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FAR help
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$^#FAR version 1.65. File and archive manager.#
$^#Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Eugene Roshal.#
~How to use help~@Help@
~About FAR~@About@
~How to register FAR~@Register@
~Keyboard reference~@KeyRef@
~Command line switches~@CmdLine@
~Plugins support~@Plugins@
~Panels:~@Panels@ ~File panel~@FilePanel@
~Tree panel~@TreePanel@
~Info panel~@InfoPanel@
~Quick view panel~@QViewPanel@
~Drag and drop files~@DragAndDrop@
~Customizing file panel view modes~@PanelViewModes@
~Selecting files~@SelectFiles@
~Menus:~@Menus@ ~Left and right menus~@LeftRightMenu@
~Files menu~@FilesMenu@
~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@
~Options menu~@OptMenu@
~Find file~@FindFile@
~Find folder~@FindFolder@
~Compare folders~@CompFolders@
~User menu~@UserMenu@
~Change drive menu~@DriveDlg@
~File associations~@FileAssoc@
~Folder shortcuts~@FolderShortcuts@
~Sort groups~@SortGroups@
~File panel filter~@Filter@
~Screens switching~@ScrSwitch@
~Task list~@TaskList@
~System settings~@SystemSettings@
~Panel settings~@PanelSettings@
~Interface settings~@InterfSettings@
~Files highlighting~@Highlight@
~File descriptions~@FileDiz@
~Viewer settings~@ViewerSettings@
~Editor settings~@EditorSettings@
~Copying, moving, renaming and creating links~@CopyFiles@
~Internal viewer~@Viewer@
~Internal editor~@Editor@
~File masks~@FileMasks@
~Keyboard macros~@KeyMacro@
$ #How to use help#
Help screens may have reference items on them that lead to another help
screen. You may use #Tab# and #Shift-Tab# keys to move the cursor from one
reference item to another, then press Enter to go to a help screen
describing that item. With the mouse, you my click a reference to go to the
help screen about that item.
If text does not completely fit in the help window, a scroll bar is
displayed. In such case #cursor keys# can be used to scroll text.
You may press #Alt-F1# or #BS# to go back to a previous help screen
and #Shift-F1# to view the help contents.
Press #Shift-F2# for ~plugins~@Plugins@ help.
#F5# switches help between window and fullscreen modes.
$ #About FAR#
FAR is a text mode file and archive manager for Windows 95, 98 and
Windows NT. It supports #long file names# and provides a wide set of file
and folder operations.
FAR is #shareware# software. You must ~register~@Register@ it to continue to
use after 40-days trial period.
FAR does transparent #archive# processing. Files in the archive are
handled similarly as in a folder: when you operate with the archive, FAR
transforms your commands into the corresponding external archiver calls.
FAR offers a number of service functions as well.
$ #How to register#
FAR is #shareware# software. You must register it to continue to use
after the 40-days trial period. Please read License.txt file for user license.
Detailed registration instructions are provided in Register.txt.
File Far_Site.txt contains list of FAR registration sites. You also
may read latest version of this list on:
$ #Keyboard reference#
~Panel control~@PanelCmd@
~Command line~@CmdLineCmd@
~File management and service commands~@FuncCmd@
$ #Panel control commands#
#Common panel commands#
Change active panel #Tab#
Swap panels #Ctrl-U#
Re-read panel #Ctrl-R#
Toggle info panel #Ctrl-L#
Toggle quick view panel #Ctrl-Q#
Toggle tree panel #Ctrl-T#
Hide/show both panels #Ctrl-O#
Hide/show inactive panel #Ctrl-P#
Hide/show left panel #Ctrl-F1#
Hide/show right panel #Ctrl-F2#
Change panels height #Ctrl-Up,Ctrl-Down#
Change panels width (when command line empty) #Ctrl-Left,Ctrl-Right#
Restore default panels width #Ctrl-Numpad5#
#File panel commands#
Select/deselect file #Ins, Shift+Cursor keys#
Select group #Gray +#
Deselect group #Gray -#
Invert selection #Gray *#
Select files with the current file extension #Ctrl-<Gray +>#
Deselect files with the current file extension #Ctrl-<Gray ->#
Invert selection including folders #Ctrl-<Gray *>#
Select files with the current file name #Alt-<Gray +>#
Deselect files with the current file name #Alt-<Gray ->#
Select all files #Shift-<Gray +>#
Deselect all files #Shift-<Gray ->#
Copy selected names to clipboard #Ctrl-Shift-Ins#
Restore previous selection #Ctrl-M#
