# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with Transarc Corp
# $TALog: ejscpMsg.properties,v $
# Revision 1.1 1999/04/19 17:42:41 byrappag
# [ NLS more messages. ]
# [ NLSed messages ]
# [added by delta byrappag-00000-jmon-sm-ejscp-add-nls-support, r1.3]
# Usage messages
WSCP_EXTENSION_HELP=\nThe general format of all wscp actions is:\n\t<object-type> <action> [name] [options]\n\nThe following is a list of the supported objects:\n\n{0}\nTo list all actions an object supports:\t<object> help\nTo list all the options for an action:\t<object> help <action>\nFor verbose information on an action:\t<object> help <action> -verbose\n
WSCP_HELP=\nUsage: wscp [-h] [-c command] [-f file] [-p file] [-x extension] [-- options]\n\n -c command\t: evaluate the specified Tcl command\n -h\t\t: display this usage information\n -f file\t: evaluate the specified file of Tcl commands\n -p file\t: evaluate the specified properties file\n -x extension: load the specified Tcl extension class\n -- options\t: Tcl argc and argv variables are set as specified\n\nThe wscp shell evaluates Tcl commands in the order specified on the \ncommand line, so any extensions should be loaded prior to invoking commands \ndependent on those extensions. If no command-line commands or files are \nspecified, an interactive shell is invoked, which is terminated by the exit\ncommand. Command-line options not supported by wscp, or specified after\n-- on the command line, are used to set the Tcl argc and argv variables,\nwhich may be interpreted by Tcl extensions or other commands.\n
# Help messages - NOTE: the code requires that default messages and keys match
# (with spaces replaced by '.') -- that's how messages are retrieved.
Action.for.which.help.is.needed=Action for which help is needed
Add.a.related.object.to.the.EnterpriseApplication=Add a related object to the EnterpriseApplication