home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ==========================
- Version 2.5g Released 30 October 2000
- -------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug which sometimes caused stuck connections to stay after their time-out.
- * Fixed bug in log message in case client is kicked off by sysop or server.
- * Fixed bug in transfer count in case of tranfers ending in error.
- * Now flushing dir listing cache when using "ReloadSettings=TRUE" in .ini file.
- * Changed server-to-stack transfer buffer back from 8192 to 4096 bytes.
- * Changed REST command to allow PORT and PASV without canceling the restart.
- * Fixed bug causing premature time-out when anti-time-out is enabled.
- * Fixed bug handling Telnet command sequences.
- * Changed NLST command to only show files (no more dirs).
- * Added 'e' option to the 'ls' dir listing emulation, for files-only.
- * Changed MDTM to not allow future date/times.
- Version 2.5f Released 1 August 2000
- -----------------------------------
- * Changed event hook handling to allow file/path changes.
- * Changed server-to-stack transfer buffer from 4096 to 8192 bytes.
- * Fixed bug causing crashes when rapidly receiving large amounts of bogus commands.
- Version 2.5e Released 24 March 2000
- -----------------------------------
- * Fixed handling of Windows' shortcuts that point to mapped drives.
- * Changed quota handling to allow a maximum of around 4000000000 Gb.
- * Fixed bug in use of multiple backslashes in paths.
- Version 2.5d Released 14 February 2000
- --------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug introduced in v2.5c causing inability to rename directories.
- Version 2.5c Released 8 February 2000
- -------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug causing ill-formed Windows' links (shortcuts) to crash the server.
- * Fixed bug using ports in certain commands which caused server to hang.
- * Fixed problem in dealing with characters values over hex F0 in paths.
- * Fixed handling of UNC paths, was fixed in v2.5a, broken again in v2.5b.
- Version 2.5b Released 4 December 1999
- -------------------------------------
- * Added control of PacketTimeOut via .INI file.
- * Removed check for UNC paths, they are allowed now but (still) not supported.
- * Added support for HEX password strings with S/KEY.
- * Fixed bug in S/KEY causing it to store the wrong password after changing seed.
- * Fixed bug denying access when using wildcards in rules for a drive root.
- * Fixed bug in file transfer percentage of user info when file gets renamed.
- * Fixed bug causing alternate passive IP to be ignored.
- * Changed handling of passive mode transfers that never connect.
- * Fixed bug in SITE PSWD command causing server to crash with bogus input.
- * Changed default dir listing mask to 'rwxrwxrwx' to make AOL FTP clients happy.
- * Fixed bug causing crashes upon exit in NT.
- * Changed handling of uploads for UL/DL ratios to be less sensitive to abuse.
- Version 2.5a Released 5 May 1999
- --------------------------------
- * Fixed bug in count of transferred bytes.
- * Fixed the "check for update" menu bitmap to equal that of FTP Voyager.
- * Fixed problem of showing Serv-U window from tray-icon in Win2000 or with IE5.
- * Fixed bug introduced in v2.5 causing crashes with long paths in FTP commands.
- * Fixed bug in handling links in root directories, sometimes caused server to hang.
- * Fixed bug which caused Windows shortcuts in root dir to fail as links.
- * Fixed bug which caused no tranferprogress to be sent during uploads.
- * Fixed label for SRVU_QuotaMax event during logging of DLL events.
- * Bitmap-enhanced menus are now disabled in NT3.51.
- * Added logging of speed and bytes tranferred for aborted transfers.
- * Added control over low-level socket options.
- Version 2.5 Released 14 April 1999
- ----------------------------------
- * Changed SITE INDEX command to be non-recursive, to solve crashes on Win98.
- * Added on-line help.
- * Fixed bug with user names containing '@'.
- * Added automatic update checking to the 'help' menu.
- * Added support for Win9x/NT .lnk 'links', they are now resolved like Serv-U links.
- * Changed user info mechanism to be vastly more efficient in CPU use.
- * Added support for home-IP specific sign-on and sign-off messages.
- * Added 'SRVU_SignOnMes' and 'SRVU_SignOffMes' access verification DLL events.
- * Added file/path info to the user information dialogbox.
- * Added percentage complete info for downloads to the user informatino dialogbox.
- * Added menu item to toggle between conventional/enhanced style menus, to make
- screen readers work (they can't read bitmap menus).
