PC World 2001 March
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451 lines
# Default JavaScript messages file.
# Copyright ⌐ 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
# To add JavaScript error messages for a particular locale, create a
# new Messages_[locale].properties file, where [locale] is the Java
# string abbreviation for that locale. For example, JavaScript
# messages for the Polish locale should be located in
# Messages_pl.properties, and messages for the Italian Swiss locale
# should be located in Messages_it_CH.properties. Message properties
# files should be accessible through the classpath under
# com.netscape.javascript.resources
# See:
# java.util.ResourceBundle
# java.text.MessageFormat
# SomeJavaClassWhereUsed
# Codegen
msg.dup.parms =\
Duplicate parameter name "{0}".
# Context
msg.ctor.not.found =\
Constructor for "{0}" not found.
msg.not.ctor =\
"{0}" is not a constructor.
# FunctionObject
msg.varargs.ctor =\
Variable arguments signature must be \
(Context cx, Object[] args, Function ctorObj, boolean inNewExpr) \
to define a constructor.
msg.varargs.fun =\
Variable arguments signature must be \
(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) \
to define a function.
msg.incompat.call =\
Method "{0}" called on incompatible object.
msg.bad.parms =\
Bad method parameters for "{0}".
msg.no.overload =\
Method "{0}" occurs multiple times in class "{1}".
msg.method.not.found =\
Method "{0}" not found in "{1}".
# IRFactory
msg.del.nonref =\
Only variables and properties may be deleted.
msg.bad.for.in.lhs =\
Invalid left-hand side of for..in loop.
msg.bad.lhs.assign =\
Invalid assignment left-hand side.
msg.mult.index =\
Only one variable allowed in for..in loop.
msg.cant.convert =\
Can''t convert to type "{0}".
# NativeGlobal
msg.cant.call.indirect =\
Function "{0}" must be called directly, and not by way of a \
function of another name.
msg.eval.nonstring =\
Calling eval() with anything other than a primitive string value will \
simply return the value. Is this what you intended?
# NativeCall
msg.only.from.new =\
"{0}" may only be invoked from a "new" expression.
# NativeClosure
msg.closure.proto =\
Closure.__proto__ must be a function
msg.deprec.ctor =\
The "{0}" constructor is deprecated.
# NativeFunction
msg.no.function.ref.found.in =\
no source found in {1} to decompile function reference {0}
msg.no.function.ref.found =\
no source found to decompile function reference {0}
# NativeGlobal
msg.bad.esc.mask =\
invalid string escape mask
# NativeJavaClass
msg.cant.instantiate =\
error instantiating {0}: class {1} is interface or abstract
msg.bad.ctor.sig =\
Found constructor with wrong signature: \
{0} calling {1} with signature {2}
msg.not.java.obj =\
Expected argument to getClass() to be a Java object.
msg.no.java.ctor =\
Java constructor for "{0}" with arguments "{1}" not found.
# NativeRegExp
msg.bad.quant =\
Invalid quantifier {0}
msg.overlarge.max =\
Overly large maximum {0}
msg.overlarge.octal =\
Overly large octal escape {0}
msg.zero.quant =\
Zero quantifier {0}
msg.max.lt.min =\
Maximum {0} less than minimum
msg.re.empty =\
Regular expression before {0} could be empty.
msg.unterm.quant =\
Unterminated quantifier {0}
msg.unterm.paren =\
Unterminated parenthetical {0}
msg.unterm.class =\
Unterminated character class {0}
msg.bad.range =\
Invalid range in character class.
msg.trail.backslash =\
Trailing \\ in regular expression.
# NodeTransformer
msg.dup.label =\
Duplicate label {0}.
msg.undef.label =\
Undefined label {0}.
msg.bad.break =\
Unlabelled break must be inside loop or switch.
msg.continue.outside =\
continue must be inside loop.
msg.continue.nonloop =\
Can only continue to labeled iteration statement.
