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- Welcome to InoculateIT Personal Edition
- Congratulations on choosing InoculateIT Personal Edition
- (InoculateIT PE) to protect your computer against viruses,
- trojans and other malicious software.
- InoculateIT is a world class range of anti-virus software which
- can be deployed to suit any business or organisation. InoculateIT
- PE is a cutting edge, high performance virus package specifically
- designed to protect small businesses and home users from everyday
- virus threats.
- InoculateIT PE is designed to protect individual computers
- without having to be installed from a network server. If you wish
- to install anti-virus protection to many computers in a business
- environment we recommend you evaluate other anti-virus products
- in the InoculateIT range.
- This high quality anti virus tool comes with FREE software
- updates to registered users. It also comes with a promise that if
- you find a virus that InoculateIT PE is unable to detect or clean
- we will send you an emergency signature update in approximately
- 48 hours of receiving a copy of the suspected infected file.
- Registered users will also receive FREE Internet E-mail support.
- The answers to many support questions can be found in the
- online help. If you open InoculateIT PE then select Help | Help
- Topics then select "How to get technical support and FAQs" you
- will find the answers to around 80% of the questions that are
- asked of our support team.
- By registering, you are automatically subscribed to our FREE
- Virus Threat Notification System as well as our Update
- Notification Service. Anytime a new virus is found that is
- actually spreading around the world, this service will send an E-
- mail to you when a new virus signature update is available. This
- handy service will ensure that you are kept up to date so that
- you are protected against the very latest viruses. The Update
- Notification Service will only alert you when a new virus
- signature is posted on the Internet.
- Signature Updates
- Signature updates for InoculateIT Personal Edition are available
- for FREE from Computer Associates Web site. A signature update
- can be done either manually using a Web browser or semi-
- automatically using the included auto-download utility. In order
- to obtain signature updates either way you must register with
- Computer Associates. To register go to
- http://www.antivirus.cai.com/ipe_registration.htm
- You will receive a customer ID. You can enter this customer ID
- into the Options Wizard of the InoculateIT Personal Edition
- application (from the main menu Options | Options Wizard). You
- will need both your customer ID and your email you used for
- registration to perform signature updates using a Web browser or
- the auto-download utility.
- A customer ID is not required at installation time, registration
- can be done after the installation.
- Year 2000 Support
- We are pleased to advise you that InoculateIT PE currently
- supports Year 2000 processing.
- Computer Associates' basic support for the millennium date change
- (Year 2000) provides or will provide for proper operation of our
- products according to the published documentation. In most cases,
- this means simply assuring that dates are evaluated and processed
- properly for sequence and comparison. Testing and Quality
- Assurance processes are carried out to validate the operation of
- these products as related to the millennium date change, and any
- functional errors will be accepted as issues (bugs) and resolved
- according to our standard maintenance and support policies.
- As long as your license for each respective CA program remains in
- effect and active on maintenance, you will be entitled to all of
- the benefits of CA's implementation of Year 2000 date support as
- described above. Of course, nothing herein should be deemed to
- modify in any way any of the terms or conditions of any existing
- license between us respecting any CA program.
- Eicar - A file to test your configuration
- This is a program from the European Institute for Computer Anti-
- Virus Research that can help test the virus detection
- capabilities of Anti-Virus software.
- This is a small .COM file for DOS that simply prints the message
- when executed. It has the useful property that it consists
- entirely of printable ASCII characters, so you can easily email
- or fax it to someone.
- Many anti-virus products will detect this file as if it had a
- virus. Most will give a special message to make it clear that
- this is a test file and not a real virus. For example, when the
- EICAR file is scanned, the following message will be displayed:
- Detected the EICAR test string. Not a virus.
- The main use of the EICAR test file is to test that your Anti-
- Virus software is configured and operating as you want it to. For
- example, it could be used to test that Real-Time protection is
- active and behaving as you expect.
- While this file obviously has absolutely no virus code in it, you
- should only distribute it to people who have a clear
- understanding of what it does. Also, do not store it on
- production machines that run anti-virus software (except as part
- of a deliberate test), as it will probably trigger whatever alarm
- bells are in place.
- Please refer to the EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File web page
- (www.eicar.org/anti_virus_test_file.htm) for more information.
- Here is the EICAR test string, in its entirety:
- Out of date warning system has been improved.
- In the past IPE would bring up an 'out-of-date' warning 180 days
- (6 months) after it was first built. This would help people
- remember that they need to keep their anti-virus software up to
- date if they wish to catch the latest viruses.
- Now that we have DAT file updates it is more intelligent to warn
- people to update their DAT file if it has been a while since they
- last installed a DAT file update.
