PC World 2001 March
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PHP Script
881 lines
# PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System
# ===========================
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Francisco Burzi (fburzi@ncc.org.ve)
# http://phpnuke.org
# This modules is for automatic articles publishing
# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
if (!eregi("admin.php", $PHP_SELF)) { die ("Access Denied"); }
$hlpfile = "manual/automated.html";
$result = mysql_query("select radminarticle, radminsuper from authors where aid='$aid'");
list($radminarticle, $radminsuper) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if (($radminsurvey==1) OR ($radminsuper==1)) {
/* Automated News Publishing Programming */
function autoStory() {
global $hlpfile, $admin, $aid;
include ("header.php");
echo "<br>";
echo "<center><b>".translate("Programmed Articles")."</b></center><br><br>";
echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=CCCCCC>";
$result = mysql_query("select anid, title, time from autonews order by time ASC");
while(list($anid, $title, $time) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($anid != "") {
$time = ereg_replace(" ", "@", $time);
echo "<tr><td> <b>(<a href=admin.php?op=autoEdit&anid=$anid>".translate("Edit")."</a>-<a href=admin.php?op=autoDelete&anid=$anid>".translate("Delete")."</a>)</b> </td><td width=100%> $title </td><td> $time </td></tr>";
if ($anid=="") {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
echo "</table>";
echo "<br>";
$today = getdate();
$tday = $today[mday];
if ($tday < 10){
$tday = "0$tday";
$tmonth = $today[month];
$ttmon = $today[mon];
if ($ttmon < 10){
$ttmon = "0$ttmon";
$tyear = $today[year];
$thour = $today[hours];
if ($thour < 10){
$thour = "0$thour";
$tmin = $today[minutes];
if ($tmin < 10){
$tmin = "0$tmin";
$tsec = $today[seconds];
if ($tsec < 10){
$tsec = "0$tsec";
$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";
echo "<center><font size=4><b>".translate("New Automated Article")."</b></font></center><br><br>";
echo "<form action=admin.php method=post>";
echo "<p><b>".translate("Title")."</b><br>";
echo "<input class=textbox type=text name=subject size=50 value=\"\"><BR>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "<p><b>".translate("Topic")."</b>";
$toplist = mysql_query("select topicid, topictext from topics order by topictext");
echo "<SELECT class=textbox NAME=\"topic\">";
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">".translate("Select Topic")."</option>\n";
while(list($topicid, $topics) = mysql_fetch_row($toplist)) {
if ($topicid==$topic) {
$sel = "selected ";
echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
$sel = "";
echo "</SELECT>";
echo "
<P><B>".translate("The Story")."</B><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=70 rows=12 name=hometext></textarea><BR>
<P><B>".translate("Extended Text")."</B><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=70 rows=12 name=bodytext></textarea><BR>
<FONT size=2>".translate("(Are you sure you included a URL? Did ya test them for typos?)")."</FONT><P>
echo "<font size=3><b>".translate("When do you want to publish this story?")."</b></font><br><br>";
echo "".translate("Now is:")." $date<br><br>";
$day = 1;
echo "".translate("Day:")." <select name=day>";
while ($day <= 31) {
if ($tday==$day) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=day $sel>$day</option>";
echo "</select>";
$month = 1;
echo "".translate("Month:")." <select name=month>";
while ($month <= 12) {
if ($ttmon==$month) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=month $sel>$month</option>";
echo "</select>";
$date = getdate();
$year = $date[year];
echo "".translate("Year:")." <input type=text name=year value=$year size=5 maxlength=4>";
echo "<br>".translate("Hour:")." <select name=hour>";
$hour = 0;
$cero = "0";
while ($hour <= 23) {
$dummy = $hour;
if ($hour < 10) {
$hour = "$cero$hour";
echo "<option name=hour>$hour</option>";
$hour = $dummy;
echo "</select>";
echo " : <select name=min>";
$min = 0;
while ($min <= 59) {
if (($min == 0) OR ($min == 5)) {
$min = "0$min";
echo "<option name=min>$min</option>";
$min = $min + 5;
echo "</select>";
