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- <title>Creating elements</title>
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- <div id="Creating">
- <h2>Creating new elements</h2>
- <h3><a name="New">New documents</a></h3>
- <p>Amaya allows you to create new local or distant documents. Three types of
- document are availableá: <a href="#Creating">XHTML</a>, <a
- href="Math.html#Math">MathML</a> or <a href="SVG.html">SVG.</a></p>
- <p>To create a document, choose the <strong>New</strong> option in the
- <strong>File</strong> menu and select the appropriate type. Then, specify the
- URI or the local name of the new document (a default name is assigned to the
- document if no name is specified). After confirmation, Amaya opens a new
- window with the specified document. If this document already exists, Amaya
- loads its current version otherwise. a new document with the corresponding
- root element is created.</p>
- <h3><a name="Types">Buttons and types</a> menu</h3>
- <p>The simplest way to create new elements in a document is to move the
- insertion point to the desired position and to use the <strong>Types</strong>
- menu or the buttons corresponding to the most common elements (image,
- headings, lists, etc.). These buttons and menu items create the corresponding
- element at the current position.</p>
- <p>In some cases, the desired element cannot be created exactly at the
- position chosen, because of the constraints imposed by the HTML DTD.
- <strong>Amaya</strong> then tries to create the element at the closest
- position where it is allowed. For instance, if the insertion point is at the
- end of the last line of a paragraph when you click on the <img
- src="../Icons/H2.gif" alt="H2" /> button, <strong>Amaya</strong> does not
- create the new heading at that particular position (which would be invalid),
- but after the paragraph (which is probably what you intended).</p>
- <p>In some other cases, <strong>Amaya</strong> changes the existing structure
- for creating the desired element. If the insertion point is somewhere within a
- list item (<code>LI</code>) when you create a second level heading (for
- example with the <img src="../Icons/H2.gif" alt="H2" /> button, or from the
- menu), the list item and its enclosing list are automatically split, in order
- to create the requested heading at the chosen position and to comply with the
- HTML DTD.</p>
- <p>When creating new elements, it is important to select an <em>insertion
- point</em>, not some text nor a single character: if the current selection is
- not empty, <strong>Amaya</strong> tries to <a
- href="Changing.html#L631"><em>transform</em></a> the selected part into the
- element type chosen.</p>
- <p>Some documentation of <a href="HTML-elements/infoTypes.html">how to use
- element types</a> is available, as well as a briefly annotated <a
- href="HTML.html">list of all the HTML 4.0 elements</a>.</p>
- <h3><a name="Structure">Structure menu</a></h3>
- <p>The <a href="#Types"><strong>Types</strong> menu</a> allows you to create
- only elements that are part of the document <code>BODY</code>. To create
- elements in the document <code>HEAD</code>, use the <strong>Structure</strong>
- menu from the <a href="Views.html#Structure">Structure view</a>. This menu
- works in the same way as the <strong>Types</strong> menu: put the caret at the
- desired position and choose the element type from the
- <strong>Structure</strong> menu.</p>
- <p>The <strong>Structure</strong> menu also allows you to create comments,
- using its <strong>Comment</strong> entry. Comments are shown only in the <a
- href="Views.html#Structure">Structure view</a>, but they can be inserted at
- any position in the document.</p>
- <h4>Generated elements</h4>
- <p>Some HTML elements are constituted by several other elements of different
- types. For instance, a table contains usually a caption (<code>CAPTION</code>)
- and several rows (<code>TR</code>) and several cells (<code>TD</code> or
- <code>TH</code>) in each row.</p>
- <p>When <strong>Amaya</strong> creates such elements, it also creates their
- components. A table is created with a caption and a row containing a single
- cell. The insertion point is placed automatically in the first of these
- components. You can enter the content of that component immediately or later.
- You can move to the next (empty) component with the mouse or with the arrow
- keys.</p>
- <h3><a name="L906">The Enter (or Return) key</a></h3>
- <p>When you are writing a new document or a new part in a document, you often
- create elements sequentially. To do that, just press the Enter (or Return)
- key. The current element is terminated and a new one is created just after.
- This applies obviously to paragraphs, but also to other types of elements,
- such as headings or <a href="Tables.html#Editing">table cells</a> for
- instance.</p>
- <p>Most often, the new element created is simply a paragraph, whatever the
- type of the previous element. If you need another element type, you can
- immediately change the type of that element, by selecting the desired type in
- the <strong>Types</strong> menu or by clicking on the corresponding button,
- but you can also keep typing and <a href="Changing.html#L653">change the
- type</a> later.</p>
- <h4>Multiple Enters at the end of an element</h4>
- <p>When the insertion point is in an empty element, pressing the Enter key
- <em>replaces</em> that element by another empty element at the next higher
- level in the document structure. This feature allows you to create complex
- nested structures very quickly.</p>
- <p>As an example, consider the following structure:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>The first item in the highest level list.
- <p>A paragraph in the first item.</p>
- </li>
- <li>The second item.