- During installation/updating you will be asked how often you
- would like to be reminded to update for the latest protection.
- Added Directory Tree View button to the browser window to make it
- easier to browse through directories and select files for
- scanning.
- We have continued to evolve the interface to make it easier to
- use. One of the ways we can make it easier to use is to make it
- look like other programs that people are already using. This
- change brings the interface in line with recent changes to the
- main MS tools that are used for browsing directories and files.
- Some people don't have a lot of screen space and may prefer not
- to use the tree view option. To enable or disable this option
- open IPE and select View | Directory Tree or select the following
- button from the interface.
- IPE can be used on foreign computers.
- Having Double Byte Character Set compliance means that IPE 5.x
- can successfully be run on many machines that do not use English
- as their primary language. So IPE 5.x will work on computers that
- use Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other European or Asian
- languages.
- Faster floppy boot sector cleaning.
- The boot sector protection for floppy disks has been changed so
- that it will now automatically replace any boot sector that is
- considered bad with a copy of a standard boot sector.
- WARNING: Some back-up applications use non-standard boot sectors
- for floppy disks. Replacing these boot sectors may cause files to
- become inaccessible. If you must back-up onto floppy disks we
- recommend you scan all files and disks before beginning.
- New types of files have been added to the list of file types that
- will be scanned.
- New viruses are now able to infect PowerPoint files, Access
- database templates and HTML scripts so .PPT, .XLA, .SCR
- extensions have been added to the list of file types that should
- be scanned.
- IPE is able to scan Office 2000 Word and Excel documents.
- Some minor modification of the IPE code has allowed us to build
- in the detection and cleaning of viruses which infect Word and
- Excel 2000 documents. Access 2000 and PowerPoint 2000 detection
- is not yet enabled.
- IPE can now scan encrypted or password protected Word 6 and Excel documents.
- These types of files can sometimes cause problems when IPE
- attempts to scan encrypted files on a network server. These
- improvements allow the files to be scanned.
- Power Point files for Office 97 can now be scanned.
- Viruses can now infect and propagate from PowerPoint files so
- detection and cleaning has been built into this version of IPE.
- Detection for infected PowerPoint files from Office2000 will be
- added at a later date.
- IPE can now scan files embedded within other files.
- Advances in the way common applications can store files means
- that it is now possible to embed a MS Word file inside a
- PowerPoint file. Some types of files that were unlikely to be
- targeted by a virus in the past, can now be targeted for
- infection. In the past it was not possible for IPE to detect an
- infected Excel document when it was embedded in a Word file.
- Improvements in this version of IPE mean that we can now scan and
- clean these embedded files.
- IPE can now check if you are scanning all of the files that are likely to be infected.
- When you upgrade your version of IPE we carefully pick up the way
- you have configured IPE, load the upgrade onto your machine and
- then put the configuration back as it originally was.
- From time to time we add a new file extension to the list of
- files that are to be scanned. If you have IPE installed for more
- than a year some file extensions may NOT be in your list of file
- extensions that are to be scanned.
- When you are installing your new upgrade you will see the Scan
- File Types. If you chose Next> to continue past the screen and
- your current list of file extensions does not have all of the
- ones we recommend a dialog will appear and prompt to have your
- list of file extensions updated to include all of those
- recommended by IPE.
- A copy of the dialog text is below:
- ***** Dialog Text Starts Here *****
- The IPE Configuration Wizard has detected that the following
- default file-name extensions are missing from your list of files
- to scan: xxx,yyy,zzz,123,abc
- These file types are among the most likely to contain a virus in
- the event that your system becomes infected, so it is strongly
- recommended that these file types be included in your list of
- files to scan. Would you like the IPE Configuration Wizard to add
- these for you?
- Yes
- No
- ***** Dialog Text Finishes Here *****
- Contact Information
- The developers of InoculateIT Personal Edition have always aimed
- to provide software that will operate in the background until a
- virus attempts to infect and damage your PC. If you have a
- technical support question please see the FAQs for immediate
- answers, or email IPE_Support@cai.com. InoculateIT Personal
- Edition technical support staff have a support level target to
- answer all e-mail with 48 hours of it being delivered. If you
- suspect that you have a file that is infected with a virus that
- IS NOT detected by InoculateIT Personal Edition please email a
- copy of the file to IPE_Virus@cai.com. The InoculateIT Personal
- Edition virus dissection team will send an updated DAT file back
- to you within 48 hours. This will allow you to detect and clean
- the virus. (Standard response time is within 24 hour hours).
