case "changerblock": $tmp = "Modification d'un Bloc Droit"; break;
case "deleterblock": $tmp = "Effacer un Bloc Droit"; break;
case "makerblock": $tmp = "Création d'un Bloc Droit"; break;
case "changelblock": $tmp = "Modification d'un Bloc Gauche"; break;
case "deletelblock": $tmp = "Effacer un Bloc Gauche"; break;
case "makelblock": $tmp = "Création d'un Bloc Gauche"; break;
case "Create New Right Block": $tmp = "اصنع مجموعة يمنى"; break;
case "Create New Left Block": $tmp = "اصنع مجموعة يسرى"; break;
case "Edit Admin Block": $tmp = "عدل مجموعة التحكم"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to remove Story ID #": $tmp = "هل تريد حقاً حذف المقالة رقم"; break;
case "and all it's comments?": $tmp = "و كل التعليقات المتصلة بها؟"; break;
case "Edit Admins": $tmp = "Edit Admins"; break;
case "Add User": $tmp = "Add User"; break;
case "Update User": $tmp = "Update User"; break;
case "User ID": $tmp = "User ID"; break;
case "Preview Story": $tmp = "نظرة مبدئية للمقالة"; break;
case "Past Articles": $tmp = "المقالات السابقة"; break;
case "comment": $tmp = "تعليق"; break;
case "comments?": $tmp = "تعليقات؟"; break;
case "Welcome to": $tmp = "مرحباًُ في"; break;
case "Votes: ": $tmp = "إقتراعات: "; break;
case "Past Surveys": $tmp = "إقتراعات سابقة"; break;
case "Survey": $tmp = "إقتراعات"; break;
case "Total Votes: ": $tmp = "مجموع الاقتراعات: "; break;
case "Voting Booth": $tmp = "صالة الإقتراعات"; break;
case "Other Polls": $tmp = "إقتراعات أخرى"; break;
case "Results": $tmp = "نتائج"; break;
case "Your Name": $tmp = "الإسم"; break;
case "New User": $tmp = "مستخدم جديد"; break;
case "Title": $tmp = "اللقب"; break;
case "Be Descriptive, Clear and Simple": $tmp = "كن واضحاً و بسيطاً و معبراً"; break;
case "bad titles='Check This Out!' or 'An Article'.": $tmp = "(من الاسماء السيئه: (مقالة) أو (اقرأ هذا الموضوع))"; break;
case "The Scoop": $tmp = ""; break;
case "HTML is fine, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!": $tmp = "HTMLلكن عليك التحقق من الوصلات و من صحة ال HTML يمكنك ادخال"; break;
case "You must preview once before you can submit": $tmp = "لا بد من أن تلقي نظرة اولية قبل تسليم الموضوع"; break;
case "Are you sure you included a URL? Did you test them for typos?": $tmp = "هل تأكدت من احتواء المقالة على وصلات؟ هل تأكدت من صحة الوصلات؟"; break;
case "Select Topic": $tmp = "اختر موضوع"; break;
case "Thanks for your submission.": $tmp = "شكراً لمساهمتك!"; break;
case "We received": $tmp = "استلمنا"; break;
case "visitors from": $tmp = "زائرين من"; break;
case "Operating Systems": $tmp = "انظمة تشغيل"; break;
case "Unknown": $tmp = "غير معروف"; break;
case "Threshold": $tmp = "مستهل"; break;
case "No Comments": $tmp = "لا تعليقات"; break;
case "Nested": $tmp = "محتوى"; break;
case "Flat": $tmp = "مسطح"; break;
case "Thread": $tmp = "ملولب"; break;
case "Oldest First": $tmp = "الاقدم فالاجدد"; break;
case "Newest First": $tmp = "الاجدد فالاقدم"; break;
case "Highest Scores First": $tmp = "النتائج الأعلى اولا"; break;
case "Save": $tmp = "احفظ"; break;
case "Refresh": $tmp = "جدد"; break;
case "Reply": $tmp = "رد"; break;
case "The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.":
case "Post Anonymously": $tmp = "تعليق بدون اسم"; break;
case "Post": $tmp = "عدل"; break;
case "Comment": $tmp = "تعليق"; break;
case "Extrans (html tags to text)": $tmp = "Extrans (HTML أو text باستخدام)"; break;
case "HTML Formatted": $tmp = "HTML معد كنص"; break;
case "Plain Old Text": $tmp = "Text معد كنص"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "موضوع"; break;
case "Allowed HTML:": $tmp = "الآتي: HTML مسموح بال"; break;
case "User Info": $tmp = "خصائص المستخدم"; break;
case "Score: ": $tmp = "درجه: "; break;
case "by": $tmp = "بواسطة"; break;
case "on": $tmp = "في"; break;
case "Moderate": $tmp = "معتدل"; break;
case "This is your personal page": $tmp = "هذه هى صفحتك الشخصية"; break;
case "My HomePage:": $tmp = "صفحتي الشخصية على الانترنت:"; break;
case "My E-Mail:": $tmp = "بريدي الشخصي:"; break;
case "Extra Info:": $tmp = "معمومات اضافية"; break;
case "There is no available info for": $tmp = "لا يوجد معلومات عن"; break;
case "This web site uses": $tmp = "هذا الموقع يستخدم"; break;
case "Incorrect Login!": $tmp = "محاولة دخول غير صحيحة!"; break;
case "New User:": $tmp = ":مستخدم جديد:"; break;
case "(Password will be sent to the email address you enter.)": $tmp = "كلمة السر الخاصه بك سيتم ارسالها الى عنوان البريد الالكترونى الذي ادخلته."; break;
case "Lost your Password?": $tmp = "هل فقدت كلمة السر الخاصه بك؟"; break;
case "No problem. Just type your Nickname and click on send button.": $tmp = "ليست بمشكله. فقط ادخل اسم المشترك ثم اضغط زر الارسال لتصلك كلمة السر على بريدك الالكتروني"; break;
case "Notice: Account Préférences are cookie based.": $tmp = "لحفظ خصائص المشترك. cookie ملحوظه: الموقع يستخدم خاصية ال"; break;
case "more info...": $tmp = "معلومات اضافيه..."; break;
case "Sorry, no corresponding user info was found": $tmp = "تعذر الوصول الى اى معلومات اضافيه"; break;
case "The user account": $tmp = "المستخدم"; break;
case "at": $tmp = "في"; break;
