This is the language module with "all" the system messages without any order.
Tranlation by: Jacek Wolczuk (
function translate($phrase) {
switch($phrase) {
case "(Are you sure you included a URL? Did ya test them for typos?)": $tmp = "(Jeste╢ pewien, ┐e doda│e╢ URL? Czy jest poprawny?)"; break;
case "(Did you check URLs?)": $tmp = "(Czy sprawdzi│e╢ URL-e?)"; break;
case "(for changes only)": $tmp = "(tylko do zmiany)"; break;
case "- are you sure?": $tmp = "- jeste╢ pewien?"; break;
case "Add Author": $tmp = " Dodaj administratora "; break;
case "Administration Menu": $tmp = "Menu administracyjne"; break;
case "NEW Article": $tmp = "Nowy artyku│"; break;
case "Left Blocks": $tmp = "Lewa kolumna"; break;
case "Right Blocks": $tmp = "Prawa kolumna"; break;
case "Admin Block": $tmp = "Blok administratora"; break;
case "Main Block": $tmp = "Menu g│≤wne"; break;
case "Sections Manager": $tmp = "Dzia│y Made By L4E"; break;
case "Logout / Exit": $tmp = "Wylogowanie / Wyj╢cie"; break;
case "User doesn't exist!": $tmp = "U┐ytkownik nie istnieje!"; break;
case "Submit News": $tmp = "Dodaj newsa"; break;
case "We allow just one vote per day": $tmp = "Dozwolone tylko 1 g│osowanie dziennie"; break;
case "Surveys/Polls": $tmp = "Ankiety"; break;
case "HTTP Referers": $tmp = "Logi odwiedzin"; break;
case "Who is linking our site?": $tmp = "Kto odwiedza nasz▒ stronΩ?"; break;
case "Delete Referers": $tmp = "Usu± listΩ"; break;
case "link visited:": $tmp = "link visited:"; break;
case "most linked stories": $tmp = "najczΩ╢ciej odwiedzanych informacji"; break;
case "Delete Polls": $tmp = "Kasuj ankietΩ"; break;
case "Last": $tmp = "Ostatnie"; break;
case "Articles": $tmp = "artyk."; break;
case "Edit": $tmp = "Edytuj"; break;
case "Delete": $tmp = "Kasuj"; break;
case "Current Active Topics": $tmp = "Aktualnie aktywne dziedziny na forum L4E"; break;
case "Click to Edit": $tmp = "Kliknij, aby edytowaµ"; break;
case "Add a New Topic": $tmp = "Dodaj now▒ dziedzinΩ"; break;
case "Topic Name:": $tmp = "Nazwa dziedziny:"; break;
case "Topic Text:": $tmp = "Opis dziedziny:"; break;
case "Topic Image:": $tmp = "Obrazek dziedziny:"; break;
case "Add Topic!": $tmp = "Dodaj dziedzinΩ!"; break;
case "(just a name without spaces - max: 20 characters)": $tmp = "(nazwa bez spacji - do 20 znak≤w)"; break;
case "(the full topic text or description - max: 40 characters)": $tmp = "(pe│ny opis dziedziny - do 40 znak≤w)"; break;
case "(image name + extension located in": $tmp = "(nazwa obrazka - w katalogu : "; break;
case "for example: gamesandhobbies": $tmp = "na przyk│ad: Zabawy i hobby"; break;
case "for example: Games and Hobbies": $tmp = "na przyk│ad: Zabawy i hobby"; break;
case "for example: games.gif": $tmp = "na przyk│ad: games.gif"; break;
case "Edit Topic:": $tmp = "Edytuj dziedzinΩ:"; break;
case "Save Changes!": $tmp = "Zatwierd╝ zmiany!"; break;
case "Delete Topic": $tmp = "Usu± dziedzinΩ"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete Topic": $tmp = "Czy na pewno usun▒µ dziedzinΩ"; break;
case "This will delete ALL it's stories and it's comments!": $tmp = "To spowoduje uduniΩcie wszystkich informacji i ich komentarzy!"; break;
case "changerblock": $tmp = "Zmie± blok"; break;
case "deleterblock": $tmp = "Usu± blok"; break;
case "makerblock": $tmp = "Utw≤rz blok"; break;
case "changelblock": $tmp = "Zmie± blok"; break;
case "deletelblock": $tmp = "Usu± blok"; break;
case "makelblock": $tmp = "Utw≤rz blok"; break;
case "Create New Right Block": $tmp = "Utw≤rz nowy prawy blok"; break;
case "Create New Left Block": $tmp = "Utw≤rz nowy lewy blok"; break;
case "Edit Admin Block": $tmp = "Edytuj blok administratora"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to remove Story ID #": $tmp = "Czy na pewno usun▒µ informacjΩ numer "; break;
case "and all it's comments?": $tmp = "i wszystkie komponenty?"; break;
case "Edit Admins": $tmp = "Edytuj administrator≤w"; break;
case "Add User": $tmp = "Dodaj u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "Update User": $tmp = "Zmie± dane u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "User ID": $tmp = "Identyfikator u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "Preview Story": $tmp = "Zobacz wiadomo╢µ"; break;
case "Past Articles": $tmp = "Ostatnie artyku│y"; break;
case "comment": $tmp = "komentarzy"; break;
case "comments?": $tmp = "komentarze"; break;
case "Welcome to": $tmp = "Witaj w"; break;
case "Votes: ": $tmp = "G│os≤w: "; break;
case "Past Surveys": $tmp = "Poprzednie ankiety"; break;
case "Survey": $tmp = "Szybka sprawa"; break;
case "Total Votes: ": $tmp = "Wszystkich g│os≤w: "; break;
case "Voting Booth": $tmp = "Oddaj g│os"; break;
case "Other Polls": $tmp = "Inne ankiety"; break;
case "Results": $tmp = "Rezultaty"; break;
case "Your Name": $tmp = "Twoja nazwa u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "New User": $tmp = "Nowy u┐ytkownik"; break;
