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- <title>Editing Graphics</title>
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- <div id="Editing">
- <h2>Editing graphics</h2>
- <p>Amaya allows you to include vector graphics in Web pages, following the
- Scalable Vector Graphics (<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/svg/">SVG</a>)
- specification. SVG elements are handled as structured components, in the same
- way as HTML elements. Therefore, you can manipulate SVG graphics in the same
- way you manipulate other parts of HTML documents. All editing commands
- provided by Amaya for handling text are also available for graphics. There are
- also some additional controls for entering SVG elements.</p>
- <h3><a name="Creating">Creating graphics with the palette</a></h3>
- <p>To create a new SVG element in a document, just move the insertion point
- (the caret) to the position where you want to insert it, and then click the
- <strong>Graphics</strong> button <img src="../Icons/Graph.gif" alt="Graph" />.
- The Graphics button displays a palette that stays on the screen until you
- click the <code>Done</code> button. Just choose the element you want to
- create. The available graphics elements are:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>A line, <code>line</code> in SVG, <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <line y1="3px" x1="0px" x2="17px" y2="20px" style="stroke: #B20000"
- stroke="1"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A rectangle, <code>rect</code> in SVG with no <code>rx</code> or
- <code>ry</code> attributes, <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <rect x="6px" width="22px" height="18px"
- style="fill: #FFCB69; stroke: #0071FF" stroke="1"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A rectangle with rounded corners, <code>rect</code> in SVG, <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <rect rx="6px" stroke="1" width="23px" height="18px"
- style="fill: #E5E500; stroke: #4C00E5"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A circle, <code>circle</code> in SVG, <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <circle cy="10px" cx="12px" r="10px"
- style="fill: #C1FFE9; stroke: #FF0000" stroke="1"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>An ellipse, <code>ellipse</code> in SVG, <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <ellipse cy="10px" cx="20px" rx="15px" ry="10px" style="fill: #B795FF"
- stroke="1"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A polyline, <code>polyline</code> in SVG,<svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- <polyline points="4,16 23,0 37,16 55,6" stroke="1"
- style="stroke: #0000B2; fill: #FFA069"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A polygon, <code>polygon</code> in SVG, <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.7cm">
- <polygon points="2,16 15,0 28,12 45,4 46,16 17,16 14,11" stroke="1"
- style="fill: #C8FF95; stroke: #000000"/>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>Splines and curves are not implemented yet. <svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="2cm" height="0.6cm">
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>An embedded HTML fragment, <code>foreignObject</code> in SVG,<svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="6cm" height="45px">
- <rect y="0" x="27px" width="110px" height="45px" style="fill: #C1FFFF"
- stroke="1"/>
- <foreignObject width="120px" y="0" x="20px">
- <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <ul>
- <li>First item</li>
- <li>Second item</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </foreignObject>
- </svg>
- </li>
- <li>A SVG text, <code>text</code> in SVG<svg
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="9.5cm" height="1.2cm">
- <text y="33px" x="13px"
- style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: 14pt; fill: #FFAA00">A simple
- text in SVG
- </text>
- </svg>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p></p>
- <p>When you select a shape in the palette and the selection is in the HTML
- structure of the document, Amaya creates a new SVG element just at the
- beginning of the current selection and the selected shape into this new SVG.
- Amaya generates SVG drawings as blocks, between paragraphs. If you wish to
- display a drawing inline, today you have let Amaya creates it between
- paragrahs then edit the source code to move it.</p>
- <p>When the current selected element is a SVG element, the new shape is added
- to the current SVG drawing. The new created shape is added after and then can
- overlap previous ones.</p>
- <p>The creation of a shape needs some direct interactions with the user:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>To create a rectangle, you must first select the position of the left
- corner by pressing the left mouse button. Keep the button pressed down and
- move to the position of the opposite corner, then release the button. The
- shape is now defined.</li>
- <li>To create a circle or an ellipse, you must first select the position of
- the center by pressing the left mouse button. Keep the button pressed down
- and move right and/or bottom, then release the button. The shape is now
- defined.</li>
- <li>For a polyline and polygon, enter each point by clicking the
- corresponding position with the left mouse button. To indicate the last
- point, click with the middle or right button.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>You can insert an image within a SVG drawing. Choose <strong>Image</strong>
- from the <strong>Types</strong> menu or click on the image <img alt="Image "
- border="0" src="../Icons/Image.gif" align="middle" longdesc="longdesc.htm" />
- button from the button bar and proceed in the <a
- href="ImageMaps.html#Adding">same way as in HTML</a>.</p>
- <p>For inserting a mathematical expression into a SVG drawing, you have just
- to click in the <strong>Math</strong> palette when the selection in within a
- SVG. Amaya will generate a SVG <code>foreignObject</code> to embed the MathML
- markup.</p>
- <h3><a name="Moving">Moving graphics</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li>By direct manipulation - combining the <strong>Control key</strong> with
- the <strong>Left button</strong> of the mouse within a shape allows you to
- move this shape.</li>
- <li>By editing attributes.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3><a name="Resizing">Resizing graphics</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li>By direct manipulation - combining the <strong>Control key</strong> with
- the <strong>Middle</strong> or the <strong>Right button</strong> of the
- mouse within a shape allows you to resize this shape.</li>
- <li>By editing attributes.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3><a name="Painting">Painting graphics</a></h3>
- <p>With Amaya, you can paint (i.e., fill or stroke) SVG elements with a single
- color. The default <code>fill</code> color is <code>black</code> and the
- default <code>stroke</code> color is <code>transparent</code>. But you can
- change these values:</p>
- <ul type="square">
- <li>Either by editing SVG attributes <code>fill</code> and
- <code>stroke</code> (<span style="color: #E55500">example, fill=" #C8FF95"
- stroke=" #000000"</span>),</li>
- <li>Or by editing the SVG attribute <code>style</code> with CSS properties
- <code>fill</code> and <code>stroke</code> (<span
- style="color: #E55500">example, style="fill: #C8FF95; stroke:
- #000000"</span>).</li>
- </ul>
- <p>The palette displayed by the menu entry <strong>Style/Colors</strong>
- allows you to generate the SVG <code>style</code> attribute. In the Amaya
- palette, a click with the left mouse button generates the stroke property and
- a click with the middle or right mouse button generates the fill property.</p>
- <p>A SVG <code>text</code> is considered as a graphic shape, so the
- <code>fill</code> property paints the character contents and the
- <code>stroke</code> property paints the character border. Amaya applies the
- fill property to characters, but not the stroke property. That explains why a
- click with the left mouse button has no immediate effect, and a click with the
- middle or right mouse button paints the <code>text</code> element.</p>
- <p></p>
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