home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import os
- import sys
- import string
- import getopt
- import re
- import linecache
- from code import InteractiveInterpreter
- from Tkinter import *
- import tkMessageBox
- from EditorWindow import EditorWindow, fixwordbreaks
- from FileList import FileList
- from ColorDelegator import ColorDelegator
- from UndoDelegator import UndoDelegator
- from OutputWindow import OutputWindow
- from IdleConf import idleconf
- import idlever
- # We need to patch linecache.checkcache, because we don't want it
- # to throw away our <pyshell#...> entries.
- # Rather than repeating its code here, we save those entries,
- # then call the original function, and then restore the saved entries.
- def linecache_checkcache(orig_checkcache=linecache.checkcache):
- cache = linecache.cache
- save = {}
- for filename in cache.keys():
- if filename[:1] + filename[-1:] == '<>':
- save[filename] = cache[filename]
- orig_checkcache()
- cache.update(save)
- linecache.checkcache = linecache_checkcache
- # Note: <<newline-and-indent>> event is defined in AutoIndent.py
- #$ event <<plain-newline-and-indent>>
- #$ win <Control-j>
- #$ unix <Control-j>
- #$ event <<beginning-of-line>>
- #$ win <Control-a>
- #$ win <Home>
- #$ unix <Control-a>
- #$ unix <Home>
- #$ event <<history-next>>
- #$ win <Alt-n>
- #$ unix <Alt-n>
- #$ event <<history-previous>>
- #$ win <Alt-p>
- #$ unix <Alt-p>
- #$ event <<interrupt-execution>>
- #$ win <Control-c>
- #$ unix <Control-c>
- #$ event <<end-of-file>>
- #$ win <Control-d>
- #$ unix <Control-d>
- #$ event <<open-stack-viewer>>
- #$ event <<toggle-debugger>>
- class PyShellEditorWindow(EditorWindow):
- # Regular text edit window when a shell is present
- # XXX ought to merge with regular editor window
- def __init__(self, *args):
- apply(EditorWindow.__init__, (self,) + args)
- self.text.bind("<<set-breakpoint-here>>", self.set_breakpoint_here)
- self.text.bind("<<open-python-shell>>", self.flist.open_shell)
- rmenu_specs = [
- ("Set breakpoint here", "<<set-breakpoint-here>>"),
- ]
- def set_breakpoint_here(self, event=None):
- if not self.flist.pyshell or not self.flist.pyshell.interp.debugger:
- self.text.bell()
- return
- self.flist.pyshell.interp.debugger.set_breakpoint_here(self)
- class PyShellFileList(FileList):
- # File list when a shell is present
- EditorWindow = PyShellEditorWindow
- pyshell = None
- def open_shell(self, event=None):
- if self.pyshell:
- self.pyshell.wakeup()
- else:
- self.pyshell = PyShell(self)
- self.pyshell.begin()
- return self.pyshell
- class ModifiedColorDelegator(ColorDelegator):
- # Colorizer for the shell window itself
- def recolorize_main(self):
- self.tag_remove("TODO", "1.0", "iomark")
- self.tag_add("SYNC", "1.0", "iomark")
- ColorDelegator.recolorize_main(self)
- tagdefs = ColorDelegator.tagdefs.copy()
- cconf = idleconf.getsection('Colors')
- tagdefs.update({
- "stdin": cconf.getcolor("stdin"),
- "stdout": cconf.getcolor("stdout"),
- "stderr": cconf.getcolor("stderr"),
- "console": cconf.getcolor("console"),
- "ERROR": cconf.getcolor("ERROR"),
- None: cconf.getcolor("normal"),
- })
- class ModifiedUndoDelegator(UndoDelegator):
- # Forbid insert/delete before the I/O mark
- def insert(self, index, chars, tags=None):
- try:
- if self.delegate.compare(index, "<", "iomark"):
- self.delegate.bell()
- return
- except TclError:
- pass
- UndoDelegator.insert(self, index, chars, tags)
- def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
- try:
- if self.delegate.compare(index1, "<", "iomark"):
- self.delegate.bell()
- return
- except TclError:
- pass
- UndoDelegator.delete(self, index1, index2)
- class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
- def __init__(self, tkconsole):
- self.tkconsole = tkconsole
- locals = sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__
- InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, locals=locals)
- gid = 0
- def execsource(self, source):
