case "The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsable for its content.": $tmp = "▀Γ ∞≡εσ∩µΓ⌠ΩΩ ≡µ■σµ⌡µ■σ∩∩² µ≡φ√∞≡ µσ, ∞µ≡ ΩΘ ≥≡εσ⌡µΩφ. ╬² ∩σ ∩σ⌡úε ≡µ■σµ⌡µ■σ∩∩≡⌡Ω Γ ∩ΩΘ."; break;
case "Post Anonymously": $tmp = "╥≡εσ⌡µΩµ√ Γ∩≡∩Ωε∩≡"; break;
case "Post": $tmp = "╥≡εσ⌡µΩµ√"; break;
case "Comment": $tmp = "╠≡εσ∩µΓ⌠Ωδ"; break;
case "Extrans (html tags to text)": $tmp = "▐⌡µΓ■∞Ω (µ°·Ω html ■ µσ∞⌡µσ)"; break;
case "HTML Formatted": $tmp = "╥≡φ∩≡τσ∩∩²δ HTML"; break;
case "Plain Old Text": $tmp = "╥⌠≡⌡µ≡ µσ∞⌡µ"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "╞σεΓ"; break;
case "Allowed HTML:": $tmp = "╘Γ ⌠σ∙ú∩∩²σ HTML µ°·Ω:"; break;
case "User Info": $tmp = "╩∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩ≤ ≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφ≤"; break;
case "Score: ": $tmp = "╨τσ∩∞Γ: "; break;
case "by": $tmp = ""; break;
case "on": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Moderate": $tmp = "╬≡Σσ⌠Ω⌠≡■Γµ√"; break;
case "This is your personal page": $tmp = "╪µ≡ ■Γ∙Γ φΩα∩Γ≤ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩Ωα∞Γ. ▐≡ ε≡π∩≡ ■² ΓΘ≡µΩµσ ■∩σ⌡µΩ ⌡ßΣΓ ∩σ∞≡µ≡⌠²σ Ω εσ∩σ∩Ω≤. ┼⌡φΩ Φ ■Γ⌡ ε∩≡·≡ ⌡■≡≈≡Σ∩≡·≡ ■⌠σεσ∩Ω, ■² ε≡πσµσ ⌡ Φ⌡≥σΘ≡ε ≥≡µ⌠ΓµΩµ√ σ·≡ Σσ⌡√."; break;
case "My HomePage:": $tmp = "╬≡≤ ─≡εΓ∙∩≤≤ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΓ:"; break;
case "My E-Mail:": $tmp = "╬≡δ E-Mail:"; break;
case "Extra Info:": $tmp = "─≡≥≡φ∩Ωµσφ√∩Γ≤ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩ≤"; break;
case "There is no available info for": $tmp = "╧σµ Σ≡⌡µΦ≥∩≡δ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩΩ ≥≡"; break;
case "This web site uses": $tmp = "╒µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΓ Ω⌡≥≡φ√ Φσµ"; break;
case "Incorrect Login!": $tmp = "╧σ■σ⌠∩²δ ▐Θ≡Σ!"; break;
case "New User:": $tmp = "╧≡■²δ ≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφ√:"; break;
case "(Password will be sent to the email address you enter.)": $tmp = "(▐Γ∙ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ ≈ΦΣσµ ■²⌡φΓ∩ ∩Γ e-mail, ∞≡µ≡⌠²δ ■² Φ∞Γ ΓφΩ ≥⌠Ω ⌠σ·Ω⌡µ⌠ΓτΩΩ.)"; break;
case "Lost your Password?": $tmp = "▀Γ≈²φΩ ⌡■≡δ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√?"; break;
case "No problem. Just type your Nickname and click on send button.": $tmp = "╧σ ■≡≥⌠≡⌡. ╥⌠≡⌡µ≡ Φ∞ΓπΩµσ ■Γ∙ φ≡·Ω∩ Ω ∩ΓπεΩµσ ∞∩≡≥∞Φ ■²⌡φΓµ√."; break;
case "Notice: Account preferences are cookie based.": $tmp = "▐∩ΩεΓ∩Ωσ: ╧Γ⌡µ⌠≡δ∞Ω Γ∞∞ΓΦ∩µΓ ≡⌡∩≡■²■ßµ⌡≤ ∩Γ cookie."; break;
case "more info...": $tmp = "Σ≡≥≡φ∩Ωµσφ√∩Γ≤ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩ≤..."; break;
case "Sorry, no corresponding user info was found": $tmp = "╩ ■σ∩Ωµσ, ≥≡ ΣΓ∩∩≡εΦ ≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφß Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩΩ ∩σ≈²φ≡ ∩ΓδΣσ∩≡"; break;
case "The user account": $tmp = "┬∞∞ΓΦ∩µ ≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφ≤"; break;
case "at": $tmp = "at"; break;
case "has this email associated with it.": $tmp = "°µ≡µ email ≡µ∩≡⌡Ωµ⌡≤ ∞."; break;
case "A web user from": $tmp = "╥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφ√ ≡µ"; break;
case "has just requested that password be sent.": $tmp = "▀Γ≥⌠≡∙σ∩∩²δ ▐ΓεΩ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ ≈²φ ≡µ≡⌡φΓ∩."; break;
case "Your New Password is:": $tmp = "▐Γ∙ ∩≡■²δ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√:"; break;
case "You can change it after you login at": $tmp = "▐² ε≡πΩµσ Ω εσ∩Ωµ√ °µ≡ ≥≡⌡φσ ■Θ≡ΣΓ ■"; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. You are seeing this message, not 'them'. If this was an error just login with your new password.": $tmp = "┼⌡φΩ ▐² ∩σ µ⌠σ≈≡■ΓφΩ °µ≡, ∩σ ≈σ⌡≥≡∞≡δµσ⌡√. ▐² ■ΩΣΩµσ °µ≡ ⌡≡≡≈ⁿσ∩Ωσ, ∩σ '≡∩. ┼⌡φΩ °µ≡ ≈²φ≡ µ≡α∩²δ ■Θ≡Σ ≡∙Ω≈∞Ω ⌡ ■Γ∙Ωε ∩≡■²ε ≥Γ⌠≡φσε."; break;
case "ERROR: Email addresses do not contain spaces.": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: Email ∩σ Σ≡φπσ∩ ⌡≡Σσ⌠πΓµ√ ≥⌠≡≈σφ≡■."; break;
case "ERROR: Invalid Nickname": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ╧σ■σ⌠∩≡σ Ωε≤."; break;
case "Nickname is too long. It must be less than 15 characters.": $tmp = "╒φΩ∙∞≡ε ΣφΩ∩∩≡σ Ωε≤. ╨∩≡ ∩σ Σ≡φπ∩≡ ≈²µ√ ≈≡φ√∙σ 15 ⌡Ωε■≡φ≡■."; break;
case "There cannot be any spaces in the Nickname.": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ∩σ Σ≡φπ∩≡ ⌡≡Σσ⌠πΓµ√ ≥⌠≡≈σφ²."; break;
case "Finish": $tmp = "╠≡∩στ"; break;
case "You or someone else has used your email account": $tmp = "▐² ΩφΩ ∞µ≡-µ≡ σⁿú Ω⌡≥≡φ√ ≡■ΓφΩ ■Γ∙ email"; break;
case "to register an account at": $tmp = "αµ≡≈² Γ⌠σ·Ω⌡µ⌠Ω⌠≡■Γµ√ Γ∞∞ΓΦ∩µ ∩Γ"; break;
case "The following is the member information:": $tmp = "╒φσΣΦßⁿσσ ≤■φ≤σµ⌡≤ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩσδ °φσεσ∩µΓ:"; break;
case "-Nickname: ": $tmp = "-╩ε≤: "; break;
case "-Password: ": $tmp = "-╥Γ⌠≡φ√: "; break;
case "Your Password is: ": $tmp = "▐Γ∙ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√: "; break;
