PC World 2001 March
Text File
171 lines
This page shows the music for the active track, selected in the <b>Mixer</b> page.
Since the track's <b>Type</b> attribute is set to <b>Instrument</b>, it shows sheet music.
To change the song's current <b>position</b>:
<li>Drag the scroll bar at the top of the screen, or
<li>Drag the hand over the desired note, or
<li>Press the left or right cursor keys.
You can extend a selection by holding the Shift key while pressing these.
You can scroll to the start or end of track by holding the Ctrl key while pressing these.
To <b>insert</b> a new note,
position the hand over the place to insert the note,
select a note symbol from the palette by clicking on it,
set the volume control to the desired volume for the new note,
play the desired note on the on-screen keyboard or your synthesizer's keyboard.
To <b>build a chord</b> while composing, hold the Shift key down
before entering the first note of the chord, and release
the shift key after entering the last note in the chord is pressed.
You can also drag a note from the palette to a desired location on the staff.
You can also sing a note into your microphone and press the button
with the picture of a microphone to insert the note on the staff.
If this does not seem to be working, try turning to the Mixer page
and selecting a different Audio In port.
To change the volume for a range of notes, select the range of notes
with the mouse and then adjust the <b>Vol</b> slider.
To change a <b>note's properties</b> such as pitch, volume, duration, staccato,
or stem direction, or to <b>delete a note</b>, click on the note with the
<b>right mouse button</b>. For example, if you want to change a notes
accidental from Bb to A#, click the note on the staff with the right mouse button,
select the Properties popup menu, and click the <b>Enharmonic</b> checkbox.
If you find yourself changing note properties very often,
consider adding a keyboard shortcut. To do this, select <b>Options</b> from
the <b>View</b> menu and set the appropriate values for <b>Anvil Studio Action</b>
and <b>Computer Key that should trigger the action</b>.
Then, you can simply press that key instead of bringing up the Note Properties
To change the stem direction for a range of notes, select the range of
notes with the mouse or shifted-cursor keys, then press the Ctrl-Key
that is assigned to the Stem-Up or Stem-Down function on the Options page.
To change a note's start time, click the note with the right
mouse button, and then select the <b>Shift note's start time..."</b> popup menu.
A short-cut way to do this is to press the <b>Ctrl</b> key and then drag the note
right or left while pressing the left mouse button and the <b>Ctrl</b> key.
Then, release the mouse button before releasing the <b>Ctrl</b> key.
To delete an individual rest, and shift the notes that follow it to the left,
press the mouse's left button and to the left of the rest, and drag the mouse
to the right while the button remains pressed until the staff looks like:
<br><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="delRest.gif"><br>
Then, press the <b>Del</b> key.
To move a note up or down on the staff, drag it straight up or down with
the mouse while pressing the left mouse button. If you drag it beyond the
top of the staff, it will leave the note unchanged. If you drag it beyond
the bottom of the staff, it will remove the note from the song.
If you click the toolbar button
<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="swipe.gif">
you can hear the note played as you drag it.
To manipulate a range of notes, drag the
mouse over the desired range while pressing the left mouse button, and then select
one of the following items from the Edit menu:
<li>Cut -- removes selected notes, copying them to the clipboard
<li>Copy -- copies selected notes to the clipboard
<li>Paste Mix -- mixes notes from the clipboard with notes at the current position
<li>Paste Insert -- inserts notes from the clipboard at the current position
<li>Delete Selection -- remove all selected notes, shifting the notes that follow to the left left
<li>Silent -- remove all selected notes, leaving the notes that follow where they are
To insert <b>Slurs, Crescendos, Decrescendos,</b> and <b>Repeat</b> symbols:
<li>position the cursor where you want the symbol added
<li>select a range of notes if you want the symbol to apply to a range
<li>select <b>Insert Notation...</b> from the Edit menu.
<li>select the symbol that you want to add.
<li>click on the new symbol to move it up, down, right, or left within the measure or change its size.
To see this track's lyrics,
click the field named <b>Staff</b> and change it to <b>Lyrics</b>.
To edit the track's lyrics:
<li>move the mouse to the note you'd like the words to go with,
<li>press the right mouse button, and
<li>select Lyrics.
For multi-verse lyrics, type several lines in this field.
They will all be displayed when printed, but only the first verse
will be shown on the screen-staff.
Frequenly, standard MIDI songs have lyrics stored on their own track.
If you have loaded such a song, select Merge from the Track menu
to merge the lyrics track into track that has the notes you
want displayed with lyrics.
To display a chord label above the staff,
<li>move the mouse to the note you'd like the label to go with,
<li>press the right mouse button, and
<li>select Chord.
To insert Time Signatures and Key Signatures in the middle of a track,
position the cursor within the measure that you want to change,
and then change the Key: or Time: field in the panel below the staff.
To change the song's tempo, select <b>Metronome</b> from the View menu.
If you would like to see note-name labels on each piano key,
click the on-screen piano with the right mouse button.
If you would like to use your computer keyboard to enter notes,
the keys between <b>Q</b> and <b>]</b> can be used as a row of <i>white</i> piano keys,
while the keys between <b>2</b> and <b>=</b> can be used as the <i>black</i> piano keys between them.
Similarly, the keys between and <b>Z</b> and <b>/</b>, and <b>S</b> and <b>;</b> can be used as
another row of piano keys. To <b>change the octaves</b> that they represent,
move the mouse over the piano keyboard and press the Right mouse button.
To change note duration from the keyboard, press keys <b>F1</b> through <b>F6</b>.
To toggle the Dotted Note checkbox, press <b>F7</b>.
To toggle the Staccato checkbox, press <b>F8</b>.
To toggle Insert Mode, press the <b>Ins</b> key.
To view this track in piano-roll format, click the field named <b>Staff</b>
and change it to <b>Piano Roll</b>.