case "has this email associated with it.": $tmp = "متصل بهذا العنوان الالكترونى"; break;
case "A web user from": $tmp = "متصفح من"; break;
case "has just requested that password be sent.": $tmp = "طلب ارسال كلمة السر"; break;
case "Your New Password is:": $tmp = "كلمة السر الجديده هي:"; break;
case "You can change it after you login at": $tmp = "يمكنك تغيير كلمة السر بعد دخولك الى الموقع: "; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. You are seeing this message, not 'them'. If this was an error just login with your new password.": $tmp = "اذا لم تكن قد طلبت هذه الخدمه فلا تقلق فالشخص الذي قام بهذا لن تصله هذه الرساله. استخدم كلمة السر الجديده للدخول الى الموقع"; break;
case "Password for": $tmp = "كلمة السرالخاصه ب"; break;
case "mailed.": $tmp ="قد تم ارسالها"; break;
case "Nickname is too long. It must be less than 15 characters.": $tmp = "الكنيه طويله للغايه. رجاء استخدام كنايه اقل من 15 حرف."; break;
case "There cannot be any spaces in the Nickname.": $tmp = "غير مسموح بوجود مسافاي في الكنيه"; break;
case "Finish": $tmp = "تم"; break;
case "You or someone else has used your email account": $tmp = "اما انت او شخص آخر استخدم هذا العنوان من قبل."; break;
case "to register an account at": $tmp = "ليقوم بالتسجيل في"; break;
case "The following is the member information:": $tmp = "معلومات عن المستخدم::"; break;
case "-Nickname: ": $tmp = "كنيه: "; break;
case "-Password: ": $tmp = "كلمة السر: "; break;
case "Your Password is: ": $tmp = "كلمة السر خاصتك هى: "; break;
case "You are now registered. You should receive your password at the email account you provided.": $tmp = "قد تم تسجيلك كمستخدم جديد. يمكنك إستلام كلمة السر الخاصة بك عن طريق بريدك الالكتروني."; break;
case "Real Name": $tmp = "الاسم الحقيقي"; break;
case "Real Email": $tmp = "البريد الالكتروني الحقيقي"; break;
case "Fake Email": $tmp = "البريد الالكتروني غير الحقيقي"; break;
case "Your HomePage": $tmp = "صفحتك الشخصية على الانترنت"; break;
case "Extra Info": $tmp = "معلومات أخرى..."; break;
case "(optional)": $tmp = "(إختياري)"; break;
case "(required)": $tmp = "(إجبازي)"; break;
case "(This Email will not be public but is required, will be used to send your password if you lost it)": $tmp = "(لن يتم اعلان هذا العنوان ولكن من المهم ادخاله. فى حاة فقدانك لكلمة السر سيتم ارسالها الى هذا العنوان.)"; break;
case "(This Email will be public. Just type what you want, Spam proof)": $tmp = "(سيتم اعلان هذا العنوان. يمكنك ادخال أي عنوان غير صحيح اذا رغبت)"; break;
case "(255 characters max. Type what others can know about yourself)": $tmp = "(أي معلومات يمكن للآخرين رؤيتها. حد اقصى 255 حرف)"; break;
case "(type a new password twice to change it)": $tmp = "(ادخل كلمة السر الجديده مرتين ليتم حفظها)"; break;
case "Save Changes": $tmp = "حفظ"; break;
case "Both passwords are different. They need to be identical.": $tmp = "كلمتي السر غير متطابقتين. يجب ان تتطابق كلمتي السر ليتم حفظها."; break;
case "Sorry, your password must be at least": $tmp = "معذرة: كلمة السر يجب على الأقل أن تكون"; break;
case "characters long": $tmp = "حرف"; break;
case "Something screwed up... don't you hate that?": $tmp = "معذرة: تعذر القيام بالعملية!"; break;
case "Current Active Sections": $tmp = "الأقسام النشطة الحالية"; break;
case "Add a New Section": $tmp = "أضف قسم جديد"; break;
case "Section Name:": $tmp = "اسم القسم:"; break;
case "(40 characters Max.)": $tmp = "(حرف فقط 40)"; break;
case "Add Section!": $tmp = "اضف قسم!"; break;
case "Edit Section:": $tmp = "تعديل قسم:"; break;
case "Delete Section!": $tmp = "حذف قسم!"; break;
case "Add Article in Sections": $tmp = "اضف مقالات الى القسم"; break;
case "Add Article!": $tmp = "اضف مقالة"; break;
case "Edit Article": $tmp = "تعديل مقالة"; break;
case "Content": $tmp = "محتويات"; break;
case "Delete Article: ": $tmp = "حذف مقالة: "; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this article?": $tmp = "هل تريد حقا حذف هذه المقالة؟"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete section": $tmp = "هل تريد حقاً حذف هذا القسم؟"; break;
case "Delete Section: ": $tmp = "حذف قسم: "; break;
case "This will delete ALL its articles!": $tmp = "سيتم ايضا حذف كل مقالات هذا القسم!"; break;
case "Welcome to the Special Sections at": $tmp = "Welcome to the Special Sections at"; break;
case "Here you can find some cool articles not presents in the Home.": $tmp = "Here you can find some cool articles not presents in the Home."; break;
case "This is Section": $tmp = "هذا هو قسم:"; break;
case "Following are the articles published under this section.": $tmp = "Following are the articles published under this section."; break;
case "Return to Sections Index": $tmp = "Return to Sections Index"; break;
case "Back to": $tmp = "رجوع الى"; break;
case "Sections Index": $tmp = "فهرس الأقسام"; break;
case "All Topics": $tmp = "كل المواضيع"; break;
case "All Authors": $tmp = "كل المحررين"; break;
case "News number in the Home": $tmp = "عدد المقالات فى الصفحه الأولى"; break;
case "Activate Personal Menu": $tmp = "تنشيط القائمه الشخصيه"; break;
case "(Check this option and the following text will appear in the Home)": $tmp = "(انقر هذه الخاصيه ليظهر الموضوع فى الصفحه الرئيسيه)"; break;
