ocr: Edemyrtepsemirenes books.xml * - X para style=strong header style=para booklist book (11) pic_ filetype 0 book isbn 0 book title 1 - jpg 0764547097 XHTML: Wigrating Applications Toward 2 jpg J4/13/5225 XML Database Toolkit: Resources &am Development 3 jpg 1861003110 Protessional XML 4 gif 007212220% XML Elements of Style 5 gif 0782122663 Mastering XML 6gif 0764532367 XML Bible 7 Jpg 156592580/ DocBook: The Detinitive Guide 8 jpg 0130147141 The XML Handbook - 2nd Edition 9 jpg 0123555922 XML for Real rogrammers 10 jpg J2U1616335 The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 11 jpg 1565922247 CJKV Informati ...