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- #! /usr/bin/env python
- # Module ndiff version 1.4.0
- # Released to the public domain 27-Mar-1999,
- # by Tim Peters (tim_one@email.msn.com).
- # Provided as-is; use at your own risk; no warranty; no promises; enjoy!
- """ndiff [-q] file1 file2
- or
- ndiff (-r1 | -r2) < ndiff_output > file1_or_file2
- Print a human-friendly file difference report to stdout. Both inter-
- and intra-line differences are noted. In the second form, recreate file1
- (-r1) or file2 (-r2) on stdout, from an ndiff report on stdin.
- In the first form, if -q ("quiet") is not specified, the first two lines
- of output are
- -: file1
- +: file2
- Each remaining line begins with a two-letter code:
- "- " line unique to file1
- "+ " line unique to file2
- " " line common to both files
- "? " line not present in either input file
- Lines beginning with "? " attempt to guide the eye to intraline
- differences, and were not present in either input file. These lines can
- be confusing if the source files contain tab characters.
- The first file can be recovered by retaining only lines that begin with
- " " or "- ", and deleting those 2-character prefixes; use ndiff with -r1.
- The second file can be recovered similarly, but by retaining only " "
- and "+ " lines; use ndiff with -r2; or, on Unix, the second file can be
- recovered by piping the output through
- sed -n '/^[+ ] /s/^..//p'
- See module comments for details and programmatic interface.
- """
- __version__ = 1, 4, 0
- # SequenceMatcher tries to compute a "human-friendly diff" between
- # two sequences (chiefly picturing a file as a sequence of lines,
- # and a line as a sequence of characters, here). Unlike e.g. UNIX(tm)
- # diff, the fundamental notion is the longest *contiguous* & junk-free
- # matching subsequence. That's what catches peoples' eyes. The
- # Windows(tm) windiff has another interesting notion, pairing up elements
- # that appear uniquely in each sequence. That, and the method here,
- # appear to yield more intuitive difference reports than does diff. This
- # method appears to be the least vulnerable to synching up on blocks
- # of "junk lines", though (like blank lines in ordinary text files,
- # or maybe "<P>" lines in HTML files). That may be because this is
- # the only method of the 3 that has a *concept* of "junk" <wink>.
- #
- # Note that ndiff makes no claim to produce a *minimal* diff. To the
- # contrary, minimal diffs are often counter-intuitive, because they
- # synch up anywhere possible, sometimes accidental matches 100 pages
- # apart. Restricting synch points to contiguous matches preserves some
- # notion of locality, at the occasional cost of producing a longer diff.
- #
- # With respect to junk, an earlier version of ndiff simply refused to
- # *start* a match with a junk element. The result was cases like this:
- # before: private Thread currentThread;
- # after: private volatile Thread currentThread;
- # If you consider whitespace to be junk, the longest contiguous match
- # not starting with junk is "e Thread currentThread". So ndiff reported
- # that "e volatil" was inserted between the 't' and the 'e' in "private".
- # While an accurate view, to people that's absurd. The current version
- # looks for matching blocks that are entirely junk-free, then extends the
- # longest one of those as far as possible but only with matching junk.
- # So now "currentThread" is matched, then extended to suck up the
- # preceding blank; then "private" is matched, and extended to suck up the
- # following blank; then "Thread" is matched; and finally ndiff reports
- # that "volatile " was inserted before "Thread". The only quibble
- # remaining is that perhaps it was really the case that " volatile"
- # was inserted after "private". I can live with that <wink>.
- #
- # NOTE on junk: the module-level names
- # can be set to any functions you like. The first one should accept
- # a single string argument, and return true iff the string is junk.
- # The default is whether the regexp r"\s*#?\s*$" matches (i.e., a
- # line without visible characters, except for at most one splat).
- # The second should accept a string of length 1 etc. The default is
- # whether the character is a blank or tab (note: bad idea to include
- # newline in this!).
- #
- # After setting those, you can call fcompare(f1name, f2name) with the
- # names of the files you want to compare. The difference report
- # is sent to stdout. Or you can call main(args), passing what would
- # have been in sys.argv[1:] had the cmd-line form been used.
- import string
- TRACE = 0
- # define what "junk" means
- import re
- def IS_LINE_JUNK(line, pat=re.compile(r"\s*#?\s*$").match):
- return pat(line) is not None
- def IS_CHARACTER_JUNK(ch, ws=" \t"):
- return ch in ws
- del re
- class SequenceMatcher:
- def __init__(self, isjunk=None, a='', b=''):
- # Members:
- # a
- # first sequence
- # b
- # second sequence; differences are computed as "what do
- # we need to do to 'a' to change it into 'b'?"