case "(You can use HTML code to put links, for example)": $tmp = "(لوضع وصلات على سبيل المثال HTML يمكنك استخدام)"; break;
case "Select One Theme": $tmp = "اختر هيئه"; break;
case "This option will change the look for the whole site.": $tmp = "هذه الخاصيه ستغير من هيئه الصفحه"; break;
case "The changes will be valid only to you.": $tmp = "هذه الاختلافات في الهيئه ستنطبق عليك فقط."; break;
case "Each user can view the site with different theme.": $tmp = "بامكان كل مستخدم ان يعرض الموقع بالهيئه التي يفضلها"; break;
case "Display Mode": $tmp = "طريقة العرض"; break;
case "Sort Order": $tmp = "الترتيب"; break;
case "Comments scored less than this setting will be ignored.": $tmp = " لن يتم عرض التعليقات ذات الدرجه اقل من "; break;
case "Uncut and Raw": $tmp = "عرض كل شئ"; break;
case "Almost Everything": $tmp = "عرض كل شئ تقريباً"; break;
case "Filter Most Anon": $tmp = "عدم عرض معظم المستخدمين بدون اسماء"; break;
case "Score": $tmp = "درجه"; break;
case "Anonymous posts start at 0, logged in posts start at 1. Moderators add and subtract points.": $tmp = "Les posts anonymes commencent à 0, le début de posts logués à 1. Les modérateurs ajoutent et soustraient les points."; break;
case "Do Not Display Scores": $tmp = "عدم عرض الدرجات"; break;
case "(Hides score: They still apply, you just don't see them.)": $tmp = "(يتم اخفاء الدرجات مع استمرار سريان مفعولها)"; break;
case "Max Comment Length": $tmp = "اقصى طول للتعليق"; break;
case "(Truncates long comments, and adds a Read More link. Set really big to disable)": $tmp = "(يتم الاقتصاص من المقاله و اضافة وصلة (اقرأ المزيد))"; break;
case "Posted by ": $tmp = "كتابة "; break;
case "Posted on ": $tmp = "بتاريخ "; break;
case "on": $tmp = "يوم"; break;
case "Contributed by ": $tmp = "شكراً ل "; break;
case "writes": $tmp = "كتب"; break;
case "Menu for": $tmp = "قائمه ل"; break;
case "total words in this text)": $tmp = " عدد الكلمات فى المقاله)"; break;
case "votes": $tmp = "أصوات"; break;
case " on...": $tmp = "في..."; break;
case "New Article": $tmp = "مقاله جديده"; break;
case "Delete Topic!": $tmp = "حذف موضوع!"; break;
case "Click to list all articles in this topic": $tmp = "أنقر لتعرض كل المقالات فى هذا الموضوع"; break;
case "Welcome to the TOP page for": $tmp = "مرحبا لافضل صفحه في"; break;
case "most read stories": $tmp = "لأكثر المقالات قراءة"; break;
case "read:": $tmp = "تم قرائتها:"; break;
case "votes:": $tmp = "عدد الأصوات:"; break;
case "Edit Article ID:": $tmp = "تعديل مقال رقم:"; break;
case "most read articles in special sections": $tmp = "أكثر المقالات قراءة في الأقسام الخاصة"; break;
case "No Subject": $tmp = "بدون موضوع"; break;
case "Read the rest of this comment...": $tmp = "اقرأ بقية التعليق..."; break;
case "All": $tmp = "الكل"; break;
case "week": $tmp = "اسبوع"; break;
case "weeks": $tmp = "اسابيع"; break;
case "month": $tmp = "شهر"; break;
case "months": $tmp = "اشهر"; break;
case "most active news submitters": $tmp = "أكثر كتب المقالات نشاطا"; break;
case "sent news:": $tmp = "أخبار مرسلة:"; break;
case "Delete Article!": $tmp = "حذف مقالة!"; break;
case "Banners Administration": $tmp = "Banners Administration"; break;
case "Current Active Banners": $tmp = "Current Active Banners"; break;
case "ID": $tmp = "ID"; break;
case "Impressions": $tmp = "Impressions"; break;
case "Imp. Left": $tmp = "Imp. Left"; break;
case "Clicks": $tmp = "Clicks"; break;
case "% Clicks": $tmp = "% Clicks"; break;
case "Client Name": $tmp = "Client Name"; break;
case "Functions": $tmp = "Functions"; break;
case "Imp.": $tmp = "Imp."; break;
case "Date Started": $tmp = "Date Started"; break;
case "Date Ended": $tmp = "Date Ended"; break;
case "Finished Banners": $tmp = "Finished Banners"; break;
case "Advertising Clients": $tmp = "Advertising Clients"; break;
case "Active Banners": $tmp = "Active Banners"; break;
case "Contact Name": $tmp = "Contact Name"; break;
case "Contact Email": $tmp = "Contact Email"; break;
case "Add a New Banner": $tmp = "Add a New Banner"; break;
case "Client Name: ": $tmp = "Client Name: "; break;
case "Impressions Purchased: ": $tmp = "Impressions Purchased: "; break;
case "Image URL: ": $tmp = "Image URL: "; break;
case "Click URL: ": $tmp = "Click URL: "; break;
case "Add Banner": $tmp = "Add Banner"; break;
case "Unlimited": $tmp = "Unlimited"; break;
case "Add a New Client": $tmp = "Add a New Client"; break;
case "Client Name: ": $tmp = "Client Name: "; break;
case "Contact Name: ": $tmp = "Contact Name: "; break;
case "Contact Email: ": $tmp = "Contact Email: "; break;
case "Client Login: ": $tmp = "Client Login: "; break;
case "Client Password: ": $tmp = "Client Password: "; break;
case "Add Client": $tmp = "Add Client"; break;
case "Delete Banner": $tmp = "Delete Banner"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Banner?": $tmp = "Are you sure you want to delete this Banner?"; break;
case "Edit Banner": $tmp = "Edit Banner"; break;
case "Add More Impressions: ": $tmp = "Add More Impressions: "; break;
case "Purchased: ": $tmp = "Purchased: "; break;
case "Made: ": $tmp = "Made: "; break;
case "Change Banner": $tmp = "Change Banner"; break;