- # Like runsource() but assumes complete exec source
- filename = self.stuffsource(source)
- self.execfile(filename, source)
- def execfile(self, filename, source=None):
- # Execute an existing file
- if source is None:
- source = open(filename, "r").read()
- try:
- code = compile(source, filename, "exec")
- except (OverflowError, SyntaxError):
- self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
- InteractiveInterpreter.showsyntaxerror(self, filename)
- else:
- self.runcode(code)
- def runsource(self, source):
- # Extend base class to stuff the source in the line cache first
- filename = self.stuffsource(source)
- self.more = 0
- return InteractiveInterpreter.runsource(self, source, filename)
- def stuffsource(self, source):
- # Stuff source in the filename cache
- filename = "<pyshell#%d>" % self.gid
- self.gid = self.gid + 1
- lines = string.split(source, "\n")
- linecache.cache[filename] = len(source)+1, 0, lines, filename
- return filename
- def showsyntaxerror(self, filename=None):
- # Extend base class to color the offending position
- # (instead of printing it and pointing at it with a caret)
- text = self.tkconsole.text
- stuff = self.unpackerror()
- if not stuff:
- self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
- InteractiveInterpreter.showsyntaxerror(self, filename)
- return
- msg, lineno, offset, line = stuff
- if lineno == 1:
- pos = "iomark + %d chars" % (offset-1)
- else:
- pos = "iomark linestart + %d lines + %d chars" % (lineno-1,
- offset-1)
- text.tag_add("ERROR", pos)
- text.see(pos)
- char = text.get(pos)
- if char and char in string.letters + string.digits + "_":
- text.tag_add("ERROR", pos + " wordstart", pos)
- self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
- self.write("SyntaxError: %s\n" % str(msg))
- def unpackerror(self):
- type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
- ok = type is SyntaxError
- if ok:
- try:
- msg, (dummy_filename, lineno, offset, line) = value
- except:
- ok = 0
- if ok:
- return msg, lineno, offset, line
- else:
- return None
- def showtraceback(self):
- # Extend base class method to reset output properly
- text = self.tkconsole.text
- self.tkconsole.resetoutput()
- self.checklinecache()
- InteractiveInterpreter.showtraceback(self)
- def checklinecache(self):
- c = linecache.cache
- for key in c.keys():
- if key[:1] + key[-1:] != "<>":
- del c[key]
- debugger = None
- def setdebugger(self, debugger):
- self.debugger = debugger
- def getdebugger(self):
- return self.debugger
- def runcode(self, code):
- # Override base class method
- debugger = self.debugger
- try:
- self.tkconsole.beginexecuting()
- try:
- if debugger:
- debugger.run(code, self.locals)
- else:
- exec code in self.locals
- except SystemExit:
- if tkMessageBox.askyesno(
- "Exit?",
- "Do you want to exit altogether?",
- default="yes",
- master=self.tkconsole.text):
- raise
- else:
- self.showtraceback()
- if self.tkconsole.getvar("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>"):
- self.tkconsole.open_stack_viewer()
- except:
- self.showtraceback()
- if self.tkconsole.getvar("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>"):
- self.tkconsole.open_stack_viewer()
- finally:
- self.tkconsole.endexecuting()
- def write(self, s):
- # Override base class write
- self.tkconsole.console.write(s)
- class PyShell(OutputWindow):
- shell_title = "Python Shell"
- # Override classes
- ColorDelegator = ModifiedColorDelegator
- UndoDelegator = ModifiedUndoDelegator
- # Override menu bar specs
- menu_specs = PyShellEditorWindow.menu_specs[:]
- menu_specs.insert(len(menu_specs)-2, ("debug", "_Debug"))
- # New classes
- from IdleHistory import History
- def __init__(self, flist=None):
- self.interp = ModifiedInterpreter(self)
- if flist is None:
- root = Tk()
- fixwordbreaks(root)
- root.withdraw()
- flist = PyShellFileList(root)
- OutputWindow.__init__(self, flist, None, None)
- import __builtin__
- __builtin__.quit = __builtin__.exit = "To exit, type Ctrl-D."