case "Title": $tmp = "Tytu│"; break;
case "Be Descriptive, Clear and Simple": $tmp = "Wyra┐aj siΩ opisowo, ╢ci╢le i prosto"; break;
case "bad titles='Check This Out!' or 'An Article'.": $tmp = "niepoprawne tytu│y = 'Sprawd╝ sam!' lub 'Artyku│'."; break;
case "The Scoop": $tmp = "Tre╢µ"; break;
case "HTML is fine, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!": $tmp = "HTML jest fajny, ale sprawd╝ dwukrotnie URL-e i tagi HTML!"; break;
case "You must preview once before you can submit": $tmp = "Musisz to jeszcze obejrzeµ, zanim wy╢lesz"; break;
case "Are you sure you included a URL? Did you test them for typos?": $tmp = "Na pewno chcesz w│▒czyµ ten URL ?"; break;
case "Select Topic": $tmp = "Wybierz dzia│"; break;
case "Thanks for your submission.": $tmp = "DziΩkujemy serdecznie za informacje"; break;
case "We received": $tmp = "Zarejestrowano"; break;
case "visitors from": $tmp = "wizyt od"; break;
case "Operating Systems": $tmp = "Systemy operacyjne"; break;
case "Unknown": $tmp = "Nieznany"; break;
case "Threshold": $tmp = "Filtr"; break;
case "No Comments": $tmp = "Nie sortuj"; break;
case "Nested": $tmp = "RozwiniΩte w▒tki"; break;
case "Flat": $tmp = "Kolejno"; break;
case "Thread": $tmp = "W▒tki"; break;
case "Oldest First": $tmp = "Od najstarszego"; break;
case "Newest First": $tmp = "Od najnowszego"; break;
case "Highest Scores First": $tmp = "Wed│ug najlepszych wynik≤w"; break;
case "Save": $tmp = "Zapisz"; break;
case "Refresh": $tmp = "Od╢wierz"; break;
case "Reply": $tmp = "Odpowiedz"; break;
case "The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.": $tmp = "Za tre╢µ komentarzy nie odpowiadamy - s▒ w│asno╢ci▒ wysy│aj▒cych"; break;
case "Post Anonymously": $tmp = "Wy╢lij anonimowo"; break;
case "Post": $tmp = "Wy╢lij"; break;
case "Comment": $tmp = "Komentarz"; break;
case "Extrans (html tags to text)": $tmp = "Konwertuj tagi HTML na tekst"; break;
case "HTML Formatted": $tmp = "Formatowany HTML"; break;
case "Plain Old Text": $tmp = "Czysty tekst"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "Temat"; break;
case "Allowed HTML:": $tmp = "Dozwolone tagi HTML:"; break;
case "User Info": $tmp = "Informacje o u┐ytkowniku"; break;
case "Score: ": $tmp = "Wynik: "; break;
case "by": $tmp = "autor:"; break;
case "on": $tmp = "; "; break;
case "Moderate": $tmp = "???Moderowany"; break;
case "This is your personal page": $tmp = "To twoja osobista strona. "; break;
case "My HomePage:": $tmp = "Moja strona domowa:"; break;
case "My E-Mail:": $tmp = "M≤j E-mail:"; break;
case "Extra Info:": $tmp = "Dodatkowe informacje"; break;
case "There is no available info for": $tmp = "Nie ma dodatkowych informacji dla"; break;
case "This web site uses": $tmp = "Strona u┐ywa"; break;
case "Incorrect Login!": $tmp = "Logowanie b│Ωdne!"; break;
case "New User:": $tmp = "Nowy u┐ytkownik:"; break;
case "(Password will be sent to the email address you enter.)": $tmp = "(Has│o zostanie przes│ane na podany adres.)"; break;
case "Lost your Password?": $tmp = "Zapomnia│e╢ has│a?"; break;
case "No problem. Just type your Nickname and click on send button.": $tmp = "Nie ma problemu. Wpisz swojego nicka i wci╢nij przycisk"; break;
case "Notice: Account preferences are cookie based.": $tmp = "Uwaga: preferencje bazuj▒ na cookie's"; break;
case "more info...": $tmp = "wiΩcej informacji..."; break;
case "Sorry, no corresponding user info was found": $tmp = "Niestety - nie znaleziono informacji o u┐ytkowniku"; break;
case "User Password for": $tmp = "Has│o"; break;
case "The user account": $tmp = "Konto u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "at": $tmp = "dnia"; break;
case "has this email associated with it.": $tmp = "???has this email associated with it."; break;
case "A web user from": $tmp = "U┐ytkownik naszej strony"; break;
case "has just requested that password be sent.": $tmp = "poprosi│ o przes│anie mu has│a. "; break;
case "Your New Password is:": $tmp = "Twoje nowe has│o to:"; break;
case "You can change it after you login at": $tmp = "Mo┐esz je zmieniµ po zalogowaniu"; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. You are seeing this message, not 'them'. If this was an error just login with your new password.": $tmp = "???If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. You are seeing this message, not 'them'. If this was an error just login with your new password."; break;
case "Password for": $tmp = "Has│o dla"; break;
case "mailed.": $tmp = "???wys│ane."; break;
case "ERROR: Email address already registered": $tmp = "B│▒d: e-mail ju┐ istnieje w bazie"; break;
case "ERROR: Nickname taken": $tmp = "B│▒d: podany nick ju┐ istnieje"; break;
case "ERROR: Name is reserved.": $tmp = "B│▒d: nazwa jest zarezerwowana"; break;
case "ERROR: Invalid email": $tmp = "B│▒d: nieprawid│owy e-mail"; break;
case "ERROR: Email addresses do not contain spaces.": $tmp = "B│▒d: adres e-mail nie mo┐e zawieraµ spacji"; break;
