home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2000-07-13 | 104.6 KB | 2,641 lines |
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- //****************************************************************
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- // The view selection Skin
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- // The full sized DigitalDJ Skin
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- <!-- Play Count Options -->
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- onmousedown="CB_playlength.onMouseDownCB();"
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- </text>
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- <!-- Advanced Search -->
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- width="143"
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- value="Pick a property and
comparison, then
type a value to
compare against
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- value="Playlist Type:"
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- <!--
- //****************************************************************
- // The mid-sized Iconic Skin
- //****************************************************************
- -->
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- <!--
- //****************************************************************
- // The Mini-Skin
- //****************************************************************
- -->
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- downImage="min_boxtoggler_down.bmp"
- disabledImage="min_boxtoggler_disabled.bmp"
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- upToolTip="DigitalDJ Full Mode"
- onClick="theme.savePreference('LV','DigitalDJ'); theme.currentViewID='DigitalDJ';"
- >
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- upToolTip="DigitalDJ Player Mode"
- onClick="theme.savePreference('LV','DigitalDJMid'); theme.currentViewID='DigitalDJMid';"
- >
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- image="min_minclose_up.bmp"
- hoverImage="min_minclose_hover.bmp"
- downImage="min_minclose_down.bmp"
- >
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- upToolTip="Minimize"
- onClick="view.minimize();"
- >
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- upToolTip="Close"
- onClick="view.close();"
- >
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- left="31"
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- image="tiny_play_up.bmp"
- hoverImage="tiny_play_hover.bmp"
- downImage="tiny_play_down.bmp"
- transparencyColor="#FF00FF"
- visible="wmpenabled:player.controls.play"
- >
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- left="37"
- top="17"
- image="tiny_pause_up.bmp"
- hoverImage="tiny_pause_hover.bmp"
- downImage="tiny_pause_down.bmp"
- transparencyColor="#FF00FF"
- visible="wmpenabled:player.controls.pause"
- >
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- top="49"
- image="tiny_toggle_up.bmp"
- hoverImage="tiny_toggle_hover.bmp"
- downImage="tiny_toggle_down.bmp"
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