- * Added server IP address(es) to "About" dialogbox
- * Added 'append' access right for users, to facilitate resuming of uploads.
- * Added 'SRVU_AppendFile' access verification DLL event for append access.
- * Added button to "Kill user" dialogbox to auto-calculate subnet mask.
- * Added keyboard shortcuts to menus.
- * Added anti-hammer measures.
- * Added menu item and button to suspend logging to screen.
- * Changed menu style in 32-bit to have images associated with them.
- * Changed 'resume' for uploads, now only requires write access if upload is resumed
- within 12 hours.
- * If server is closed while maximized this is now properly restored on startup.
- * Maximum concurrent no. of logins from same IP is now configurable.
- * Password changes by the client are now logged.
- * S/KEY passwords can now also be changed remotely through SITE PSWD.
- * Logging of local IPs is now switched off by default, and part of the logging
- setup.
- * Added log file rotation, on daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
- * Added logging of access DLL event info for debugging.
- * Added support for listening to home IP addresses only.
- * Fixed bug causing premature time-outs during file transfers.
- * Added EVNT_ProgUp and EVNT_ProgDown for event nofication DLL progress notification
- during file uploads and downloads.
- * Added .ini file 'OpenFilesUploadMode' option to force server to open files
- exclusively or shared during uploads (32-bit only).
- * Added .ini file 'DirListMask' option to select a dir listing access mask.
- * Default dir listing access mask is now "rwx------".
- * Added dynamic adaptation of packet time-out for uploads to a minimum of 1.5 minute
- for fast consistent uploads. Helps free up files faster for resuming.
- * The user is now warned if a new user/group is entered which already exists.
- * Added .ini file 'ReloadSettings' entry to force the server to reload its settings.
- * Added dynamic caching of disk quota, making this much more efficient.
- * Added protection for starting Serv-U with a vastly wrong date, also fixed crashes
- in case the date gets out-of-whack.
- * Fixed bugs in try-out mechanism, added use of TCP to reach permission server.
- * Fixed bug which denied access to ports, even if proper access rules were present.
- * Fixed bug causing Serv-U to slowly leak sockets.
- * Fixed bug in key entry mechanism when reading new style key (with "[BEGINKEY]" ...)
- from KEY.TXT file.
- * Added SITE SET TRANSFERPROGRESS command, to inform client of the progress
- of data transfers for server-to-server use.
- Version 2.4a Released 23 September 1998
- ---------------------------------------
- * User/group setup now prompts if homedir does not exist and offers to create it.
- * Added "/s" option to start only a single instance of Serv-U.
- * Changed access rule interpretation mechanism.
- * Fixed bug in SITE INDEX command.
- * Changed path resolver to convert double backslashes to single ones.
- * In case the password type is changed the user is now prompted for a new password.
- * Fixed bug in link handling causing long dir listing delays in some cases.
- * Single dir/file names (with/without wildcards) are now allowed as access rules.
- * Added user interface to option for not logging connections from certain IPs.
- * Added tray icons to represent offline state, with a little help from John Hiemenz.
- * Changed on/offline mechanism to simulate going offline rather than destroying
- its listening socket due to problems reliably reacquiring a new listening socket.
- * Added two access verification DLL events, SRVU_Connect and SRVU_Close, to
- make it easier for DLLs to keep track of state for a user.
- * Added more appropriate local error message in case server can not open a
- data connection to the client in active mode.
- * Changed share modes for files to upload/download to make opening files
- which are in use more likely to succeed.
- * Added "%LoggedInAll" message directive for total no. of logged in users since
- server start.
- * Added "%ServerAvg" message directive for average bandwidth use since server start.
- * Added "%ServerKBps" message directive for current server bandwidth use.
- * Fixed bug in access rule mechanism to allow access to a dir if it contains
- files with access (while dir itself has no specified access).
- * Added more socket status info to WinSock activity logging.
- * Fixed bug in socket stack handling causing WSAENOTSOCK error messages.
- * Added user selectable log screen font to logging setup.
- * Fixed bug in handling single letter absolute dirs (eg. "/c") for relative paths.
- * Added support for S/KEY one-time passwords.
- * For external access verification DLLs the session ID is passed on now.
- * Added 'Flush cache' button to directory cache setup to flush the cache.
- * Fixed bug in directory changes to short-name (ie. DOS8.3 style) directories.