echo " : 00<br><br>";
echo "<select class=textbox name=op>
<option value=autoPreviewStory SELECTED>".translate("PreviewAdminStory")."</option>
<option value=autoSaveStory>".translate("PostAdminStory")."</option>
<INPUT type=submit value=\"".translate("Go!")."\">";
echo "</form>";
function autoPreviewStory($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic) {
global $aid, $admin, $language, $hlpfile, $tipath;
include ("header.php");
if ($topic<1) {
$topic = 1;
echo "<center><b>".translate("Programmed Articles")."</b></center><br><br>";
echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=CCCCCC>";
$result = mysql_query("select anid, title, time from autonews order by time ASC");
while(list($anid, $title, $time) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($anid != "") {
$time = ereg_replace(" ", "@", $time);
echo "<tr><td> <b>(<a href=admin.php?op=autoEdit&anid=$anid>".translate("Edit")."</a>-<a href=admin.php?op=autoDelete&anid=$anid>".translate("Delete")."</a>)</b> </td><td width=100%> $title </td><td> $time </td></tr>";
if ($anid=="") {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
echo "</table>";
echo "<br>";
$today = getdate();
$tday = $today[mday];
if ($tday < 10){
$tday = "0$tday";
$tmonth = $today[month];
$tyear = $today[year];
$thour = $today[hours];
if ($thour < 10){
$thour = "0$thour";
$tmin = $today[minutes];
if ($tmin < 10){
$tmin = "0$tmin";
$tsec = $today[seconds];
if ($tsec < 10){
$tsec = "0$tsec";
$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";
echo "
<font size=4><b><center>".translate("Preview Automated Story")."</b></font><br><br><br>
<form action=\"admin.php\" method=post>
$subject = stripslashes($subject);
$hometext = stripslashes($hometext);
$bodytext = stripslashes($bodytext);
$result=mysql_query("select topicimage from topics where topicid=$topic");
list($topicimage) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<center><br>
<table border=0 width=75% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=000000><tr><td>
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=FFFFFF><tr><td>";
echo "";
echo "<img src=$tipath$topicimage border=0 align=right>";
themepreview($subject, $hometext, $bodytext);
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center>
<input class=textbox type=text name=subject size=50 value=\"$subject\"><BR>
<p><b>".translate("Topic")."</b> <select name=topic>";
$toplist = mysql_query("select topicid, topictext from topics order by topictext");
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">".translate("All Topics")."</option>\n";
while(list($topicid, $topics) = mysql_fetch_row($toplist)) {
if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }
echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
$sel = "";
echo "</select>
<p><b>".translate("The Story")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=12 name=hometext>$hometext</textarea><BR><BR>
<p><b>".translate("Extended Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=12 name=bodytext>$bodytext</textarea><BR><BR>";
echo "<font size=3><b>".translate("When do you want to publish this story?")."</b></font><br><br>";
echo "".translate("Now is:")." $date<br><br>";
$xday = 1;
echo "".translate("Day:")." <select name=day>";
while ($xday <= 31) {
if ($xday == $day) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=day $sel>$xday</option>";
echo "</select>";
$xmonth = 1;
echo "".translate("Month:")." <select name=month>";
while ($xmonth <= 12) {
if ($xmonth == $month) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=month $sel>$xmonth</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "".translate("Year:")." <input type=text name=year value=$year size=5 maxlength=4>";
echo "<br>".translate("Hour:")." <select name=hour>";
$xhour = 0;
$cero = "0";
while ($xhour <= 23) {
$dummy = $xhour;
if ($xhour < 10) {
$xhour = "$cero$xhour";
if ($xhour == $hour) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=hour $sel>$xhour</option>";
$xhour = $dummy;
echo "</select>";
echo " : <select name=min>";
$xmin = 0;
while ($xmin <= 59) {
if (($xmin == 0) OR ($xmin == 5)) {
$xmin = "0$xmin";
if ($xmin == $min) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=min $sel>$xmin</option>";
