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- """
- SAX driver for the Pyexpat C module. This driver works with
- pyexpat.__version__ == '2.22'.
- """
- version = "0.20"
- from xml.sax._exceptions import *
- try:
- from xml.parsers import expat
- except ImportError:
- raise SAXReaderNotAvailable("expat not supported",None)
- from xml.sax import xmlreader, saxutils, handler
- AttributesImpl = xmlreader.AttributesImpl
- AttributesNSImpl = xmlreader.AttributesNSImpl
- import string
- # --- ExpatParser
- class ExpatParser(xmlreader.IncrementalParser, xmlreader.Locator):
- "SAX driver for the Pyexpat C module."
- def __init__(self, namespaceHandling=0, bufsize=2**16-20):
- xmlreader.IncrementalParser.__init__(self, bufsize)
- self._source = xmlreader.InputSource()
- self._parser = None
- self._namespaces = namespaceHandling
- self._parsing = 0
- self._entity_stack = []
- # XMLReader methods
- def parse(self, source):
- "Parse an XML document from a URL or an InputSource."
- source = saxutils.prepare_input_source(source)
- self._source = source
- self.reset()
- self._cont_handler.setDocumentLocator(self)
- xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
- def prepareParser(self, source):
- if source.getSystemId() != None:
- self._parser.SetBase(source.getSystemId())
- def getFeature(self, name):
- if name == handler.feature_namespaces:
- return self._namespaces
- raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Feature '%s' not recognized" % name)
- def setFeature(self, name, state):
- if self._parsing:
- raise SAXNotSupportedException("Cannot set features while parsing")
- if name == handler.feature_namespaces:
- self._namespaces = state
- else:
- raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Feature '%s' not recognized" %
- name)
- def getProperty(self, name):
- raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Property '%s' not recognized" % name)
- def setProperty(self, name, value):
- raise SAXNotRecognizedException("Property '%s' not recognized" % name)
- # IncrementalParser methods
- def feed(self, data, isFinal = 0):
- if not self._parsing:
- self.reset()
- self._parsing = 1
- self._cont_handler.startDocument()
- try:
- # The isFinal parameter is internal to the expat reader.
- # If it is set to true, expat will check validity of the entire
- # document. When feeding chunks, they are not normally final -
- # except when invoked from close.
- self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)
- except expat.error:
- error_code = self._parser.ErrorCode
- exc = SAXParseException(expat.ErrorString(error_code), None, self)
- self._err_handler.fatalError(exc)
- def close(self):
- if self._entity_stack:
- # If we are completing an external entity, do nothing here
- return
- self.feed("", isFinal = 1)
- self._cont_handler.endDocument()
- self._parsing = 0
- def reset(self):
- if self._namespaces:
- self._parser = expat.ParserCreate(None, " ")
- self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element_ns
- self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element_ns
- else:
- self._parser = expat.ParserCreate()
- self._parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element
- self._parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element
- self._parser.ProcessingInstructionHandler = \
- self._cont_handler.processingInstruction
- self._parser.CharacterDataHandler = self._cont_handler.characters
- self._parser.UnparsedEntityDeclHandler = self.unparsed_entity_decl
- self._parser.NotationDeclHandler = self.notation_decl
- self._parser.StartNamespaceDeclHandler = self.start_namespace_decl
- self._parser.EndNamespaceDeclHandler = self.end_namespace_decl
- # self._parser.CommentHandler =
- # self._parser.StartCdataSectionHandler =
- # self._parser.EndCdataSectionHandler =
- # self._parser.DefaultHandler =
- # self._parser.DefaultHandlerExpand =
- # self._parser.NotStandaloneHandler =
- self._parser.ExternalEntityRefHandler = self.external_entity_ref
- self._parsing = 0
- self._entity_stack = []
- # Locator methods
- def getColumnNumber(self):
- return self._parser.ErrorColumnNumber
- def getLineNumber(self):
- return self._parser.ErrorLineNumber
- def getPublicId(self):
- return self._source.getPublicId()
- def getSystemId(self):
- return self._source.getSystemId()
- # event handlers
- def start_element(self, name, attrs):
- self._cont_handler.startElement(name, AttributesImpl(attrs))
- def end_element(self, name):
- self._cont_handler.endElement(name)
- def start_element_ns(self, name, attrs):
- pair = string.split(name)
- if len(pair) == 1:
- pair = (None, name)
- newattrs = {}
- for (aname, value) in attrs.items():
- apair = string.split(aname)
- if len(apair) == 1:
- apair = (None, aname)
- else:
- apair = tuple(apair)
- newattrs[apair] = value
- self._cont_handler.startElementNS(pair, None,
- AttributesNSImpl(newattrs, {}))
- def end_element_ns(self, name):
- pair = string.split(name)
- if len(pair) == 1:
- pair = (None, name)
- self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None)
- # this is not used (call directly to ContentHandler)
- def processing_instruction(self, target, data):
- self._cont_handler.processingInstruction(target, data)
- # this is not used (call directly to ContentHandler)
- def character_data(self, data):
- self._cont_handler.characters(data)
- def start_namespace_decl(self, prefix, uri):
- self._cont_handler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri)
- def end_namespace_decl(self, prefix):
- self._cont_handler.endPrefixMapping(prefix)
- def unparsed_entity_decl(self, name, base, sysid, pubid, notation_name):
- self._dtd_handler.unparsedEntityDecl(name, pubid, sysid, notation_name)
- def notation_decl(self, name, base, sysid, pubid):
- self._dtd_handler.notationDecl(name, pubid, sysid)
- def external_entity_ref(self, context, base, sysid, pubid):
- source = self._ent_handler.resolveEntity(pubid, sysid)
- source = saxutils.prepare_input_source(source,
- self._source.getSystemId() or
- "")
- self._entity_stack.append((self._parser, self._source))
- self._parser = self._parser.ExternalEntityParserCreate(context)
- self._source = source
- try:
- xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
- except:
- return 0 # FIXME: save error info here?
- (self._parser, self._source) = self._entity_stack[-1]
- del self._entity_stack[-1]
- return 1
- # ---
- def create_parser(*args, **kwargs):
- return apply(ExpatParser, args, kwargs)
- # ---
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import xml.sax
- p = create_parser()
- p.setContentHandler(xml.sax.XMLGenerator())
- p.setErrorHandler(xml.sax.ErrorHandler())
- p.parse("../../../hamlet.xml")