case "ERROR: Invalid Nickname": $tmp = "B│▒d: nieprawid│owy nick"; break;
case "Nickname is too long. It must be less than 15 characters.": $tmp = "Nick nie mo┐e byµ d│u┐szy, ni┐ 15 znak≤w."; break;
case "There cannot be any spaces in the Nickname.": $tmp = "W nicku nie mo┐e byµ spacji"; break;
case "Finish": $tmp = "Zako±cz"; break;
case "You or someone else has used your email account": $tmp = "Ty, albo kto╢ inny u┐ywa twojego konta e-mail"; break;
case "to register an account at": $tmp = "???zarejestrowaµ konto "; break;
case "The following is the member information:": $tmp = "Poni┐ej podane s▒ informacje o zarejestrowanym u┐ytkowniku:"; break;
case "-Nickname: ": $tmp = "- Nick: "; break;
case "-Password: ": $tmp = "- Has│o: "; break;
case "Your Password is: ": $tmp = "Twoje has│o to: "; break;
case "You are now registered. You should receive your password at the email account you provided.": $tmp = "Zosta│e╢ zarejestrowany. Powiniene╢ otrzymaµ has│o na adres e-mail podany przy rejestracji"; break;
case "Real Name": $tmp = "Prawdziwe imiΩ i nazwisko"; break;
case "Real Email": $tmp = "Prawdziwy email"; break;
case "Fake Email": $tmp = "Anty-spam e-mail"; break;
case "Your HomePage": $tmp = "Strona domowa"; break;
case "Extra Info": $tmp = "Dodatkowe informacje"; break;
case "(optional)": $tmp = "(opcjonalnie)"; break;
case "(required)": $tmp = "(wymagane)"; break;
case "(This Email will not be public but is required, will be used to send your password if you lost it)": $tmp = "(E-mail jest wymagany kiedy zgubisz has│o, na podany adres wysy│ane jest nowe)"; break;
case "(This Email will be public. Just type what you want, Spam proof)": $tmp = "(Ten e-mail bΩdzie opublikowany, mo┐esz wpisaµ dowolny, np."; break;
case "(255 characters max. Type what others can know about yourself)": $tmp = "(Napisz do 255 znaczk≤w o sobie)"; break;
case "(type a new password twice to change it)": $tmp = "(wprowad╝ has│o dwukrotnie)"; break;
case "Save Changes": $tmp = "Zatwierd╝ zmiany"; break;
case "Both passwords are different. They need to be identical.": $tmp = "Obydwa has│a sie r≤┐ni▒, musz▒ byµ identyczne."; break;
case "Sorry, your password must be at least": $tmp = "Niestety, Twoje has│o musi mieµ co najmniej"; break;
case "characters long": $tmp = "znak≤w"; break;
case "Something screwed up... don't you hate that?": $tmp = "???Something screwed up... nienawidzisz tego, co?"; break;
case "Current Active Sections": $tmp = "Aktywne dzia│y"; break;
case "Add a New Section": $tmp = "Dodaj nowy dzia│"; break;
case "Section Name:": $tmp = "Nazwa dzia│u:"; break;
case "(40 characters Max.)": $tmp = "(do 40 znak≤w.)"; break;
case "Add Section!": $tmp = "Dodaj dzia│!"; break;
case "Edit Section:": $tmp = "Edytuj dzia│:"; break;
case "Delete Section!": $tmp = "Usu± dzia│!"; break;
case "Add Article in Sections": $tmp = "Dodaj artyku│ do dzia│u"; break;
case "Add Article!": $tmp = "Dodaj artyku│!"; break;
case "Edit Article": $tmp = "Edytuj artyku│"; break;
case "Content": $tmp = "Zawarto╢µ"; break;
case "Delete Article: ": $tmp = "Usu± artyku│: "; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this article?": $tmp = "Na pewno usun▒µ ten artyku│?"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete section": $tmp = "Na pewno usun▒µ dzia│"; break;
case "Delete Section: ": $tmp = "Usuwanie dzia│u: "; break;
case "This will delete ALL its articles!": $tmp = "To usunie wszystkie artyku│y w dziale!"; break;
case "Welcome to the Special Sections at": $tmp = "Witaj w sekcji Made By"; break;
case "Here you can find some cool articles not presents in the Home.": $tmp = "Znajdziesz tu trochΩ artyku│≤w 'w│asnej produkcji"; break;
case "This is Section": $tmp = "To jest dzia│"; break;
case "Following are the articles published under this section.": $tmp = "Poni┐ej znajduj▒ sie artyku│y nale┐▒ce do wybranego dzia│u."; break;
case "Return to Sections Index": $tmp = "Powr≤t do indeksu dzia│≤w"; break;
case "Back to": $tmp = "Powr≤t do"; break;
case "Sections Index": $tmp = "Indeks dzia│≤w"; break;
case "All Topics": $tmp = "Wszystkie dziedziny"; break;
case "All Authors": $tmp = "Wszyscy autorzy"; break;
case "News number in the Home": $tmp = "Ilo╢µ news≤w na strone g│≤wnej"; break;
//>>>>>>>>>>> co to mo┐e oznaczaµ
case "Activate Personal Menu": $tmp = "Uaktywnij menu u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "(Check this option and the following text will appear in the Home)": $tmp = "(Zaznaczenie tej opcji spowoduje pojawienie siΩ poni┐szego tekstu na stronie g│≤wnej)"; break;
case "(You can use HTML code to put links, for example)": $tmp = "(Mo┐esz u┐ywaµ html-a do u┐ycia link≤w, np.)"; break;
case "Select One Theme": $tmp = "Wybierz temat"; break;
case "This option will change the look for the whole site.": $tmp = "Ta opcja zmieni wygl▒d ca│ej strony."; break;
case "The changes will be valid only to you.": $tmp = "Zmiany bΩd▒ dotyczy│y tylko Ciebie"; break;