case "Delete Advertising Client": $tmp = "Delete Advertising Client"; break;
case "You are about to delete client:": $tmp = "You are about to delete client:"; break;
case "and all its Banners!!!": $tmp = "and all its Banners!!!"; break;
case "This client doesn't have any banner running now.": $tmp = "This client doesn't have any banner running now."; break;
case "This client has the following ACTIVE BANNERS running in": $tmp = "This client has the following ACTIVE BANNERS running in"; break;
case "WARNING!!!": $tmp = "WARNING!!!"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete this Client and ALL its Banners?": $tmp = "Are you sure you want to delete this Client and ALL its Banners?"; break;
case "Edit Advertising Client": $tmp = "Edit Advertising Client"; break;
case "Change Client": $tmp = "Change Client"; break;
case "hast just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password.": $tmp = "طلب كود لتغيير كلمة السر"; break;
case "With this code you can now assign a new password at": $tmp = "باستخدام هذا الكود يمكنك تغيير كلمة السر الخاصه بك في:"; break;
case "If you didn't ask for this, don't worry. Just delete this Email.": $tmp = "اذا لم تكن قد طلبت هذه الخاصية قم بحذف هذه الرسالة"; break;
case "Confirmation Code for": $tmp = "الكوذ الخاص ب"; break;
case "Send Password": $tmp = "ارسال كلمة السر"; break;
case "We don't sell/give to others your personal info.": $tmp = "نحن لا نوزع\نبيع بياناتك المدخلة لدينا لمواقع أخرى.."; break;
case "most active authors": $tmp = "أكثر المحررين نشاطاً"; break;
case "news published:": $tmp = "اخبار منشورة:"; break;
case "has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password.": $tmp = "has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password"; break;
case "previous matches": $tmp = "النتائج السابقة"; break;
case "next matches": $tmp = "النتائج التالية"; break;
case "Are you sure you want to delete": $tmp = "هل ترغب حقا في الحذف؟"; break;
case "Browsers": $tmp = "برامج التصفح"; break;
case "Main": $tmp = "رئيسي"; break;
case "Admin": $tmp = "Admin"; break;
case "Left": $tmp = "يسار"; break;
case "Right": $tmp = "يمين"; break;
case "Authors": $tmp = "محررين"; break;
case "Users": $tmp = "مستخدمين"; break;
case "bytes more": $tmp = "اكثر bytes"; break;
case "ChangeStory": $tmp = "تغيير المقالة"; break;
case "RemoveStory": $tmp = "حذف المقالة"; break;
case "Content:": $tmp = "محتويات:"; break;
case "Create new poll": $tmp = "صنع إقتراع جديد"; break;
case "Create": $tmp = "إصنع"; break;
case "Current Poll:": $tmp = "الإقتراع الحالي"; break;
case "Delete Author": $tmp = "حذف محرر"; break;
case "DeleteStory": $tmp = "حذف مقالة"; break;
case "DisplayStory": $tmp = "إظهار المقالة"; break;
case "Edit Left Blocks": $tmp = "Edit Left Blocks"; break;
case "Edit Admin Block": $tmp = "Edit Admin Block"; break;
case "Edit Right Blocks": $tmp = "Edit Right Blocks"; break;
case "Edit Main Block": $tmp = "Edit Main Block"; break;
case "Extended Text": $tmp = "Extended Text"; break;
case "New Poll": $tmp = "New Poll"; break;
case "View Results": $tmp = "View Results"; break;
case "Delete Poll": $tmp = "Delete Poll"; break;
case "EditStory": $tmp = "EditStory"; break;
case "Email": $tmp = "بريد الكتروني"; break;
case "Full Text": $tmp = "Full Text"; break;
case "Go home": $tmp = "عوده إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"; break;
case "Go!": $tmp = "Ok"; break;
case "Handle": $tmp = "Handle"; break;
case "Intro Text": $tmp = "مقدمه"; break;
case "Logged out": $tmp = "تم الخروج"; break;
case "Logout": $tmp = "خروج"; break;
case "Modify Info": $tmp = "تعديل معلومات"; break;
case "Name": $tmp = "الإسم"; break;
case "Name:": $tmp = "الإسم:"; break;
case "No New Submission": $tmp = "لا توجد مقالة جديدة"; break;
case "No New Submissions": $tmp = "لا توجد مقالات جديدة"; break;
case "No": $tmp = "لا"; break;
case "Notes": $tmp = "ملحوظات"; break;
case "Option": $tmp = "إختيار"; break;
case "Password": $tmp = "كلمة السر"; break;
case "Parent": $tmp = "الأب"; break;
case "Read More...": $tmp = "المزيد..."; break;
case "Sorry, the new passwords do not match. Click back and try again":
$tmp = "Désolé les nouveaux mots de passe ne correspondent pas. cliquez sur retour et recommencer"; break;
case "Story ID:": $tmp = "Article ID:"; break;
case "Subject": $tmp = "عنوان"; break;
case "The Story": $tmp = "المقالة"; break;
case "Title:": $tmp = "عنوان:"; break;
case "Topic": $tmp = "موضوع"; break;
case "Topics Manager": $tmp = "مواضيع"; break;
case "URL": $tmp = "URL"; break;
case "Update Author": $tmp = "تعديل محرر"; break;
case "View poll results": $tmp = "عرض نتائج الاقتراع"; break;
case "View": $tmp = "╪╣╪▒╪╢"; break;
case "WARNING: The chosen poll will be removed IMMEDIATELY from the database!": $tmp = "WARNING: The chosen poll will be removed IMMEDIATELY from the database!"; break;
case "Yes": $tmp = "نعم"; break;
case "You are now logged out": $tmp = "تمت عملية الخروج"; break;
case "adminMain": $tmp = "adminMain"; break;
case "adminStory": $tmp = "adminStory"; break;
case "bad pass": $tmp = "كلمة السر غير صحيحة"; break;
case "blocks": $tmp = "مجموعات"; break;
