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- <div id="Attributes">
- <h2>Editing attributes</h2>
- <p>There are two ways to edit attributes:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>the <strong>Attribute</strong> menu,</li>
- <li>the Structure view.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3><a name="L1073">Editing attributes through the menu Attributes</a></h3>
- <p>The <strong>Attribute</strong> menu lists all attributes that can be
- associated with the selected element. It can be used to create an attribute,
- to change the value of an existing attribute or to delete an attribute.</p>
- <p>To edit an attribute, first select the appropriate element. You must select
- the entire element, not simply a character within the element; use the <a
- href="Selecting.html#Selecting1">Esc key (on Unix platforms) or F2 key (on
- Windows platforms)</a> for this. When the element is selected, choose the
- attribute to be edited from the <strong>Attributes</strong> menu. Then
- <strong>Amaya</strong> acts according to the chosen attribute:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>If it is a boolean attribute (such as <code>ismap</code> for an image),
- the command is finished. Choosing that attribute in the menu removes it
- from the selected element, if it is present, or adds it if not.</li>
- <li>If it is an attribute with a limited set of values (such as
- <code>align</code> for a paragraph or a heading), a dialog box pops up. It
- contains a menu of the available values and three buttons.
- <ul>
- <li>If you want to create this attribute or to change its value, choose
- the desired value from the menu and click on the
- <strong>Apply</strong> button.</li>
- <li>If you want to remove that attribute, click on the
- <strong>Delete</strong> button.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>If it is an attribute with a free value (such as <code>href</code> for
- an anchor), a dialog box pops up. In this dialog box, you can edit the
- attribute value; terminate the command with the <strong>Apply</strong>
- button. To remove the attribute, click on the <strong>Delete</strong>
- button.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3><a name="Copying">Copying attributes</a></h3>
- <p>An attribute is not the same thing than an element and an attribute cannot
- be copied by Copy/Paste commands. To copy an attribute you need to use the
- Attribute menu. First you have to select the element which has the attribute
- you want to copy. You select the appropriate attribute entry in the menu
- Attributes. Then you select the new element to which you want to associate the
- current attribute and click on the <strong>Apply</strong> button.</p>
- <h3><a name="Editing">Editing attributes in the Structure view</a></h3>
- <p>All attributes are displayed in the Structure view. Attributes whose value
- can be chosen freely are displayed in black and you can edit their value like
- any other character string. When the attribute value is displayed in blue, you
- can only change it with the <strong>Attribute</strong> menu. This ensures that
- only one of the correct values is chosen.</p>
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