- Computer Associates International has offices in the following
- countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium,
- Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark,
- Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia,
- Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, The
- Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
- Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
- Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and
- Venezuela. Select an office for additional details. If you are
- not sure which office serves you, call 1-516-DIAL CAI (342-5224)
- for information.
- Computer Associates de Argentina S.A.
- Av. Davila 400 - Piso 2
- 1107 Buenos Aires
- Argentina
- Tel: (54)(1) 317-1500
- Fax: (54)(1) 317-1515
- Computer Associates Pty. Ltd.
- 407 Pacific Highway
- Artarmon, NSW, AUS 2064
- Tel:(61)(2) 9937-0500
- Fax:(61)(2) 9937 0600
- Computer Associates Ges. m. b. H.
- A-1100 Wien
- Wienerbergstrasse 3
- Tel:(43)(1) 605 80-0
- Fax:(43)(1) 605 80-99
- Computer Associates Middle East
- Ground Floor, Diplomat Tower
- Building 315
- Road 1705, Block 317
- Manama
- Tel:(97)(3) 537 977
- Computer Associates S.A. - N.V.
- 34, Boulevard de la Woluwe
- Woluwedal
- B-1200 Bruxelles
- Tel:(32)(2) 773 28 11
- Computer Associates do Brasil Ltda.
- Av. Engenheiro Luiz Carlos Berrini
- 1253 - 1,5,6 andares
- Sπo Paulo - SP
- 04571-010
- Tel:(55)11 5503-6000
- Fax:(55)11 5503-6001
- Computer Associates Canada Ltd.
- 5935 Airport Road
- Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1W5
- Tel:(1)(905) 676-6700
- Computer Associates de Chile Ltd.
- Av. Andres Bello, 2777
- Oficina 1501
- Edificio La Industria
- Santiago
- Tel:(56)(2) 203-3151
- Fax:(56)(2) 203-3161
- Computer Associates (China). Ltd.
- Room No. 2307, Capital Mansion
- No. 6, Xin Yuan Nan Road
- Chao Yang District
- Beijing 100004
- People's Republic of China
- Tel: +86-10-6466 0322/0336
- Fax: +86-10-6466 1135
- Computer Associates Colombia
- Avenida 82 No. 12-18
- Oficina 305
- SantafΘ de Bogotß - DC
- Tel:(57)(1) 623 7886
- Computer Associates Czech Republic
- Donska 9
- 100 00 Praha 10
- Czech Republic
- Tel: ++420-2-67206360
- Fax: ++420-2-67206363
- Computer Associates A/S
- Kongevejen 195B
- DK-2840 Holte
- Denmark
- Tel: +45 45 47 41 41
- Fax: +45 45 47 41 10
- Computer Associates Finland OY
- ItΣlahdenkatu 15-17
- Helsinki SF-00210
- Tel:(358) 9 34 84 84
- Fax: (358) 9 348 48 585
- Computer Associates S.A.
- 14 Avenue Franτois Arago
- BP 313
- 92003 Nanterre Cedex, 92003
- Tel:(33)(1) 40-97-50-50
- CA Computer Associates GmbH
- Hauptverwaltung Darmstadt
- Marienburgstrasse, 35
- 64297 Darmstadt
- Tel:(49)6151 / 949-0
- Fax:(49)6151 / 949-100
- Computer Associates International Ltd.
- 21/F World Trade Centre
- 280 Gloucester Road
- Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
- People's Republic of China
- Tel:(852)2587-1388
- Fax:(852)2587-1018
- Computer Associates Hungary
- Kapas u. 11-15
- 1027 Budapest
- Tel: +361 457 91 40
- Computer Associates India
- 511/512 Merchant Chambers
- 98A Hill Road
- Bandra, Mumbai 400 050
- India
- Tel: 91 22 643 4681/82
- Fax: 91 22 643 0843
- Computer Associates Indonesia
- Wisma 46, Kota BNI
- Level 34-05/06
- Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 1
- Jakarta - 10220
- Indonesia
- Tel: 62-21-251-5030
- Fax: 62-21-251-5029 / 251-5038
- Computer Associates Plc
- Embassy House
- Ballsbridge
- Dublin 4
- Ireland
- Tel:(353)(1) 478 0800
- C.A. Computer Associates
- Israel Ltd.
- Debora Hanevia St.
- Neve Sharet, Atidim
- Tel Aviv 61580
- Tel:(972)(3) 6481120
- Computer Associates S.p.A.
- Palazzo Leonardo
- Via Francesco Sforza, 3
- Milano 3 City
- 20080 Basiglio Milan
- Tel:(39)2 90 464 1
- Fax:(39)2 90 464 2501
- Computer Associates Japan
- Computer Associates Japan, Ltd
- Shinjuku Mitsui Bld.