Scroll long names and descriptions #Alt-Left,Alt-Right#
Set brief view mode #LeftCtrl-1#
Set medium view mode #LeftCtrl-2#
Set full view mode #LeftCtrl-3#
Set wide view mode #LeftCtrl-4#
Set detailed view mode #LeftCtrl-5#
Set descriptions view mode #LeftCtrl-6#
Set long descriptions view mode #LeftCtrl-7#
Set file owners view mode #LeftCtrl-8#
Set file links view mode #LeftCtrl-9#
Set alternative full view mode #LeftCtrl-0#
Toggle hidden and system files displaying #Ctrl-H#
Toggle long/short file names view mode #Ctrl-N#
Hide/Show left panel #Ctrl-F1#
Hide/Show right panel #Ctrl-F2#
Sort files in the active panel by name #Ctrl-F3#
Sort files in the active panel by extension #Ctrl-F4#
Sort files in the active panel by modification time #Ctrl-F5#
Sort files in the active panel by size #Ctrl-F6#
Keep files in the active panel unsorted #Ctrl-F7#
Sort files in the active panel by creation time #Ctrl-F8#
Sort files in the active panel by access time #Ctrl-F9#
Sort in the active panel by description #Ctrl-F10#
Sort in the active panel by file owner #Ctrl-F11#
Display sort modes menu #Ctrl-F12#
Use group sorting #Shift-F11#
Show selected files first #Shift-F12#
1. If the command line is empty, #Ctrl-Ins# copies selected file
names from a panel to the clipboard like #Ctrl-Shift-Ins#;
2. If "Allow reverse sort modes" option in ~Panel settings~@PanelSettings@
dialog is enabled, pressing the same sort key second time
toggles the sort direction from ascending to descending
and vice versa;
3. Alt-Left and Alt-Right combinations, used to scroll long names
and descriptions, work only with non-numpad Left and Right keys.
This is due to the fact that when Alt is pressed, numpad cursor
keys are used to enter characters via their decimal codes.
$ #Command line commands#
Character left #Left,Ctrl-S#
Character right #Right,Ctrl-D#
Word left #Ctrl-Left#
Word right #Ctrl-Right#
Start of line #Ctrl-Home#
End of line #Ctrl-End#
Delete char #Del#
Delete char left #BS#
Delete to end of line #Ctrl-K#
Delete word left #Ctrl-BS#
Delete word right #Ctrl-Del#
Copy to clipboard #Ctrl-Ins#
Paste from clipboard #Shift-Ins#
Previous command #Ctrl-E#
Next command #Ctrl-X#
Clear command line #Ctrl-Y#
Insert file name from the active panel #Ctrl-Enter#
Insert full file name from the active panel #Ctrl-F#
Insert left panel path #Ctrl-[#
Insert right panel path #Ctrl-]#
Insert active panel path #Ctrl-Shift-[#
Insert passive panel path #Ctrl-Shift-]#
1. If the command line is empty, #Ctrl-Ins# copies selected file
names from a panel to the clipboard like #Ctrl-Shift-Ins#;
2. #Ctrl-End# pressed at the end of the command line, replaces
its current contents with command from ~history~@History@, started
from already entered characters, if such a command exists.
You may press Ctrl-End again to go to the next such command.
3. Most of the described above commands are valid for all edit
strings including edit controls in dialogs and internal editor.
$ #File management and service commands#
Online help #F1#
Show ~user menu~@UserMenu@ #F2#
View #Ctrl-Shift-F3, Numpad 5, F3#
If pressed on a file, Numpad 5 and F3 invoke ~internal~@Viewer@,
external or ~associated~@FileAssoc@ viewer, depending upon the file type
and ~external viewer settings~@ViewerSettings@.
Ctrl-Shift-F3 always calls internal viewer ignoring file associations.
If pressed on a folder, calculates and shows the size of selected
Edit #Ctrl-Shift-F4, F4#
F4 invokes ~internal~@Editor@, external or ~associated~@FileAssoc@ editor,
depending upon the file type and ~external editor settings~@EditorSettings@.
Ctrl-Shift-F4 always calls internal editor ignoring file associations.
Copy #F5#
Copies files and folders. If you wish to create a destination folder
before copying, terminate the name with a backslash.
Rename or move #F6#
Moves or renames files and folders. If you wish to create a destination
folder before moving, terminate the name with a backslash.
Create new folder #F7#
Delete #Shift-Del, Shift-F8, F8#
Delete files and folders. F8 and Shift-Del process all selected files,
Shift-F8 - only the file under the cursor. Shift-Del deletes files
immediately, not to Recycle Bin as opposed to F8 and Shift-F8 if they are
tuned to utilize the Recycle Bin method.