case "You are now registered. You should receive your password at the email account you provided.": $tmp = "▐≡µ ■² Ω Γ⌠σ·Ω⌡µ⌠Ω⌠≡■ΓφΩ⌡√. ▐² ≥≡φΦαΩµσ ■Γ∙ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ ≥≡ µ≡εΦ email ∞≡µ≡⌠²δ Φ∞Γ ΓφΩ."; break;
case "Real Name": $tmp = "╘σΓφ√∩≡σ ╩ε≤"; break;
case "Real Email": $tmp = "╘σΓφ√∩²δ Email"; break;
case "Fake Email": $tmp = "┼ⁿú ≡ΣΩ∩ Email"; break;
case "Your HomePage": $tmp = "▐Γ∙Γ ─≡εΓ∙∩≤≤ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΓ"; break;
case "Extra Info": $tmp = "─≡≥≡φ∩Ωµσφ√∩Γ≤ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩ≤"; break;
case "(optional)": $tmp = "(∩σ ≡≈≤ Γµσφ√∩≡)"; break;
case "(required)": $tmp = "(≡≈≤ Γµσφ√∩≡)"; break;
case "(This Email will not be public but is required, will be used to send your password if you lost it)": $tmp = "(╪µ≡µ Email ∩σ ≈ΦΣσµ ≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γµ√⌡≤, ∩≡ ≡∩ ∩Φπσ∩ Σφ≤ µ≡·≡ αµ≡≈² ■²φΓµ√ ■Γε ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ ■ µ≡ε ⌡φΦαΓσ σ⌡φΩ ■² σ·≡ Γ≈²φΩ.)"; break;
case "(This Email will be public. Just type what you want, Spam proof)": $tmp = "(╪µ≡µ Email ≈ΦΣσµ ≡≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩. ╥Ω∙Ωµσ ⌡ßΣΓ αµ≡ Θ≡µΩµσ, ⌡≥Γε ≥⌠Ω■σµ⌡µ■Φσµ⌡≤ :))"; break;
case "(255 characters max. Type what others can know about yourself)": $tmp = "(╬Γ∞⌡ΩεΦε 255 ⌡Ωε■≡φ≡■. └µ≡-∩Ω≈ΦΣ√ ≡ ⌡σ≈σ.)"; break;
case "(type a new password twice to change it)": $tmp = "(■■σΣΩµσ ∩≡■²δ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ Σ■ΓπΣ² αµ≡≈² Ω εσ∩Ωµ√ σ·≡)"; break;
case "Save Changes": $tmp = "╒≡Θ⌠Γ∩Ωµ√ Ω εσ∩σ∩Ω≤"; break;
case "Both passwords are different. They need to be identical.": $tmp = "╥Γ⌠≡φΩ ⌠Γ φΩαΓßµ⌡≤. ╨∩Ω Σ≡φπ∩² ≈²µ√ ΩΣσ∩µΩα∩²."; break;
case "Sorry, your password must be at least": $tmp = "╩ ■σ∩Ωµσ ▐Γ∙ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ Σ≡φπσ∩ ≈²µ√ ≥≡ εσ∩√∙σδ εσ⌠σ"; break;
case "characters long": $tmp = "⌡Ωε■≡φ≡■"; break;
case "Something screwed up... don't you hate that?": $tmp = "└µ≡-µ≡ ∩Γ⌠Φ∙Ωφ≡... ∩σ ▐² ∩σ∩Γ■ΩΣΩµσ °µ≡?"; break;
case "Current Active Sections": $tmp = "┬∞µΩ■∩²σ ⌡σ∞τΩΩ"; break;
case "Add a New Section": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ∩≡■Φß ⌡σ∞τΩß"; break;
case "Section Name:": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ⌡σ∞τΩΩ:"; break;
case "(40 characters Max.)": $tmp = "(εΓ∞⌡ΩεΦε 40 ⌡Ωε■≡φ≡■.)"; break;
case "Add Section!": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ⌡σ∞τΩß!"; break;
case "Edit Section:": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ⌡σ∞τΩß:"; break;
case "Delete Section!": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡σ∞τΩß!"; break;
case "Add Article in Sections": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß ■ ⌡σ∞τΩΩ"; break;
case "Add Article!": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß!"; break;
case "Edit Article": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß"; break;
case "Content": $tmp = "╒≡Σσ⌠πΓ∩Ωσ"; break;
case "Delete Article: ": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß: "; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this article?": $tmp = "▐² Φ■σ⌠σ∩² αµ≡ Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ °µΦ ⌡µΓµ√ß?"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete section": $tmp = "▐² Φ■σ⌠σ∩² αµ≡ Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡σ∞τΩß"; break;
case "Delete Section: ": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡σ∞τΩß: "; break;
case "This will delete ALL its articles!": $tmp = "╪µ≡ ΦΣΓφΩµ ■⌡σ σú ⌡µΓµ√Ω!"; break;
case "Welcome to the Special Sections at": $tmp = "─≡≈⌠≡ ╥≡πΓφ≡■Γµ√ ▐ ╒≥στΩΓφ√∩²σ ╘Γ Σσφ²"; break;
case "Here you can find some cool articles not presents in the Home.": $tmp = "▀Σσ⌡√ ε≡π∩≡ ∩ΓδµΩ ∩σ∞≡µ≡⌠²σ ∞φΓ⌡⌡∩²σ ⌡µΓµ√Ω ∩σ≡≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩∩²σ ∩Γ ·φΓ■∩≡δ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩Ωτσ."; break;
case "This is Section": $tmp = "╪µ≡ ⌡σ∞τΩ≤"; break;
case "Following are the articles published under this section.": $tmp = "╒φσΣΦßⁿσσ ≤■φ≤ßµ⌡≤ ⌡µΓµ√≤εΩ ≡≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩∩²εΩ ■ °µ≡ε ⌠Γ Σσφσ"; break;
case "Return to Sections Index": $tmp = "▐σ⌠∩Φµ√⌡≤ ∞ Ω∩Σσ∞⌡Φ ⌠Γ Σσφ≡■"; break;
case "Back to": $tmp = "╨≈⌠Γµ∩≡ ∞"; break;
case "Sections Index": $tmp = "╩∩Σσ∞⌡ ⌠Γ Σσφ≡■"; break;
case "All Topics": $tmp = "▐⌡σ µσε²"; break;
case "All Authors": $tmp = "▐⌡σ Γ■µ≡⌠²"; break;
case "News number in the Home": $tmp = "╠≡φΩασ⌡µ■≡ ⌡µΓµσδ ∩Γ ≥σ⌠■≡δ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩Ωτσ"; break;
case "Activate Personal Menu": $tmp = "▐∞φßαΩµ√ ≥σ⌠⌡≡∩Γφ√∩≡σ εσ∩ß"; break;
case "(Check this option and the following text will appear in the Home)": $tmp = "(▐∞φßαΩµσ °µΦ ≡≥τΩß Ω Ω ⌡φσΣΦßⁿΩδ µσ∞⌡µ ≥≡≤■Ωµ⌡≤ ∩Γ ⌡µΓ⌠µ≡■≡δ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩Ωτσ)"; break;
case "(You can use HTML code to put links, for example)": $tmp = "(╠ ≥⌠Ωεσ⌠Φ ■² ε≡πσµσ Ω⌡≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµ√ HTML, αµ≡≈² ■∞φßαΩµ√ ■Γ∙Ω ⌡⌡²φ∞Ω)"; break;