- self.auto = self.extensions["AutoIndent"] # Required extension
- self.auto.config(usetabs=1, indentwidth=8, context_use_ps1=1)
- text = self.text
- text.configure(wrap="char")
- text.bind("<<newline-and-indent>>", self.enter_callback)
- text.bind("<<plain-newline-and-indent>>", self.linefeed_callback)
- text.bind("<<interrupt-execution>>", self.cancel_callback)
- text.bind("<<beginning-of-line>>", self.home_callback)
- text.bind("<<end-of-file>>", self.eof_callback)
- text.bind("<<open-stack-viewer>>", self.open_stack_viewer)
- text.bind("<<toggle-debugger>>", self.toggle_debugger)
- text.bind("<<open-python-shell>>", self.flist.open_shell)
- text.bind("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>", self.toggle_jit_stack_viewer)
- self.save_stdout = sys.stdout
- self.save_stderr = sys.stderr
- self.save_stdin = sys.stdin
- sys.stdout = PseudoFile(self, "stdout")
- sys.stderr = PseudoFile(self, "stderr")
- sys.stdin = self
- self.console = PseudoFile(self, "console")
- self.history = self.History(self.text)
- reading = 0
- executing = 0
- canceled = 0
- endoffile = 0
- def toggle_debugger(self, event=None):
- if self.executing:
- tkMessageBox.showerror("Don't debug now",
- "You can only toggle the debugger when idle",
- master=self.text)
- self.set_debugger_indicator()
- return "break"
- else:
- db = self.interp.getdebugger()
- if db:
- self.close_debugger()
- else:
- self.open_debugger()
- def set_debugger_indicator(self):
- db = self.interp.getdebugger()
- self.setvar("<<toggle-debugger>>", not not db)
- def toggle_jit_stack_viewer( self, event=None):
- pass # All we need is the variable
- def close_debugger(self):
- db = self.interp.getdebugger()
- if db:
- self.interp.setdebugger(None)
- db.close()
- self.resetoutput()
- self.console.write("[DEBUG OFF]\n")
- sys.ps1 = ">>> "
- self.showprompt()
- self.set_debugger_indicator()
- def open_debugger(self):
- import Debugger
- self.interp.setdebugger(Debugger.Debugger(self))
- sys.ps1 = "[DEBUG ON]\n>>> "
- self.showprompt()
- self.set_debugger_indicator()
- def beginexecuting(self):
- # Helper for ModifiedInterpreter
- self.resetoutput()
- self.executing = 1
- ##self._cancel_check = self.cancel_check
- ##sys.settrace(self._cancel_check)
- def endexecuting(self):
- # Helper for ModifiedInterpreter
- ##sys.settrace(None)
- ##self._cancel_check = None
- self.executing = 0
- self.canceled = 0
- def close(self):
- # Extend base class method
- if self.executing:
- # XXX Need to ask a question here
- if not tkMessageBox.askokcancel(
- "Kill?",
- "The program is still running; do you want to kill it?",
- default="ok",
- master=self.text):
- return "cancel"
- self.canceled = 1
- if self.reading:
- self.top.quit()
- return "cancel"
- return PyShellEditorWindow.close(self)
- def _close(self):
- self.close_debugger()
- # Restore std streams
- sys.stdout = self.save_stdout
- sys.stderr = self.save_stderr
- sys.stdin = self.save_stdin
- # Break cycles
- self.interp = None
- self.console = None
- self.auto = None
- self.flist.pyshell = None
- self.history = None
- OutputWindow._close(self) # Really EditorWindow._close
- def ispythonsource(self, filename):
- # Override this so EditorWindow never removes the colorizer
- return 1
- def short_title(self):
- return self.shell_title
- 'Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.'
