home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // GUESSOVS.VSC (version 1.01)
- // A simple ObjectViRCScript guess-the-number game for ViRC '96 (0.80+)
- //
- // Simply type "/load guessovs.vsc" to play!!
- Name Guess the number game!!
- if !($ovsversion)
- MessageBox This script requires ViRC '96 0.80 or higher with ObjectViRCScript to function.
- Halt
- endif
- // Make all the controls and set the properties
- @ $form = $new(TForm)
- @p $form.Left = 234
- @p $form.Top = 169
- @p $form.Width = 329
- @p $form.Height = 135
- @p $form.Visible = 1
- @p $form.Caption = ObjectViRCScript demonstration
- @p $form.BorderStyle = 3
- @p $form.OnClose = UnAlias NUMBER_GUESS NUMBER_CANCEL
- @ $guesslabel = $new(TLabel ownedby $form)
- @p $guesslabel.Left = 10
- @p $guesslabel.Top = 9
- @p $guesslabel.Width = 299
- @p $guesslabel.Height = 25
- @p $guesslabel.Caption = Guess the number!!
- @p $guesslabel.Font.Color = clBlue
- @p $guesslabel.Font.Size = 12
- @p $guesslabel.Visible = 1
- @ $edit = $new(TEdit ownedby $form)
- @p $edit.Left = 12
- @p $edit.Top = 44
- @p $edit.Width = 121
- @p $edit.Height = 24
- @p $edit.Visible = 1
- @ $guessbtn = $new(TButton ownedby $form)
- @p $guessbtn.Left = 144
- @p $guessbtn.Top = 44
- @p $guessbtn.Width = 75
- @p $guessbtn.Height = 24
- @p $guessbtn.Caption = &Guess!!
- @p $guessbtn.Default = 1
- @p $guessbtn.OnClick = NUMBER_GUESS
- @p $guessbtn.Visible = 1
- @ $cancelbtn = $new(TButton ownedby $form)
- @p $cancelbtn.Left = 228
- @p $cancelbtn.Top = 44
- @p $cancelbtn.Width = 75
- @p $cancelbtn.Height = 24
- @p $cancelbtn.Caption = Cancel
- @p $cancelbtn.Cancel = 1
- @p $cancelbtn.OnClick = NUMBER_CANCEL
- @p $cancelbtn.Visible = 1
- @ $statuslbl = $new(TLabel ownedby $form)
- @p $statuslbl.Left = 12
- @p $statuslbl.Top = 77
- @p $statuslbl.Width = 299
- @p $statuslbl.Height = 16
- @p $statuslbl.Visible = 1
- // We want the edit box to have the focus initially
- @p $form.ActiveControl = $edit
- @ $num = $rand(1000)
- @ $tries = 1
- @ $guess = $prop($edit.Text)
- @ $tries = $($tries + 1)
- if ($num > $guess)
- @p $statuslbl.Caption = ($guess) The number is higher. Guess again.
- @p $edit.Text =
- else
- if ($num < $guess)
- @p $statuslbl.Caption = ($guess) The number is lower. Guess again.
- @p $edit.Text =
- else
- if ($num == $guess)
- @p $statuslbl.Caption = ($guess) Well done. You got the number in $tries tries.
- @p $guessbtn.Enabled = 0
- @p $cancelbtn.Caption = &Close
- @p $edit.Text =
- endif
- endif
- endif
- EndAlias
- if ($guess != $num)
- MessageBox Only losers give up. =] The number was $num.
- endif
- Destroy $form
- EndAlias