$xmin = $xmin + 5;
echo "</select>";
echo " : 00<br><br>
<select class=textbox name=op>
<option value=autoPreviewStory SELECTED>".translate("Preview Again")."</option>
<option value=autoSaveStory>".translate("Save Auto Story")."</option>
<INPUT type=submit value=".translate("Go!").">
include ('footer.php');
function autoSaveStory($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic) {
global $aid, $admin, $ultramode;
if ($day < 10) {
$day = "0$day";
if ($month < 10) {
$month = "0$month";
$sec = "00";
$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec";
$notes = "";
$author = $aid;
$subject = stripslashes(FixQuotes($subject));
$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));
$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));
$result = mysql_query("insert into autonews values (NULL, '$aid', '$subject', '$date', '$hometext', '$bodytext', '$topic', '$author', '$notes')");
if (!$result) {
echo mysql_errno(). ": ".mysql_error(). "<br>";
$result = mysql_query("update authors set counter=counter+1 where aid='$aid'");
if ($ultramode) {
Header("Location: admin.php?op=autoStory");
function QautoStory ($qid) {
global $user, $subject, $story, $tipath;
include ('header.php');
echo "<center><b>".translate("Programmed Articles")."</b></center><br><br>";
echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=CCCCCC>";
$result = mysql_query("select anid, title, time from autonews order by time ASC");
while(list($anid, $title, $time) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($anid != "") {
$time = ereg_replace(" ", "@", $time);
echo "<tr><td> <b>(<a href=admin.php?op=autoEdit&anid=$anid>".translate("Edit")."</a>-<a href=admin.php?op=autoDelete&anid=$anid>".translate("Delete")."</a>)</b> </td><td width=100%> $title </td><td> $time </td></tr>";
if ($anid=="") {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
echo "</table>";
echo "<br>";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT qid, uid, uname, subject, story, topic FROM queue where qid=$qid");
list($qid, $uid, $uname, $subject, $story, $topic) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$subject = stripslashes($subject);
$story = stripslashes($story);
$today = getdate();
$tday = $today[mday];
if ($tday < 10){
$tday = "0$tday";
$tmonth = $today[month];
$ttmon = $today[mon];
if ($ttmon < 10){
$ttmon = "0$ttmon";
$tyear = $today[year];
$thour = $today[hours];
if ($thour < 10){
$thour = "0$thour";
$tmin = $today[minutes];
if ($tmin < 10){
$tmin = "0$tmin";
$tsec = $today[seconds];
if ($tsec < 10){
$tsec = "0$tsec";
$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";
echo "<form action=admin.php method=post>
<input class=textbox type=text NAME=author SIZE=50 value=$uname>
<input class=textbox type=text name=subject size=50 value=\"$subject\">";
if($topic=="") {
$topic = 1;
$result = mysql_query("select topicimage from topics where topicid=$topic");
list($topicimage) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<br><br><center>
<table border=0 width=70% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=000000><tr><td>
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=FFFFFF><tr><td>
<img src=$tipath$topicimage border=0 align=right>";
themepreview($subject, $story);
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center>";
echo "<p><b>Topic</b> <select name=topic>";
$toplist = mysql_query("select topicid, topictext from topics order by topictext");
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">".translate("Select Topic")."</option>\n";
while(list($topicid, $topics) = mysql_fetch_row($toplist)) {
if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }
echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
$sel = "";
echo "</select>
<p><b>".translate("Intro Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=7 name=hometext>$story</textarea>
<p><b>".translate("Full Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=8 name=bodytext></textarea><BR>
<FONT size=2>".translate("(Did you check URLs?)")."</FONT><P>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=4 name=notes></textarea><br>
<input type=hidden NAME=qid SIZE=50 value=$qid>
<input type=hidden NAME=uid SIZE=50 value=$uid>";