- * Added selection list of available IP homes to multi-homed IP setup.
- * Added button to disk quota setup to pre-set the current value.
- * Links pointing to a directory are no longer shown in the dir they point to.
- * Fixed bug in handling of wildcards in access rules.
- * Fixed bug in renaming an existing file.
- * Fixed tray-icon tooltip to read proper KBps.
- * Added support for descriptive names and passive mode address translation
- to IP home setup and multi-homed IP handling.
- Version 2.4 Released 20 July 1998
- ---------------------------------
- * Fixed host IP passed with SRVU_LogClientIP and SRVU_IPAccess events.
- * The original user name (in original case and length) is now passed as a
- second parameter in the 'Aux' field for the SRVU_Password event.
- * Rename (RNTO) now renames over an existing file if needed.
- * STAT now shows ongoing transers with their progress.
- * HELP now shows the server type and version code in its last line.
- * Added browse buttons to various file selection items.
- * Added SITE ZONE command to report server timezone to client.
- * Added on/off-line menu item to tray icon menus.
- * Changed "About" dialogbox.
- * Added Web links from 'help' menu items.
- * Fixed rare bug that caused users to hang past their time-out.
- * Added small delay between last message from server and actual disconnect
- so clients have a chance to display final message.
- * Fixed bug in path handling for single character paths.
- * Changed command reply to use 425 code in case the data connection fails.
- * Alternative settings file (like SERV-U.INI) is now accepted on the command line.
- * Fixed bug in event notification DLL mechanism, in case the server is suspended.
- * Event notification for EVNT_EndDown, EVNT_EndUp, EVNT_AbortDown, EVNT_AbortUp
- now have transfer mode in 'AuxTwo'.
- * Added menu item 'file - on-line' to put server on/off-line.
- * Added CWD command to the event hooking mechanism.
- * To delete or rename a directory the user now needs access to that dir, and
- not its parent (as used to be the case).
- * User time-out is now part of the individual user account setup.
- * Changed status bar style.
- * Changed CWD so it always returns the path with the actual capatilization.
- * Changed signon/signoff text handling so leading spaces are preserved.
- * Max. no. of users is now part of the individual user account setup.
- * The default user account "ALL" is now named "** Default **".
- * When first started a default user account is created with 45 min. time-out.
- * Added option to block anti-timeout schemes as employed by most FTP clients.
- * Added toolbar and menu items to show/hide toolbar.
- * Added hint text to menus.
- * Added a number of new message directives.
- * Made registration key entry more mutation-proof.
- * Added interface for dir listing cache setup in 'setup - server - dir cache'.
- * If user's homedir does not exist this is now logged.
- * Changed all file handling code in 32-bit version to use native Windows functions.
- * Increased listen backlog queue size to avoid "connection refused" messages.
- * Fixed bug in FTP reply which reports how much disk quota is left over.
- * Existance of an anonymous user account is now checked before determining if
- there are too many anonymous users so the proper reply is sent to client.
- * Access rules now support wildcards.
- * Dir listings are now cached in 32-bit version.
- * Dir listing now supports most UNIX 'ls' options.
- * Dir listing now only shows files/dirs/links the user has access to.
- * Fixed a rare bug which would show only the first of a list of "links".
- * Changed socket stack handling to solve rare bug in 16-bit causing failed
- transfers.
- * The command connection now uses "keep-alive" at the TCP level. This solves
- time-out problems by certain proxy servers during lengthy data transfers.
- * Changed FTP command replies to be more like UNIX.
- * Drive letters can be without colon (':'), ie. "/c/" is equal to "/c:/",
- "\c\", "c:" or "\c:\".
- * Added option to server setup to block "FTP_bounce" attacks
- (CERT advisory CA-97.27), to limit PORT IP addresses to the client IP only.
- * Added SITE PSWD command to allow FTP clients to change their password.
- * Added support for the OPEN command. Has no functionality, for testing only.
- * A double-click on a user name in the user setup will now open the miscellaneous
- menu for that user.
- * Fixed bug which caused Serv-U to show a window when started after it was
- stopped while a tray-icon in Win95/NT4.
- * Extended support for leading '-' in passwords to suppress multi-line responses
- to all user names (used to be only for Anonymous).
- * Added extension to MDTM for changing file date/time by the client.
- * Any path reference of "..." or more dots is now converted to the drive root.