Wipe #Alt-Del#
Wipe files and folders. Before file deletion its data are overwritten
with zeroes, after which the file is truncated and renamed to the temporary
Show ~menus~@Menus@ bar #F9#
Quit FAR #F10#
Show ~plugin~@Plugins@ commands #F11#
Change the current drive for left panel #Alt-F1#
Change the current drive for right panel #Alt-F2#
Internal/external viewer #Alt-F3#
Invokes internal viewer if external viewer is default and external viewer
if internal is default.
Internal/external editor #Alt-F4#
Invokes internal editor if external editor is default and external
editor if internal is default.
Print files #Alt-F5#
Create hard link (NTFS only) #Alt-F6#
Using hard file links you may have several different file names,
which refer to the same data.
Perform ~find file~@FindFile@ command #Alt-F7#
Display ~commands history~@History@ #Alt-F8#
Selects the number of lines on the screen #Alt-F9#
Perform ~find folder~@FindFolder@ command #Alt-F10#
Display view and edit history #Alt-F11#
Display folders history #Alt-F12#
Add files to archive #Shift-F1#
Extract files from archive #Shift-F2#
Perform archive managing commands #Shift-F3#
Edit new file #Shift-F4#
Copy file under cursor #Shift-F5#
Rename or move file under cursor #Shift-F6#
Delete file under cursor #Shift-F8#
Save configuration #Shift-F9#
Selects last executed menu item #Shift-F10#
Execute, change folder, enter to an archive #Enter#
Execute in the separate window #Shift-Enter#
Change folder to root #Ctrl-\#
Change folder, enter to archive (also to SFX archive) #Ctrl-PgDn#
Change folder to parent #Ctrl-PgUp#
Create shortcut to the current folder #Ctrl+Shift+<N>#
Use folder shortcut #RightCtrl+<N>#
Set file attributes #Ctrl-A#
~Apply command~@ApplyCmd@ to selected files #Ctrl-G#
~Describe~@FileDiz@ selected files #Ctrl-Z#
$ #Miscellaneous#
Screen grabber #Alt-Ins#
Screen grabber allows to select and copy to the clipboard any screen area.
Use arrow keys or click the left mouse button to move the cursor. To select
text use Shift+arrow keys or press the left mouse button. Enter, Ctrl-Ins,
right mouse button or doubleclick copy selected text to clipboard, Ctrl-
<Gray +> adds it to the clipboard contents, Esc discards grabbing.
Record ~keyboard macro~@KeyMacro@ #Ctrl-<.>#
History in dialog edit controls #Ctrl-Up, Ctrl-Down#
In dialog edit control history you may use Enter to copy a current item
to edit control and Ins to mark or unmark item. Marked items are not pushed
out of history by new items, so you may mark frequently used strings to always
have them in history.
Clear history in dialog edit controls #Del#
Insert a file name under cursor to dialog #Shift-Enter#
This key combination is valid for all edit controls except the command
line including dialogs and the ~internal editor~@Editor@.
$ #Command line switches#
The following switches may be used in the command line:
/a Disable display of characters with codes 0 - 31
and 255.
May be useful when executing Far under telnet.
/ag Disable display of pseudographics characters.
/e[<line>[:<pos>]] <filename>
Edit the specified file. After /e you may optionally
specify editor start line and line position.
For example: far /e70:2 readme.
/i Set small (16x16) icon for FAR console window.
In some configurations this switch may lead to
unstable work.
/u <username>
Allows to have separate settings for different users.
For example: far /u guest
/v <filename>
View the specified file. If <filename> is -, data
is read from the stdin. For example, "dir|far /v -"
will view dir command output.
Far <filename> command starts Far and forces it to show <filename>
contents if it is an archive or show folder contents if <filename>
is a folder.
$ #Plugins support#
External DLL modules (plugins) may be used to implement new FAR commands
and emulate file systems. For example, archives support, FTP client,
temporary panel and network browser are emulating file system plugins.
All plugins are stored in separate folders within the 'Plugins' folder,
which is in the same folder as Far.exe. When detecting a new plugin FAR
saves information about it and later loads the plugin only when necessary,
so unused plugins do not require additional memory. But if you are sure that
some plugins are useless for you, you may remove them to save disk space.