case "Each user can view the site with different theme.": $tmp = "Ka┐dy z u┐ytkownik≤w mo┐e u┐ywaµ innego tematu."; break;
case "Display Mode": $tmp = "Tryb wy╢wietlania"; break;
case "Sort Order": $tmp = "Kolejno╢µ sortowania"; break;
case "Comments scored less than this setting will be ignored.": $tmp = "Komentarze z numerami ni┐szymi ni┐ ten bΩd▒ ignorowane."; break;
case "Uncut and Raw": $tmp = "Wszystko"; break;
case "Almost Everything": $tmp = "Prawie wszystko"; break;
case "Filter Most Anon": $tmp = "Wed│ug wskaza± filtru"; break;
case "Score": $tmp = "Wynik"; break;
case "Anonymous posts start at 0, logged in posts start at 1. Moderators add and subtract points.": $tmp = "Poczta anonimowa zaczyna siΩ od 0, logowana od 1. Moderator dodaje i odejmuje punkty"; break;
case "Do Not Display Scores": $tmp = "Nie wy╢wietlaj wynik≤w"; break;
case "(Hides score: They still apply, you just don't see them.)": $tmp = "(Ukryj wyniki: Ci▒gle bΩd▒ naliczane, ale nie bΩd▒ widoczne.)"; break;
case "Max Comment Length": $tmp = "Maksymalna d│ugo╢µ komentarza"; break;
case "(Truncates long comments, and adds a Read More link. Set really big to disable)": $tmp = "(Ucina d│ugie komentarze i dodaje link 'WiΩcej...' .)"; break;
case "Posted by ": $tmp = "Wys│ane przez "; break;
case "Posted on ": $tmp = "wys│ano "; break;
case "on": $tmp = "w"; break;
case "Contributed by ": $tmp = "Zatwierdzono przez "; break;
case "writes": $tmp = "pisze"; break;
case "Menu for": $tmp = "Menu u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "total words in this text)": $tmp = "s│≤w w tym artykule)"; break;
case "votes": $tmp = "g│os≤w"; break;
case " on...": $tmp = "??? on..."; break;
case "New Article": $tmp = "Nowy artyku│"; break;
case "Delete Topic!": $tmp = "Kasuj dziedzinΩ!"; break;
case "Click to list all articles in this topic": $tmp = "Kliknij, aby zobaczyµ wszystkie artyku│y z wybranej dziedziny"; break;
case "Welcome to the TOP page for": $tmp = "Witaj w TOP $top na "; break;
case "Client Login: ": $tmp = "Login klienta: "; break;
case "Client Password: ": $tmp = "Has│o klienta: "; break;
case "Add Client": $tmp = "Dodaj klienta"; break;
case "Delete Banner": $tmp = "Usu± banner"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Bannr?": $tmp = "Na pewno usun▒µ banner?"; break;
case "Edit Banner": $tmp = "Edytuj banner"; break;
case "Add More Impressions: ": $tmp = "???Dodaj wiΩcej Impressions: "; break;
case "Purchased: ": $tmp = "????Purchased: "; break;
case "Made: ": $tmp = "Utworzono: "; break;
case "Change Banner": $tmp = "Zmie± banner"; break;
case "Delete Advertising Client": $tmp = "???Delete Advertising Client"; break;
case "You are about to delete client:": $tmp = "Za chwilΩ zostanie usuniΩty klient:"; break;
case "and all its Banners!!!": $tmp = "i wszystkie jego bannery!!!"; break;
case "This client doesn't have any banner running now.": $tmp = "Klient nie posiada ┐adnych aktywnych banner≤w."; break;
case "This client has the following ACTIVE BANNERS running in": $tmp = "Klient posiada AKTYWNE bannery"; break;
case "WARNING!!!": $tmp = "UWAGA!!!"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Client and ALL its Banners?": $tmp = "Na pewno usun▒µ klienta i wszystkie jego bannery?"; break;
case "Edit Advertising Client": $tmp = "Edytuj klienta"; break;
case "Change Client": $tmp = "Zmie± klienta"; break;
case "has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password.": $tmp = "w│a╢nie za┐▒da│ kodu podwierdzaj▒cego do zmiany has│a."; break;
case "Your Confirmation Code is:": $tmp = "Tw≤j kod potwierdzaj▒cy to:"; break;
case "With this code you can now assign a new password at": $tmp = "???Z tym kodem mo┐esz .... has│o w"; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, dont worry. Just delete this Email.": $tmp = "Je╢li tego nie chcia│e╢ - nie martw siΩ, po prostu usu± ten email."; break;
case "Confirmation Code for": $tmp = "kod potwierdzaj▒cy dla"; break;
case "Send Password": $tmp = "Prze╢lij has│o"; break;
case "Confirmation Info": $tmp = "Otrzymasz kod potwierdzaj▒cy poczt▒ email. Wtedy powr≤µ na t▒ stronΩ, wpisz sw≤j login i kod, po czym otrzymasz nowe has│o poczt▒ email"; break;
case "Confirmation Code": $tmp = "Kod potwierdzaj▒cy"; break;
case "User Login": $tmp = "Login u┐ytkownika"; break;
case "E-Mail: ": $tmp = "Email: "; break;
case "Password: ": $tmp = "Has│o: "; break;
case "As a registered user you can:": $tmp = "Jako zarejestrowany u┐ytkownik mo┐esz:"; break;
case "Post comments with your name": $tmp = "Wysy│aµ komentarze podpisane przez Ciebie"; break;
case "Send news with your name": $tmp = "Wysy│aµ newsy podpisane przez Ciebie"; break;
case "Have a personal box in the Home": $tmp = "Posiadaµ osobiste menu na stronie g│≤wnej"; break;
case "Select how many news you want in the Home": $tmp = "Wybraµ, jak du┐o news≤w chcesz widzieµ na stronie g│≤wnej"; break;
case "Customize the comments": $tmp = "Dostosowywaµ komentarze"; break;
