19 Document modified. All changes will be lost. Do you want to continue ?
20 Redirection fetching of %s
21 Too many redirections detected
22 Cannot create local file %s
23 Waiting for a free socket
24 Reading %s
25 Writing %s
26 Waiting for connection
27 Contacting %s
28 Looking up %s
29 Unknown Status
30 Authentication Dialogue
31 Please authenticate for
32 Authorization failure for %s
33 %s loaded but no data is available
34 Transfer interrupted!
35 %s is not available at the moment. Please retry at some other time
36 %s loaded
37 Saving %s
38 Cannot save in: %s
39 English system errors messages
40 An anchor cannot contain these elements
41 Cannot create an anchor within an anchor
42 Sorry, no GET support yet for URLs of this type: %s
43 Sorry, no PUT support yet for URLs of this type: %s
44 This version of Amaya does not support this feature
45 Finished writing %s
46 Could not normalize %s
47 Could not create temporary file directory %s
48 No transformation applicable to the selection
49 Transformation failed
50 syntax error in file HTML.trans line %s
51 Maths
52 Graphics
53 Save as
54 Please authenticate for realm \'%s\' at server \'%s\'
55 Realm: %s
56 Server: %s
57 Editor/Browser
58 Request timeout - server did not respond
59 %s already exists. Overwrite it?
60 %s has changed. Overwrite it?
61 Background image
62 Background image not allowed here
63 CSS
64 Saving will overwrite the following URLs:
65 Failed to save to URL
66 Save to disk ?
67 Copy Images
68 Transform URLs
69 Document location
70 Images directory
71 Object location
72 CSS files
73 W3C's editor/browser for the Web
74 (mail issues to www-amaya@w3.org)
75 Can't handle URLs having more than %s chars
76 Only default type is allowed
77 Links update: %s%% has been done
78 Nothing new to be saved
79 repeat-y
80 <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>ERROR: Cannot access a URL</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H1><HR><P>While trying to retrieve the URL:<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A></P><P>The following error was encountered:</P><UL><LI><STRONG>Connection Failed</STRONG></UL><P>The system returned:</P><PRE><I>(%d) %s</I></PRE><P>This means that:</P><PRE>The remote site or server may be down or non-existent.</PRE><PRE>Please try again soon.</PRE><P></P><HR>\n</BODY></HTML>
81 Please enter username:
82 %d outstanding requests
83 No CSS file available
84 Interrupt transfer
85 Previous document
86 Next document
87 Reload
88 Save
89 Print
90 Search
91 Emphasis
92 Strong
93 Fixed font
94 no-repeat
95 Insert image
96 Heading level 1
97 Heading level 2
98 Heading level 3
99 Bulleted list
100 Numbered list
101 Definition list
102 Link
103 Table
104 Document doesn't have a name. Saving to:
105 Plugins
106 Unknown error while saving URL %s
107 Cannot make a connection to the server
108 Access to %s is forbidden by the server
109 Operation succeeded for %s
110 %s has been created
111 %s has been updated
112 Operation completed with a %s status code
113 Server did not understand the request syntax
114 Server has no new information to send back
115 This method is not allowed
116 Please authenticate to access %s
117 Verifying ...
118 Saving to %s failed, Save to disk ?
119 Saving to %s seems corrupted, ignore ?
120 URL %s redirected to %s, ignore ?
121 Reload of %s failed, ignore ?
122 Server reports a 501 error: %s
123 Server reports a 501 error
124 Server does not support this request method
125 Filter
126 active transfers
127 queued transfers
128 Table of contents
129 Table of links
130 Repeat Mode
131 repeat
132 repeat-x
133 Your previous Amaya session failed. Do you want to reload backup documents?
134 Authentication failed. Retry?
135 Operation will be redirected. Continue?
136 Number of Rows
137 Number of Columns
138 Border
139 Alternate text
140 The Alternate text is mandatory
141 Print URL
142 Apply
143 Defaults
144 Flush cache
145 Cache Preferences
146 Enable cache
147 Cache protected documents
148 Disconnected mode
149 Ignore Expires: header
150 Cache directory
151 Cache size (Mb)
152 Cache entry size limit (Mb)
153 Proxy Preferences
154 HTTP proxy (e.g., www.w3.org:1234)
155 Proxy domain list (e.g., lists.w3.org)
156 General Preferences
157 Home Page
158 ToolTip delay (ms)
159 Double click delay (ms)
160 Menu font size
161 Font zoom
162 Dialogue language
163 Enable multi-key (`+a=α)
164 Show background images
165 Double click activates link
166 Publishing Preferences
167 Use ETAGS and preconditions
168 Verify each PUT with a GET
169 Default name for URLs finishing in '/'
170 Geometry Preferences
171 Save current geometry
172 Restore default geometry
173 The change will be effective when you open a new window.
174 Color Preferences
175 Document foreground color
176 Document background color
177 Menu foreground color
178 Menu background color
179 Couldn't start the cache. You may have specified an invalid cache directory or another Amaya is using the cache.
180 Home
181 List of preferred languages like "en, fr":
182 Location of profiles definition file
183 Profile Selection
184 These changes won't be effective until Amaya is restarted
185 Profiles Preferences
186 Enter the URL of the templates server
187 Templates Preferences
188 Allow automatic PUT redirections on these domains
189 Ignore style sheets
190 Transform type
191 (separate each entry with a space)
192 No proxy on these domains
193 Only proxy these domains
194 Character name
195 Amaya user directory
196 Temporary directory
197 Use palette
198 Language Negotiation
199 Configuration for annotations
200 Annotation user
201 Annotation post server
202 Annotation servers
203 Autoload local annotations
204 Autoload remote annotations
205 Disable remote autoload at each startup (for off-line work)
206 Selection color
207 Caret color
208 Orientation
209 Portrait
210 Landscape
211 Enable FTP (experimental)
212 This document is incomplete, don't save it - See Views/Show parsing errors
213 Some characters are not supported - see Views/Show parsing errors
214 In the current Amaya profile:
215 Some tags/attributes are ignored - see Views/Show parsing errors
216 The encoding of this document is not supported by Amaya