- 2-1-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
- Tokyo, 163-04 Japan
- Tel : +81-3-5320-8080
- Fax : +81-3-5320-8095
- Computer Associates Korea Ltd.
- 11th Floor, Textile Center Bldg.
- 944-31, Daechi-Dong
- KangNam-Ku
- Seoul, Korea
- Tel: +82-2-528-4100
- Fax: +82-2-528-4111
- Computer Associates (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd
- Suite 32/03, Level 32
- Menara Lion
- 165, Jalan Ampang
- 50450 Kuala Lumpur
- Malaysia
- Tel: +60-3-230-2022
- Fax: +60-3-230-6453
- Computer Associates Mexico
- Insurgentes Sur
- 1787 - Piso 10
- Col. Guadalupe-Innc Morales
- Mexico D.F. 11570
- Tel:(52)5 327 5210
- Computer Associates B.V.
- Wattbaan 27
- 3439 ML
- Nieuwegein
- (31) (30) 604 83 45
- Computer Associates (NZ) Ltd.
- Level 11, 34-42 Manners Street
- P O Box 997, Wellington, N.Z.
- Tel:(64)(4) 801 7654
- Fax:(64)(4) 801 7655
- Computer Associates Norway AS
- Fornebuvn. 7-9
- Pb. 450
- N-1324 LYSAKER
- Norway
- Tel. +47 67 52 40 00
- Fax +47 67 52 40 01
- Philippine Computer Associates International, Inc.
- 20/F Antel Corporate Center
- 139 Valerio Street
- Salcedo Village, Makati City
- Metro Manila
- Philippines
- Tel: +632-812-1441
- Fax: +632-812-8896
- Computer Associates Poland
- Centrum LIM
- Al. Jerozolimskie 65-79
- 00-697 Warszawa
- Computer Associates International, Inc.
- Rua Tomas da Fonseca
- Torres de Lisboa, Torre G-3
- 1600 Lisboa
- Tel:(35)(1)727 35 33
- Fax:(35)(1)727 35 25
- Computer Associates CIS, Ltd.
- Representation Office
- Business Center
- Tokmakov per.,5
- 107066, Moscow, Russia
- Tel./Fax: +7-095-937-48-50
- Computer Associates Pte. Ltd.
- 9 Temasek Boulevard
- #10-01/03 Suntec Tower 2
- Singapore 038985
- Tel: (65) 337 2822
- Fax: (65) 337 4822
- Computer Associates Africa
- 6 Kikuyu Road
- Sunninghill Park
- Sunninghill Ext. 56
- 2157 Sandton
- South Africa
- Tel.: +27 11 807-5920
- Fax: +27 11 807-2151
- C.A. Computer Associates S.A
- Calle Carabela La Ni±a, 12
- Barcelona 08017
- Tel:(34)3 2278100
- Computer Associates Sweden AB
- Box 540
- Berga Backe 4
- 182 15 Danderyd
- Tel:(46)8-622 22 00
- Fax:(46)8-622 58 68
- CA Computer Associates AG
- Industriestra▀e, 30
- Kloten CH-8302
- Tel:(41)(1) 814 03 00
- Computer Associates Taiwan Ltd.
- 6th Floor, 105, Sec. 2, Tun Hwa South Road
- Taipei, Taiwan
- Tel: +886-2-2700-9218
- Fax: +886-2-2700-9318
- Computer Associates Pte. Ltd.
- 33rd Floor, Abdulrahim Place
- 990 Rama IV Road
- Silom, Bangrak
- Bangkok 10500
- Thailand
- Tel: 66-2- 636-2467-9
- Fax: 66-2- 636-2470
- Computer Associates Ltd. Sti.
- Bⁿyⁿkdere Cad. Oyal Is Hani
- Kat: 5 No. 108-1
- 80280 Esentepe - Istanbul
- Tel:(90)(212) 27 27 172
- Computer Associates Plc
- Computer Associates House
- 183-187 Bath Road
- Slough
- Berkshire SL-14AA
- Tel:(44)(1753) 5777 33
- Computer Associates International, Inc.
- One Computer Associates Plaza
- Islandia, NY 11788-7000
- Tel:(1)516-DIAL CAI (342-5224)
- Computer Associates (CAI) de Venezuela
- Av. Principal de la Castellana Centro
- Letonia Torre Ing Bank - Piso 10 - Ofic. 105
- Caracas 1060 - Venezuela
- Tel: +58 (2) 264-5144 / 264-4744