<tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo"$bgcolor2"; ?>" align=center><font size=1 color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo translate("The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content."); ?></td></tr>
function DisplayKids ($tid, $mode, $order=0, $thold=0, $level=0, $dummy=0, $tblwidth=99) {
global $datetime, $user, $cookie, $bgcolor1, $reasons, $anonymous, $anonpost, $commentlimit;
$comments = 0;
$result = mysql_query("select tid, pid, sid, date, name, email, url, host_name, subject, comment, score, reason from comments where pid = $tid order by date, tid");
if ($mode == 'nested') {
/* without the tblwidth variable, the tables run of the screen with netscape
in nested mode in long threads so the text can't be read. */
if (eregi("http://",$r_url)) { echo "<a href=\"$r_url\" target=\"window\">$r_url</a> "; }
echo "</font></td></tr><tr><td>";
if(($cookie[10]) && (strlen($r_comment) > $cookie[10])) echo substr("$r_comment", 0, $cookie[10])."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$r_sid&tid=$r_tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
elseif(strlen($r_comment) > $commentlimit) echo substr("$r_comment", 0, $commentlimit)."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$r_sid&tid=$r_tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
if (eregi("http://",$r_url)) { echo "<a href=\"$r_url\" target=\"window\">$r_url</a> "; }
echo "</font></td></tr><tr><td>";
if(($cookie[10]) && (strlen($r_comment) > $cookie[10])) echo substr("$r_comment", 0, $cookie[10])."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$r_sid&tid=$r_tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
elseif(strlen($r_comment) > $commentlimit) echo substr("$r_comment", 0, $commentlimit)."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$r_sid&tid=$r_tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
if (eregi("http://",$url)) { echo "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"window\">$url</a> "; }
if($admin) {
$result= mysql_query("select host_name from comments where tid='$tid'");
list($host_name) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<br><b>(IP: $host_name)</b>";
echo "</font></td></tr><tr><td>";
if(($cookie[10]) && (strlen($comment) > $cookie[10])) echo substr("$comment", 0, $cookie[10])."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$sid&tid=$tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
elseif(strlen($comment) > $commentlimit) echo substr("$comment", 0, $commentlimit)."<br><br><b><a href=\"comments.php?sid=$sid&tid=$tid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\">".translate("Read the rest of this comment...")."</a></b>";
if (!isset($pid) || !isset($sid)) { echo "Something is not right with passing a variable to this function. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road"; exit(); }
list($fake) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from stories where sid=$sid"));
mysql_query("LOCK TABLES comments WRITE");
//begin duplicate control
list($tia) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from comments where pid='$pid' and sid='$sid' and subject='$subject' and comment='$comment'"));
//begin troll control
if($user) {
list($troll) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from comments where (score=-1) and (name='$userinfo[uname]') and (to_days(now()) - to_days(date) < 3)"));
} elseif(!$score) {
list($troll) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select count(*) from comments where (score=-1) and (host_name='$ip') and (to_days(now()) - to_days(date) < 3)"));