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- <ul>
- <li><a href="#What">What is an Annotation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Local">Local and Remote Annotations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Annotation">Annotations Menu</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Configurat">Configuration Settings for Annotations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Creating1">Creating an Annotation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Deleting">Deleting an Annotation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Loading">Loading and Presenting Annotations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Navigating">Navigating Annotations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Issues1">Issues with Annotations and Modified
- Documents</a></li>
- </ul>
- <div id="Annotations">
- <h2>Annotations in Amaya</h2>
- <h3><a name="What">What is an Annotation?</a></h3>
- <p>Annotations are comments, notes, explanations, or other types of external
- remarks that can be attached to a Web document or a selected part of the
- document. As they are external, it is possible to annotate any Web document
- independently, without needing to edit that document. From the technical point
- of view, annotations are usually seen as <strong>metadata,</strong> as they
- give additional information about an existing piece of data. In this project,
- we use a special <strong><a href="http://www.w3.org/RDF/">RDF</a></strong> <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotation-ns">annotation schema</a> for
- describing annotations.</p>
- <p>Annotations can be stored locally or in one or more <strong>annotation
- servers</strong>. When a document is browsed, Amaya queries each of these
- servers, requesting the annotations related to that document. Currently Amaya
- presents annotations with pencil annotation icons ( <img
- src="../Icons/annot.png" alt="Annotation pencil icon" /> )that are visually
- embedded in the document, as shown in the figure below. If the user
- single-clicks on an annotation icon, the text that was annotated is
- highlighted. If the user double-clicks on this icon, the annotation text and
- other metadata are presented in a separate window.</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/annotationicon.png"
- alt="annotation icon (= pencil)" /></p>
- <p>An annotation has many properties including:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Physical location: is the annotation stored in a local file system or in
- an annotation server</li>
- <li>Scope: is the annotation associated to a whole document or just to a
- fragment of this document</li>
- <li>Annotation type: 'Annotation', 'Comment', 'Query', ...</li>
- </ul>
- <h3 id="Local">Local and remote annotations</h3>
- <p>Amaya can store annotation data in a local file system (called "local
- annotations") or in the Web (called "remote annotations"). <strong>Remote
- annotations</strong> are stored in annotation servers and can be downloaded
- and stored by anyone having the correct access rights, such as is the case of
- other HTML documents. We also refer to remote annotations as <strong>shared or
- public annotations</strong>, as they can be seen by other people. If you wish
- to install your own annotation server, please refer to <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/26-modules/User/Annotations-HOWTO.html">Annotation-Server-HOWTO</a>.</p>
- <p>The user doesn't need a server to make <strong>local annotations</strong>.
- Local annotations are stored under the <a
- href="/home/kahan/Amaya/doc/amaya/Configure.html">user preferences
- directory</a>, in a special directory called <code>annotations</code>, and can
- be seen only by their owner (according to the system access right setup). This
- directory is made of three kinds of files:</p>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>annot.index</strong></dt>
- <dd>associates URLs with the files where the metadata of the annotations
- are stored.</dd>
- <dt><strong>index + random suffix</strong></dt>
- <dd>a file that stores the metadata of the annotations related to a given
- URL. The metadata is specified with RDF.</dd>
- <dt><strong>annot + random suffix.html</strong></dt>
- <dd>contains the body of an annotation, stored as XHTML.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>At any time, a user can convert a local annotation to a shared one, by
- using the <strong>Annotations/Post annotation</strong> menu entry. If this
- operation is succesful, the local annotation will be deleted, as it will have
- been moved to an annotation server. The following section describes how to set
- up the name of the server to which annotations should be posted.</p>
- <h3 id="Annotation">Annotations Menu</h3>
- <p>Most of the commands needed for handling annotations can be found from the
- Annotations menu shown below. The commands are explained later in this
- document in the context of users' goals when handling annotations.</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/annotationsmenu.png"
- alt="Annotations menu" /></p>
- <h3 id="Configurat">Configuration Settings for Annotations</h3>
- <p>The annotations configuration menu is found under
- the<strong>Annotations/Configure</strong> menu entry. The following figure
- shows the Windows version of this menu. The Unix version has a slightly
- different user interface, but the same functionalities.</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/configurebox.png"
- alt="configuration dialog box" /></p>
- <p></p>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>Annotation user</strong></dt>
- <dd>A field that is associated with each new annotation as the
- <strong>author</strong> of the annotation. By default, Amaya uses the
- login name of the user when building the author metadata field. The
- annotation user setting allows a user to change this name to a more
- significant one, for example, from <code>u1723242</code> (which makes
- happy my system administrator) to <code>marja</code> (which other people
- normally use when talking with me)<code>.</code></dd>
- <dt><strong>Annotation servers</strong></dt>
- <dd>This setting tells Amaya what servers it should contact when looking
- for annotations. You can specify one or more servers. We use the
- reserved server name <strong>localhost</strong> to tell Amaya we want to
- search the local annotations. It doesn't mean we're running a local
- annotation server. If that were the case, we would need to give its
- complete URL. Under Unix, the annotation servers are specified as a
- space separated list. Under Windows, they are added one after the other
- by directly typing their names in the dialog box, using the
- <code>Return</code> key to add a new one. By default, the annotation
- servers field is initialized to <code>localhost</code>.
