A editor which includes fully customizable color coding, built-in HTML 3.0-compliant Web browser, multi-file search and replace, Explorer-style directory view for easy access to HTML documents, user-defined tool buttons, rulers, block indenting and much more.
This download is Shareware If You would like to purchase this program for $89 please click the Related Sites link.
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HomeSite 4.5.1
License: Rating: Size: Date:
Shareware 13.1 MB April 26th, 2000
A editor which includes fully customizable color coding, built-in HTML 3.0-compliant Web browser, multi-file search and replace, Explorer-style directory view for easy access to HTML documents, user-defined tool buttons, rulers, block indenting and much more.
Download HomeSite here
This download is Shareware If You would like to purchase this program for $89.00 please click the Related Sites link.
Allaire Corp.
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HomeSite is a highly functional and intuitive HTML editor that has earned the loyalty of serious, non-WYSIWYG Web authors around the globe. With its addition of a visual (WYSIWYG) design component, this coding classic graduates into a class by itself. Its array of tools and wizards rivals that of the best editors available: support for every tag imaginable (including ASP and CFML), a Tag Validator, a Link Verifier, Extended Find/Replace, a Code Sweeper, Project support, File Insertion/Conversion, Goto Line, one-click integration with Macromedia Dreamweaver, and more. The highly robust wizards cover Imagemaps, Style Sheets, Javascript, Tables, Frames, and Lists. One of HomeSite's more unique features is the Tag Insight button, which tells the editor to take an educated guess at what tag or attribute you'll want next (e.g., the ALIGN attribute pops up after you insert a new paragraph tag). The program also includes voluminous (and superb) help documentation, including sections on HTML tags and Web page design.