- <ol type="a">
- <li>First item in the nested list.</li>
- <li>Second item in the nested list.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li>Last item in the list.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>To create that structure, create first a numbered list with a first item
- (for example by clicking on the <img alt="Numbered List " border="0"
- src="../Icons/NumList.gif" align="middle" /> button) and type in the first
- line. At the end of that first line, press the Enter key: it creates a new
- paragraph in the item. At the end of this paragraph, press the Enter key: it
- creates yet another paragraph, but pressing the same key again replaces that
- paragraph by an empty item 2. At the end of the first line of item 2, create a
- new list with its first item (for example click on the <img border="0"
- alt="Numbered List " src="../Icons/NumList.gif" align="middle" /> button). The
- new list will automatically be nested. Item b. is created by a double Enter at
- the end of item a. When the insertion point is at the end of item b, create
- item 3 by four successive Enters. To create the paragraph that follows these
- lists, press Enter three times when the insertion point is at the end of item
- 3.</p>
- <h4>Multiple Enters at the beginning of an element</h4>
- <p>The Enter key works in the same way when the insertion point is at the
- beginning of an element, but it creates new elements <em>before</em> the
- current element.</p>
- <p>For instance, you can add an initial paragraph in a list item by moving the
- insertion point before the first character of that item and pressing Enter. If
- you press Enter twice, you get a new item before the current item. This is
- useful for inserting a new item before the first one.</p>
- <p>This use of the Enter key does not apply only to lists and paragraphs, but
- to all elements. It is for instance very convenient for <a
- href="Manual.html">creating tables</a>.</p>
- <h4>Exiting anchors or styled character strings</h4>
- <p>When a paragraph or another block of text is styled - terminated by an
- anchor or a character string in bold, italic or other such style - moving the
- insertion point to the end and typing appends characters to the anchor or the
- styled string. If you want to exit this styled element and enter plain text,
- just press Enter to exit from the anchor or styled element, and continue
- typing.</p>
- <p>The same method can be used to enter plain text at the <em>beginning</em>
- of a block starting with an anchor or styled characters.</p>
- <h4>Editing definition lists (dl/dt/dd)</h4>
- <p>The Enter key is also useful for editing definitions lists. Consider the
- following example:</p>
- <blockquote>
- <dl>
- <dt>Term1</dt>
- <dt>Term2</dt>
- <dd>Definition of both terms.</dd>
- </dl>
- </blockquote>
- <p>It is a definition list (<code>dl</code>) containing two terms
- (<code>dt</code>) followed by a definition (<code>dd</code>). To add a new
- paragraph within the definition (<code>dd</code>), put the caret at the end
- (after word "terms") and hit the Enter key. If you hit Enter twice, you exit
- from the current definition (<code>dd</code>) and you create a new term
- (<code>dt</code>). At the end of that new term, pressing Enter once allows you
- to create another new term (<code>dt</code>). Pressing Enter twice creates a
- new definition (<code>dd</code>) instead.</p>
- <p>If you want to create a new term and its definition <em>before</em> Term1,
- put the caret at the beginning of "Term1" and press Enter. Type the new term
- (<code>dt</code>). Then press Enter twice: a new definition (<code>dd</code>)
- is created right after the new term.</p>
- <h3><a name="Changing">Changing the document Title</a></h3>
- <p>You can edit the document title (TITLE element) in with the menu entry
- <strong>Types/Change Title</strong>. You can also edit the document title in
- the <a href="Views.html#Structure">structure view</a>.</p>
- </div>
- <div id="WhiteSpace">
- <h3>White-space handling</h3>
- <p>For the XHTML, <a href="Math.html.fr#Math">MathML</a>, <a
- href="SVG.html.fr">SVG</a> documents as well as for MathML or SVG elements
- included into a HTML document, Amaya removes the <strong>insignificant
- white-space characters</strong> when it loads a document unless they must be
- explicitly preserved.</p>
- <p>Are considered as insignificant white-space characters:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>the end of line characters (#xD et (#xA),</li>
- <li>the tabs characters (#X9),</li>
- <li>the leading spaces of an element,</li>
- <li>the trailing spaces of an element,</li>
- <li>the contiguous spaces (in that case, one space is preserved).</li>
- </ul>
- <p>If an author wants to preserve all the characters for some elements, he can
- use the <code>xml:space</code> attribute or the element <code>PRE</code> (that
- element is only valid for XHTML documents). The only possible values for that
- attribute are "<code>default</code>" and "<code>preserve</code>". The value
- "<code>default</code>" signals that applications' default white-space
- treatments are acceptable for these elements. In Amaya, the default treatment
- removes the insignificant white-space characters for all supported DTD (see
- above). The value "<code>preserve</code>" indicates the intent that
- applications preserve all the characters, except the first one that
- immediately follows the end tag of the element where it is specified if that
- element is an end of line. The <code>xml:space</code> attribute is applied to
- all elements within the content of the element where it is specified, unless
- overriden with another instance of the <code>xml:space</code> attribute.
- Concerning the XHTML DTD, the element <code>PRE</code> causes the same
- behaviour that the <code>xml:space</code> attribute with the value
- "<code>preserve</code>".</p>
- <p>Amaya applies the white space handling when it loads a document, not when
- we are editing it. A consequence is that if you type insignificant white-space
- characters, its will be visible and saved but will be removed at the next
- loading. For example, the following source code:</p>
- <p><code><p>Amaya removes the<strong> insignificant white-space
- </strong>when it loads ...</p></code></p>
- <p>gives during edition:</p>
- <pre>Amaya removes the<strong> insignificant white-space </strong>when it loads...</pre>
- <p>and will be saved with that syntax. At the next loading of the document,
- this code will give:</p>
- <p><code>Amaya removes the</code><strong><code>insignificant
- white-space</code></strong><code>when it loads...</code></p>
- <p>because the leading space and the trailing space of the element
- <code>strong</code> are considered as insignificant and are removed.</p>
- <p>The correct source code would be:</p>
- <p><code><p>Amaya removes the <strong>insignificant
- white-space</strong> when it loads ...</p></code></p>
- </div>
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