case "Select One Theme": $tmp = "▐²≈σ⌠Ωµσ µσεΦ"; break;
case "This option will change the look for the whole site.": $tmp = "╪µΓ ≡≥τΩ≤ Ω εσ∩Ωµ ■ΩΣ ■⌡σ·≡ ⌡ΓδµΓ."; break;
case "The changes will be valid only to you.": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩σ∩Ω≤ ≈ΦΣΦµ Σσδ⌡µ■Ωµσφ√∩² µ≡φ√∞≡ Σφ≤ ■Γ⌡."; break;
case "Each user can view the site with different theme.": $tmp = "╠ΓπΣ²δ ≥≡φ√ ≡■Γµσφ√ ε≡πσµ ≥⌠≡⌡εΓµ⌠Ω■Γµ√ °µ≡µ ⌡Γδµ ⌡ ⌠Γ ∩²εΩ µσεΓεΩ."; break;
case "Display Mode": $tmp = "╥≡∞Γ ²■Γµ√"; break;
case "Sort Order": $tmp = "╥≡⌠≤Σ≡∞ ⌡≡⌠µΩ⌠≡■∞Ω"; break;
case "Comments scored less than this setting will be ignored.": $tmp = "╠≡εεσ∩µΓ⌠ΩΩ Σ≡⌡µΩ·φΩ εσ∩σσ ασε Φ⌡µΓ∩≡■φσ∩∩≡ ≈ΦΣσε ≥⌠≡Ω·∩≡⌠Ω⌠≡■Γµ√."; break;
case "Uncut and Raw": $tmp = "╨µ Ω ─≡"; break;
case "Almost Everything": $tmp = "╥≡αµΩ ■⌡ú"; break;
case "Filter Most Anon": $tmp = "╓Ωφ√µ⌠≡■Γµ√ Γ∩≡∩Ωε∩²σ"; break;
case "Score": $tmp = "╨τσ∩∞Γ"; break;
case "Anonymous posts start at 0, logged in posts start at 1. Moderators add and subtract points.": $tmp = "┬∩≡∩Ωε∩²σ ∩ΓαΩ∩Γßµ⌡≤ ⌡ 0, Γ⌠σ·Ω⌡µ⌠Ω⌠≡■Γ∩∩²σ ■ ∩ΓαΓφσ 1. ┬■µ≡⌠ Σ≡≈Γ■φ≤σµ Ω ■²αΩµΓσµ."; break;
case "Do Not Display Scores": $tmp = "╧σ≡µ≡≈⌠ΓπΓµ√ ⌡ασµαΩ∞"; break;
case "(Hides score: They still apply, you just don't see them.)": $tmp = "(╨τσ∩∞Γ: ╨∩Ω ■⌡σ σⁿσ σ⌡µ√, ▐² ≥⌠≡⌡µ≡ ∩σ ■ΩΣΩµσ ΩΘ.)"; break;
case "Max Comment Length": $tmp = "╬Γ∞⌡ΩεΓφ√∩Γ≤ ΣφΩ∩∩Γ ∞≡εσ∩µΓ⌠Ω≤"; break;
case "(Truncates long comments, and adds a Read More link. Set really big to disable)": $tmp = "(╩⌡∞φßαΓσµ ΣφΩ∩∩²σ ∞≡εεσ∩µΓ⌠ΩΩ, Ω Σ≡≈Γ■φ≤σµ └µσ∩Ωσ ╫≡φ√∙ΩΘ ⌡⌡²φ≡∞. ╚⌡µΓ∩≡■Ωµσ Σσδ⌡µ■Ωµσφ√∩≡ ≈≡φ√∙≡σ ∩Γασ∩Ωσ, αµ≡≈² ???)"; break;
case "Posted by ": $tmp = "╨≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩≡ "; break;
case "Posted on ": $tmp = "╨≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩≡ ■ "; break;
case "on": $tmp = "on"; break;
case "Contributed by ": $tmp = "┬■µ≡⌠: "; break;
case "writes": $tmp = "≥Ω∙σµ"; break;
case "Menu for": $tmp = "╬σ∩ß Σφ≤"; break;
case "total words in this text)": $tmp = "■⌡σ·≡ ⌡φ≡■ ■ °µ≡ε µσ∞⌡µσ)"; break;
case "votes": $tmp = "·≡φ≡⌡≡■"; break;
case " on...": $tmp = " on..."; break;
case "New Article": $tmp = "╧≡■Γ≤ ⌡µΓµ√≤"; break;
case "Delete Topic!": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ µσεΦ!"; break;
case "Click to list all articles in this topic": $tmp = "╠φΩ∞∩Ωµσ αµ≡≈² ≥≡∞Γ Γµ√ ■⌡σ ⌡µΓµ√Ω ≥≡ ΣΓ∩∩²ε µσεΓε"; break;
case "Welcome to the TOP page for": $tmp = "─≡≈⌠≡ ╥≡πΓφ≡■Γµ√ ▐ ▐┼╘╔╧┴┴ ⌡µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΦ $top Σφ≤"; break;
case "most read stories": $tmp = "∩ΓΩ≈≡φσσ αΩµΓσε²Θ ⌡µΓµσδ"; break;
case "read:": $tmp = "≥⌠≡αΩµΓ∩≡:"; break;
case "times": $tmp = "⌠Γ "; break;
case "most commented stories": $tmp = "∩ΓΩ≈≡φσσ ∞≡εσ∩µΩ⌠Φσε²Θ ⌡µΓµσδ"; break;
case "comments:": $tmp = "∞≡εσ∩µΓ⌠Ωσ■:"; break;
case "most voted polls": $tmp = "∩ΓΩ≈≡φσσ ≡µ■σαΓσε²Θ ≡≥⌠≡⌡≡■"; break;
case "votes:": $tmp = "·≡φ≡⌡≡■:"; break;
case "Edit Article ID:": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß ID:"; break;
case "most read articles in special sections": $tmp = "∩ΓΩ≈≡φσσ αΩµΓσε²σ ⌡µΓµ√Ω ■ ⌡≥στΩΓφ√∩²Θ ⌠Γ ΣσφΓΘ"; break;
case "No Subject": $tmp = "╫σ µσε²"; break;
case "Read the rest of this comment...": $tmp = "╥⌠≡αΩµΓµ√ ≥⌠≡Σ≡φπσ∩Ωσ °µ≡·≡ ∞≡εσ∩µΓ⌠Ω≤..."; break;
case "All": $tmp = "▐⌡σ"; break;
case "week": $tmp = "∩σΣσφ≤"; break;
case "weeks": $tmp = "∩σΣσφ√"; break;
case "month": $tmp = "εσ⌡≤τ"; break;
case "months": $tmp = "εσ⌡≤τσ■"; break;
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case "sent news:": $tmp = "≡≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩∩²Θ ∩≡■≡⌡µσδ:"; break;
case "Delete Article!": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß!"; break;
case "Banners Administration": $tmp = "┬ΣεΩ∩Ω⌡µ⌠Ω⌠≡■Γµ√ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠²"; break;
case "Current Active Banners": $tmp = "╞σ∞ΦⁿΩΘ Γ∞µΩ■∩²Θ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠≡■"; break;
case "ID": $tmp = "ID"; break;
case "Impressions": $tmp = "▐≥σαΓµφσ∩Ω≤"; break;
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case "Clicks": $tmp = "╠φΩ∞Ω"; break;
case "% Clicks": $tmp = "% ╠φΩ∞≡■"; break;
case "Client Name": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ∞φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "Functions": $tmp = "╓Φ∩∞τΩΩ"; break;
case "Imp.": $tmp = "Imp."; break;
case "Date Started": $tmp = "─ΓµΓ Γ≥Φ⌡∞Γ"; break;
case "Date Ended": $tmp = "─ΓµΓ ≡∞≡∩αΓ∩Ω≤"; break;
case "Finished Banners": $tmp = "╨µ⌠Γ≈≡µΓ∩∩²σ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠²"; break;
case "Advertising Clients": $tmp = "╘σ∞φΓεΓ ╠φΩσ∩µ≡■"; break;
case "Active Banners": $tmp = "┬∞µΩ■∩²σ Banners"; break;
case "Contact Name": $tmp = "╠≡∩µΓ∞µ∩≡σ ╩ε≤"; break;
case "Contact Email": $tmp = "╠≡∩µΓ∞µ²δ Email"; break;
case "Add a New Banner": $tmp = "╫≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ∩≡■²δ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠"; break;