Plugins may be called either from ~Change drive menu~@DriveDlg@ or from
#Plugin commands# menu, activated by #F11# or by corresponding item of
~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@. F4 in "Plugin commands" menu allows to assign
hot keys to menu items (this makes easier to call them from
~keyboard macros~@KeyMacro@). This menu is accessible from file panels
and (only by F11) from the internal viewer and editor. Only specially
designed plugins will be shown when calling the menu from the viewer and
You may set plugin parameters using #Plugin configuration# command
from ~Options menu~@OptMenu@.
File processing operations like copy, move, delete, edit or ~Find
file~@FindFile@ work with plugins, which emulate file systems, if these
plugins provide necessary the functionality. Search from the current folder
in the "Find file" command requires less functionality than search from the
root folder, so try to use it if search from the root folder does not work
Plugins have their own messages and help files. You may obtain a list of
all available plugins help if you press #Shift-F2# in main FAR help.
If the active panel shows a plugin emulated file system, the command
"CD" in the command line may be used to change the plugin file system
folder. Unlike "CD" "CHDIR" command always treats the specified parameter as
a real folder name regardless a file panel type.
$ #Panels#
Normally FAR shows two panels (left and right windows), with different
information. If you want to change the type of information displayed in the
panel, use ~panel menu~@LeftRightMenu@ or corresponding ~keyboard commands~@KeyRef@.
See also the following topics to obtain more information:
~File panel~@FilePanel@ ~Tree panel~@TreePanel@
~Info panel~@InfoPanel@ ~Quick view panel~@QViewPanel@
~Drag and drop files~@DragAndDrop@
~Selecting files~@SelectFiles@
~Customizing file panel view modes~@PanelViewModes@
$ #File panel#
The file panel displays the current folder.
You may select or deselect files and folders, perform different file
and archive operations. Read ~Keyboard reference~@KeyRef@ for commands list.
Default view modes of the file panel are:
#Brief# File names are displayed within three columns.
#Medium# File names are displayed within two columns.
#Full# Name, size, date and time of the file are displayed.
#Wide# File names and sizes are displayed.
#Detailed# File names, sizes, packed sizes, last modification,
creation, access time and attributes are displayed.
Fullscreen mode.
#Descriptions# File names and ~file descriptions~@FileDiz@
#Long# File names, sizes and descriptions.
#descriptions# Fullscreen mode.
#File owners# File names, sizes and owners.
#File links# File names, sizes and hard links number.
#Alternative# File name, size (formatted with commas) and date
#full# of the file are displayed.
You may ~customize file panel view modes~@PanelViewModes@.
Packed sizes are valid for NTFS compressed files or files inside an
archive. File owners and hard links number have meaning for NTFS only. Some
file systems may not support file creation and access dates.
If you wish to change the panel view mode, choose it from
the ~panel menu~@LeftRightMenu@. After the mode change or drive change
action, if the initial panel type differs it will be automatically
set to the file panel.
#Speed search# action may be used to point to the required file by the
first letters of its name. Hold the Alt key and type the file name until
the required file is selected. Pressing #Ctrl-Enter# keys simultaneously will
point to the next match if one exists. Wildcards '*' and '?', may be used
$ #Tree panel#
The tree panel displays folder structure of the current disk as a tree.
Within tree mode you may change to a folder quickly and perform folder
FAR stores folder tree information in the file named #Tree.Far# at root
folder of each drive. For read-only drives this information is stored in the
hidden folder Tree.Cache within the folder containing Far.exe.
You can find a folder quickly with the help of #speed search# action.
Hold the Alt key and type the folder name until you point to the right
folder. Pressing #Ctrl-Enter# keys simultaneously will select the next match.
$ #Info panel#
The information panel contains the following data:
- #network# names of computer and user;
- name and type of the #current disk#, filesystem type, network name, total
and free space sizes, disk volume label and serial number;
- #memory# load percentage (100% means all of available memory is used),
total and free size of physical and virtual memory;
- #folder description# file
You may view the contents of a file in full screen by pressing
the F3 key or left mouse button. Edit or create action is available by
pressing the F4 key or right mouse button.
A list of the possible folder description file names may be defined
using "Folder description files" command in the ~Options menu~@OptMenu@.
$ #Quick view panel#
The quick view panel is used to show information about selected item
in the ~file panel~@FilePanel@ or ~tree panel~@TreePanel@.
If selected item is a file then the contents of the file is displayed.
For files of registered Windows types the type is shown as well.
For folders, the quick view panel displays total size, total compressed
size, number of files and subfolders in the folder, current disk cluster size,
real files size, including files slack (sum of the unused cluster parts).
Compressed size has meaning for NTFS drives only.
