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- <h2>Keyboard shortcuts</h2>
- <p>It is useful to be able to invoke menu commands directly from the keyboard.
- The Thot toolkit provides a facility that lets user accomplish this by means
- of an application keyboard shortcuts file. This file defines a list of
- associations between a keyboard sequence and the corresponding invoked
- command.</p>
- <p>The syntax used to define an association is:</p>
- <pre> Directive = KeySeq ':' IdentCommand ;
- KeysSeq = KeySet [ ',' KeySet ] ;
- KeySet = [ Modifier ] [ 'Shift' ] Key ;
- Key = '<Key>' KeyValue / '<Key>' SpecialKey ;
- Modifier = 'Ctrl' / 'Alt' / 'Meta' ;
- KeyValue = 'a' / 'b' / ... ;
- SpecialKey = 'Escape' / 'Delete' / 'Space' / 'BackSpace' /
- 'Enter' / 'Up' / 'Down' / 'Left' / 'Right' /
- 'Home' / 'End' / 'F1' / ... / 'L1' / ... / 'R1' / ... ;
- IdentCommand = 'TtcInsertChar(' Char ')' / NAME '()' ;
- Char = KeyValue / OctalValue ; OctalValue = '\' NUMBER ; </pre>
- <p>For an example, see the standard files <code>amaya.keyboard</code> (for
- Unix platforms) and <code>amaya.kb</code> (for Windows platforms), which are
- by default located in the directory <code>Amaya/config</code>.</p>
- <p>The list of available commands is:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Moving commands:
- <ul>
- <li><span style="color: #E55500" class="menuItems">TtcNextChar,
- TtcPreviousChar</span>: move character by character.</li>
- <li><span style="color: #E55500" class="menuItems">TtcNextLine,
- TtcPreviousLine, TtcStartOfLine, TtcEndOfLine</span>: move line by
- line.</li>
- <li><span style="color: #E55500" class="menuItems">TtcNextElement,
- TtcPreviousElement, TtcChildElement, TtcParentElement</span>: move
- element by element.</li>
- <li><span style="color: #E55500" class="menuItems">TtcPageDown,
- TtcPageUp, TtcPageTop, TtcPageEnd</span>: scroll from page to
- page.</li>
- <li><span style="color: #E55500" class="menuItems">TtcLineUp,
- TtcLineDown</span> scroll one line up or one line down.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>A command that allows one to follow a link or to activate a form element
- (menu, button, etc.):
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">DoAction.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>File</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">New, NewTemplate,
- NewCss, OpenDoc, OpenDocInNewWindow, Reload, GotoPreviousHTML,
- GotoNextHTML, GoToHome, SaveDocument, SaveDocumentAs, Synchronize,
- SetupAndPrint, PrintAs CloseDocument, AmayaClose</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In Edit menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">TtcUndo, TtcRedo,
- TtcCutSelection, TtcCopySelection, TtcPaste, TtcDeleteSelection,
- SetBrowserEditor, TtcSearchText, SpellCheck, TransformType.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Structure</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateBase, CreateMeta,
- CreateLinkInHead, CreateScript, CreateStyle, CreateComment.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In Types menu:
- <dl>
- <dt>Main Menu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">ChangeTitle,
- CreateAddress, CreateParagraph, CreateImage, CreateHorizontalRule,
- CreateBlockQuote, CreatePreformatted, CreateAddress, CreateDivision,
- CreateNOSCRIPT, CreateObject, CreateParameter, CreateIFrame,
- CreateBreak("\212")</span></dd>
- <dt>AREA submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateAreaRect,
- CreateAreaCircle, CreateAreaPoly</span></dd>
- <dt>Form submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateForm,
- CreateFileInput, CreateImageInput, CreatePasswordInput,