case "Select different themes": $tmp = "Zmieniaµ wygl▒d (theme) strony"; break;
case "some other cool stuff...": $tmp = "oraz kilka innych niez│ych rzeczy..."; break;
case "Register Now! It's Free!": $tmp = "Zarejestruj siΩ! Masz to darmo"; break;
case "We don't sell/give to others your personal info.": $tmp = "Nie sprzedajemy ani nie oddajemy nikomu Twoich danych osobistych."; break;
case "Nickname: ": $tmp = "Login: "; break;
case "Confirmation Code: ": $tmp = "Kod potwierdzaj▒cy:"; break;
case "most active authors": $tmp = "???najaktywniejszych autor≤w"; break;
case "news published:": $tmp = "???news≤w opublikowanych:"; break;
case "previous matches": $tmp = "???previous matches"; break;
case "next matches": $tmp = "???next matches"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete": $tmp = "Na pewno usun▒µ "; break;
case "Browsers": $tmp = "Przegl▒darki"; break;
case "Main": $tmp = "Strona g│≤wna"; break;
case "Admin": $tmp = "Administrator"; break;
case "Left": $tmp = "Lewy"; break;
case "Right": $tmp = "Prawy"; break;
case "Authors": $tmp = "Autorzy"; break;
case "Users": $tmp = "U┐ytkownicy"; break;
case "bytes more": $tmp = "bajt≤w wiΩcej"; break;
case "ChangeStory": $tmp = " Zmie± artyku│ "; break;
case "RemoveStory": $tmp = " Usu± artyku│ "; break;
case "Content:": $tmp = "Zawarto╢µ:"; break;
case "Create new poll": $tmp = "Tw≤rz now▒ ankietΩ"; break;
case "Create": $tmp = "Utw≤rz"; break;
case "Current Poll:": $tmp = "Aktualna ankieta: "; break;
case "Delete Author": $tmp = "Usu± autora"; break;
case "DeleteStory": $tmp = " Usu± artyku│ "; break;
case "DisplayStory": $tmp = " Wy╢wietl artyku│ "; break;
case "Edit Left Blocks": $tmp = "Edytuj lew▒ kolumnΩ"; break;
case "Edit Admin Block": $tmp = "Edytuj panel administracyjny"; break;
case "Edit Right Blocks": $tmp = "Edytuj praw▒ kolumnΩ"; break;
case "Edit Main Block": $tmp = "Edytuj g│≤wn▒ kolumnΩ"; break;
case "Extended Text": $tmp = "Dodatkowy tekst"; break;
case "New Poll": $tmp = "Nowa ankieta"; break;
case "View Results": $tmp = "Zobacz wyniki"; break;
case "Delete Poll": $tmp = "Usu± ankietΩ"; break;
case "EditStory": $tmp = " Edytuj artyku│ "; break;
case "Email": $tmp = "Email"; break;
case "Full Text": $tmp = "Ca│y tekst"; break;
case "Go home": $tmp = "Strona g│≤wna"; break;
case "Go!": $tmp = "Ok"; break;
case "Handle": $tmp = "Login"; break;
case "Intro Text": $tmp = "Tekst wstΩpu"; break;
case "Logged out": $tmp = "Wylogowany"; break;
case "Logout": $tmp = "Wyloguj"; break;
case "Modify Info": $tmp = "Modyfikuj informacjΩ"; break;
case "Name": $tmp = "Nazwa"; break;
case "Name:": $tmp = "Nazwa:"; break;
case "No New Submission": $tmp = "Brak nowych news≤w"; break;
case "No New Submissions": $tmp = "Brak nowych news≤w"; break;
case "No": $tmp = "Nie"; break;
case "Notes": $tmp = "Notatki"; break;
case "Option": $tmp = "Opcja"; break;
case "Password": $tmp = "Has│o"; break;
case "Parent": $tmp = "NadrzΩdny"; break;
case "Read More...": $tmp = "WiΩcej..."; break;
case "Retype Passowrd": $tmp="Potwierd╝ has│o"; break;
case "Please choose a poll from the list below.": $tmp = "Wybierz ankietΩ"; break;
case "Please enter each available option into a single field": $tmp = "Wprowad╝ ka┐d▒ opcjΩ w oddzielne pole"; break;
case "Polltitle": $tmp = "Tytu│ ankiety"; break;
case "Post NEW Article": $tmp = "Wy╢lij NOWY artyku│"; break;
case "PostAdminStory": $tmp = "Wy╢lij AdminStory"; break;
case "PostStory": $tmp = " Wy╢lij newsa "; break;
case "PreviewAdminStory": $tmp = "Obejrzyj AdminStory"; break;
case "PreviewAgain": $tmp = " Obejrzyj ponownie "; break;
case "Remove an existing poll": $tmp = "Usu± istniej▒c▒ ankietΩ"; break;
case "Remove existing poll": $tmp = "Usu± istniej▒c▒ ankietΩ"; break;
case "Remove": $tmp = "Usu±"; break;
case "Retype Password": $tmp = "Potwierd╝ has│o"; break;
case "Search": $tmp = "Szukaj"; break;
case "Search in": $tmp = "Szukaj w"; break;
case "Sorry, the new passwords do not match. Click back and try again": $tmp = "Niestety - nowe has│o nie jest poprawne. Naci╢nij Wstecz i spr≤buj ponownie"; break;
case "Story ID:": $tmp = "Numer artyku│u:"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "Temat"; break;
case "The Story": $tmp = "Artyku│"; break;
case "Title:": $tmp = "Title:"; break;
case "Topic": $tmp = "Topic"; break;
case "Topics Manager": $tmp = "Dziedziny forum L4E"; break;
case "URL": $tmp = "URL"; break;
case "Update Author": $tmp = " Zmie± dane administratora "; break;
case "View poll results": $tmp = "Obejrzyj wyniki ankiet"; break;
case "View": $tmp = " Obejrzyj "; break;
case "WARNING: The chosen poll will be removed IMMEDIATELY from the database!": $tmp = "Uwaga - ankieta zostanie usuniΩta z bazy danych!"; break;
case "Yes": $tmp = "Tak"; break;
case "You are now logged out": $tmp = "U┐ytkownik wylogowany. DziΩkujemy. "; break;
case "adminMain": $tmp = "Strona administratora"; break;