case "Client Name: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ: "; break;
case "Impressions Purchased: ": $tmp = "╥⌠Ω≡≈⌠σµσ∩∩²σ ▐≥σαΓµφσ∩Ω≤: "; break;
case "Add Banner": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠"; break;
case "Unlimited": $tmp = "╧σ≡·⌠Γ∩Ωασ∩∩²δ"; break;
case "Add a New Client": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ∩≡■≡·≡ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "Client Name: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ: "; break;
case "Contact Name: ": $tmp = "╠≡∩µΓ∞µ∩≡σ ╩ε≤: "; break;
case "Contact Email: ": $tmp = "╠≡∩µΓ∞µ∩²δ Email: "; break;
case "Client Login: ": $tmp = "▐Θ≡Σ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ: "; break;
case "Client Password: ": $tmp = "╥Γ⌠≡φ√ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ: "; break;
case "Add Client": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "Delete Banner": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Banner?": $tmp = "▐² ∩σ⌡≡ε∩σ∩∩≡ ▐² Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ °µ≡µ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠?"; break;
case "Edit Banner": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠"; break;
case "Add More Impressions: ": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■√µσ ╫≡φ√∙σ ▐≥σαΓµφσ∩Ωδ: "; break;
case "Purchased: ": $tmp = "╥⌠Ω≡≈⌠σµσ∩∩≡σ: "; break;
case "Made: ": $tmp = "╒ΣσφΓ∩∩≡σ: "; break;
case "Change Banner": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠"; break;
case "Delete Advertising Client": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµσ ╘σ∞φΓεΦ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "You are about to delete client:": $tmp = "▐² ⌡≡≈Ω⌠Γσµσ⌡√ ΦΣΓφ≤µ√ ∞φΩσ∩µΓ:"; break;
case "and all its Banners!!!": $tmp = "Ω ■⌡σ ╫Γ∩∩σ⌠²!!!"; break;
case "This client doesn't have any banner running now.": $tmp = "╪µ≡µ ∞φΩσ∩µ ∩σ Ωεσσµ ≈Γ∩∩σ⌠Γ, ∩Γ µσ∞ΦⁿΩδ ε≡εσ∩µ."; break;
case "This client has the following ACTIVE BANNERS running in": $tmp = "╪µ≡µ ∞φΩσ∩µ Ωεσσµ ⌡φσΣΦßⁿΩσ ┬╠╞╩▐╧▌┼ ╫┬╧╧┼╘▌, ■²≥≡φ∩≤ßⁿΩσ ■"; break;
case "WARNING!!!": $tmp = "╥╘┼─╚╥╘┼├─┼╧╩┼!!!"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Client and ALL its Banners?": $tmp = "▐² ∩σ⌡≡ε∩σ∩∩≡ ▐² Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ °µ≡·≡ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ Ω ▐╒┼ σ·≡ ╫┬╧╧┼╘▌?"; break;
case "Edit Advertising Client": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ╘σ∞φΓεΦ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "Change Client": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ╠φΩσ∩µΓ"; break;
case "has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password.": $tmp = "≥⌠≡⌡µ≡ ≥≡≥⌠≡⌡Ωφ ╠≡Σ ╥≡Σµ■σ⌠πΣσ∩Ω≤, αµ≡≈² Ω εσ∩Ωµ√ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√."; break;
case "With this code you can now assign a new password at": $tmp = "╒ °µΩε ∞≡Σ≡ε ■² ε≡πσµσ ≥≡φΦαΩµ√ ∩≡■²δ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√ ∩Γ"; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, dont worry. Just delete this Email.": $tmp = "╧σ ≈σ⌡≥≡∞≡δµσ⌡√, σ⌡φΩ ■² ∩σ ≥⌠≡⌡ΩφΩ ≡≈ °µ≡ε. ╥⌠≡⌡µ≡ ΦΣΓφΩµσ °µ≡µ Email."; break;
case "Confirmation Code for": $tmp = "╥≡Σµ■σ⌠πΣΓßⁿΩδ ∞≡Σ Σφ≤"; break;
case "Send Password": $tmp = "▐²⌡φΓµ√ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√"; break;
case "We don't sell/give to others your personal info.": $tmp = "╬² ∩σ ΣΓúε/≥⌠≡ΣΓúε Σ⌠Φ·Ωε ■Γ∙Φ ≥σ⌠⌡≡∩Γφ√∩Φß Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩß."; break;
case "Nickname: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤: "; break;
case "Confirmation Code: ": $tmp = "╥≡Σµ■σ⌠πΣΓßⁿΩδ ∞≡Σ:"; break;
case "most active authors": $tmp = "∩ΓΩ≈≡φσσ Γ∞µΩ■∩²σ Γ■µ≡⌠²"; break;
case "news published:": $tmp = "≡≥Φ≈φΩ∞≡■Γ∩∩²Θ ∩≡■≡⌡µδ:"; break;
case "previous matches": $tmp = "≥⌠σΣ²ΣΦⁿΩσ ⌡≡■≥ΓΣσ∩Ω≤"; break;
case "next matches": $tmp = "⌡φσΣΦßⁿΩδ ⌡≡■≥ΓΣσ∩Ω≤"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete": $tmp = "▐² Φ■σ⌠σ∩² αµ≡ Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ "; break;
case "Browsers": $tmp = "╨≈≡ ⌠σ■ΓµσφΩ"; break;
case "Main": $tmp = "╨⌡∩≡■∩≡δ"; break;
case "Admin": $tmp = "┬ΣεΩ∩Ω⌡µ⌠Γµ≡⌠"; break;
case "Left": $tmp = "╒ φσ■Γ"; break;
case "Right": $tmp = "╒ ≥⌠Γ■Γ"; break;
case "Authors": $tmp = "┬■µ≡⌠²"; break;
case "Users": $tmp = "╥≡φ√ ≡■ΓµσφΩ"; break;
case "bytes more": $tmp = "≡⌡µΓφ≡⌡√ ≈Γδµ"; break;
case "ChangeStory": $tmp = " ╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "RemoveStory": $tmp = " ╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "Content:": $tmp = "╒≡Σσ⌠πΓ∩Ωσ:"; break;
case "Create new poll": $tmp = "╒≡ ΣΓµ√ ∩≡■²δ ≡≥⌠≡⌡"; break;
case "Create": $tmp = "╒≡ ΣΓµ√"; break;
case "Current Poll:": $tmp = "╞σ∞ΦⁿΩδ ≡≥⌠≡⌡: "; break;
case "Delete Author": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ Γ■µ≡⌠Γ"; break;