- * Files/dirs with multiple consecutive dots embedded in the name are now
- preserved correctly. Trailing dots are stripped.
- * Added 'copy' and 'paste' buttons to the 'about - register - enter
- key' menu. Registration menu now stays visible also after registration.
- * Changed code to constrain users with relative paths to their homedir and
- the subdirs of their homedir.
- * Fixed bug in "store unique" (STOU) command when used with (partial) path
- names as an argument.
- * Changed time-out for command connection after it is initially set up.
- Now 3 minutes for receiving a packet (was 5) and 5 minutes for sending.
- * Changed FTP reply messages for successful upload and download to be identical
- to UNIX messages.
- * Fixed bug in recognizing the root directory of CD-ROMs under Win3.1.
- Version 2.3b released 11 October 1997
- -------------------------------------
- * Changed the end-of-try-out-time message box to show the message came from
- Serv-U.
- * Changed access verification DLL handling so event structure changes are
- only considered if the DLL handled the event (Fixes a problem with Emerald).
- * Fixed bug in file transfer count displayed in the status bar.
- * Fixed bug in handling of suspended events (in case of an event hook DLL)
- while there is an ongoing data transfer.
- Version 2.3a released 7 October 1997
- ------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug in NLST and LIST commands (for dir listing) which prevented
- the use of wildcards in dir listings.
- Version 2.3 released 6 October 1997
- -----------------------------------
- * REST (=resume command) now supported for file uploads.
- * Added support for the SITE INDEX command (only in the 32-bit version)
- as used by Fetch.
- * Fixed bug in total file transfers count as shown in the status bar.
- * Changed path parser to recognize all possible ports and isolate them.
- * Added 'Register' menu to the help section. This allows users to generate
- a registration form on the fly and fill it out using NotePad.
- * Added new mechanism to enter a registration key into Serv-U, also added
- support for a new key format.
- * Added new message directives to keep track of server stats: Total up-time,
- total uploads and downloads (bytes/files), total users.
- * Changed internal string handling to improve performance.
- * The STOU (=STOre Unique) command now handles long file names in Win95 and NT.
- * Changed compilers from Borland C++ 4.52 to BC++ 5.02 for the 32-bit version.
- This necessitated several code changes.
- * Changed code so the maximum path length for the 16-bit version is 80
- characters. This is conform the Win16 maximum path length. Longer paths
- caused crashes in Win16 functions.
- * Tray icon will now disappear by itself after exiting Serv-U.
- * Added "Notes" field to the user and group setup for notes about each user.
- * Logging to screen and file can now be separately specified.
- * The user info window can now be froozen for easier viewing.
- * The user info window can now be resized in height.
- * Passwords can now optionally be stored unencrypted. The default is that
- they get encrypted.
- * The 'kill user' dialogbox now allows editing of the IP address.
- * Renaming/moving a dir now requires 'remove' access to the path being
- removed, and 'make' access to the destination path.
- * The maximum transfer speed can now be set for each user via the 'setup -
- users - miscellaneous' menu.
- * Partially uploaded files can be automatically deleted via a 'setup -
- server' menu option.
- * In case a client closes the command connection while there are ongoing
- transfers this is now properly logged and passed to the event notification
- mechanism.
- * Files are now kept open during transfers. This means files being uploaded
- show zero length during the upload.
- * The reply message after a dir listing or file transfer now shows the client
- his/her ratio and quota status (if the client is using ratios and/or quota).
- * Added SITE command to the event hooking mechanism. Any SITE command can
- now be intercepted by an event notification DLL.
- * Fixed bug in system tray menu (Win95) when Serv-U gets started automatically
- after system startup.
- * The CWD ('change working directory') command no longer actually changes
- the Serv-U task's current directory which caused locking of the dir in NT.
- * Added .ini file option to avoid logging of certain clients from IP numbers.
- * Closing Serv-U from the system menu (or the 'x' in Win95/NT4) now minimizes
- the window in case there is a tray icon. Exit the server from the tray menu.
- * The string "%20" in paths is converted to " " (=space) to please MSIE.
- * There no longer is any 'hard' limit to the maximum number of IP homes.
- * Serv-U now shows all the IP addresses it listens on at startup.
- * Upon startup a file IPSERVU.TXT is created in the Serv-U program dir with
- all the IP addresses it listens on. This file is updated every 5 minutes.
- Through a .ini file option the interval and file name can be changed.
