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- UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 Order Form
- ---------------------------------
- If you find UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 useful, and continue to use it you are
- required to register it.
- Registration may be placed by one of the following methods:
- 1) SECURE order form at:
- http://www.idmcomp.com/registration/index.html or
- http://www.ultraedit.com/registration/index.html or
- 2) FAX to (513) 779 8643
- Telephone to (513) 779 8549.
- 3) MAIL - send payment/order to: Ian D. Mead
- IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
- 8209 Chestnut Hill Ct.
- West Chester, OH 45069
- 4) E-Mail to idm@idmcomp.com or CompuServe 71613,2654
- 5) Distributors:
- France - IdePRO - http://ideshop.idepro.fr/Produits/ultraedit/
- ultraedit01.asp
- Germany - SienerSoft AG - http://www.sienersoft.de/
- Korea - Hanatech Corp. - http://www.hanatech.com/
- Taiwan - AHA Computer Co., Ltd. - http://www.ahasoft.com.tw/html/
- ultraedit.htm
- Payment may be by one of the following methods:
- 1) Credit Card - Visa, MasterCard, Amercian Express
- 2) Check/Postal Money Order (Payable in US Dollars drawn on an US Bank
- Branch)
- 3) CompuServe Online registration *** NOT FOR UPGRADES ***
- (GO SWREG, register ID 2662 (UltraEdit) or ID 4017 (UltraEdit-32)
- 4) Cash.
- 5) Purchase Order (Not for single $15.00 upgrades)
- 6) Bank/Wire Transfer to my account (This does require an additional $12
- fee as well as any charges at your end)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please provide the following information: Date:
- Name_____________________________________Company____________________________
- (if company registration)
- Address_____________________________________________________________________
- Address_____________________________________________________________________
- City_____________________ State/Prov.______________Zip/Post Code____________
- Country_____________________________________________________________________
- Phone Number__________________________ E-Mail_______________________________
- Where Did you get UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 ? ________________________________
- Please check, ____ UltraEdit ____ UltraEdit-32
- Quantity: ____ Cost Each: ____ Total:________
- ($30.00 single license cost -
- Ohio residents add $1.65 Sales Tax)
- Additional Spelling dictionaries: $3.00/Dict. - Free if downloaded from www.
- English (British)___ Dutch___ Finnish___ French___ German___
- Italian___ Spanish___ Swedish___ Total:________
- *** NOTE - Please call or e-mail for site licenses and discounts
- Payment Method:
- __ Check/Money Order __ VISA __ MasterCard __American Exp. ____ Cash ____ Other
- Credit Card #_______________________________________ Expiration Date__________
- Signature ____________________________________________________________________
- (Only required for credit card or purchase orders that are mailed or FAXED)
- Thank you for registering UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32.