- # b2j
- # for x in b, b2j[x] is a list of the indices (into b)
- # at which x appears; junk elements do not appear
- # b2jhas
- # b2j.has_key
- # fullbcount
- # for x in b, fullbcount[x] == the number of times x
- # appears in b; only materialized if really needed (used
- # only for computing quick_ratio())
- # matching_blocks
- # a list of (i, j, k) triples, where a[i:i+k] == b[j:j+k];
- # ascending & non-overlapping in i and in j; terminated by
- # a dummy (len(a), len(b), 0) sentinel
- # opcodes
- # a list of (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) tuples, where tag is
- # one of
- # 'replace' a[i1:i2] should be replaced by b[j1:j2]
- # 'delete' a[i1:i2] should be deleted
- # 'insert' b[j1:j2] should be inserted
- # 'equal' a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]
- # isjunk
- # a user-supplied function taking a sequence element and
- # returning true iff the element is "junk" -- this has
- # subtle but helpful effects on the algorithm, which I'll
- # get around to writing up someday <0.9 wink>.
- # DON'T USE! Only __chain_b uses this. Use isbjunk.
- # isbjunk
- # for x in b, isbjunk(x) == isjunk(x) but much faster;
- # it's really the has_key method of a hidden dict.
- # DOES NOT WORK for x in a!
- self.isjunk = isjunk
- self.a = self.b = None
- self.set_seqs(a, b)
- def set_seqs(self, a, b):
- self.set_seq1(a)
- self.set_seq2(b)
- def set_seq1(self, a):
- if a is self.a:
- return
- self.a = a
- self.matching_blocks = self.opcodes = None
- def set_seq2(self, b):
- if b is self.b:
- return
- self.b = b
- self.matching_blocks = self.opcodes = None
- self.fullbcount = None
- self.__chain_b()
- # For each element x in b, set b2j[x] to a list of the indices in
- # b where x appears; the indices are in increasing order; note that
- # the number of times x appears in b is len(b2j[x]) ...
- # when self.isjunk is defined, junk elements don't show up in this
- # map at all, which stops the central find_longest_match method
- # from starting any matching block at a junk element ...
- # also creates the fast isbjunk function ...
- # note that this is only called when b changes; so for cross-product
- # kinds of matches, it's best to call set_seq2 once, then set_seq1
- # repeatedly
- def __chain_b(self):
- # Because isjunk is a user-defined (not C) function, and we test
- # for junk a LOT, it's important to minimize the number of calls.
- # Before the tricks described here, __chain_b was by far the most
- # time-consuming routine in the whole module! If anyone sees
- # Jim Roskind, thank him again for profile.py -- I never would
- # have guessed that.
- # The first trick is to build b2j ignoring the possibility
- # of junk. I.e., we don't call isjunk at all yet. Throwing
- # out the junk later is much cheaper than building b2j "right"
- # from the start.
- b = self.b
- self.b2j = b2j = {}
- self.b2jhas = b2jhas = b2j.has_key
- for i in xrange(len(b)):
- elt = b[i]
- if b2jhas(elt):
- b2j[elt].append(i)
- else:
- b2j[elt] = [i]
- # Now b2j.keys() contains elements uniquely, and especially when
- # the sequence is a string, that's usually a good deal smaller
- # than len(string). The difference is the number of isjunk calls
- # saved.
- isjunk, junkdict = self.isjunk, {}
- if isjunk:
- for elt in b2j.keys():
- if isjunk(elt):
- junkdict[elt] = 1 # value irrelevant; it's a set
- del b2j[elt]
- # Now for x in b, isjunk(x) == junkdict.has_key(x), but the
- # latter is much faster. Note too that while there may be a
- # lot of junk in the sequence, the number of *unique* junk
- # elements is probably small. So the memory burden of keeping
- # this dict alive is likely trivial compared to the size of b2j.
- self.isbjunk = junkdict.has_key
- def find_longest_match(self, alo, ahi, blo, bhi):
- """Find longest matching block in a[alo:ahi] and b[blo:bhi].