- * When restoring window from the tray-icon (Win95/NT4) the log will now scroll
- to the end.
- * When running as a Win95 system service there is no longer a regular icon
- if the user logs out and back into the system again.
- * External access verification DLLs now receive the SRVU_IPAccess event,
- also when no IP access rules were present.
- * In case Serv-U is started for the first time, but with a KEY.TXT file
- present it will no longer ask for the try-out option but read in the key.
- * Users with no password (ie. 'Password' entry in the .ini file explicitely
- set to nothing) are logged in immidiately after the USER command.
- * Users can be given an empty password (ie. no password required when logging
- in) by entering "<<None>>" in the password field of the user setup.
- * To create or delete directories the user now needs the appropriate access
- to the parent of the dirs that are being created/deleted.
- * Users with setting "allow login when max. no. of users is reached" now also
- have no time-out after logging in.
- * Server now switches to 'crippled' try-out when try-out time is up.
- * When the version is out-of-date the server now allows 'crippled' use.
- * FTP response messages to clients now preserve case for file/path names.
- * The "Too many users ..." message no longer shows the maximum number to clients.
- * Try-out time has been changed from 30 to 45 days.
- * Transfer speed reports use 1024 bytes per Kb rather than (previously) 1000.
- * Added support for limiting the maximum bandwidth used by the server.
- * The event EVNT_Login of the event notification mechanism now has
- the anonymous password in AuxOne (for anonymous users only).
- * Fixed bug which would show a tray icon in NT4 even when the server was
- started 'hidden'.
- * Minor changes to socket stack handing with the hopes that it will work with
- (even) more WinSock stacks.
- * The SIZE command now works with either 'list' or 'read' access to the file.
- This used to require 'list' access.
- * Fixed bug in SIZE command causing it to deny access if directory didn't
- have 'inherit' access.
- * Data transfers now use a socket bound to the same IP as their command
- connection. This should fix a rare problem with multi-homed sites and
- firewalls.
- Version 2.2 released 22 February 1997
- -------------------------------------
- * In case 'current' disk quota is set larger than 'maximum' uploads are no
- longer allowed.
- * Changed the data connection message for uploads/downloads to be more UNIX
- compatible (some browsers use this to get the file size from).
- * Serv-U now uses the native case for file/dir names, or optionally lower case.
- * The ALLO (=allocate) command now handles 4Gb instead of 2Gb of free space.
- * The security manager no longer checks for the presense of the SERV-U.INI file
- which hopefully solves a very rare problem where the server cannot read the
- .ini file after several days (in NT3.51 SP5).
- * Added DLL interface for event notification and command hooks.
- * In case no IP address can be found for the server it'll display "?????".
- * Renaming directories works also now.
- * Added support for IP names (with wildcards) in IP access rules.
- * Added option to limit a user from logging in more than once from the same
- IP address.
- * Fixed bug which prevented multi-homed IP numbers from showing in case no
- users were defined.
- * Changed IP access rule mechanism. It is now more flexible. Added .ini file
- conversion for new rule format.
- * Added option to specify IP access rules for each user individually.
- * Added tray icon support for Win95 and NT4.
- * Changed code so 32-bit version can handle more IP homes (now it'll do around
- 1800 IP numbers, while the 16-bit version handles about 180 IP numbers).
- * Fixed bug in reporting of no. of try-out days left for the 32-bit version.
- * LIST now completely ignores any '-' type options. NLST only parses '-l' and
- converts that to a LIST command. This should make the latest CuteFTP work.
- * Fixed bug introduced in v2.1: Killed users that were put on the IP bounce
- list now work properly.
- * Fixed bug introduced in v2.1: Putting the server in a directory path with
- spaces works now.
- * Fixed bug in links introduced in v2.1 which caused crashes.
- * Added support for running Serv-U as a system service in Win95.
- Version 2.1, released 8 November 1996
- -------------------------------------
- * Fixed bug in 24h user count (sites with only a few hits a day would get
- bogus numbers).
- * Added startup options /i (=iconic), /h (=hidden), and /u (=unconditional
- exit).
- * When Serv-U was stopped while iconic it'll start as an icon the next time.
- * The evaluation order of IP deny and allow rules can now be choosen.
- * Fixed bug which would not allow dir listings if 'inherit' was not enabled
- and a dir listing with argument was done (ie. 'dir *.*').