case "changeblock": $tmp = " Modification du Bloc "; break;
case "create": $tmp = "إصنع"; break;
case "createPosted": $tmp = "createPosted"; break;
case "current authors": $tmp = "المحررين الحاليين"; break;
case "WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Category and ALL its Links?": $tmp = "WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Category and ALL its Links?"; break;
case "ERROR: The Category": $tmp = "خطأ: الفئة"; break;
case "already exist!": $tmp = "موجودة بالفعل!"; break;
case "ERROR: The SubCategory": $tmp = "خطأ: الفئة الفرعية"; break;
case "ERROR: This URL is already listed in the Database!": $tmp = "خطأ: هذة الوصلة موجودة بالفعل!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a URL for your URL!": $tmp = "!(URL)خطأ: يجب ادخال الوصلة"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a TITLE for your URL!": $tmp = "خطأ: يجب ادخال عنوان للوصلة!"; break;
case "ERROR: You need to type a DESCRIPTION for your URL!": $tmp = "خطأ: يجب ادخال وصف للوصلة!"; break;
case "New Link added to the Database": $tmp = "تم ادخال الوصلة بنجاح"; break;
case "Your Link at": $tmp = "الوصلة الخاصة بك عند"; break;
case "Hello": $tmp = "مرحباً"; break;
case "We approved your link submission for our search engine.": $tmp = "لقد تمت الموافقة على ادخال وصلتك!"; break;
case "You can browse our search engine at:": $tmp = "يمكنك تصفح موقع البحث الخاص بنا عن طريق: "; break;
case "Thanks for your submission!": $tmp = "شكراً لمشاركتك!"; break;
case "team.": $tmp = "فريق."; break;
case "HOME": $tmp = "الصفحة الرئيسية"; break;
case "Links Main": $tmp = "الوصلات الرئيسية"; break;
case "Add URL": $tmp = "اضف وصلة"; break;
case "New Links": $tmp = "وصلات جديدة"; break;
case "The Best": $tmp = "الأفضل"; break;
case "Random Link": $tmp = "وصلة عشوائية: "; break;
case "Your Name: ": $tmp = "اسمك: "; break;
case "Your Email: ": $tmp = "بريدك الالكتروني: "; break;
case "We received your Link submission. Thanks!": $tmp = "تم استلام الوصلة. شكراً لمساهمتك!"; break;
case "You'll receive and E-mail when it's approved.": $tmp = "سيتم ارسال بريد الكتروني لك عندما يوافق عليها."; break;
case "Links Added to Database": $tmp = "تم اضافة الوصلات"; break;
case "Added on: ": $tmp = "اضيفت في: "; break;
case "Edit This Link": $tmp = "عدّل هذه الوصلة"; break;
case "The": $tmp = "ال"; break;
case "Most Visited Links": $tmp = "أكثر الوصلات زيارة"; break;
case "SubCatégories": $tmp = "الفئات الفرعية"; break;
case "Popular Site!": $tmp = "موقع مشهور!"; break;
case "Previous Page": $tmp = "الصفحة السابقة"; break;
case "Next Page": $tmp = "الصفحة التالية"; break;
case "Main": $tmp = "القائمة الرئيسية"; break;
case "Try to search": $tmp = "جرب الحث على"; break;
case "in others Search Engines": $tmp = "في محركات البحث"; break;
case "No matches found to your query": $tmp = "لم يتم العثور على أي نتائج للبحث"; break;
case "Links": $tmp = "وصلات"; break;
case "Links in Web Links: ": $tmp = "وصلات في وصلات الشبكة"; break;
case "Categories in Web Links: ": $tmp = "الفئات الواردة في وصلات الشبكة"; break;
case "New Submissions: ": $tmp = "مقالات جديدة "; break;
case "Configure": $tmp = "تعديلات"; break;
case "Login/Create Account": $tmp = "ادخل الموقع\انضم لدينا"; break;
case "datestring2": $tmp = "%A %d %B "; break;
case "Don't have an account yet?": $tmp = "لست مسجلا؟";break;
case "You can ": $tmp = "يمكنك أن";break;
case "Create One": $tmp = "<br>تسجل الآن";break;
case "As registered user you have some advantages like theme manager,": $tmp = "<br>يمكنك كمستخدم ان تغير من هيئة الموقع لتناسب اختيارك.";break;
case "comments configuration and post comments with your name." : $tmp = "يمكنك ايضاً أن تتحكم في اظهار التعليقات وأن تضع تعليقات باستخدام اسمك.";break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 3.5
case "Ephemerids": $tmp = "Ephemerids"; break;
case "Add Ephemerid:": $tmp = "Add Ephemerid:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "يوم:"; break;
case "Month:": $tmp = "شهر:"; break;
case "Year:": $tmp = "سنة:"; break;
case "Ephemerid Description:": $tmp = "Ephemerid Description:"; break;
case "Ephemerid Maintenance (Edit/Delete):": $tmp = "Ephemerid Maintenance (Edit/Delete):"; break;
case "Send": $tmp = "ارسل"; break;
case "Ephemerids Maintenance": $tmp = "Ephemerids Maintenance"; break;
case "Edit Ephemerid:": $tmp = "Edit Ephemerid:"; break;
case "One Day like Today...": $tmp = "يوم كيومنا هذا..."; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.0
case "comments": $tmp = "تعليق"; break;
case "Printer Friendly Page": $tmp = "تهيئه للطباعه"; break;
case "Send this Story to a Friend": $tmp = "ارسل هذه القطعه لصديق"; break;
case "Send Story to a Friend": $tmp = "ارسل القطعه لصديق"; break;
case "You will send the story": $tmp = "سيتم ارسال هذه المقاله لصديق"; break;
case "to a specified friend:": $tmp = "لصديق معين"; break;
case "considered the following article interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = " قد قام بقراءه المقاله التاليه واراد ارسالها اليك."; break;
case "Date:": $tmp = "تاريخ: "; break;
case "Topic:": $tmp = "موضوع: "; break;