case "DeleteStory": $tmp = " ╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "DisplayStory": $tmp = " ╥≡∞Γ Γµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "Edit Left Blocks": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ≈φ≡∞Ω ⌡φσ■Γ"; break;
case "Edit Admin Block": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ≈φ≡∞ ΓΣεΩ∩Ω⌡µ⌠Γµ≡⌠Γ"; break;
case "Edit Right Blocks": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ≈φ≡∞Ω ⌡≥⌠Γ■Γ"; break;
case "Edit Main Block": $tmp = "╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ≡⌡∩≡■∩≡δ ≈φ≡∞"; break;
case "Extended Text": $tmp = "╘Γ⌡∙Ω⌠σ∩∩²δ µσ∞⌡µ"; break;
case "New Poll": $tmp = "╧≡■²δ ≡≥⌠≡⌡"; break;
case "View Results": $tmp = "╥≡⌡ε≡µ⌠σµ√ ⌠σ Φφ√µΓµ²"; break;
case "Delete Poll": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ≡≥⌠≡⌡"; break;
case "EditStory": $tmp = " ╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "Email": $tmp = "Email"; break;
case "Full Text": $tmp = "╥≡φ∩²δ µσ∞⌡µ"; break;
case "Go home": $tmp = "Go Home"; break;
case "Go!": $tmp = "Ok"; break;
case "Handle": $tmp = "╩ε≤"; break;
case "Intro Text": $tmp = "▐■≡Σ∩²δ µσ∞⌡µ"; break;
case "Logged out": $tmp = "▐²∙φΩ"; break;
case "Logout": $tmp = "▐²Θ≡Σ"; break;
case "Modify Info": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ Ω∩÷≡⌠εΓτΩß"; break;
case "Name": $tmp = "╩ε≤"; break;
case "Name:": $tmp = "╩ε≤:"; break;
case "No New Submission": $tmp = "╧σµ ∩≡■≡δ ⌡µΓµ√Ω"; break;
case "No New Submissions": $tmp = "╧σµ ∩≡■²Θ ⌡µΓµσδ"; break;
case "No": $tmp = "╧σµ"; break;
case "Notes": $tmp = "▀Γεσµ∞Ω"; break;
case "Option": $tmp = "╨≥τΩ≤"; break;
case "Password": $tmp = "╥Γ⌠≡φ√"; break;
case "Parent": $tmp = "╘≡ΣΩµσφ√"; break;
case "Read More...": $tmp = "─Γφ√∙σ..."; break;
case "Retype Passowrd": $tmp = "╥≡■µ≡⌠Ωµσ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√"; break;
case "Please choose a poll from the list below.": $tmp = "▐²≈σ⌠Ωµσ ≡≥⌠≡⌡ Ω ⌡≥Ω⌡∞Γ ∩Ωπσ."; break;
case "Please enter each available option into a single field": $tmp = "╥≡πΓφΦδ⌡µΓ ■■σΣΩµσ ■Γ⌠ΩΓ∩µ² ≡µ■σµ≡■ ■ ≥≡φ≤ ∩Ωπσ"; break;
case "Polltitle": $tmp = "╞σεΓ ≡≥⌠≡⌡Γ"; break;
case "Post NEW Article": $tmp = "╥≡εσ⌡µΩµ√ ╧╨▐╚┴ ⌡µΓµ√ß"; break;
case "PostAdminStory": $tmp = "╥≡⌡φΓµ√ ╒µΓµ√ß"; break;
case "PostStory": $tmp = " ╥≡εσ⌡µΩµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß "; break;
case "PreviewAdminStory": $tmp = "╥σ⌠σ⌡ε≡µ⌠σµ√ ╒µΓµ√ß"; break;
case "PreviewAgain": $tmp = " ╥⌠≡⌡ε≡µ⌠σµ√ ⌡∩≡■Γ "; break;
case "Remove an existing poll": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡Φⁿσ⌡µ■ΦßⁿΩδ ≡≥⌠≡⌡"; break;
case "Remove existing poll": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√ ⌡Φⁿσ⌡µ■ΦßⁿΩδ ≡≥⌠≡⌡"; break;
case "Remove": $tmp = "╚ΣΓφΩµ√"; break;
case "Retype Password": $tmp = "╥≡■µ≡⌠Ωµ√ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√"; break;
case "Search": $tmp = "╥≡Ω⌡∞ ≥≡ ⌡ΓδµΦ: "; break;
case "Search in": $tmp = "╩⌡∞Γµ√ ■ "; break;
case "Sorry, the new passwords do not match. Click back and try again": $tmp = "╧≡■²σ ≥Γ⌠≡φΩ ∩σ ⌡≡≡µ■µ⌡µ■Φßµ. ╧ΓπεΩµσ ∩Γ ΓΣ Ω ≥≡≥²µΓδµσ⌡√ ⌡∩≡■Γ."; break;
case "Story ID:": $tmp = "ID ⌡µΓµ√Ω:"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "╞σεΓ"; break;
case "The Story": $tmp = "╒µΓµ√≤"; break;
case "Title:": $tmp = "▀Γ·≡φ≡■≡∞:"; break;
case "Topic": $tmp = "╞σεΓ"; break;
case "Topics Manager": $tmp = "╬σ∩σΣπσ⌠ ╞σε"; break;
case "URL": $tmp = "URL"; break;
case "Update Author": $tmp = " ╨≈∩≡■Ωµ√ Γ■µ≡⌠Γ "; break;
case "WARNING: The chosen poll will be removed IMMEDIATELY from the database!": $tmp = "╥╘┼─╚╥╘┼├─┼╧╩┼: ■²≈⌠Γ∩∩²δ ≡≥⌠≡⌡ ≈ΦΣσµ ╧┼╬┼─═┼╧╧╨ ΦΣΓφú∩ Ω ≈Γ ² ΣΓ∩∩²Θ!"; break;
case "Yes": $tmp = "─Γ"; break;
case "You are now logged out": $tmp = "▐² ■²∙φΩ"; break;
case "adminMain": $tmp = "adminMain"; break;
case "adminStory": $tmp = "adminStory"; break;
case "bad pass": $tmp = "∩σ■σ⌠∩²δ ≥Γ⌠≡φ√"; break;
case "blocks": $tmp = "≈φ≡∞Ω"; break;
case "changeblock": $tmp = " ╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ≈φ≡∞ "; break;
case "create": $tmp = "⌡≡ ΣΓµ√"; break;
case "createPosted": $tmp = "createPosted"; break;
case "current authors": $tmp = "╞σ∞ΦⁿΩΘ Γ■µ≡⌠≡■"; break;
case "Modify Category": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ╠Γµσ·≡⌠Ωß"; break;
case "Modify": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√"; break;
case "Modify Links": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ ╒⌡²φ∞Φ"; break;
case "Link ID: ": $tmp = "ID ⌡⌡²φ∞Ω: "; break;
case "Description: ": $tmp = "╨≥Ω⌡Γ∩Ωσ: "; break;
case "Links Waiting for Validation": $tmp = "╒⌡²φ∞Γ ■≡πΩΣΓ∩ΩΩ ≥⌠≡■σ⌠∞Ω"; break;
case "Visit": $tmp = "▐Ω ≡µ≡■"; break;
case "Hits: ": $tmp = "Hits: "; break;
case "Email: ": $tmp = "Email: "; break;
case "Category Name: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ╠Γµσ·≡⌠ΩΩ: "; break;
case "Sub-Category Name: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤ ╒Φ≈-╠Γµ∞·≡⌠ΩΩ: "; break;
case "WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Category and ALL its Links?": $tmp = "▐╧╩╬┬╧╩┼: ▐² Φ■σ⌠σ∩² ▐² Θ≡µΩµσ ΦΣΓφΩµ√ °µΦ ╠Γµσ·≡⌠Ωß Ω ▐╒┼ ╒■≤ Ω?"; break;