- <p><em>TIP</em>: If you want to temporarily disable an annotation
- server, add a "-" char before its URL. Amaya will ignore it.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Autoload local annotations/Autoload remote
- annotations</strong></dt>
- <dd>These setting tells Amaya whether or not to request annotations
- automatically (that is, query the annotation servers ) every time that a
- URL is browsed. If it's not checked, then the user has to manually
- invoke the <strong>Load annotations</strong> function from the
- <strong>Annotations</strong> menu. Note that the if you check the
- <code>autoload remote annotations</code>option, there may be a delay
- when Amaya resolves the DNS name of the annotation servers. By default,
- both these options are turned off.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Disable remote autoload at each startup</strong></dt>
- <dd>If this option is checked, Amaya will reset the <code>autoload remote
- annotations</code> option at launch time. This option can be useful if
- you're working offline from time to time, but still want to autoload the
- local annotations, and the remote ones from time to time, for example,
- when going on-line for a while.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Annotation post server</strong></dt>
- <dd><p>This setting defines the server to which the annotations are
- posted. Local annotations are always saved to the local repository,
- regardless of the value of this setting. By default, this setting is
- empty. Note that the post server is not automatically included in the
- list of servers to be queried; you must enter the post server name in
- both places, in whatever order you choose.</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <h3 id="Creating1">Creating an Annotation</h3>
- <p>This version of Amaya support two kinds of annotations: annotations that
- apply to a whole document and annotations that apply to a specific point or
- selection in a document.</p>
- <p>To annotate a whole document, just select the <strong>Annotations/Annotate
- document</strong> menu entry. To annotate a point, put the caret in any point
- in the document and select the <strong>Annotations/Annotate selection</strong>
- menu entry. To annotate a selection, make a selection in the document, and
- then use the <strong>Annotations/Annotate selection</strong> menu entry. In
- all of these cases, an annotation window will appear (see following figure).
- The content of this window shows the <strong>metadata</strong> of the
- annotation, inside a box, and the <strong>body</strong> of the annotation.</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/annotationwindow.png"
- alt="annotation window" /></p>
- <p></p>
- <p>Currently, the metadata consists of the <strong>author's name</strong>, the
- <strong>title of the annotated document</strong>, the <strong>type of the
- annotation</strong>, the <strong>date of creation</strong>, and the
- <strong>date of the last modification</strong> . Some of the metadata fields
- have special properties. The <strong>source document</strong> field is also a
- link that points back to the annotated text. If the user double-clicks on it,
- as when following any other link with Amaya, the annotated document will be
- raised and the annotated text will be highlighted. The <strong>annotation
- types</strong> field allows the user to classify the annotation and change its
- type. Double-click on the text "annotation type" to see the list of types
- available. We'll describe later how users can also define their own annotation
- types. Finally, the <strong>Last modified</strong> field is updated
- automatically each time that an annotation is saved.</p>
- <p>Below the header area is the <strong>annotation body area</strong>. It
- shows the current content, and it can be edited as if we were editing any
- other HTML document,. N.B., we don't support yet the use of images inside the
- body. Some of the features may not be ready in the initial release, such as
- the Structure view.</p>
- <p>Saving an annotation is equivalent to saving any other document with Amaya.