- If isjunk is not defined:
- Return (i,j,k) such that a[i:i+k] is equal to b[j:j+k], where
- alo <= i <= i+k <= ahi
- blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi
- and for all (i',j',k') meeting those conditions,
- k >= k'
- i <= i'
- and if i == i', j <= j'
- In other words, of all maximal matching blocks, return one
- that starts earliest in a, and of all those maximal matching
- blocks that start earliest in a, return the one that starts
- earliest in b.
- If isjunk is defined, first the longest matching block is
- determined as above, but with the additional restriction that
- no junk element appears in the block. Then that block is
- extended as far as possible by matching (only) junk elements on
- both sides. So the resulting block never matches on junk except
- as identical junk happens to be adjacent to an "interesting"
- match.
- If no blocks match, return (alo, blo, 0).
- """
- # CAUTION: stripping common prefix or suffix would be incorrect.
- # E.g.,
- # ab
- # acab
- # Longest matching block is "ab", but if common prefix is
- # stripped, it's "a" (tied with "b"). UNIX(tm) diff does so
- # strip, so ends up claiming that ab is changed to acab by
- # inserting "ca" in the middle. That's minimal but unintuitive:
- # "it's obvious" that someone inserted "ac" at the front.
- # Windiff ends up at the same place as diff, but by pairing up
- # the unique 'b's and then matching the first two 'a's.
- a, b, b2j, isbjunk = self.a, self.b, self.b2j, self.isbjunk
- besti, bestj, bestsize = alo, blo, 0
- # find longest junk-free match
- # during an iteration of the loop, j2len[j] = length of longest
- # junk-free match ending with a[i-1] and b[j]
- j2len = {}
- nothing = []
- for i in xrange(alo, ahi):
- # look at all instances of a[i] in b; note that because
- # b2j has no junk keys, the loop is skipped if a[i] is junk
- j2lenget = j2len.get
- newj2len = {}
- for j in b2j.get(a[i], nothing):
- # a[i] matches b[j]
- if j < blo:
- continue
- if j >= bhi:
- break
- k = newj2len[j] = j2lenget(j-1, 0) + 1
- if k > bestsize:
- besti, bestj, bestsize = i-k+1, j-k+1, k
- j2len = newj2len
- # Now that we have a wholly interesting match (albeit possibly
- # empty!), we may as well suck up the matching junk on each
- # side of it too. Can't think of a good reason not to, and it
- # saves post-processing the (possibly considerable) expense of
- # figuring out what to do with it. In the case of an empty
- # interesting match, this is clearly the right thing to do,
- # because no other kind of match is possible in the regions.
- while besti > alo and bestj > blo and \
- isbjunk(b[bestj-1]) and \
- a[besti-1] == b[bestj-1]:
- besti, bestj, bestsize = besti-1, bestj-1, bestsize+1
- while besti+bestsize < ahi and bestj+bestsize < bhi and \
- isbjunk(b[bestj+bestsize]) and \
- a[besti+bestsize] == b[bestj+bestsize]:
- bestsize = bestsize + 1
- if TRACE:
- print "get_matching_blocks", alo, ahi, blo, bhi
- print " returns", besti, bestj, bestsize
- return besti, bestj, bestsize
- def get_matching_blocks(self):
- if self.matching_blocks is not None:
- return self.matching_blocks
- self.matching_blocks = []
- la, lb = len(self.a), len(self.b)
- self.__helper(0, la, 0, lb, self.matching_blocks)
- self.matching_blocks.append( (la, lb, 0) )
- if TRACE:
- print '*** matching blocks', self.matching_blocks
- return self.matching_blocks
- # builds list of matching blocks covering a[alo:ahi] and
- # b[blo:bhi], appending them in increasing order to answer
- def __helper(self, alo, ahi, blo, bhi, answer):
- i, j, k = x = self.find_longest_match(alo, ahi, blo, bhi)
- # a[alo:i] vs b[blo:j] unknown
- # a[i:i+k] same as b[j:j+k]
- # a[i+k:ahi] vs b[j+k:bhi] unknown
- if k:
- if alo < i and blo < j:
- self.__helper(alo, i, blo, j, answer)
- answer.append(x)
- if i+k < ahi and j+k < bhi:
- self.__helper(i+k, ahi, j+k, bhi, answer)
- def ratio(self):
- """Return a measure of the sequences' similarity (float in [0,1]).
- Where T is the total number of elements in both sequences, and
- M is the number of matches, this is 2*M / T.
- Note that this is 1 if the sequences are identical, and 0 if
- they have nothing in common.