case "You can read interesting articles at": $tmp = "يمكنك الاطلاع على المزيد من المقالات على "; break;
case "Story": $tmp = "المقالة"; break;
case "has been sent to": $tmp = "تم ارسالها الى"; break;
case "Thanks!": $tmp = "جزيلاً من الشكر!"; break;
case "This article comes from": $tmp = "تأتيك هذه المقاله من"; break;
case "PHP-Nuke version: ": $tmp = "PHP-Nuke version: "; break;
case "Older Articles": $tmp = "مقالات سابقة"; break;
case "Add Related Links:": $tmp = "اضف وصلات ذات علاقة"; break;
case "Site Name: ": $tmp = "اسم الموقع: "; break;
case "URL: ": $tmp = "URL: "; break;
case "Active Related Links:": $tmp = "الوصلات النشطه: "; break;
case "Edit Related Link": $tmp = "عدل الوصلات"; break;
case "Related Links": $tmp = "مواقع ذات صلة"; break;
case "More about": $tmp = "المزيد عن"; break;
case "News by": $tmp = "أخبار بواسطة"; break;
case "Most read story about": $tmp = "أشهر مقالة عن"; break;
case "Current Survey Voting Booth": $tmp = "الإقتراع الحالي"; break;
case "Last news about": $tmp = "آخر خبر عن"; break;
case "Nickname": $tmp = "كنية"; break;
case "Don't have an account yet? You can": $tmp = "لست بمستخدم لدينا؟ الآن يمكنك"; break;
case "create one": $tmp = "التسجيل محاناً"; break;
case "As registered": $tmp = "بعد التسجيل"; break;
case "user you have some advantages like theme manager,": $tmp = "يمكنك استخدام مزايا تهيئة الموقع ليناسب ذوقك."; break;
case "comments configuration and post comments with your name.": $tmp = "يمكنك ايضاً أن تتحكم في اظهار التعليقات وأن تضع تعليقات باستخدام اسمك."; break;
case "Online Help": $tmp = "مساعده"; break;
case "Search Engines": $tmp = "محركات البحث"; break;
case "Robots - Spiders": $tmp = "Robots - Spiders"; break;
case "New Stories Submissions": $tmp = "مقالات جديده"; break;
case "File Manager": $tmp = "File Manager"; break;
case "Upload": $tmp = "Upload"; break;
case "Site Name": $tmp = "Site Name"; break;
case "Status": $tmp = "Status"; break;
case "Headlines": $tmp = "Headlines"; break;
case "Active": $tmp = "Active"; break;
case "Inactive": $tmp = "Inactive"; break;
case "Add Headline": $tmp = "Add Headline"; break;
case "Site Name:": $tmp = "Site Name:"; break;
case "URL:": $tmp = "URL:"; break;
case "URL for the RDF/XML file:": $tmp = "URL for the RDF/XML file:"; break;
case "Edit Headline": $tmp = "Edit Headline"; break;
case "Status:": $tmp = "Status:"; break;
case "Search on:": $tmp = "Search on:"; break;
case "Stories": $tmp = "Stories"; break;
case "Comments": $tmp = "Comments"; break;
case "The URL for this story is:": $tmp = "The URL for this story is:"; break;
case "Sections": $tmp = "Sections"; break;
case "General Site Info": $tmp = "General Site Info"; break;
case "Site URL:": $tmp = "Site URL:"; break;
case "Site Logo:": $tmp = "Site Logo:"; break;
case "Site Slogan:": $tmp = "Site Slogan:"; break;
case "Site Start Date:": $tmp = "Site Start Date:"; break;
case "Administrator Email:": $tmp = "Administrator Email:"; break;
case "Number of items in TOP Page:": $tmp = "Number of items in TOP Page:"; break;
case "Stories Number in the Home:": $tmp = "Stories Number in the Home:"; break;
case "Stories in Old Articles Box:": $tmp = "Stories in Old Articles Box:"; break;
case "Activate Ultramode?": $tmp = "Activate Ultramode?"; break;
case "Allow Anonymous to Post?": $tmp = "Allow Anonymous to Post?"; break;
case "Default Theme for your Site:": $tmp = "Default Theme for your Site:"; break;
case "Select the Language for your Site:": $tmp = "Select Language for your Site:"; break;
case "Locale Time Format:": $tmp = "Locale Time Format:"; break;
case "Banners Options": $tmp = "Banners Options"; break;
case "Activate Banners in your site?": $tmp = "Activate Banners in your Site?"; break;
case "Your IP to not count the hits:": $tmp = "Your IP to not count the hits:"; break;
case "Footer Messages": $tmp = "Footer Messages"; break;
case "Footer Line 1:": $tmp = "Foot Line 1:"; break;
case "Footer Line 2:": $tmp = "Foot Line 2:"; break;
case "Footer Line 3:": $tmp = "Foot Line 3:"; break;
case "Footer Line 4:": $tmp = "Foot Line 4:"; break;
case "Backend Configuration": $tmp = "Backend Configuration"; break;
case "Backend Title:": $tmp = "Backend Title:"; break;
case "Backend Language:": $tmp = "Backend Language:"; break;
case "Backend Image URL:": $tmp = "Backend Image URL:"; break;
case "Backend Image Width:": $tmp = "Backend Image Width:"; break;
case "Backend Image Height:": $tmp = "Backend Image Height:"; break;
case "Last 10 news submissions sent by": $tmp = "آخر 10 مقالات من"; break;
case "No name entered": $tmp = "لم يدخل اسم"; break;
case "Recommend this Site to a Friend": $tmp = "رشح هذا الموقع"; break;
case "considered our site": $tmp = "يعتبر موقعنا"; break;
case "interesting and wanted to send it to you.": $tmp = "أهل للزيارة ويرشحه اليك..."; break;
case "The reference of our site has been sent to": $tmp = "تم ارسال ترشيحك ل"; break;
case "Thanks for recommend us!": $tmp = "شكراً لقيامك بترشيحنا!"; break;
// Added for PHP-Nuke 4.3
case "Auto Articles": $tmp = "Auto Articles"; break;
case "Submissions": $tmp = "Submissions"; break;
case "Online Manual": $tmp = "Online Manual"; break;