# Parser
msg.no.paren.parms =\
missing ( before function parameters
msg.no.parm =\
missing formal parameter
msg.no.paren.after.parms =\
missing ) after formal parameters
msg.no.brace.body =\
missing '{' before function body
msg.no.brace.after.body =\
missing } after function body
msg.no.paren.cond =\
missing ( before condition
msg.no.paren.after.cond =\
missing ) after condition
msg.no.semi.stmt =\
missing ; before statement
msg.no.name.after.dot =\
missing name after . operator
msg.no.bracket.index =\
missing ] in index expression
msg.no.paren.switch =\
missing ( before switch expression
msg.no.paren.after.switch =\
missing ) after switch expression
msg.no.brace.switch =\
missing '{' before switch body
msg.bad.switch =\
invalid switch statement
msg.no.colon.case =\
missing : after case expression
msg.no.while.do =\
missing while after do-loop body
msg.no.paren.for =\
missing ( after for
msg.no.semi.for =\
missing ; after for-loop initializer
msg.no.semi.for.cond =\
missing ; after for-loop condition
msg.no.paren.for.ctrl =\
missing ) after for-loop control
msg.no.paren.with =\
missing ( before with-statement object
msg.no.paren.after.with =\
missing ) after with-statement object
msg.bad.return =\
invalid return
msg.fn.retval =\
function does not always return a value
msg.no.brace.block =\
missing } in compound statement
msg.bad.label =\
invalid label
msg.bad.var =\
missing variable name
msg.bad.var.init =\
invalid variable initialization
msg.no.colon.cond =\
missing : in conditional expression
msg.no.paren.arg =\
missing ) after argument list
msg.no.bracket.arg =\
missing ] after element list
msg.bad.prop =\
invalid property id
msg.no.colon.prop =\
missing : after property id
msg.no.brace.prop =\
missing } after property list
msg.no.paren =\
missing ) in parenthetical
msg.reserved.id =\
identifier is a reserved word
msg.scanner.caught.error =\
scanner caught an error
msg.no.paren.catch =\
missing ( before catch-block condition
msg.bad.catchcond =\
invalid catch block condition
msg.no.brace.catchblock =\
missing '{' before catch-block body
msg.try.no.catchfinally =\
''try'' without ''catch'' or ''finally''
msg.syntax =\
syntax error
# ScriptRuntime
msg.assn.create =\
Assignment to msg.undefined "{0}" will create a new variable. \
Add a variable statement at the top level scope to remove this warning.
msg.prop.not.found =\
Property not found.
msg.invalid.type =\
Invalid JavaScript value of type {0}
msg.primitive.expected =\
Primitive type expected (had {0} instead)
msg.null.to.object =\
Cannot convert null to an object.
msg.undef.to.object =\
Cannot convert msg.undefined to an object.
msg.cyclic.value =\
Cyclic {0} value not allowed.
msg.is.not.defined =\
"{0}" is not defined.
msg.isnt.function =\
{0} is not a function.
msg.bad.default.value =\
Object''s getDefaultValue() method returned an object.
msg.instanceof.not.object = \
Can''t use instanceof on a non-object.
msg.in.not.object = \
Can''t use the in operator on a non-object.
msg.instanceof.bad.prototype = \
''prototype'' property of {0} is not an object.
# ScriptableObject
msg.default.value =\
Cannot find default value for object.
msg.zero.arg.ctor =\
Cannot load class "{0}" which has no zero-parameter constructor.
msg.multiple.ctors =\
Cannot have more than one constructor method, but found both {0} and {1}.
msg.ctor.multiple.parms =\
Can''t define constructor or class {0} since more than one \
constructor has multiple parameters.
msg.extend.scriptable =\
{0} must extend ScriptableObject in order to define property {1}.
msg.bad.getter.parms =\
In order to define a property, getter {0} must have zero parameters \
or a single ScriptableObject parameter.
msg.obj.getter.parms =\
Expected static or delegated getter {0} to take a ScriptableObject parameter.
msg.getter.static =\
Getter and setter must both be static or neither be static.
msg.setter2.parms =\
Two-parameter setter must take a ScriptableObject as its first parameter.
msg.setter1.parms =\
Expected single parameter setter for {0}
msg.setter2.expected =\
Expected static or delegated setter {0} to take two parameters.
msg.setter.parms =\
Expected either one or two parameters for setter.
# TokenStream
msg.token.replaces.pushback =\
ungot token {0} replaces pushback token {1}
msg.missing.exponent =\
missing exponent
msg.caught.nfe =\
number format error: {0}
msg.unterminated.string.lit =\
unterminated string literal
msg.oct.esc.too.large =\
octal escape too large
msg.nested.comment =\
nested comment
msg.unterminated.comment =\
unterminated comment
msg.unterminated.re.lit =\
unterminated regular expression literal
msg.invalid.re.flag =\
invalid flag after regular expression
msg.no.re.input.for =\
no input for {0}
msg.illegal.character =\
illegal character
# TokensStream warnings
msg.bad.octal.literal =\
illegal octal literal digit {0}; interpreting it as a decimal digit
# Undefined
msg.undefined =\
The msg.undefined value has no properties.
msg.undefined1 =\
The msg.undefined value has no properties. \
Property "{0}" was not found in object "{1}".
# LiveConnect errors
msg.java.internal.field.type =\
Internal error: type conversion of {0} to assign to {1} on {2} failed.
msg.java.conversion.implicit_method =\
Can''t find converter method "{0}" on class {1}.
msg.java.method.assign =\
Java method "{0}" cannot be assigned to.
msg.java.internal.private =\
Internal error: attempt to access private/protected field "{0}".
java.construmsg.ctor.not.found =\
No constructor for {0} matching arguments ({1}).
msg.java.no_such_method =\
Can''t find method {0}.
msg.script.is.not.constructor =\
Script objects are not constructors.
msg.nonjava.method =\
Java method "{0}" was invoked with a ''this'' value that was not a Java object.
msg.java.member.not.found =\
Java class "{0}" has no public instance field or method named "{1}".