debug.vars.possibleValues=2|Generate|Do not generate
debug.vars.description=When generated, this attribute will enable local variable names to be displayed in debugger, only in place where variables are definitely assigned (.class file is then bigger)
debug.lines.category=Debug Information number attribute
debug.lines.possibleValues=2|Generate|Do not generate
debug.lines.description=When generated, this attribute will enable source code highlighting in debugger (.class file is then bigger).
debug.source.category=Debug Information file attribute
debug.source.possibleValues=2|Generate|Do not generate
debug.source.description=When generated, this attribute will enable the debugger to present the corresponding source code.
debug.preserveAllLocals.possibleValues=2|Preserve|Optimize out
debug.preserveAllLocals.description=Unless requested to preserve unused local variables (i.e. never read), the compiler will optimize them out, potentially altering debugging
optionalWarning.methodWithConstructorName.description=Naming a method with a constructor name is generally considered poor style programming. When enabling this option, the compiler will signal such scenarii.
optionalWarning.overridingPackageDefaultMethod.description=A package default method is not visible in a different package, and thus cannot be overriden. When enabling this option, the compiler will signal such scenarii.
optionalWarning.maskedCatchBlock.description=Locally to a try statement, some catch blocks may hide others (e.g. try {throw new;} catch ( e) {} catch ( e) {}). When enabling this option, the compiler will issue a warning for hidden catch blocks corresponding to checked exceptions
optionalWarning.unusedLocalVariable.description=When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning for unused local variables (i.e. variables never read from)
optionalWarning.unusedArgument.description=When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning for unused method parameters (i.e. parameters never read from)
optionalWarning.accessEmulation.description=When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning whenever it emulates access to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type