case "There are currently,": $tmp = "There are currently,"; break;
case "guest(s) and": $tmp = "guest(s) and"; break;
case "member(s) that are online.": $tmp = "member(s) that are online."; break;
case "Who's Online": $tmp = "Who's Online"; break;
case "You are logged as": $tmp = "You are logged as"; break;
case "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>.": $tmp = "You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking <a href=user.php>here</a>."; break;
case "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet.": $tmp = "There isn't a Biggest Story for Today, yet."; break;
case "Today's most read Story is:": $tmp = "Today's most read Story is:"; break;
case "Today's Big Story": $tmp = "Today's Big Story"; break;
case "nickname": $tmp = "nickname"; break;
case "real name": $tmp = "real name"; break;
case "fake email": $tmp = "fake email"; break;
case "url": $tmp = "url"; break;
case "Members List": $tmp = "Members List"; break;
case "Greetings to our latest registered user:": $tmp = "Greetings to our latest registered user:"; break;
case "registered users so far. There are": $tmp = "registered users so far. There are"; break;
case "registered user(s) online right now.": $tmp = "registered user(s) online right now."; break;
case "registered users so far.": $tmp = "registered users so far."; break;
case "No Members Found for": $tmp = "No Members Found for"; break;
case "Programmed Articles": $tmp = "Programmed Articles"; break;
case "When do you want to publish this story?": $tmp = "When do you want to publish this story?"; break;
case "Now is:": $tmp = "Now is:"; break;
case "Day:": $tmp = "Day:"; break;
case "Month:": $tmp = "Month:"; break;
case "Year:": $tmp = "Year:"; break;
case "Hour:": $tmp = "Hour:"; break;
case "Preview Automated Story": $tmp = "Preview Automated Story"; break;
case "Preview Again": $tmp = "Preview Again"; break;
case "Save Auto Story": $tmp = "Save Auto Story"; break;
case "in the Section": $tmp = "in the Section"; break;
case "reads": $tmp = "reads"; break;
case "page views since": $tmp = "page views since"; break;
case "Edit Automated Story": $tmp = "Edit Automated Story"; break;
case "Add Link": $tmp = ""; break;
case "New": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Popular": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Top Rated": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Random": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Link Comments": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Additional Details": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Editor Review": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Modify": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Submit a unique link only once.": $tmp = ""; break;
case "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system.All links are posted pending verification.": $tmp = "Username and IP are recorded, so please don't abuse the system."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could add links on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could add links on this website."; break;
case "Register for an Account": $tmp = "Register for an Account"; break;
case "Total new links: Last week": $tmp = "Total new links: Last week"; break;
case "Last 30 days": $tmp = "Last 30 days"; break;
case "Show:": $tmp = "Show:"; break;
case "week": $tmp = "week"; break;
case "weeks": $tmp = "weeks"; break;
case "days": $tmp = "days"; break;
case "Total new links for last": $tmp = "Total new links for last"; break;
case "vote": $tmp = "vote"; break;
case "votes": $tmp = "votes"; break;
case "Rating": $tmp = "Rating"; break;
case "Rate this Site": $tmp = "Rate this Site"; break;
case "Date (New Links Listed First)": $tmp = "Date (New Links Listed First)"; break;
case "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Lowest Scores to Highest Scores)"; break;
case "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)": $tmp = "Rating (Highest Scores to Lowest Scores)"; break;
case "Link Profile": $tmp = "Link Profile"; break;
case "Editorial by": $tmp = "Editorial by"; break;
case "No editorial is currently available for this website.": $tmp = "No editorial is currently available for this website."; break;
case "Total of": $tmp = "Total of"; break;
case "User": $tmp = "User"; break;
case "User's Average Rating": $tmp = "User's Average Ratings"; break;
case "# of Ratings": $tmp = "# of Ratings"; break;
case "Link Rating Details": $tmp = "Link Rating Details"; break;
case "total votes": $tmp = "total votes"; break;
case "Overall Rating": $tmp = "Overall Rating"; break;
case "Registered Users": $tmp = "Registered Users"; break;
case "Number of Ratings": $tmp = "Number of Ratings"; break;
case "No Registered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Registered Users Votes"; break;
case "Breakdown of Ratings by Value": $tmp = "Breakdown of Ratings by Value"; break;
case "Link Rating": $tmp = "Link Rating"; break;
case "High Rating": $tmp = "High Rating"; break;
case "Low Rating": $tmp = "Low Rating"; break;
case "Number of Comments": $tmp = "Number of Comments"; break;