- """
- matches = reduce(lambda sum, triple: sum + triple[-1],
- self.get_matching_blocks(), 0)
- return 2.0 * matches / (len(self.a) + len(self.b))
- def quick_ratio(self):
- """Return an upper bound on ratio() relatively quickly."""
- # viewing a and b as multisets, set matches to the cardinality
- # of their intersection; this counts the number of matches
- # without regard to order, so is clearly an upper bound
- if self.fullbcount is None:
- self.fullbcount = fullbcount = {}
- for elt in self.b:
- fullbcount[elt] = fullbcount.get(elt, 0) + 1
- fullbcount = self.fullbcount
- # avail[x] is the number of times x appears in 'b' less the
- # number of times we've seen it in 'a' so far ... kinda
- avail = {}
- availhas, matches = avail.has_key, 0
- for elt in self.a:
- if availhas(elt):
- numb = avail[elt]
- else:
- numb = fullbcount.get(elt, 0)
- avail[elt] = numb - 1
- if numb > 0:
- matches = matches + 1
- return 2.0 * matches / (len(self.a) + len(self.b))
- def real_quick_ratio(self):
- """Return an upper bound on ratio() very quickly"""
- la, lb = len(self.a), len(self.b)
- # can't have more matches than the number of elements in the
- # shorter sequence
- return 2.0 * min(la, lb) / (la + lb)
- def get_opcodes(self):
- if self.opcodes is not None:
- return self.opcodes
- i = j = 0
- self.opcodes = answer = []
- for ai, bj, size in self.get_matching_blocks():
- # invariant: we've pumped out correct diffs to change
- # a[:i] into b[:j], and the next matching block is
- # a[ai:ai+size] == b[bj:bj+size]. So we need to pump
- # out a diff to change a[i:ai] into b[j:bj], pump out
- # the matching block, and move (i,j) beyond the match
- tag = ''
- if i < ai and j < bj:
- tag = 'replace'
- elif i < ai:
- tag = 'delete'
- elif j < bj:
- tag = 'insert'
- if tag:
- answer.append( (tag, i, ai, j, bj) )
- i, j = ai+size, bj+size
- # the list of matching blocks is terminated by a
- # sentinel with size 0
- if size:
- answer.append( ('equal', ai, i, bj, j) )
- return answer
- # meant for dumping lines
- def dump(tag, x, lo, hi):
- for i in xrange(lo, hi):
- print tag, x[i],
- # figure out which mark to stick under characters in lines that
- # have changed (blank = same, - = deleted, + = inserted, ^ = replaced)
- _combine = { ' ': ' ',
- '. ': '-',
- ' .': '+',
- '..': '^' }
- def plain_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
- assert alo < ahi and blo < bhi
- # dump the shorter block first -- reduces the burden on short-term
- # memory if the blocks are of very different sizes
- if bhi - blo < ahi - alo:
- dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
- dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
- else:
- dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
- dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
- # When replacing one block of lines with another, this guy searches
- # the blocks for *similar* lines; the best-matching pair (if any) is
- # used as a synch point, and intraline difference marking is done on
- # the similar pair. Lots of work, but often worth it.
- def fancy_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
- if TRACE:
- print '*** fancy_replace', alo, ahi, blo, bhi
- dump('>', a, alo, ahi)
- dump('<', b, blo, bhi)
- # don't synch up unless the lines have a similarity score of at
- # least cutoff; best_ratio tracks the best score seen so far
- best_ratio, cutoff = 0.74, 0.75
- cruncher = SequenceMatcher(IS_CHARACTER_JUNK)
- eqi, eqj = None, None # 1st indices of equal lines (if any)
- # search for the pair that matches best without being identical
- # (identical lines must be junk lines, & we don't want to synch up
- # on junk -- unless we have to)
- for j in xrange(blo, bhi):
- bj = b[j]
- cruncher.set_seq2(bj)
- for i in xrange(alo, ahi):
- ai = a[i]
- if ai == bj:
- if eqi is None:
- eqi, eqj = i, j
- continue
- cruncher.set_seq1(ai)
- # computing similarity is expensive, so use the quick
- # upper bounds first -- have seen this speed up messy
- # compares by a factor of 3.
