if (strlen($uname) > 25) $stop = "<center>".translate("Nickname is too long. It must be less than 25 characters.")."</center>";
if (eregi("^((root)|(adm)|(linux)|(webmaster)|(admin)|(god)|(administrator)|(administrador)|(nobody)|(anonymous)|(anonimo)|(an≤nimo)|(operator))$",$uname)) $stop = "<center>".translate("ERROR: Name is reserved.")."";
if (strrpos($uname,' ') > 0) $stop = "<center>".translate("There cannot be any spaces in the Nickname.")."</center>";
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select uname from users where uname='$uname'")) > 0) $stop = "<center>".translate("ERROR: Nickname taken")."</center><br>";
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select email from users where email='$email'")) > 0) $stop = "<center>".translate("ERROR: Email address already registered")."</center><br>";
$result = mysql_query("insert into users values (NULL,'','$uname','$email','','','$cryptpass',10,'',0,0,0,'',0,'','','$commentlimit', '0')");
if(!$result) {
echo mysql_errno(). ": ".mysql_error(). "<br>";
} else {
$message = "".translate("Welcome to")." $sitename!\n\n".translate("You or someone else has used your email account")." ($email) ".translate("to register an account at")." $sitename. ".translate("The following is the member information:")."\n\n".translate("-Nickname: ")." $uname\n".translate("-Password: ")." $makepass";
$result = mysql_query("select email, pass from users where (uname='$uname')");
if(!$result) {
echo "<center>".translate("Sorry, no corresponding user info was found")."</center>";
} else {
$host_name = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
list($email, $pass) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$areyou = substr($pass, 0, 5);
if ($areyou==$code) {
$message = "".translate("The user account")." '$uname' ".translate("at")." $nuke_url ".translate("has this email associated with it.")." ".translate("A web user from")." $host_name ".translate("has just requested that password be sent.")."\n\n".translate("Your New Password is:")." $newpass\n\n ".translate("You can change it after you login at")." $nuke_url/user.php\n\n".translate("If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. You are seeing this message, not 'them'. If this was an error just login with your new password.")."";
$result = mysql_query("select email, pass from users where (uname='$uname')");
if(!$result) {
echo "<center>".translate("Sorry, no corresponding user info was found")."</center>";
} else {
$host_name = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
list($email, $pass) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$areyou = substr($pass, 0, 5);
$message = "".translate("The user account")." '$uname' ".translate("at")." $nuke_url ".translate("has this email associated with it.")." ".translate("A web user from")." $host_name ".translate("has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password.")."\n\n".translate("Your Confirmation Code is:")." $areyou \n\n".translate("With this code you can now assign a new password at")." $nuke_url/user.php\n".translate("If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. Just delete this Email.")."";
<?php echo translate("Anonymous posts start at 0, logged in posts start at 1. Moderators add and subtract points."); ?>
<INPUT type=checkbox name=noscore <?PHP if ($userinfo[noscore]==1) { echo "checked"; } ?>><B> <?php echo translate("Do Not Display Scores"); ?></B> <?php echo translate("(Hides score: They still apply, you just don't see them.)"); ?>
<b><?php echo translate("Max Comment Length"); ?></b> <?php echo translate("(Truncates long comments, and adds a Read More link. Set really big to disable)"); ?><br>