case "ERROR: The Category": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬ ╠Γµσ·≡⌠ΩΩ"; break;
case "already exist!": $tmp = "Φπσ ⌡Φⁿσ⌡µ■Φσµ!"; break;
case "ERROR: The SubCategory": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ╒Φ≈-╠Γµσ·≡⌠ΩΩ"; break;
case "ERROR: This URL is already listed in the Database!": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ╪µ≡ URL Φπσ ⌡Φⁿσ⌡µ■Φσµ ■ ╫Γ σ ─Γ∩∩²Θ!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a URL for your URL!": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ▐Γε ∩Φπ∩≡ ■■σ⌡µΩ URL Σφ≤ ■Γ∙σ·≡ URL!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a TITLE for your URL!": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ▐Γε ∩Φπ∩≡ ■■σ⌡µΩ ╧┬▀▐┬╧╩┼ Σφ≤ ■Γ∙σ·≡ URL!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a DESCRIPTION for your URL!": $tmp = "╨┘╩╫╠┬: ▐Γε ∩Φπ∩≡ ■■σ⌡µΩ ╨╥╩╒┬╧╩┼ Σφ≤ ■Γ∙σ·≡ URL!"; break;
case "New Link added to the Database": $tmp = "╧≡■²≤ ⌡⌡²φ∞Γ Σ≡≈Γ■φσ∩Γ ■ ╫Γ Φ ─Γ∩∩²Θ"; break;
case "Your Link at": $tmp = "▐Γ∙Γ ⌡⌡²φ∞Γ ■"; break;
case "Hello": $tmp = "╥⌠Ω■σµ"; break;
case "We approved your link submission for our search engine.": $tmp = "╬² ≡Σ≡≈⌠ΩφΩ ■Γ∙Φ ⌡⌡²φ∞Φ Σφ≤ ∩Γ∙σδ ≥≡Ω⌡∞≡■≡δ εΓ∙Ω∩²."; break;
case "You can browse our search engine at:": $tmp = "▐² ε≡πΩµσ ≥≡Ω⌡∞Γµ√ ∩Γ Σ⌠Φ·≡δ ≥≡Ω⌡∞≡■≡δ εΓ∙Ω∩σ:"; break;
case "Thanks for your submission!": $tmp = "╫φΓ·≡ΣΓ⌠∩≡⌡µΩ Γ ■Γ∙σ ≥≡ΣαΩ∩σ∩Ωσ!"; break;
case "team.": $tmp = "╠≡εΓ∩ΣΓ."; break;
case "HOME": $tmp = "─≡ε≡δ"; break;
case "Links Main": $tmp = "┌φΓ■∩Γ≤ ⌡⌡²φ∞Ω"; break;
case "Add URL": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√"; break;
case "New Links": $tmp = "╧≡■²σ"; break;
case "The Best": $tmp = "═Φα∙Ωσ"; break;
case "Random Link": $tmp = "╥⌠≡Ω ■≡φ√∩Γ≤ ╒■≤ √"; break;
case "Your Name: ": $tmp = "▐Γ∙σ ╩ε≤: "; break;
case "Your Email: ": $tmp = "▐Γ∙ Email: "; break;
case "We received your Link submission. Thanks!": $tmp = "╬² ≥≡φΦαΩφΩ ■Γ∙Φ ≡µ≥⌠Γ■φσ∩∩Φß ⌡⌡²φ∞Φ. ╫φΓ·≡ΣΓ⌠∩≡⌡µΩ ▐Γε Γ °µ≡!"; break;
case "You'll receive and E-mail when it's approved.": $tmp = "▐² ≥≡φΦαΩµσ ≥≡ ╪φ.≥≡αµσ ∞≡·ΣΓ ≡∩Γ ≈ΦΣσµ√ ≡≥⌠≡≈Γ■Γ∩∩Γ."; break;
case "Links Added to Database": $tmp = "╒⌡²φ∞Γ Σ≡≈Γ■φσ∩Γ ■ ╫Γ Φ ─Γ∩∩²Θ"; break;
case "Added on: ": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■φσ∩≡: "; break;
case "Edit This Link": $tmp = "╩ εσ∩Ωµ√ °µΦ ⌡⌡²φ∞Φ"; break;
case "The": $tmp = "The"; break;
case "Most Visited Links": $tmp = "╧ΓΩ≈≡φσσ ≥≡⌡σⁿΓσε²σ ⌡⌡²φ∞Ω"; break;
case "SubCategories": $tmp = "╒Φ≈╠Γµσ·≡⌠Ω≤"; break;
case "Popular Site!": $tmp = "╥≡≥Φφ≤⌠∩²σ ╒Γδµ²!"; break;
case "Previous Page": $tmp = "╥⌠σΣ²ΣΦⁿΓ≤ ╒µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΓ"; break;
case "Next Page": $tmp = "╒φσΣΦßⁿΓ≤ ╒µ⌠Γ∩ΩτΓ"; break;
case "in others Search Engines": $tmp = "∩Γ Σ⌠Φ·ΩΘ ≥≡Ω⌡∞≡■²Θ ╬Γ∙Ω∩ΓΘ"; break;
case "No matches found to your query": $tmp = "╧Ωασ·≡ ∩σ ∩ΓδΣσ∩≡ ≥≡ ■Γ∙σεΦ Γ≥⌠≡⌡Φ"; break;
case "Links": $tmp = "╒⌡²φ∞Ω"; break;
case "Links in Web Links: ": $tmp = "╒⌡²φ∞≡∞ ■ ╘Γ Σσφσ Web ╒⌡²φ∞Ω: "; break;
case "Categories in Web Links: ": $tmp = "╠Γµσ·≡⌠Ωδ ■ ╒⌡²φ∞ΓΘ: "; break;
case "New Submissions: ": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■φσ∩∩≡ ∩≡■²Θ ⌡µΓµσδ: "; break;
case "Configure": $tmp = "╧Γ⌡µ⌠≡δ∞Ω"; break;
case "Login/Create Account": $tmp = "═≡·Ω∩/╒≡ ΣΓµ√ ┬∞∞≡Φ∩µ"; break;
case "datestring2": $tmp = "%A, %B %d"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 3.5
case "Events": $tmp = "╒≡≈²µΩ≤"; break;
case "Add Event:": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ⌡≡≈²µΩσ:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "─σ∩√:"; break;
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case "Year:": $tmp = "┌≡Σ:"; break;
case "Event Description:": $tmp = "╨≥Ω⌡Γ∩Ωσ ╒≡≈²µΩ≤:"; break;
case "Event Maintenance (Edit/Delete):": $tmp = "╪∞⌡≥φΦΓµΓτΩ≤ ╒≡≈²µΩδ (╘σΣΓ∞µΩ⌠≡■Γµ√/╚ΣΓφΩµ√):"; break;
case "Send": $tmp = "╨µ≥⌠Γ■Ωµ√"; break;
case "Events Maintenance": $tmp = "╪∞⌡≥φΦΓµΓτΩ≤ ╒≡≈²µΩδ"; break;
case "Edit Event:": $tmp = "╥⌠Γ■Ωµ√ ╒≡≈²µΩσ:"; break;
case "One Day like Today...": $tmp = "╨ΣΩ∩ ─σ∩√ ≥≡Σ≡≈∩≡ ╒σ·≡Σ∩≤..."; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.0
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case "Send this Story to a Friend": $tmp = "╥≡⌡φΓµ√ °µΦ ⌡µΓµ√ß µ≡■Γ⌠ΩΦ"; break;
case "Send Story to a Friend": $tmp = "╥≡⌡φΓµ√ ⌡µΓµ√ß µ≡■Γ⌠ΩΦ"; break;
case "You will send the story": $tmp = "▐² ≥≡⌡φΓφΩ ⌡Γµ√ß"; break;
case "to a specified friend:": $tmp = "≡≥⌠σΣσφσ∩∩≡εΦ µ≡■Γ⌠ΩΦ:"; break;
case "Friend Name: ": $tmp = "╩ε≤ µ≡■Γ⌠ΩⁿΓ: "; break;
case "Friend Email: ": $tmp = "Email µ≡■Γ⌠ΩⁿΓ: "; break;
case "Interesting Article at": $tmp = "╩∩µσ⌠σ⌡∩Γ≤ ╒µΓµ√≤ ■"; break;
case "Your Friend": $tmp = "▐Γ∙ ╞≡■Γ⌠Ωⁿ"; break;
case "considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = "⌡αΩµΓσµ αµ≡ ⌡φσΣΦßⁿΓ≤ ⌡µΓµ√≤ Ω∩µσ⌠σ⌡∩Γ≤ Ω ΓΘ≡µσφ ≥≡⌡²φΓµ√ σσ ▐Γε."; break;
case "Date:": $tmp = "─ΓµΓ:"; break;
case "Topic:": $tmp = "╞σεΓ:"; break;