- The user just needs to select the <strong>File/Save</strong> command (or use
- its equivalent shortcut or button menu). Local annotations are saved to the
- annotations directory and remote annotations are saved to the annotation post
- server where they are stored if the user has write access. To convert a local
- annotation into a shared one, the user needs to use the
- <strong>Annotations/Post annotation</strong> command and the annotation will
- be saved to the <strong>Post server</strong> as defined in the configuration
- menu. If this operation is succesful, the local annotation will be removed and
- further save operations will go directly to that annotation server. In the
- initial release, Amaya does not support an operation to save a copy of a
- remote annotation in the local annotations directory.</p>
- <p>Some commands applied to the document in the <strong>Amaya Document
- window</strong> will be applied to annotation document in the
- <strong>Annotation window</strong>. For instance, the body of an annotation
- can be printed with <strong>File/Print</strong> command, or reloaded with
- <strong>File/Reload document</strong> command. (Note: some of these may not be
- implemented yet.)</p>
- <h3 id="Deleting">Deleting an Annotation</h3>
- <p>The <strong>Annotations/Delete annotation</strong> menu command lets you
- delete an annotation. You can invoke this command from an open annotation
- window. You can also delete an annotation from the annotated document by first
- selecting the annotation by doing a simple click on the annotation icon, and
- then calling this menu command.</p>
- <h3 id="Loading">Loading and Presenting Annotations</h3>
- <p>The <strong>Load annotations</strong> command tells amaya to load the
- annotations that are associated to the URL of the document that is being
- browsed in that window. Amaya will query the annotations servers, as set up in
- the <strong>Annotations/Configure</strong> dialogue, asking for any relevant
- annotation.</p>
- <p>The annotations can also be loaded automatically whenever a new page is
- loaded by selecting the <strong>Autoload annotations</strong> checkbox in the
- <strong>Annotations/Configure</strong> dialogue.</p>
- <p>Note that in this version of Amaya, querying an annotation server will
- return <em>all</em> the the annotations that are associated to to a document.
- In a future version, it may be possible to use a customized query menu to
- refine the query string that is sent to the servers.</p>
- <p>The <strong>Annotations/Local filter</strong> menu allows a user to show or
- hide the annotation icons from the document window, for example, to
- concentrate on those that really interest him, or, to make it easier to read a
- heavily annotated document. The user can <strong>show</strong> or
- <strong>hide</strong> annotations by three types of metadata: by the name of
- the annotation's <strong>author</strong>, by the <strong>type</strong> of
- annotation, and by the <strong>annotation server</strong> name. To apply any
- of these filters, you need to click on the text box to select a given type of
- annotations, and then on the corresponding action button. The <strong>Show
- all</strong> and <strong>Hide all</strong> commands apply to all the
- annotations.A small and uncomfortable prefix charater shows the status of a
- given entry. This character can be either a space (' '), a star ('*') or a
- signet ('-') to say that tje annotations belonging to this given entrty are
- all visible, all hidden, or partially visible, respectively.</p>
- <p>Note that the filter menus only show you the annotations it knows about at
- the moment of its invocation. If you add new annotations in the meantime,
- you'll need to destroy this menu and invoke it again to see them.</p>
- <p>Note that for each annotation, the annotation user is shown by
- concatenating the author's name to the name of the annotation server where the
- annotation is stored, as shown in the following figure.</p>
- <p></p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/localfilter.png"
- alt="local filter dialog box" /></p>
- <h3 id="Navigating">Navigating Annotations</h3>
- <p>Annotations appear as links in the <strong>Link window</strong> whih can be
- activated by the <strong>Views/ Show links</strong> command. Annotations in
- this window are marked with the same pencil icon as the annotations in the
- document window. The <strong>Link window</strong> shows all the annotations,
- without taking into account whether they have been hidden with the
- <strong>Annotation Local Filter</strong> menu. As with the document window, a
- single-click on the annotation will select the annotated text in the document