- def begin(self):
- self.resetoutput()
- self.write("Python %s on %s\n%s\nIDLE %s -- press F1 for help\n" %
- (sys.version, sys.platform, self.COPYRIGHT,
- idlever.IDLE_VERSION))
- try:
- sys.ps1
- except AttributeError:
- sys.ps1 = ">>> "
- self.showprompt()
- import Tkinter
- Tkinter._default_root = None
- def interact(self):
- self.begin()
- self.top.mainloop()
- def readline(self):
- save = self.reading
- try:
- self.reading = 1
- self.top.mainloop()
- finally:
- self.reading = save
- line = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
- self.resetoutput()
- if self.canceled:
- self.canceled = 0
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- if self.endoffile:
- self.endoffile = 0
- return ""
- return line
- def isatty(self):
- return 1
- def cancel_callback(self, event):
- try:
- if self.text.compare("sel.first", "!=", "sel.last"):
- return # Active selection -- always use default binding
- except:
- pass
- if not (self.executing or self.reading):
- self.resetoutput()
- self.write("KeyboardInterrupt\n")
- self.showprompt()
- return "break"
- self.endoffile = 0
- self.canceled = 1
- if self.reading:
- self.top.quit()
- return "break"
- def eof_callback(self, event):
- if self.executing and not self.reading:
- return # Let the default binding (delete next char) take over
- if not (self.text.compare("iomark", "==", "insert") and
- self.text.compare("insert", "==", "end-1c")):
- return # Let the default binding (delete next char) take over
- if not self.executing:
- ## if not tkMessageBox.askokcancel(
- ## "Exit?",
- ## "Are you sure you want to exit?",
- ## default="ok", master=self.text):
- ## return "break"
- self.resetoutput()
- self.close()
- else:
- self.canceled = 0
- self.endoffile = 1
- self.top.quit()
- return "break"
- def home_callback(self, event):
- if event.state != 0 and event.keysym == "Home":
- return # <Modifier-Home>; fall back to class binding
- if self.text.compare("iomark", "<=", "insert") and \
- self.text.compare("insert linestart", "<=", "iomark"):
- self.text.mark_set("insert", "iomark")
- self.text.tag_remove("sel", "1.0", "end")
- self.text.see("insert")
- return "break"
- def linefeed_callback(self, event):
- # Insert a linefeed without entering anything (still autoindented)
- if self.reading:
- self.text.insert("insert", "\n")
- self.text.see("insert")
- else:
- self.auto.auto_indent(event)
- return "break"
- def enter_callback(self, event):
- if self.executing and not self.reading:
- return # Let the default binding (insert '\n') take over
- # If some text is selected, recall the selection
- # (but only if this before the I/O mark)
- try:
- sel = self.text.get("sel.first", "sel.last")
- if sel:
- if self.text.compare("sel.last", "<=", "iomark"):
- self.recall(sel)
- return "break"
- except:
- pass
- # If we're strictly before the line containing iomark, recall
- # the current line, less a leading prompt, less leading or
- # trailing whitespace
- if self.text.compare("insert", "<", "iomark linestart"):
- # Check if there's a relevant stdin range -- if so, use it
- prev = self.text.tag_prevrange("stdin", "insert")
- if prev and self.text.compare("insert", "<", prev[1]):
- self.recall(self.text.get(prev[0], prev[1]))
- return "break"
- next = self.text.tag_nextrange("stdin", "insert")
- if next and self.text.compare("insert lineend", ">=", next[0]):
- self.recall(self.text.get(next[0], next[1]))
- return "break"
- # No stdin mark -- just get the current line
- self.recall(self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert lineend"))
- return "break"
- # If we're in the current input and there's only whitespace
- # beyond the cursor, erase that whitespace first
- s = self.text.get("insert", "end-1c")
- if s and not string.strip(s):
- self.text.delete("insert", "end-1c")
- # If we're in the current input before its last line,
- # insert a newline right at the insert point
- if self.text.compare("insert", "<", "end-1c linestart"):
- self.auto.auto_indent(event)
- return "break"
- # We're in the last line; append a newline and submit it
- self.text.mark_set("insert", "end-1c")
- if self.reading:
- self.text.insert("insert", "\n")
- self.text.see("insert")
- else:
- self.auto.auto_indent(event)
- self.text.tag_add("stdin", "iomark", "end-1c")
- self.text.update_idletasks()
- if self.reading:
- self.top.quit() # Break out of recursive mainloop() in raw_input()
- else:
- self.runit()
- return "break"
- def recall(self, s):
- if self.history:
- self.history.recall(s)
- def runit(self):
- line = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
- # Strip off last newline and surrounding whitespace.
- # (To allow you to hit return twice to end a statement.)