echo "<font size=3><b>".translate("When do you want to publish this story?")."</b></font><br><br>";
echo "".translate("Now is:")." $date<br><br>";
$day = 1;
echo "".translate("Day:")." <select name=day>";
while ($day <= 31) {
if ($tday==$day) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=day $sel>$day</option>";
echo "</select>";
$month = 1;
echo "".translate("Month:")." <select name=month>";
while ($month <= 12) {
if ($ttmon==$month) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=month $sel>$month</option>";
echo "</select>";
$date = getdate();
$year = $date[year];
echo "".translate("Year:")." <input type=text name=year value=$year size=5 maxlength=4>";
echo "<br>".translate("Hour:")." <select name=hour>";
$hour = 0;
$cero = "0";
while ($hour <= 23) {
$dummy = $hour;
if ($hour < 10) {
$hour = "$cero$hour";
echo "<option name=hour>$hour</option>";
$hour = $dummy;
echo "</select>";
echo " : <select name=min>";
$min = 0;
while ($min <= 59) {
if (($min == 0) OR ($min == 5)) {
$min = "0$min";
echo "<option name=min>$min</option>";
$min = $min + 5;
echo "</select>";
echo " : 00<br><br>";
echo "<select name=op>
<option value=DeleteStory>".translate("DeleteStory")."</option>
<option value=QautoPreview SELECTED>".translate("PreviewAgain")."</option>
<option value=QautoSave>".translate("PostStory")."</option>
<INPUT type=submit value=".translate("Go!").">
include ('footer.php');
function QautoPreview($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes) {
global $user, $boxstuff, $tipath;
include ('header.php');
echo "<center><b>".translate("Programmed Articles")."</b></center><br><br>";
echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=CCCCCC>";
$result = mysql_query("select anid, title, time from autonews order by time ASC");
while(list($anid, $title, $time) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($anid != "") {
$time = ereg_replace(" ", "@", $time);
echo "<tr><td> <b>(<a href=admin.php?op=autoEdit&anid=$anid>".translate("Edit")."</a>-<a href=admin.php?op=autoDelete&anid=$anid>".translate("Delete")."</a>)</b> </td><td width=100%> $title </td><td> $time </td></tr>";
if ($anid=="") {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} else {
echo "</table>";
echo "<br>";
$subject = stripslashes($subject);
$hometext = stripslashes($hometext);
$bodytext = stripslashes($bodytext);
$notes = stripslashes($notes);
$today = getdate();
$tday = $today[mday];
if ($tday < 10){
$tday = "0$tday";
$tmonth = $today[month];
$tyear = $today[year];
$thour = $today[hours];
if ($thour < 10){
$thour = "0$thour";
$tmin = $today[minutes];
if ($tmin < 10){
$tmin = "0$tmin";
$tsec = $today[seconds];
if ($tsec < 10){
$tsec = "0$tsec";
$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";
echo "<form action=admin.php method=post>
<input class=textbox type=text NAME=author SIZE=50 value=$author>
<input class=textbox type=text name=subject size=50 value=\"$subject\">";
$result = mysql_query("select topicimage from topics where topicid=$topic");
list($topicimage) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<br><br><center><table width=70% bgcolor=000000 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td>";
echo "<table width=100% bgcolor=FFFFFF cellpadding=8 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td>";
echo "<img src=$tipath$topicimage border=0 align=right>";
themepreview($subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $notes);
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center>";
echo "<p><b>".translate("Topic")."</b> <select name=topic>";
$toplist = mysql_query("select topicid, topictext from topics order by topictext");
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">".translate("All Topics")."</option>\n";
while(list($topicid, $topics) = mysql_fetch_row($toplist)) {
if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }
echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
$sel = "";
echo "</select>
<p><b>".translate("Intro Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=7 name=hometext>$hometext</textarea>
<p><b>".translate("Full Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=10 name=bodytext>$bodytext</textarea><BR>
