BackedHashtable.dataSrcErr=BackedHashtable: problem obtaining the configured datasource
BackedHashtable.closeConErr=BackedHashtable: problem closing a connection
BackedHashtable.getValueErrBH=BackedHashtable: problem occurred reading in a single object of the application data for a session from the database
BackedHashtable.getWrapBH=BackedHashtable: problem occured allocating a session object
BackedHashtable.getLckErr=BackedHashtable: problem getting the database row lock
BackedHashtable.swtColErr=BackedHashtable: problem switching which database column the application data resides
BackedHashtable.asynUpErr=BackedHashtable: problem sending asynchronous last access updates to the database
BackedHashtable.tooManyErr=BackedHashtable: an attempt to store more than the maximum allowed amount of in memory sessions was made
BackedHashtable.reloadErr=BackedHashtable: an database error occurred trying to clean up sessions after a web application reload
BackedHashtableMR.fillAppDBMRErr=BackedHashtableMR: database error in fileAppData
BackedHashtableMR.propHitErr=BackedHashtableMR: a problem storing application data changes to the database
BackedHashtableMR.createErrMR=BackedHashtableMR: a problem occurred inserting a new session into the database
BackedHashtableSE.getSessEJSErr=BackedHashtableSE: a problem occurred getting a session from the EJS
BackedHashtableSE.getHomeEJSErr=BackedHashtableSE: a problem occurred getting a EJB home reference for sessions from the EJS
BackedHashtableSE.storeSessEJSErr=BackedHashtableSE: a problem occurred storing a session in the EJS
SessionContextRegistry.AOErr=SessionContextRegistry: a problem occurred processing a configuration from the session active object
SessionContextRegistry.XMLErr=SessionContextRegistry: a problem occurred processing a configuration from the session xml configuration file
SessionContextRegistry.EPMErr=SessionContextRegistry: a problem occurred creating the session EPM instrumentation
SessionContextRegistry.CTXErr=SessionContextRegistry: a problem occurred creating a session context
SessionContextRegistry.modeSwtchErr=SessionContextRegistry: an attempt to change the Session Manager mode between memory-only and persistent without restarting the server was made - this is not allowed
UserProfileManager.managerNotInitializedError=UserProfileManager - UserProfile not Enabled
EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadOnlyBean.readOnlyBeanGetterMethodError=EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadOnlyBean - Error invoking get method for object {0} on result set
EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadOnlyBean.readOnlyBeanSetterMethodError=EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadOnlyBean - Error invoking set method for object {0} on prepared statement
EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadWriteBean.readWriteBeanGetterMethodError=EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadWriteBean - Error invoking get method for object {0} on result set
EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadWriteBean.readWriteBeanSetterMethodError=EJSJDBCPersisterUP_ReadWriteBean - Error invoking set method for object {0} on prepared statement
MemorySessionContext.lockAndReturnOflowError=MemorySessionContextlockAndReturn:lockAndReturn - too many concurrent accesses for a given session {0} has exceed the JVM capacity