case "adminStory": $tmp = "Admin Story"; break;
case "bad pass": $tmp = "bad pass"; break;
case "blocks": $tmp = "???Bloki"; break;
case "changeblock": $tmp = " Zmie± blok "; break;
case "create": $tmp = "ut≤wrz"; break;
case "createPosted": $tmp = "???createPosted"; break;
case "current authors": $tmp = "aktualni autorzy"; break;
case "deladmin": $tmp = "usu± administratora"; break;
case "deladminconf": $tmp = "???deladminconf"; break;
case "delete": $tmp = "usu±"; break;
case "deleteblock": $tmp = " Usu± blok "; break;
case "Login": $tmp = " Zaloguj "; break;
case "logout": $tmp = "wyloguj"; break;
case "makeblock": $tmp = " Utw≤rz blok "; break;
case "mod_authors": $tmp = "???mod_authors"; break;
case "modifyadmin": $tmp = "???modifyadmin"; break;
case "remove": $tmp = "usu±"; break;
case "removePosted": $tmp = " ???Usu± wys│ane "; break;
case "update": $tmp = "zmie±"; break;
case "view": $tmp = "zobacz"; break;
case "viewPosted": $tmp = " ???Zobacz wys│ane "; break;
case "AdminID": $tmp = "ID administratora";break;
case "Edit Users": $tmp = "Edytuj u┐ytkownik≤w";break;
case "user": $tmp = "U┐ytkownik";break;
case "Modify User": $tmp = "Modyfikuj u┐ytkownika";break;
case "Delete User": $tmp = "Usu± u┐ytkownika";break;
case "Handle/UserID": $tmp = "Numer / login u┐ytkownika";break;
case "* indicates compulsory fields": $tmp = "* oznacza oblogatoryjno╢µ wype│nienia pola"; break;
case "You must complete all compulsory fields": $tmp = "Musisz wype│niµ wszystkie wymagane pola"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 2.0
case "Miscelaneous Stats": $tmp = "Inne statystyki"; break;
case "Registered Users: ": $tmp = "Zarejestrowani u┐ytkownicy: "; break;
case "Active Authors: ": $tmp = "Aktywni autorzy: "; break;
case "Stories Published: ": $tmp = "Opublikowane newsy: "; break;
case "Comments Posted: ": $tmp = "Komentarze: "; break;
case "Special Sections: ": $tmp = "Sekcje Made By L4E: "; break;
case "Articles in Sections: ": $tmp = "Artyku│y w sekcjach: "; break;
case "News Waiting to be Published: ": $tmp = "Newsy oczekuj▒ce na opublikowanie: "; break;
case "Active Topics: ": $tmp = "Aktywne dziedziny: "; break;
case "linksdatestring": $tmp = "%d-%b-%Y"; break;
case "Section Image:": $tmp = "Section Image:"; break;
case "(example: opinion.gif)": $tmp = "(example: opinion.gif)"; break;
case "Web Links": $tmp = "Katalog stron WWW"; break;
case "There are": $tmp = "Zarejestrowano"; break;
case "Links in our Database": $tmp = "stron w katalogu"; break;
case "Add a MAIN Category": $tmp = "Dodaj kategoriΩ"; break;
case "Name: ": $tmp = "Nazwa: "; break;
case "Add": $tmp = "Dodaj"; break;
case "Add a SUB-Category": $tmp = "Dodaj podkategoriΩ"; break;
case "in": $tmp = "w"; break;
case "Add a New Link": $tmp = "Dodaj now▒ stronΩ"; break;
case "Page Title: ": $tmp = "Tytu│: "; break;
case "Page URL: ": $tmp = "URL: "; break;
case "Category: ": $tmp = "Kategoria: "; break;
case "Description: (255 characters max)": $tmp = "Opis: (do 255 znak≤a)"; break;
case "Add URL": $tmp = "Dodaj URL"; break;
case "Modify Category": $tmp = "Modyfikuj kategoriΩ"; break;
case "Modify": $tmp = "Modyfikuj"; break;
case "Modify Links": $tmp = "Modyfikuj wpis"; break;
case "Link ID: ": $tmp = "Link ID: "; break;
case "Description: ": $tmp = "Opis: "; break;
case "Links Waiting for Validation": $tmp = "Linki oczekuj▒ce na walidacjΩ"; break;
case "Visit": $tmp = "zobacz"; break;
case "Hits: ": $tmp = "Wej╢µ: "; break;
case "Email: ": $tmp = "Email: "; break;
case "Category Name: ": $tmp = "Kategoria: "; break;
case "Sub-Category Name: ": $tmp = "Podkategoria: "; break;
case "WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Category and ALL its Links?": $tmp = "Czy na pewno usun▒µ kategoriΩ i wszystkie linki w niej?"; break;
case "ERROR: The Category": $tmp = "BúíD: Kategoria"; break;
case "already exist!": $tmp = "istnieje!"; break;
case "ERROR: The SubCategory": $tmp = "BúíD: Podkategoria"; break;
case "ERROR: This URL is already listed in the Database!": $tmp = "BúíD: Ten URL istnieje w bazie danych!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a URL for your URL!": $tmp = "BúíD: Nie podano URL!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a TITLE for your URL!": $tmp = "BúíD: Nie podano tytu│u strony!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a DESCRIPTION for your URL!": $tmp = "BúíD: Nie podano opisu strony!"; break;
case "New Link added to the Database": $tmp = "StronΩ dodano do bazy danych"; break;
case "Your Link at": $tmp = "???Tw≤j link w"; break;
case "Hello": $tmp = "Dzie±dobry"; break;
case "We approved your link submission for our search engine.": $tmp = "Pa±ska strona zosta│a dodana do naszego katalogu."; break;
case "You can browse our search engine at:": $tmp = "Mo┐na przegl▒daµ nasz katalog pod adresem:"; break;
case "Thanks for your submission!": $tmp = "DziΩkujemy za wpis!"; break;
case "team.": $tmp = "."; break; ///???