- # note that ratio() is only expensive to compute the first
- # time it's called on a sequence pair; the expensive part
- # of the computation is cached by cruncher
- if cruncher.real_quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
- cruncher.quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
- cruncher.ratio() > best_ratio:
- best_ratio, best_i, best_j = cruncher.ratio(), i, j
- if best_ratio < cutoff:
- # no non-identical "pretty close" pair
- if eqi is None:
- # no identical pair either -- treat it as a straight replace
- plain_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi)
- return
- # no close pair, but an identical pair -- synch up on that
- best_i, best_j, best_ratio = eqi, eqj, 1.0
- else:
- # there's a close pair, so forget the identical pair (if any)
- eqi = None
- # a[best_i] very similar to b[best_j]; eqi is None iff they're not
- # identical
- if TRACE:
- print '*** best_ratio', best_ratio, best_i, best_j
- dump('>', a, best_i, best_i+1)
- dump('<', b, best_j, best_j+1)
- # pump out diffs from before the synch point
- fancy_helper(a, alo, best_i, b, blo, best_j)
- # do intraline marking on the synch pair
- aelt, belt = a[best_i], b[best_j]
- if eqi is None:
- # pump out a '-', '+', '?' triple for the synched lines;
- atags = btags = ""
- cruncher.set_seqs(aelt, belt)
- for tag, ai1, ai2, bj1, bj2 in cruncher.get_opcodes():
- la, lb = ai2 - ai1, bj2 - bj1
- if tag == 'replace':
- atags = atags + '.' * la
- btags = btags + '.' * lb
- elif tag == 'delete':
- atags = atags + '.' * la
- elif tag == 'insert':
- btags = btags + '.' * lb
- elif tag == 'equal':
- atags = atags + ' ' * la
- btags = btags + ' ' * lb
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'unknown tag ' + `tag`
- la, lb = len(atags), len(btags)
- if la < lb:
- atags = atags + ' ' * (lb - la)
- elif lb < la:
- btags = btags + ' ' * (la - lb)
- combined = map(lambda x,y: _combine[x+y], atags, btags)
- print '-', aelt, '+', belt, '?', \
- string.rstrip(string.join(combined, ''))
- else:
- # the synch pair is identical
- print ' ', aelt,
- # pump out diffs from after the synch point
- fancy_helper(a, best_i+1, ahi, b, best_j+1, bhi)
- def fancy_helper(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
- if alo < ahi:
- if blo < bhi:
- fancy_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi)
- else:
- dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
- elif blo < bhi:
- dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
- def fail(msg):
- import sys
- out = sys.stderr.write
- out(msg + "\n\n")
- out(__doc__)
- return 0
- # open a file & return the file object; gripe and return 0 if it
- # couldn't be opened
- def fopen(fname):
- try:
- return open(fname, 'r')
- except IOError, detail:
- return fail("couldn't open " + fname + ": " + str(detail))
- # open two files & spray the diff to stdout; return false iff a problem
- def fcompare(f1name, f2name):
- f1 = fopen(f1name)
- f2 = fopen(f2name)
- if not f1 or not f2:
- return 0
- a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
- b = f2.readlines(); f2.close()
- cruncher = SequenceMatcher(IS_LINE_JUNK, a, b)
- for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
- if tag == 'replace':
- fancy_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi)
- elif tag == 'delete':
- dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
- elif tag == 'insert':
- dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
- elif tag == 'equal':
- dump(' ', a, alo, ahi)
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'unknown tag ' + `tag`
- return 1
- # crack args (sys.argv[1:] is normal) & compare;
- # return false iff a problem
- def main(args):
- import getopt
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "qr:")
- except getopt.error, detail:
- return fail(str(detail))
- noisy = 1
- qseen = rseen = 0
- for opt, val in opts:
- if opt == "-q":
- qseen = 1
- noisy = 0
- elif opt == "-r":
- rseen = 1
- whichfile = val
- if qseen and rseen:
- return fail("can't specify both -q and -r")
- if rseen:
- if args:
- return fail("no args allowed with -r option")
- if whichfile in "12":
- restore(whichfile)
- return 1
- return fail("-r value must be 1 or 2")
- if len(args) != 2:
- return fail("need 2 filename args")
- f1name, f2name = args
- if noisy:
- print '-:', f1name
- print '+:', f2name
- return fcompare(f1name, f2name)
- def restore(which):
- import sys
- tag = {"1": "- ", "2": "+ "}[which]
- prefixes = (" ", tag)
- for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
- if line[:2] in prefixes:
- print line[2:],
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- if "-profile" in args:
- import profile, pstats
- args.remove("-profile")
- statf = "ndiff.pro"
- profile.run("main(args)", statf)
- stats = pstats.Stats(statf)
- stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats('time').print_stats()
- else:
- main(args)