- i = len(line)
- while i > 0 and line[i-1] in " \t":
- i = i-1
- if i > 0 and line[i-1] == "\n":
- i = i-1
- while i > 0 and line[i-1] in " \t":
- i = i-1
- line = line[:i]
- more = self.interp.runsource(line)
- if not more:
- self.showprompt()
- def cancel_check(self, frame, what, args,
- dooneevent=tkinter.dooneevent,
- dontwait=tkinter.DONT_WAIT):
- # Hack -- use the debugger hooks to be able to handle events
- # and interrupt execution at any time.
- # This slows execution down quite a bit, so you may want to
- # disable this (by not calling settrace() in runcode() above)
- # for full-bore (uninterruptable) speed.
- # XXX This should become a user option.
- if self.canceled:
- return
- dooneevent(dontwait)
- if self.canceled:
- self.canceled = 0
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- return self._cancel_check
- def open_stack_viewer(self, event=None):
- try:
- sys.last_traceback
- except:
- tkMessageBox.showerror("No stack trace",
- "There is no stack trace yet.\n"
- "(sys.last_traceback is not defined)",
- master=self.text)
- return
- from StackViewer import StackBrowser
- sv = StackBrowser(self.root, self.flist)
- def showprompt(self):
- self.resetoutput()
- try:
- s = str(sys.ps1)
- except:
- s = ""
- self.console.write(s)
- self.text.mark_set("insert", "end-1c")
- def resetoutput(self):
- source = self.text.get("iomark", "end-1c")
- if self.history:
- self.history.history_store(source)
- if self.text.get("end-2c") != "\n":
- self.text.insert("end-1c", "\n")
- self.text.mark_set("iomark", "end-1c")
- sys.stdout.softspace = 0
- def write(self, s, tags=()):
- self.text.mark_gravity("iomark", "right")
- OutputWindow.write(self, s, tags, "iomark")
- self.text.mark_gravity("iomark", "left")
- if self.canceled:
- self.canceled = 0
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- class PseudoFile:
- def __init__(self, shell, tags):
- self.shell = shell
- self.tags = tags
- def write(self, s):
- self.shell.write(s, self.tags)
- def writelines(self, l):
- map(self.write, l)
- def flush(self):
- pass
- def isatty(self):
- return 1
- usage_msg = """\
- usage: idle.py [-c command] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-t title] [arg] ...
- -c command run this command
- -d enable debugger
- -e edit mode; arguments are files to be edited
- -s run $IDLESTARTUP or $PYTHONSTARTUP before anything else
- -t title set title of shell window
- When neither -c nor -e is used, and there are arguments, and the first
- argument is not '-', the first argument is run as a script. Remaining
- arguments are arguments to the script or to the command run by -c.
- """
- def main():
- cmd = None
- edit = 0
- debug = 0
- startup = 0
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:deist:")
- except getopt.error, msg:
- sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(msg))
- sys.stderr.write(usage_msg)
- sys.exit(2)
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == '-c':
- cmd = a
- if o == '-d':
- debug = 1
- if o == '-e':
- edit = 1
- if o == '-s':
- startup = 1
- if o == '-t':
- PyShell.shell_title = a
- for i in range(len(sys.path)):
- sys.path[i] = os.path.abspath(sys.path[i])
- pathx = []
- if edit:
- for filename in args:
- pathx.append(os.path.dirname(filename))
- elif args and args[0] != "-":
- pathx.append(os.path.dirname(args[0]))
- else:
- pathx.append(os.curdir)
- for dir in pathx:
- dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
- if not dir in sys.path:
- sys.path.insert(0, dir)
- global flist, root
- root = Tk(className="Idle")
- fixwordbreaks(root)
- root.withdraw()
- flist = PyShellFileList(root)
- if edit:
- for filename in args:
- flist.open(filename)
- else:
- if cmd:
- sys.argv = ["-c"] + args
- else:
- sys.argv = args or [""]
- shell = PyShell(flist)
- interp = shell.interp
- flist.pyshell = shell
- if startup:
- filename = os.environ.get("IDLESTARTUP") or \
- os.environ.get("PYTHONSTARTUP")
- if filename and os.path.isfile(filename):
- interp.execfile(filename)
- if debug:
- shell.open_debugger()
- if cmd:
- interp.execsource(cmd)
- elif not edit and args and args[0] != "-":
- interp.execfile(args[0])
- shell.begin()
- root.mainloop()
- root.destroy()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()