<FONT size=2>".translate("(Did you check URLs?)")."</FONT><P>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=4 name=notes>$notes</textarea><br>
<input type=hidden NAME=qid SIZE=50 value=$qid>
<input type=hidden NAME=uid SIZE=50 value=$uid>";
echo "<font size=3><b>".translate("When do you want to publish this story?")."</b></font><br><br>";
echo "".translate("Now is:")." $date<br><br>";
$xday = 1;
echo "".translate("Day:")." <select name=day>";
while ($xday <= 31) {
if ($xday == $day) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=day $sel>$xday</option>";
echo "</select>";
$xmonth = 1;
echo "".translate("Month:")." <select name=month>";
while ($xmonth <= 12) {
if ($xmonth == $month) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=month $sel>$xmonth</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "".translate("Year:")." <input type=text name=year value=$year size=5 maxlength=4>";
echo "<br>".translate("Hour:")." <select name=hour>";
$xhour = 0;
$cero = "0";
while ($xhour <= 23) {
$dummy = $xhour;
if ($xhour < 10) {
$xhour = "$cero$xhour";
if ($xhour == $hour) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=hour $sel>$xhour</option>";
$xhour = $dummy;
echo "</select>";
echo " : <select name=min>";
$xmin = 0;
while ($xmin <= 59) {
if (($xmin == 0) OR ($xmin == 5)) {
$xmin = "0$xmin";
if ($xmin == $min) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=min $sel>$xmin</option>";
$xmin = $xmin + 5;
echo "</select>";
echo " : 00<br><br>
<select name=op>
<option value=DeleteStory>".translate("DeleteStory")."</option>
<option value=QautoPreview SELECTED>".translate("PreviewAgain")."</option>
<option value=QautoSave>".translate("PostStory")."</option>
<INPUT type=submit value=".translate("Go!")."></FORM>
include ('footer.php');
function QautoSave($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes) {
global $aid, $ultramode;
if ($day < 10) {
$day = "0$day";
if ($month < 10) {
$month = "0$month";
$sec = "00";
$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec";
if ($uid == -1) $author = "";
if ($hometext == $bodytext) $bodytext = "";
$subject = stripslashes(FixQuotes($subject));
$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));
$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));
$notes = stripslashes(FixQuotes($notes));
$result = mysql_query("insert into autonews values (NULL, '$aid', '$subject', '$date', '$hometext', '$bodytext', '$topic', '$author', '$notes')");
if (!$result) {
echo mysql_errno(). ": ".mysql_error(). "<br>";
if ($uid == -1) {
} else {
mysql_query("update users set counter=counter+1 where uid='$uid'");
mysql_query("update authors set counter=counter+1 where aid='$aid'");
if ($ultramode) {
mysql_query("delete from queue where qid=$qid");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=submissions");
function autoDelete($anid) {
mysql_query("delete from autonews where anid=$anid");
Header("Location: admin.php?op=autoStory");
function autoEdit($anid) {
global $aid, $admin, $hlpfile, $tipath;
include ("header.php");
$result = mysql_query("select aid, title, time, hometext, bodytext, topic, informant, notes from autonews where anid=$anid");
list($aid, $title, $time, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $informant, $notes) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime);
$today = getdate();
$tday = $today[mday];
if ($tday < 10){
$tday = "0$tday";
$tmonth = $today[month];
$tyear = $today[year];
$thour = $today[hours];
if ($thour < 10){
$thour = "0$thour";
$tmin = $today[minutes];
if ($tmin < 10){
$tmin = "0$tmin";
$tsec = $today[seconds];
if ($tsec < 10){
$tsec = "0$tsec";
$date = "$tmonth $tday, $tyear @ $thour:$tmin:$tsec";
echo "
<font size=4><b><center>".translate("Edit Automated Story")."</b></font><br><br><br>
<form action=\"admin.php\" method=post>
$title = stripslashes($title);
$hometext = stripslashes($hometext);
$bodytext = stripslashes($bodytext);
$notes = stripslashes($notes);
$result=mysql_query("select topicimage from topics where topicid=$topic");
list($topicimage) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "<center><br>
<table border=0 width=75% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=000000><tr><td>
