PC World 2001 March
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PHP-Nuke: Web Portal System
Base Requirements
In order to setup Nuke the folowing prerequisits are necessary.
A Linux Box (http://www.linux.org) Installed and working properly.
Apache Web Server (http://www.apache.org)
PHP (mod_php) Apache module (http://www.php.net)
MySQL database server (http://www.mysql.com)
The above doesn't mean it work with other configurations, OS's, DB's etc,
but we only provide INSTALL instructions for the above configuration.
Set-up of these required packages is beyond the scope of this document
and if you are unsure you should check with each of the appropriate web
sites for further details.
At this moment is known that PHP-Nuke has some problems working with PHP4,
when I have some money to buy a test machine to install in my LAN I promise
that I'll look into this to make it 100% compatible with PHP 3 and 4.
Installing the Package
Unzip and Untar the package into the directory you want to use on you web
server, if you're unsure where that is, ask you system administrator.
tar -zxvf PHP-Nuke.tar.gz
Change to the sql/ directory and there is a file called "nuke.sql"
this file contains the commands to build the database structure,
tables and the default data.
1) Create a database called, for example, nuke:
mysqladmin create nuke
2) Now fill the databases with the tables in nuke.sql file:
mysql nuke < nuke.sql
3) In order to use the File Manager, please be sure to chmod 666 ALL
files and 777 ALL directories.
4) That's it!... now you need to edit the file "config.php" to set the
database options. Please read carefully the instruction on that file!
After that, point your browser to:
Login with the following data at the prompt:
AdminID: God
Password: Password
Now click on "Preferences" and change whatever you want to fit your
site info. All the options you need to change are in the Preferences
menu. If you need help just click con the help icon at the right-top
of the Administration Menu. This will open a new window with the help
you need for each section in the administration system.
NOTE: If you want to edit config.php file from web browser remember to
chmod 666 the file config.php or your changes will not be saved! If can't
execute chmod just edit the file by hand.
Upgrading from previous versions
To upgrade a prevoius PHP-Nuke installation to this new version you
need to edit the selected upgrade file from upgrades directory and launch
your web browser to:
all the new tables will be added and updated automagically without touch
your old data, then you need to reconfigure the file config.php to match
your site's info.
Testing the Installation
Go to your homepage, for example:
To initiate your activities in your site, you need to login as Administrator at:
at the login prompt enter the following:
AdminID: God
Password: Password
this will give you full administrator priviledges to your installation of Nuke.
For security reasons please remember to change the admin password and nickname
"immediately". You can do this by clicking on the "Edit Admins" option.
Remember to "Logout" from admin after you use it, from this area you can
delete or add content on your site, never leave your computer without logggin out
from the admin account. If something bad happens don't come crying to me.
I recommend the use of phpMyAdmin. It's a good administration system for
MySQL databases. To download it just go to http://phpwizard.net/phpMyAdmin
I also recommend to set a password for your MySQL access. This is important
as some data in the nuke database is not encrypted, so for security reasons you
need to set a password, not only that, it's good practice!
For Banners System, when you setup a new client, you need to assign a new
login/password for him. The login and password is used by the client at the url:
in order to let the client view and track the banners stats in real time
just pass that url to your clients. Take a look yourself before you do.
Final Notes
That's it! You're done with PHP-Nuke. Just navigate around, play with it,
abuse it and if you like PHP-Nuke, use it. Spend some time getting used to the
administration interfaces.
To change your site's logo, go to the themes directory and make a custom
logo for each individual theme. Just navigate around all themes and change
the graphics you want.
A note for the PHP-Nuke site's administrators: Only admins (authors) can
view the following data in the site:
- Administration Menu
- Number of New Submissions
- Edit button for each link in Web Links
- Edit and Delete options for each Article
- Delete option for each comment
- IP/Host address of the comment poster
- Moderation option and button (if set for admin only)
- more in the future versions...
I made this software free, and released it under GPL, so this software
costs you exactly "nothing". All that I ask you is, if you use it "please"
try to leave a link from your pages to http://phpnuke.org and let others
know that you're using PHP-Nuke. That's all I ask. If you want to make me
a donation, please contact me by email at fburzi@ncc.org.ve
I'll appreciate any money, books or new/used hardware you want to donate to
me. I promise to improve this software and make more for web production.
If you want to donate something without mail me, just send your donation to:
Francisco Burzi C.
Av. Principal Pueblo Nuevo
Via Poligono de Tiro
Casa # Z-1315
San Cristobal, 5001
Estado Tachira
If you send me any Windows related stuff you will be burn in hell, for sure!
Send all you want for Linux, or anything that works in Linux.
Finally, if you use PHP-Nuke in your site, please let me know and I'll put
a link back to your site from mine in the PHP-Nuke page. Ok?
Enjoy this software!
PS: When you e-mail me asking something, just remember that I receive more
than 600 e-mails per day!!! so I can't answer to all you, but for sure
I'll read it. But please don't expect an answer if your mail is a question
about how to do this or that.
Due to the high number of Emails, I want to say:
- I'm not participating nor reading SourceForge forums.
- I really hate the CVS. So, not CVS for now, maybe in the future.
- Thanks for understand the above issues!
*** Special Thanks to all the people who help sending bugs reports, fixes, new
add-ons, requests for new features, etc... I really appreciate you all!
* PHP-Nuke URL: http://phpnuke.org *
-- Francisco Burzi