- window and a double click will open the annotation. This is an example of how
- to navigate from one annotation link to another even if the annotation cannot
- be seen by the user because of disabilities or because of the characteristics
- of the used device.</p>
- <p></p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/linkwindow.png"
- alt="Link window shows annotations" /></p>
- </div>
- <div id="Issues">
- <h3 id="Issues1">Issues with Annotations and Modified Documents</h3>
- <p>If you are using annotations with live documents (documents whose contents
- can be modified), you may encounter two kinds of problems: <strong>orphan
- annotations</strong> and <strong>misleading annotations</strong>. Let's first
- describe a bit more in detail how Amaya attaches annotations to documents.</p>
- <p>Amaya uses <strong><a
- href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Linking">XPointer</a></strong> to describe where
- an annotation should be attached to a document. XPointers are based in the
- structure of the document. To build an XPointer, for example for a selection,
- we start from the first point of the selection and walk backwards through the
- document's structure, until we find the root of the document. If an element
- has an ID attribute, we stop building the XPointer and we consider that the
- beginning of this XPointer is the element that has this ID attribute value.
- For example,. if you look at the HTML source for this document, you'll notice
- that this section (Issues with annotations...) is enclosed within a DIV
- element that has an ID attribute with the value "Issues". Here's an extract of
- the source code:</p>
- <pre> <div id="Issues">
- <h3>>Issues with ....</h3>>
- <p>If you are using...</p>
- <p>Amaya uses <strong>XPointer</strong>...</p>
- ...
- </div></pre>
- <p>And here's the XPointer that points to the second paragraph::</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><code>xpointer(id("Issues")/p[2])</code></p>
- <p>The above XPointer points to the second <code>p</code> element, from the
- element parent having an ID attribute with value "Issues". (In order to select
- a whole paragraph, we put the cursor in the paragraph and pressed the Escape
- (Unix) or F2 (Windows) key). Note that the use of the ID attribute allows the
- document author to move this whole section elsewhere on the document, without
- needing to update the XPointer. The XPointer doesn't depend on the elements
- that precede this particular DIV element.</p>
- <p>We say that an annotation becomes an <strong>orphan</strong> when it cannot
- be attached anymore to a document, that is, when the XPointer doesn't resolve
- anymore to any element in the strucutre. This happens when a document's
- structure is modified. For example, the above XPointer wouldn't resolve
- anymore if we destroyed the ID attribute "Issues". Amaya will warn you if it
- detects any orphan annotation while downloading a set of annotations from an
- annotation server. All orphan annotations are visible from the Links view and
- are associated with an icon that shows a question mark superimposed on the
- annotation pencil <img src="../Icons/annotorp.png"
- alt="Orphan annotation icon" />.</p>
- <p>We say that an annotation is <strong>misleading</strong> when it points to
- a wrong piece of information. Coming back to our example, we can create a
- misleading annotation if we exchange the first and second paragraph. The
- XPointer will continue to point to the second paragraph, although we would
- have liked it to point now to the first paragraph. This problem is even more
- common when you annotate a portion of text that may change. In the first
- release, Amaya does not warn the user if an annotation is misleading. A future
- release may notify users of the potential for an annotation to be
- misleading.</p>
- <p>How can you protect yourself?</p>
- <p>If you're the author of a document, try to use the ID attribute in
- strategic places, for example, in the DIV elements. Amaya allows you to
- automatically associate or remove an ID attribute to/from a set of elements by
- means of the <strong>Special/Make Add/Remove ID</strong> menu command. In the
- above example, we could have avoided the problem of misleading annotations if
- we had added an ID attribute to the second paragraph:</p>
- <pre> <p id="Amaya">Amaya uses...</p></pre>
- <p>An XPointer that points to this paragraph is</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><code>xpointer(id("Amaya"))</code></p>
- <p>Thus, the Xpointer will point to the same paragraph, regardless of its
- position in the document's structure.</p>
- </div>
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