- CreateHiddenInput, CreateLabel, CreateFieldset, CreateOptGroup,
- CreateToggle, CreateRadio, CreateOption, CreateTextInput,
- CreateTextArea, CreateSubmit, CreateReset,</span></dd>
- <dt>Heading submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateHeading1,
- CreateHeading2, CreateHeading3, CreateHeading4, CreateHeading5,
- CreateHeading6</span></dd>
- <dt>List submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateList,
- CreateNumberedList, ThotCreateMenu, ThotCreateDirectory,
- CreateDefinitionList, CreateDefinitionTerm,
- CreateDefinitionDef</span></dd>
- <dt>Math submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateInlineMath,
- CreateMath, CreateMROOT, CreateMSQRT, CreateMFRAC, CreateMSUBSUP,
- CreateMSUB, CreateMSUP, CreateMUNDEROVER, CreateMUNDER, CreateMOVER,
- CreateMROW, CreateMMULTISCRIPTS, CreateMTABLE</span></dd>
- <dt>OBJECT submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateObject,
- CreateParameter</span></dd>
- <dt>Table submenu:</dt>
- <dd class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">CreateTable,
- CreateCaption, CreateTHead, CreateTBody, CreateTFoot, CreateRow,
- CreateDataCell, CreateHeadingCell, DeleteColumn</span></dd>
- </dl>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Links</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">LinkToPreviousTarget,
- CreateOrChangeLink, CreateTarget, DeleteAnchor.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Views</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">TtcSwitchButtonBar,
- TtcSwitchCommands, ShowMapAreas, ShowTargets, ZoomIn, ZoomOut,
- ShowStructure, ShowAlternate, ShowLinks, ShowToC., ShowSource</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Style</code> menu:
- <dl>
- <dt>Main Menu:</dt>
- <dd><p class="menuItems"><span
- style="color: #E55500">TtcChangeCharacters, TtcChangeColors,
- TtcChangeFormat, ChangeBackgroundImage, CreateClass,
- ApplyClass.</span></p>
- </dd>
- <dt>Style Sheets submenu:</dt>
- <dd><p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">LinkCSS,
- OpenCSS, DisableCSS, EnableCSS, RemoveCSS.</span></p>
- </dd>
- <dt>Information Types submenu:</dt>
- <dd><p class="menuItems"><span
- style="color: #E55500">SetOnOffEmphasis, SetOnOffStrong,
- SetOnOffCite, SetOnOffDefinition, SetOnOffCode, SetOnOffVariable,
- SetOnOffSample, SetOnOffKeyboard, SetOnOffAbbr, SetOnOffAcronym,
- SetOnOffINS, SetOnOffDEL.</span></p>
- </dd>
- <dt>Character Element submenu:</dt>
- <dd><p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">SetOnOffItalic,
- SetOnOffBold, SetOnOffTeletype, SetOnOffBig, SetOnOffSmall,
- SetOnOffSub, SetOnOffSup, SetOnOffQuotation, SetOnOffBDO.</span></p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Special</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">SectionNumbering,
- MakeBook, MakeID, ShowLogFile, ConfigGeneral, ConfigPublish, ConfigCache,
- ConfigProxy, ConfigColor, ConfigGeometry, ConfigLanNeg, ConfigProfile,
- ConfigTemplates.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Annotations</code> menu
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">AnnotateSelection,
- AnnotateDocument, LoadAnnotations, PostAnnotation, DeleteAnnotation,
- FilterAnnot, ConfigAnnot.</span></p>
- </li>
- <li>In <code>Help</code> menu:
- <p class="menuItems"><span style="color: #E55500">HelpAmaya, HelpAtW3C,
- HelpBrowsing, HelpSelecting, HelpSearching, HelpViews, HelpCreating,
- HelpLinks, HelpChanging, HelpTables, HelpMath, HelpSVG, HelpImageMaps,
- HelpStyleSheets, HelpAttributes, HelpPublishing, HelpPrinting,
- HelpNumbering, HelpMakeBook, HelpAnnotation, HelpConfigure, HelpShortCuts,
- HelpAccess.</span></p>
- </li>
- </ul>
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