case "to": $tmp = "to"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Unregistered user's ratings"; break;
case "Unregistered Users": $tmp = "Unregistered Users"; break;
case "No Unregistered Users Votes": $tmp = "No Unregistered Users Votes"; break;
case "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings": $tmp = "Note: This website weighs Registered vs. Outside voter's ratings"; break;
case "Outside Voters": $tmp = "Outside Voters"; break;
case "No Outside Votes": $tmp = "No Outside Votes"; break;
case "Visit this Website": $tmp = "Visit this Website"; break;
case "Is this your resource?": $tmp = "Is this your resource"; break;
case "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!": $tmp = "Allow users to rate your script from your web site!"; break;
case "Rate this Website": $tmp = "Rate this Website"; break;
case "Promote Your Website": $tmp = "Promote Your Website"; break;
case "Report Broken Link": $tmp = "Report Broken Link"; break;
case "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity.": $tmp = "Thank you for helping to maintain this directory's integrity."; break;
case "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded.": $tmp = "For security reasons your user name and IP address will also be temporarily recorded."; break;
case "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly.": $tmp = "Thanks for the information. We'll look into your request shortly."; break;
case "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login.": $tmp = "Only registered users can suggest link modifications. Please register or login."; break;
case "Send Request": $tmp = "Send Request"; break;
case "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on.": $tmp = "Thank you for taking the time to rate a site here at $sitename. Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which links to click on."; break;
case "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!": $tmp = "We appreciate your visit to $sitename!"; break;
case "Return to": $tmp = "Return to"; break;
case "Your vote is appreciated.": $tmp = "Your vote is appreciated."; break;
case "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s).": $tmp = "You have already voted for this link in the past $anonwaitdays day(s)."; break;
case "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "Vote for a link only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.": $tmp = "You cannot vote on a link you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed."; break;
case "No rating selected - no vote tallied": $tmp = "No rating selected - no vote tallied"; break;
case "Only one vote per IP address allowed every": $tmp = "Only one vote per IP address allowed every"; break;
case "day(s).": $tmp = "day(s)."; break;
case "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once.": $tmp = "Please do not vote for the same resource more than once."; break;
case "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.": $tmp = "The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent."; break;
case "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful.": $tmp = "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful."; break;
case "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>.": $tmp = "You can view a list of the <a href=links.php?op=TopRated>Top Rated Resources</a>."; break;
case "Do not vote for your own resource.": $tmp = "Do not vote for your own resource."; break;
case "You are a registered user and are logged in.": $tmp = "You are a registered user and are logged in."; break;
case "Feel free to add a comment about this site.": $tmp = "Feel free to add a comment about this site."; break;
case "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in.": $tmp = "You are not a registered user or you have not logged in."; break;
case "If you were registered you could make comments on this website.": $tmp = "If you were registered you could make comments on this website."; break;
case "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Ignore (Deletes all <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)": $tmp = "Delete (Deletes <b><i>broken link</i></b> and <b><i>requests</i></b> for a given link)"; break;
case "No reported broken links.": $tmp = "No reported broken links."; break;
case "User Link Modification Requests": $tmp = "User Link Modification Requests"; break;
case "Original": $tmp = "Original"; break;
case "Description:": $tmp = "Description:"; break;
case "Cat": $tmp = "Cat"; break;
case "Subcat": $tmp = "Subcat"; break;
case "Submitter": $tmp = "Submitter"; break;
case "Owner": $tmp = "Owner"; break;
case "Ignore": $tmp = "Ignore"; break;
case "Accept": $tmp = "Accept"; break;
case "Editorial added to the Database": $tmp = "Editorial added to the Database"; break;
case "Editorial Modified": $tmp = "Editorial Modified"; break;
case "Editorial removed from Database": $tmp = "Editorial removed from Database"; break;
case "Link Validation": $tmp = "Link Validation"; break;
case "Let Anonymous users to post new links?": $tmp = "Let Anonymous users to post new links?"; break;