- * Changed link handling so if there is a subdir with the same name as a link
- preferance will be given to the subdir.
- * Changed '%dfree' message file directive so it handles >2Gb of free space.
- * All links should now be absolute paths, even for users with 'rel. paths'
- enabled. Serv-U takes care of the conversion for dir listings etc.
- * Added support for the FTP command STAT, showing UL/DL ratios and quota.
- * Changed %bup, %bdown, %btot, and %dfree to report in Kb instead of bytes.
- * Added support for secundary 'dir change message file' and 'link file'.
- * Added a very beautiful status bar.
- * Added a bunch of message file directives for ratios and disk quota.
- * Fixed bug in 'restart' handling causing extraneous "450 Try later - Data
- connection in use" command error replies.
- * Added disk quota limitation support.
- * Added support for 'free files' for U/D ratios.
- * Added feature to allow users to log in even when user limit is reached.
- * User ID in log now always has 6 digits (with leading zeros if needed). To
- make programmatic sorting easier.
- * Changed code of security manager, simplifying it (and hopefully making it
- more robust).
- * Added 'upload/download ratios'.
- * Added support for 'relative paths' for all users.
- * Added support for hiding 'hidden' files for every user.
- * Fixed bug which caused IP home changes to be ignored until a restart.
- * Changed the max. no. of characters that can be entered into the multi-homed
- setup box for the IP number from 14 to 15.
- * Fixed bug causing GPF's for very long signon/signoff text lines.
- Version 2.0c, released 10 August 1996
- ------------------------------------
- * Fixed problem with user setup changes that would not show up immidiately.
- * Added "%maxusers" and "%maxanonymous" directives.
- * Changed the implementation of the REST command ('resume') to be compatible
- with CuteFTP 1.5.
- * Added multi-homed IP support.
- * Fixed bug in MDTM command.
- * Changed dir listing format: Times before 10am now have a leading zero.
- This to be more UNIX compatible and fix problems with WS_FTP.
- * Fixed problem in NT preventing directory deletion.
- * More bullet proofing of the socket stack routines.
- * Fixed bug causing GPF's while making server setup changes that resulted in
- a server restart.
- * Added WinSock function logging.
- * Added support for external client verification DLLs.
- * Bulletproofed the input buffer. It now handles any length strings.
- * The '&' character in the registration key (if present) is now displayed
- correctly.
- Version 2.0b, released 4 May 1996
- ------------------------------------
- * Bullet-proofed the 'relative paths anonymous' option. Now impossible to get
- out of the homedir (and subdirs below), even if user has access rights for
- other paths.
- * Changed '~' handling. Now works when embedded inside a path.
- * Fixed bug in 'Resume' command (FTP command 'REST').
- * Changed code for painting text & images in 'About' box, hopefully solving
- problems on Win3.1 and WFW3.11.
- Version 2.0a, released 18 April 1996
- ------------------------------------
- * Remote program execution (Through SITE EXEC) now launches the program from
- the current directory of the user.
- * The Serv-U directory is now searched first for SERV-U.INI, then it looks
- for an evironment variable named SERV-U, and finally the PATH and Window's
- directories are searched for the .ini file (Order changed over previous).\
- * Added option to make server exit pending upon the logged in users.
- * Fixed problem with window size/position when user info box got closed while
- minimized.
- * Fixed problem with links containing trailing '\'.
- * Fixed bug in '%dfree' text directive in 16-bit Serv-U.
- * Added the FTP command REST (=RESTart).
- * Changing the file name for directory change messages no longer causes the
- server to log out all users.
- * Added the FTP command MDTM (=Modification Date & TiMe).
- * Hidden directories are now hidden from anonmous users (as are hidden
- files) in the 32-bit version.
- * Fixed bug in DNS lookups that caused GPF's.
- * Transfer speed in 'User Info' box is now averaged.
- * Links embedded in a path will now be resolved correctly. This will make
- things work better with Netscape which keeps links as part of the path.
- * 'Maximize' system menu item is now disabled in the user info box.
- * Background colors of bitmaps (in 'About' etc.) now display correctly
- on non-gray windows.
- * Fixed error reply for 'SITE EXEC' in case no executable was specified.
- * Fixed bug that caused 'File - Exit' to skip the confirm dialogbox.
- * Fixed bug in '~' handling. It can now be used in links.
- * In case CTL3DV2.DLL is missing the 16-bit version will no longer trow
- an exception.