case "You can read interesting articles at": $tmp = "▐² ε≡πσµσ ≥⌠≡αΩµΓµ√ Ω∩µσ⌠σ⌡∩²σ ⌡µΓµ√Ω ■"; break;
case "Story": $tmp = "╒µΓµ√≤"; break;
case "has been sent to": $tmp = "≥≡⌡φΓ∩ ■"; break;
case "Thanks!": $tmp = "╒≥Γ⌡Ω≈≡!"; break;
case "This article comes from": $tmp = "╪µΓ ⌡µΓµ√≤ Ω⌡Θ≡ΣΩµ Ω "; break;
case "PHP-Nuke version: ": $tmp = "▐σ⌠⌡Ω≤ PHP-Nuke: "; break;
case "Older Articles": $tmp = "╫≡φσσ ╒µΓ⌠²σ ╒µΓµ√Ω"; break;
case "Add Related Links:": $tmp = "─≡≈Γ■Ωµ√ ╒■≤ ∩²σ ╒⌡²φ∞Ω"; break;
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case "Active Related Links:": $tmp = "┬∞µΩ■Ω Ω⌠≡■Γµ√ ⌡■≤ ∩²σ ⌡⌡²φ∞Ω:"; break;
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case "Most read story about": $tmp = "╫≡φ√∙Ω∩⌡µ■≡ αΩµΓßµ ⌡µΓµ√Ω ≡"; break;
case "Last 10 news submissions sent by": $tmp = "╥≡⌡φσΣ∩Ωδ 10 ≥≡⌡µΓ∩∩²Θ ∩≡■≡⌡µσδ"; break;
case "No name entered": $tmp = "╥≡Σ ╩εσ∩σε ∩Ω ∞µ≡ ∩σ ■Θ≡ΣΩφ"; break;
case "Recommend this Site to a Friend": $tmp = "╘σ∞≡εσ∩ΣΦδµσ °µ≡µ ╒Γδµ µ≡■Γ⌠ΩⁿΦ"; break;
case "considered our site": $tmp = "⌡αΩµΓßⁿσσ ∩Γ∙σ εσ⌡µ≡"; break;
case "interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = "Ω∩µσ⌠σ⌡∩≡ Ω ΓΘ≡µσ■∙Ωδ ≥≡⌡²φΓµ√ °µ≡ ▐Γε."; break;
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case "Thanks for recommend us!": $tmp = "╫φΓ·≡ΣΓ⌠∩≡⌡µΩ Γ ∩Γ∙Φ ⌠σ∞≡εσ∩ΣΓτΩß!"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.3
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case "guest(s) and": $tmp = "guest(s) and"; break;
case "member(s) that are online.": $tmp = "member(s) that are online."; break;
case "Who's Online": $tmp = "Who's Online"; break;
case "You are logged as": $tmp = "You are logged as"; break;
case "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>.": $tmp = "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>."; break;
case "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet.": $tmp = "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet."; break;
case "Today's most read Story is:": $tmp = "Today's most read Story is:"; break;
case "Today's Big Story": $tmp = "Today's Big Story"; break;
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case "registered users so far. There are": $tmp = "registered users so far. There are"; break;
case "registered user(s) online right now.": $tmp = "registered user(s) online right now."; break;
case "registered users so far.": $tmp = "registered users so far."; break;
case "No Members Found for": $tmp = "No Members Found for"; break;
case "Programmed Articles": $tmp = "Programmed Articles"; break;
case "When do you want to publish this story?": $tmp = "When do you want to publish this story?"; break;
case "Now is:": $tmp = "Now is:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "Day:"; break;
case "Month:": $tmp = "Month:"; break;
case "Year:": $tmp = "Year:"; break;
case "Hour:": $tmp = "Hour:"; break;
case "Preview Automated Story": $tmp = "Preview Automated Story"; break;
case "Preview Again": $tmp = "Preview Again"; break;
case "Save Auto Story": $tmp = "Save Auto Story"; break;
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case "reads": $tmp = "reads"; break;
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case "Top Rated": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Random": $tmp = ""; break;
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case "Additional Details": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Editor Review": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Modify": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Submit a unique link only once.": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system.All links are posted pending verification.": $tmp = "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could add links on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could add links on this website."; break;
case "Register for an Account": $tmp = "Register for an Account"; break;
case "Total new links: Last week": $tmp = "Total new links: Last week"; break;
case "Last 30 days": $tmp = "Last 30 days"; break;
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case "Rating": $tmp = "Rating"; break;
case "Rate this Site": $tmp = "Rate this Site"; break;
case "Date (New Links Listed First)": $tmp = "Date (New Links Listed First)"; break;
case "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)"; break;
case "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)"; break;
case "Link Profile": $tmp = "Link Profile"; break;
case "Editorial by": $tmp = "Editorial by"; break;
case "No editorial is currently available for this website.": $tmp = "No editorial is currently available for this website."; break;
case "Total of": $tmp = "Total of"; break;
case "User": $tmp = "User"; break;
case "User's Average Rating": $tmp = "User's Average Ratings"; break;
case "# of Ratings": $tmp = "# of Ratings"; break;
case "Link Rating Details": $tmp = "Link Rating Details"; break;