case "HOME": $tmp = "Strona g│≤wna"; break;
case "Links Main": $tmp = "Katalog - strona g│≤wna"; break;
case "Add URL": $tmp = "Dodaj URL"; break;
case "New Links": $tmp = "Nowe wpisy"; break;
case "The Best": $tmp = "The Best"; break;
case "Random Link": $tmp = "Losowy link"; break;
case "Your Name: ": $tmp = "Tw≤j login: "; break;
case "Your Email: ": $tmp = "Tw≤j email: "; break;
case "We received your Link submission. Thanks!": $tmp = "Otrzymali╢my Pana(i) wpis strony do katalogu!"; break;
case "You'll receive and E-mail when it's approved.": $tmp = "Otrzyma Pan(i) potwierdzenie, kiedy strona zostanie zatwierdzona i dodana do katalogu"; break;
case "Links Added to Database": $tmp = "stron dodanych do katalogu"; break;
case "Added on: ": $tmp = "Dodano: "; break;
case "Edit This Link": $tmp = "Edytuj link"; break;
case "The": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Most Visited Links": $tmp = "najczΩ╢ciej odwiedzanych stron"; break;
case "SubCategories": $tmp = "Podkategorie"; break;
case "Popular Site!": $tmp = "Popularna strona!"; break;
case "Previous Page": $tmp = "Poprzednia strona"; break;
case "Next Page": $tmp = "NastΩpna strona"; break;
case "Try to search": $tmp = "Spr≤buj szukaµ"; break;
case "in others Search Engines": $tmp = "w innych wyszukiwarkach"; break;
case "No matches found to your query": $tmp = "Brak danych spe│niaj▒cych podane kryteria"; break;
case "Links": $tmp = "Linki"; break;
case "Links in Web Links: ": $tmp = "Linki w katalogu: "; break;
case "Categories in Web Links: ": $tmp = "Kategorie w katalogu: "; break;
case "New Submissions: ": $tmp = "Nowe wpisy: "; break;
case "Configure": $tmp = "Preferencje"; break;
case "Login/Create Account": $tmp = "Logowanie / Nowe konto"; break;
case "datestring2": $tmp = "%A, %B %d"; break;
case "Editar": $tmp = "Edytuj"; break;
case "Borrar": $tmp = "Usu±"; break;
case "Select how many news you want in Home": $tmp = "Decydowaµ ile news≤w chcesz mieµ na stronie g│≤wnej"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 3.5
case "Ephemerids": $tmp = "Ephemerids"; break;
case "Add Ephemerid:": $tmp = "Add Ephemerid:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "Day:"; break;
case "Month:": $tmp = "Month:"; break;
case "Year:": $tmp = "Year:"; break;
case "Ephemerid Description:": $tmp = "Ephemerid Description:"; break;
case "Ephemerid Maintenance (Edit/Delete):": $tmp = "Ephemerid Maintenance (Edit/Delete):"; break;
case "Send": $tmp = "Send"; break;
case "Ephemerids Maintenance": $tmp = "Ephemerids Maintenance"; break;
case "Edit Ephemerid:": $tmp = "Edit Ephemerid:"; break;
case "One Day like Today...": $tmp = "One Day like Today..."; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.0
case "comments": $tmp = "comments"; break;
case "Printer Friendly Page": $tmp = "Printer Friendly Page"; break;
case "Send this Story to a Friend": $tmp = "Send this Story to a Friend"; break;
case "Send Story to a Friend": $tmp = "Send Story to a Friend"; break;
case "You will send the story": $tmp = "You will send the story"; break;
case "to a specified friend:": $tmp = "to a specified friend:"; break;
case "Friend Name: ": $tmp = "Friend Name: "; break;
case "Friend Email: ": $tmp = "Friend Email: "; break;
case "Interesting Article at": $tmp = "Interesting Article at"; break;
case "Your Friend": $tmp = "Your Friend"; break;
case "considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = "considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you."; break;
case "Date:": $tmp = "Date:"; break;
case "Topic:": $tmp = "Topic:"; break;
case "You can read interesting articles at": $tmp = "You can read interesting articles at"; break;
case "Story": $tmp = "Story"; break;
case "has been sent to": $tmp = "has been sent to"; break;
case "Thanks!": $tmp = "Thanks!"; break;
case "This article comes from": $tmp = "This article comes from"; break;
case "PHP-Nuke version: ": $tmp = "PHP-Nuke version: "; break;
case "Older Articles": $tmp = "Older Articles"; break;
case "Add Related Links:": $tmp = "Add Related Links:"; break;
case "Site Name: ": $tmp = "Site Name: "; break;
case "URL: ": $tmp = "URL: "; break;
case "Active Related Links:": $tmp = "Active Related Links:"; break;
case "Edit Related Link": $tmp = "Edit Related Links"; break;
case "Related Links": $tmp = "Related Links"; break;
case "More about": $tmp = "More about"; break;
case "News by": $tmp = "News by"; break;
case "Most read story about": $tmp = "Most read story about"; break;
case "Last 10 news submissions sent by": $tmp = "Last 10 news submissions sent by"; break;
case "No name entered": $tmp = "No name entered"; break;
case "Recommend this Site to a Friend": $tmp = "Recommend this Site to a Friend"; break;
case "considered our site": $tmp = "considered our site"; break;
case "interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = "interesting and wanted to send it to you."; break;
case "The reference of our site has been sent to": $tmp = "The reference of our site has been sent to"; break;
case "Thanks for recommend us!": $tmp = "Thanks for recommend us!"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.3
case "Auto Articles": $tmp = "Auto Articles"; break;
case "Submissions": $tmp = "Submissions"; break;
case "Online Manual": $tmp = "Online Manual"; break;
case "There are currently,": $tmp = "There are currently,"; break;
case "guest(s) and": $tmp = "guest(s) and"; break;
case "member(s) that are online.": $tmp = "member(s) that are online."; break;
case "Who's Online": $tmp = "Who's Online"; break;
case "You are logged as": $tmp = "You are logged as"; break;
case "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>.": $tmp = "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>."; break;
case "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet.": $tmp = "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet."; break;
case "Today's most read Story is:": $tmp = "Today's most read Story is:"; break;
case "Today's Big Story": $tmp = "Today's Big Story"; break;
case "nickname": $tmp = "nickname"; break;
case "real name": $tmp = "real name"; break;
case "fake email": $tmp = "fake email"; break;
case "url": $tmp = "url"; break;
case "Members List": $tmp = "Members List"; break;
case "Greetings to our latest registered user:": $tmp = "Greetings to our latest registered user:"; break;
case "registered users so far. There are": $tmp = "registered users so far. There are"; break;
case "registered user(s) online right now.": $tmp = "registered user(s) online right now."; break;
case "registered users so far.": $tmp = "registered users so far."; break;
case "No Members Found for": $tmp = "No Members Found for"; break;
case "Programmed Articles": $tmp = "Programmed Articles"; break;
case "When do you want to publish this story?": $tmp = "When do you want to publish this story?"; break;
case "Now is:": $tmp = "Now is:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "Day:"; break;
case "Month:": $tmp = "Month:"; break;
case "Year:": $tmp = "Year:"; break;
case "Hour:": $tmp = "Hour:"; break;
case "Preview Automated Story": $tmp = "Preview Automated Story"; break;
case "Preview Again": $tmp = "Preview Again"; break;
case "Save Auto Story": $tmp = "Save Auto Story"; break;
case "in the Section": $tmp = "in the Section"; break;
