, (self._root,), self.actual())
- def actual(self, option=None):
- "Return actual font attributes"
- if option:
- return self._call("font", "actual", self.name, "-"+option)
- else:
- return self._mkdict(
- self._split(self._call("font", "actual", self.name))
- )
- def cget(self, option):
- "Get font attribute"
- return self._call("font", "config", self.name, "-"+option)
- def config(self, **options):
- "Modify font attributes"
- if options:
- apply(self._call, ("font", "config", self.name) +
- self._set(options))
- else:
- return self._mkdict(
- self._split(self._call("font", "config", self.name))
- )
- configure = config
- def measure(self, text):
- "Return text width"
- return string.atoi(self._call("font", "measure", self.name, text))
- def metrics(self, *options):
- """Return font metrics.
- For best performance, create a dummy widget
- using this font before calling this method."""
- if options:
- return string.atoi(
- self._call("font", "metrics", self.name, self._get(options))
- )
- else:
- res = self._split(self._call("font", "metrics", self.name))
- options = {}
- for i in range(0, len(res), 2):
- options[res[i][1:]] = string.atoi(res[i+1])
- return options
- def families(root=None):
- "Get font families (as a tuple)"
- if not root:
- root = Tkinter._default_root
- return root.tk.splitlist(root.tk.call("font", "families"))
- def names(root=None):
- "Get names of defined fonts (as a tuple)"
- if not root:
- root = Tkinter._default_root
- return root.tk.splitlist(root.tk.call("font", "names"))
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # test stuff
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- root = Tkinter.Tk()
- # create a font
- f = Font(family="times", size=30, weight=NORMAL)
- print f.actual()
- print f.actual("family")
- print f.actual("weight")
- print f.config()
- print f.cget("family")
- print f.cget("weight")
- print names()
- print f.measure("hello"), f.metrics("linespace")
- print f.metrics()
- f = Font(font=("Courier", 20, "bold"))
- print f.measure("hello"), f.metrics("linespace")
- w = Tkinter.Label(root, text="Hello, world", font=f)
- w.pack()
- w = Tkinter.Button(root, text="Quit!", command=root.destroy)
- w.pack()
- fb = Font(font=w["font"]).copy()
- fb.config(weight=BOLD)
- w.config(font=fb)
- Tkinter.mainloop()