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case "Overall Rating": $tmp = "Overall Rating"; break;
case "Registered Users": $tmp = "Registered Users"; break;
case "Number of Ratings": $tmp = "Number of Ratings"; break;
case "No Registered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Registered Users Votes"; break;
case "Breakdown of Ratings by Value": $tmp = "Breakdown of Ratings by Value"; break;
case "Link Rating": $tmp = "Link Rating"; break;
case "High Rating": $tmp = "High Rating"; break;
case "Low Rating": $tmp = "Low Rating"; break;
case "Number of Comments": $tmp = "Number of Comments"; break;
case "to": $tmp = "to"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings"; break;
case "Unregistered Users": $tmp = "Unregistered Users"; break;
case "No Unregistered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Unregistered Users Votes"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings"; break;
case "Outside Voters": $tmp = "Outside Voters"; break;
case "No Outside Votes": $tmp = "No Outside Votes"; break;
case "Visit this Website": $tmp = "Visit this Website"; break;
case "Is this your resource?": $tmp = "Is this your resource"; break;
case "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!": $tmp = "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!"; break;
case "Rate this Website": $tmp = "Rate this Website"; break;
case "Promote Your Website": $tmp = "Promote Your Website"; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = "Report Broken Link"; break;
case "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity.": $tmp = "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity."; break;
case "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded.": $tmp = "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded."; break;
case "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly.": $tmp = "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly."; break;
case "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login.": $tmp = "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login."; break;
case "Send Request": $tmp = "Send Request"; break;
case "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on.": $tmp = "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on."; break;
case "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!": $tmp = "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!"; break;
case "Return to": $tmp = "Return to"; break;
case "Your vote is appreciated.": $tmp = "Your vote is appreciated."; break;
case "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s).": $tmp = "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s)."; break;
case "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "No rating selected - no vote tallied": $tmp = "No rating selected - no vote tallied"; break;
case "Only one vote per IP address allowed every": $tmp = "Only one vote per IP address allowed every"; break;
case "day(s).": $tmp = "day(s)."; break;
case "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once.": $tmp = "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once."; break;
case "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.": $tmp = "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent."; break;
case "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful.": $tmp = "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful."; break;
case "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>.": $tmp = "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>."; break;
case "Do not vote for your own resource.": $tmp = "Do not vote for your own resource."; break;
case "You are a registered user and are logged in.": $tmp = "You are a registered user and are logged in."; break;
case "Feel free to add a comment about this site.": $tmp = "Feel free to add a comment about this site."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could make comments on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could make comments on this website."; break;
case "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "No reported broken links.": $tmp = "No reported broken links."; break;
case "User Link Modification Requests": $tmp = "User Link Modification Requests"; break;
case "Original": $tmp = "Original"; break;
case "Description:": $tmp = "Description:"; break;
case "Cat": $tmp = "Cat"; break;
case "Subcat": $tmp = "Subcat"; break;
case "Submitter": $tmp = "Submitter"; break;
case "Owner": $tmp = "Owner"; break;
case "Ignore": $tmp = "Ignore"; break;
case "Accept": $tmp = "Accept"; break;
case "Editorial added to the Database": $tmp = "Editorial added to the Database"; break;
case "Editorial Modified": $tmp = "Editorial Modified"; break;
case "Editorial removed from Database": $tmp = "Editorial removed from Database"; break;
case "Link Validation": $tmp = "Link Validation"; break;
case "Let Anonymous users to post new links?": $tmp = "Let Anonymous users to post new links?"; break;