- * Added file size to transfer logs.
- Version 2.0, released 13 March 1996
- -----------------------------------
- * This version will continue to work after March 15th (All previous
- versions stop at that date).
- * Converted code to BC 4.52 and OWL 2.5.
- * Now 16- and 32-bit versions.
- * Added separate access right for 'list' access.
- * Added a luxurious 'user info' box.
- * Added IP Name logging.
- * Added a 'enable account' checkbox to quickly enable/disable a user.
- * Access rules can now be specific to a single directory, or inhereted by
- subdirs (the previous method).
- * Fixed various dialogbox errors (text, formatting).
- * Changed the FTP 'HELP' command reply to be more UNIX compatible.
- * Added a ton of new '%' directives for signon/signoff messages, directory
- change messages, and login messages.
- * Changed icons.
- * Non-anonymous users can now also delete 'read only' files.
- * 'hidden' files are no longer indicated as such in dir listings (confused
- the Mac client 'Fetch').
- * The permission server now uses UDP messages instead of TCP.
- * Added support for user specific login messages.
- * Changed font and size of signon/off message dialog box.
- * Added support for 'links' (like UNIX).
- * Fixed logscreen: It will now do automatic horizontal scrolling when the
- cursor is moved.
- * User is now booted off the server if the password is guessed wrong 3 times.
- * Time a user was connected gets logged.
- * Inserting new paths in the access rule list is now done at current position
- instead of to the end of the list.
- * 'CWD ' (='cd') or 'CWD ~' will now put the user back in the home directory.
- * 'NLST *' (='ls') or 'LIST *' (='dir') will now convert to '*.*', ie. will
- use UNIX style globbing.
- * Now even softer on your socket stack...
- * Made the 'undocumented features' part of the setup.
- * Changed directory listing format to be more UNIX compatible.
- * Cleaned up local heap management, so the logwindow might actually work
- better.
- * Added transfer speed to file transfer log messages.
- * Fixed bug that caused filenames like '/c:' to be seen as relative.
- * Changed all dialogboxes to use MS or Win95 3D-controls. No more BWCC.DLL.
- * Data connection now uses the RFC959 default local port, ie. local port 20
- if the command connection uses 21. Should make some firewalls more happy.
- * Added the FTP command SIZE. Should make Netscape happy (so it can tell
- filesize on transfer).
- * Fixed client message in case 'anonymous' is disabled.
- Version 1.1i
- ------------
- * Change of address in all the documents.
- * The try-out version will continu to work after October 15th. 1995
- (v1.1h won't).
- * Fixed bug in renaming long file names.
- * Fixed bug that caused rare GPF's with some firewall proxy clients.
- Version 1.1h
- ------------
- * Added switch to explicitely disable long file/directory names in
- Windows 95.
- * Fixed a bug causing garbage to appear in some cases if a directory
- listing of an empty directory was made
- Version 1.1g
- ------------
- * Fixed bug in making directories for Win3.1 and WFW3.11.
- * Fixed bug in deleting long file names under Win95.
- Version 1.1f
- ------------
- * Windows 95 long file names are supported. Serv-U auto-detects
- the presence of Win95.
- * The current number of users is displayed in the window title.
- * The 'password' checks for anonymous users can be disabled.
- * MS-DOS or Windows programs can be started remotely, using the
- SITE command EXEC. The EXEC mechanism is also part of the
- regular access rules.
- * When the server is stopped while there are users logged in, a
- dialogbox will pop up to confirm the action.
- * Options to the LIST and NLST commands are handled (ie. 'ls
- -la' like some clients send to the server will produce output).
- * The FTP commands APPE (=append) and STOU (=store unique) are
- now supported.
- * Data type 'L8' (=local type 8 bits per byte) is now supported.
- * Server is not restarted any more if maximum number of users
- or time-out values are changed.
- * The bug causing Serv-U to beep when it could not log to
- screen has been fixed (actually a MS-Windows bug).
- * Anonymous users no longer see hidden files.
- * Drives are checked for accessability before usage, so no
- longer the 'retry - ignore' dialogboxes.
- * Info on the WinSock socket stack is shown on startup.
- * Fixed bug causing false dir listings for 'dir .'.
- * Made Serv-U more tolerant for firewalls using proxy servers
- that mix PASV and PORT commands.
- * Fixed bug that caused XCWD, XRMD, and XMKD to malfunction.