case "reads": $tmp = "reads"; break;
case "page views since": $tmp = "page views since"; break;
case "Edit Automated Story": $tmp = "Edit Automated Story"; break;
case "Add Link": $tmp = ""; break;
case "New": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Popular": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Top Rated": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Random": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Link Comments": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Additional Details": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Editor Review": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Modify": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Submit a unique link only once.": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system.All links are posted pending verification.": $tmp = "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could add links on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could add links on this website."; break;
case "Register for an Account": $tmp = "Register for an Account"; break;
case "Total new links: Last week": $tmp = "Total new links: Last week"; break;
case "Last 30 days": $tmp = "Last 30 days"; break;
case "Show:": $tmp = "Show:"; break;
case "week": $tmp = "week"; break;
case "weeks": $tmp = "weeks"; break;
case "days": $tmp = "days"; break;
case "Total new links for last": $tmp = "Total new links for last"; break;
case "vote": $tmp = "vote"; break;
case "votes": $tmp = "votes"; break;
case "Rating": $tmp = "Rating"; break;
case "Rate this Site": $tmp = "Rate this Site"; break;
case "Date (New Links Listed First)": $tmp = "Date (New Links Listed First)"; break;
case "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)"; break;
case "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)"; break;
case "Link Profile": $tmp = "Link Profile"; break;
case "Editorial by": $tmp = "Editorial by"; break;
case "No editorial is currently available for this website.": $tmp = "No editorial is currently available for this website."; break;
case "Total of": $tmp = "Total of"; break;
case "User": $tmp = "User"; break;
case "User's Average Rating": $tmp = "User's Average Ratings"; break;
case "# of Ratings": $tmp = "# of Ratings"; break;
case "Link Rating Details": $tmp = "Link Rating Details"; break;
case "total votes": $tmp = "total votes"; break;
case "Overall Rating": $tmp = "Overall Rating"; break;
case "Registered Users": $tmp = "Registered Users"; break;
case "Number of Ratings": $tmp = "Number of Ratings"; break;
case "No Registered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Registered Users Votes"; break;
case "Breakdown of Ratings by Value": $tmp = "Breakdown of Ratings by Value"; break;
case "Link Rating": $tmp = "Link Rating"; break;
case "High Rating": $tmp = "High Rating"; break;
case "Low Rating": $tmp = "Low Rating"; break;
case "Number of Comments": $tmp = "Number of Comments"; break;
case "to": $tmp = "to"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings"; break;
case "Unregistered Users": $tmp = "Unregistered Users"; break;
case "No Unregistered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Unregistered Users Votes"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings"; break;
case "Outside Voters": $tmp = "Outside Voters"; break;
case "No Outside Votes": $tmp = "No Outside Votes"; break;
case "Visit this Website": $tmp = "Visit this Website"; break;
case "Is this your resource?": $tmp = "Is this your resource"; break;
case "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!": $tmp = "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!"; break;
case "Rate this Website": $tmp = "Rate this Website"; break;
case "Promote Your Website": $tmp = "Promote Your Website"; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = "Report Broken Link"; break;
case "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity.": $tmp = "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity."; break;
case "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded.": $tmp = "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded."; break;
case "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly.": $tmp = "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly."; break;
case "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login.": $tmp = "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login."; break;
case "Send Request": $tmp = "Send Request"; break;
case "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on.": $tmp = "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on."; break;
case "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!": $tmp = "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!"; break;
case "Return to": $tmp = "Return to"; break;
case "Your vote is appreciated.": $tmp = "Your vote is appreciated."; break;
case "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s).": $tmp = "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s)."; break;
case "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "No rating selected - no vote tallied": $tmp = "No rating selected - no vote tallied"; break;
case "Only one vote per IP address allowed every": $tmp = "Only one vote per IP address allowed every"; break;
case "day(s).": $tmp = "day(s)."; break;
case "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once.": $tmp = "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once."; break;
case "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.": $tmp = "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent."; break;
case "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful.": $tmp = "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful."; break;
case "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>.": $tmp = "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>."; break;
case "Do not vote for your own resource.": $tmp = "Do not vote for your own resource."; break;
case "You are a registered user and are logged in.": $tmp = "You are a registered user and are logged in."; break;
case "Feel free to add a comment about this site.": $tmp = "Feel free to add a comment about this site."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could make comments on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could make comments on this website."; break;
case "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "No reported broken links.": $tmp = "No reported broken links."; break;
case "User Link Modification Requests": $tmp = "User Link Modification Requests"; break;
case "Original": $tmp = "Original"; break;
case "Description:": $tmp = "Description:"; break;
case "Cat": $tmp = "Cat"; break;
case "Subcat": $tmp = "Subcat"; break;
case "Submitter": $tmp = "Submitter"; break;
case "Owner": $tmp = "Owner"; break;
case "Ignore": $tmp = "Ignore"; break;
case "Accept": $tmp = "Accept"; break;
case "Editorial added to the Database": $tmp = "Editorial added to the Database"; break;
case "Editorial Modified": $tmp = "Editorial Modified"; break;
case "Editorial removed from Database": $tmp = "Editorial removed from Database"; break;
case "Link Validation": $tmp = "Link Validation"; break;
case "Let Anonymous users to post new links?": $tmp = "Let Anonymous users to post new links?"; break;