the Administrator\'s Client Interface for WebSphere Application Server 3.5 you want to update the version of the<b> WebSphere Application Server\'s Administrative User Interface </b>on this workstation, or if you want to install the Administrative User Interface on this workstation, follow the steps below. download the installation jar file.
adminclient.install.title=INSTALLATION STEPS
adminclient.install.step.1=Change to the directory where you downloaded the admin client jar file.
adminclient.install.step.2=Unjar the downloaded jar file. the command. until the systems management interface (EJSConsole) appears. Depending on your system capacity, this can take up to 15 minutes. Leave the command window open while the EJSConsole is running. Note: If you need to stop the administration client, select Console-Exit.
adminclient.bad.config.1=Directory browsing not supported.
adminclient.bad.config.2=File not found.
adminclient.for.adv.on.nt=IBM WebAS 3.5 STD AdminClient for NT
adminclient.for.std.on.nt=IBM WebAS 3.5 ADV AdminClient for NT
adminclient.for.adv.on.aix=IBM WebAS 3.5 STD AdminClient for AIX
adminclient.for.std.on.aix=IBM WebAS 3.5 ADV AdminClient for AIX
adminclient.for.adv.on.sun=IBM WebAS 3.5 STD AdminClient for SUN
adminclient.for.std.on.sun=IBM WebAS 3.5 ADV AdminClient for SUN
adminclient.for.nt=IBM WebAS 3.5 AdminClient for NT
adminclient.for.aix=IBM WebAS 3.5 AdminClient for AIX
adminclient.for.sun=IBM WebAS 3.5 AdminClient for SUN