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=FFFFFF><tr><td>";
echo "";
echo "<img src=$tipath$topicimage border=0 align=right>";
themepreview($title, $hometext, $bodytext);
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center>
<input class=textbox type=text name=title size=50 value=\"$title\"><BR>
<p><b>".translate("Topic")."</b> <select name=topic>";
$toplist = mysql_query("select topicid, topictext from topics order by topictext");
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">".translate("All Topics")."</option>\n";
while(list($topicid, $topics) = mysql_fetch_row($toplist)) {
if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; }
echo "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n";
$sel = "";
echo "</select>
<p><b>".translate("The Story")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=12 name=hometext>$hometext</textarea><BR><BR>
<p><b>".translate("Extended Text")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=12 name=bodytext>$bodytext</textarea><BR><BR>";
if ($aid != $informant) {
echo "<p><b>".translate("Notes")."</b><br>
<textarea class=textbox wrap=virtual cols=50 rows=4 name=notes>$notes</textarea><BR><BR>";
echo "<font size=3><b>".translate("When do you want to publish this story?")."</b></font><br><br>";
echo "".translate("Now is:")." $date<br><br>";
$xday = 1;
echo "".translate("Day:")." <select name=day>";
while ($xday <= 31) {
if ($xday == $datetime[3]) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=day $sel>$xday</option>";
echo "</select>";
$xmonth = 1;
echo "".translate("Month:")." <select name=month>";
while ($xmonth <= 12) {
if ($xmonth == $datetime[2]) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=month $sel>$xmonth</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "".translate("Year:")." <input type=text name=year value=$datetime[1] size=5 maxlength=4>";
echo "<br>".translate("Hour:")." <select name=hour>";
$xhour = 0;
$cero = "0";
while ($xhour <= 23) {
$dummy = $xhour;
if ($xhour < 10) {
$xhour = "$cero$xhour";
if ($xhour == $datetime[4]) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=hour $sel>$xhour</option>";
$xhour = $dummy;
echo "</select>";
echo " : <select name=min>";
$xmin = 0;
while ($xmin <= 59) {
if (($xmin == 0) OR ($xmin == 5)) {
$xmin = "0$xmin";
if ($xmin == $datetime[5]) {
$sel = "selected";
} else {
$sel = "";
echo "<option name=min $sel>$xmin</option>";
$xmin = $xmin + 5;
echo "</select>";
echo " : 00<br><br>
<input type=hidden name=anid value=$anid>
<input type=hidden name=op value=autoSaveEdit>
<INPUT type=submit value=\"".translate("Save Changes")."\">
include ('footer.php');
function autoSaveEdit($anid, $year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $title, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes) {
global $aid, $admin, $ultramode;
if ($day < 10) {
$day = "0$day";
if ($month < 10) {
$month = "0$month";
$sec = "00";
$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min:$sec";
$title = stripslashes(FixQuotes($title));
$hometext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($hometext));
$bodytext = stripslashes(FixQuotes($bodytext));
$notes = stripslashes(FixQuotes($notes));
$result = mysql_query("update autonews set title='$title', time='$date', hometext='$hometext', bodytext='$bodytext', topic='$topic', notes='$notes' where anid=$anid");
if (!$result) {
echo mysql_errno(). ": ".mysql_error(). "<br>";
if ($ultramode) {
Header("Location: admin.php?op=autoStory");
switch($op) {
case "autoDelete":
case "QautoPreview":
QautoPreview($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes);
case "QautoStory":
case "QautoSave":
QautoSave($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $qid, $uid, $author, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes);
case "autoStory":
case "autoSaveStory":
autoSaveStory($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic);
case "autoPreviewStory":
autoPreviewStory($year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $subject, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic);
case "autoEdit":
case "autoSaveEdit":
autoSaveEdit($anid, $year, $day, $month, $hour, $min, $title, $hometext, $bodytext, $topic, $notes);
} else {
echo "Access Denied";