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- char *acl_rcs = "$Id: acl.c,v 1.8 1998/01/26 18:52:17 ACJC Exp $";
- /* Written and copyright 1997 Anonymous Coders and Junkbusters Corporation.
- * Distributed under the GNU General Public License; see the README file.
- * This code comes with NO WARRANTY. http://www.junkbusters.com/ht/en/gpl.html
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #include "windows.h"
- #else
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef REGEX
- #include "gnu_regex.h"
- #endif
- #include "jcc.h"
- static struct file_list *current_aclfile;
- int
- block_acl(struct access_control_addr *src, struct access_control_addr *dst, struct client_state *csp)
- {
- struct file_list *fl;
- struct access_control_list *a, *acl;
- struct access_control_addr s[1], d[1];
- /* if not using an access control list, then permit the connection */
- if(((fl = csp->alist) == NULL) || ((acl = fl->f) == NULL)) {
- return(0);
- }
- /* search the list */
- for(a = acl->next ; a ; a = a->next) {
- *s = *src;
- *d = *dst;
- s->addr &= a->src->mask;
- d->addr &= a->dst->mask;
- if((s->addr == a->src->addr)
- && (d->addr == a->dst->addr)
- && ((s->port == a->src->port)
- || (s->port == 0)
- || (a->src->port == 0))
- && ((d->port == a->dst->port)
- || (d->port == 0)
- || (a->dst->port == 0))) {
- if(a->action == ACL_PERMIT) {
- return(0);
- } else {
- return(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- void
- unload_aclfile(struct access_control_list *b)
- {
- if(b == NULL) return;
- unload_aclfile(b->next);
- freez(b);
- }
- int
- acl_addr(char *aspec, struct access_control_addr *aca)
- {
- int i, masklength, port;
- char *p;
- masklength = 32;
- port = 0;
- if((p = strchr(aspec, '/'))) {
- *p++ = '\0';
- if(isdigit(*p) == 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- masklength = atoi(p);
- }
- if((masklength < 0)
- || (masklength > 32)) {
- return(-1);
- }
- if((p = strchr(aspec, ':'))) {
- *p++ = '\0';
- if(isdigit(*p) == 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- port = atoi(p);
- }
- aca->port = port;
- aca->addr = ntohl(atoip(aspec));
- if(aca->addr == -1) {
- fprintf(logfp,
- "%s: can't resolve address for %s\n",
- prog, aspec);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* build the netmask */
- aca->mask = 0;
- for(i=1; i <= masklength ; i++) {
- aca->mask |= (1 << (32 - i));
- }
- /* now mask off the host portion of the ip address
- * (i.e. save on the network portion of the address).
- */
- aca->addr = aca->addr & aca->mask;
- return(0);
- }
- int
- load_aclfile(struct client_state *csp)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- char buf[BUFSIZ], *v[3], *p;
- int i;
- struct access_control_list *a, *bl;
- struct file_list *fs;
- static struct stat prev[1], curr[1];
- if(stat(aclfile, curr) < 0) {
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- if(current_aclfile && (prev->st_mtime == curr->st_mtime)) {
- csp->alist = current_aclfile;
- return(0);
- }
- fs = (struct file_list *) zalloc(sizeof(*fs));
- bl = (struct access_control_list *) zalloc(sizeof(*bl));
- if((fs == NULL) || (bl == NULL)) {
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- fs->f = bl;
- fs->next = files->next;
- files->next = fs;
- if(csp) {
- csp->alist = fs;
- }
- fp = fopen(aclfile, "r");
- if(fp == NULL) {
- fprintf(logfp, "%s: can't open access control list %s\n",
- prog, aclfile);
- fperror(logfp, "");
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
- if((p = strpbrk(buf, "#\r\n"))) *p = '\0';
- if(*buf == '\0') continue;
- i = ssplit(buf, " \t", v, SZ(v), 1, 1);
- /* allocate a new node */
- a = (struct access_control_list *) zalloc(sizeof(*a));
- if(a == NULL) {
- fclose(fp);
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- /* add it to the list */
- a->next = bl->next;
- bl->next = a;
- switch(i) {
- case 3:
- if(acl_addr(v[2], a->dst) < 0) {
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- /* no break */
- case 2:
- if(acl_addr(v[1], a->src) < 0) {
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- p = v[0];
- if(strcmpic(p, "permit") == 0) {
- a->action = ACL_PERMIT;
- break;
- }
- if(strcmpic(p, "deny" ) == 0) {
- a->action = ACL_DENY;
- break;
- }
- /* no break */
- default:
- goto load_aclfile_error;
- }
- }
- *prev = *curr;
- fclose(fp);
- if(current_aclfile) {
- current_aclfile->unloader = unload_aclfile;
- }
- current_aclfile = fs;
- return(0);
- load_aclfile_error:
- fprintf(logfp,
- "%s: can't load access control list '%s': ",
- prog, aclfile);
- fperror(logfp, "");
- return(-1);
- }