- Version 1.1e
- ------------
- * Anonymous users no longer see 'hidden' files.
- * Fixed a rather nasty bug in the security system.
- * Paths are now reported back with a leading '/'. This is to ensure
- more compatibility with the UNIX format and to make a number of
- Macintosh FTP clients even happier.
- * The start-up message of Serv-U now reports the socket stack it is
- running on.
- * Fixed bug that assigned random passwords to users that should
- have no password (a situation found in users belonging to a group
- where the group password should also be the user's password).
- * When a user/group has a password it is now shown as '***********' in
- 'setup - users/groups'. Deleting this deletes the password entry for
- that user/group, ie. it no longer has a password.
- * Spaces are now allowed in user names and passwords.
- * Stopping the server is logged (if logging to file is switched on).
- * Paths are now consistently reported back using '/' instead of '\', to
- be more in line with the UNIX way of working. Mac FTP clients need
- this to function properly.
- * A leading '/' or '\' in front of a full pathname is ignored, ie.
- '/c:/util' is equivalent to 'c:\util'. This allows for UNIX style
- changes of directory, and enables WWW browsers to change drives.
- * The response to an incorrect anonymous password is changed to be
- more informative.
- * Very long pathnames are now supported correctly.
- * Displaying a file when the client changes directory is supported.
- * When 'setup - logging - FTP commands' is switched on it no longer shows
- passwords, 'XXXXX' instead.
- Version 1.1, released 19 March 1995
- -----------------------------------
- * Fixed some spelling errors in messages. Fixed logging to screen for
- time-out messages. Added log message in case limit of no. of users is
- reached. Added log message when server is (re)started.
- * Added lots of logging.
- * The SYST command now replies with the code for a UNIX system. This
- is because some clients use it to determine the format of directory
- listings.
- * Time-out values for idle/hung connections are now part of server setup.
- * Drastically increased packet time-out for data transfer, now set at 5
- minutes (was 30 seconds). Should be sufficient to allow transfer even on
- bad connections.
- * Log messages for failed data transfers now have a specification showing
- why.
- * Fixed bug that caused path for anonymous users with root as home
- directory to be reported without a '\' at beginning. The same bug caused
- absolute paths in CWD to be processed incorrectly.
- * Changed the HELP response to make WS_FTP work properly with
- Serv-U.
- * Added support for transfer to/from ports (PRN: AUX: LPTx: and
- COMx:).
- * Made a work-around for FTP Inc.'s WinSock stack. This stack does not
- handle SO_LINGER properly on closing a socket, causing 'data channel
- in use' errors.
- * Fixed bug that caused random truncation of PUT files in combination with
- some clients.
- * Fixed bug that allowed users to get 'dir' listings for paths with
- explicitly no access set to them.
- * Fixed bug causing 'dir' with absolute path name to go wrong.
- Changed response messages to file transfers, only the filename is shown
- now, not the path name.
- * Added a retry period for the server to come online. This should solve
- problems with socket stacks that do not allow to re-use a port
- immediately after closing it.
- * Changed the timing of the '150-' response message for PASV transfers. It
- is now sent after the data connection is established instead of at the
- time of a transfer command.
- * The listening socket will now automatically be restarted when killed
- by the socket stack. Some stacks kill listening sockets without reason
- (Trumpet for one).
- * Fixed a bug that made RMD (=remove directory) fail if the directory was
- on a drive other than the active drive.
- * Username 'FTP' is now synonymous to 'ANONYMOUS'.
- * Fixed bug in very long directory listings (>64K data).
- * Clients that connect but never log in are now kicked off the system
- after 5 minutes.
- * User can now select the try-out method: Fully functional with contacts to
- my permission server, or, crippled but no permission server contacts.
- * Installed selectable path mechanism for anonymous: Either absolute paths
- (like a regular user) allowing for drive changes, or paths relative to the
- home directory (needed for WWW browsers).
- * Changed registration key to work with user/company name instead of IP
- number. Every time Serv-U is started it tries to read the key from a file
- KEY.TXT. Registered version displays the key in the "About" box and in
- reply to the FTP HELP command.
- * Changed the RETR and STOR replies (used for GET and PUT). They
- are now conform the average UNIX system. This makes WS_FTP more
- happy, so it shows a progress bar while downloading.
- Version 1.00
- ------------
- * Initial release 7 February 1995