$ #Drag and drop files#
It is possible to perform #Copy# and #Move# file operations using
#drag and drop#. Press left mouse button on the source file or folder,
drag it to the another panel and release the mouse button.
If you wish to process a group of files or folders, select them before
dragging, click left mouse button on the source panel and drag files group
to the another panel.
You may switch between copy and move operations, pressing right mouse
button while dragging. Also to move files you can hold #Shift# button while
pressing the left mouse button.
$ #Menus#
To choose an action from the menu you may press F9 or click on top
of the screen. Use the Shift-F10 key combination to select the last used menu
Read the following topics for information about a particular menu:
~Left and right menus~@LeftRightMenu@ ~Files menu~@FilesMenu@
~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@ ~Options menu~@OptMenu@
$ #Left and right menus#
The #Left# and #Right# menus allow to change left and right panel
settings accordingly. These menus includes the following items:
#Brief# Display files within three columns.
#Medium# Display files within two columns.
#Full# Display file name, size, date and time.
#Wide# Display file name and size.
#Detailed# Display file name, size, packed size,
modification, creation and access time,
attributes. Fullscreen mode.
#Descriptions# File name and ~file description~@FileDiz@.
#Long descriptions# File name, size and description.
Fullscreen mode.
#File owners# File name, size and owner.
#File links# File name, size and hard links number.
#Alternative full# File name, formatted size and date.
#Info panel# Change panel type to ~info panel~@InfoPanel@.
#Tree panel# Change panel type to ~tree panel~@TreePanel@.
#Quick view# Change panel type to ~quick view~@QViewPanel@.
#Sort modes# Show available sort modes.
#Show long names# Show long/short file names.
#Panel On/Off# Show/hide panel.
#Re-read# Re-read panel.
#Change drive# Change current drive.
$ #Files menu#
#View# View files, count folder sizes.
#Edit# Edit files.
#Copy# Copy files and folders.
#Rename or move# Rename or move files and folders.
#Make folder# Create new folder.
#Delete# Delete files and folders.
#Add to archive# Add selected files to the archive.
#Extract files# Extract selected files from the archive.
#Archive commands# Perform archive managing commands.
#File attributes# ~Change file attributes~@FileAttrDlg@ and time.
#Apply command# ~Apply command~@ApplyCmd@ to selected files.
#Describe files# Add ~descriptions~@FileDiz@ to the selected files.
#Select group# ~Select~@SelectFiles@ file group with a wildcard.
#Deselect group# ~Deselect~@SelectFiles@ file group, with a wildcard.
#Invert selection# ~Invert~@SelectFiles@ current file selection.
#Restore selection# ~Restore~@SelectFiles@ previous file selection after file
processing or group select operation.
Some commands from this menu are also described in the
~File management and service commands~@FuncCmd@ topic.
$ #Commands menu#
#Find file# Look for files in the folders tree,
wildcards may be used.
See ~Find file~@FindFile@ for more info.
#History# Display the previous commands.
See ~History~@History@ for more info.
#Video mode# Switch between 25 and 50 lines on the screen.
#Find folder# Look for folder in the folders
tree. See ~Find folder~@FindFolder@ for more info.
#File view history# Display files view and edit history.
#Folders history# Display folders changing history.
Items in "Folders history" and "File view
history" are moved to the end of list after
selection. Use Shift-Enter to select item
without changing its position.
#Swap panels# Swap left and right panels.
#Panels On/Off# Show/hide both panels.
#Compare folders# Compare contents of folders.
See ~Compare folders~@CompFolders@ for the
detailed description.
#Edit user menu# Allows to edit main or local ~user menu~@UserMenu@.
You may press Ins for insert, Del for delete
and F4 to edit menu records.
#Edit associations# Displays ~file associations~@FileAssoc@ list.
You may use Ins for insert, Del for delete
and F4 to edit file associations.
#Folder shortcuts# Displays current ~folder shortcuts~@FolderShortcuts@.
#Edit sort groups# Allows to edit user defined ~sort groups~@SortGroups@.
#File panel filter# Allows to control file panel contents.
See ~File panel filter~@Filter@ for the detailed
#Screens list# Show open ~screens list~@ScrSwitch@
#Task list# Shows ~active tasks list~@TaskList@.
$ #Options menu#
#System settings# Shows ~system settings~@SystemSettings@ dialog.
#Panel settings# Shows ~panel settings~@PanelSettings@ dialog.
#Interface settings# Shows ~interface settings~@InterfSettings@ dialog.
#Languages# Select main and help language.
Use "Save setup" to save selected languages.
#Plugins# Configure ~plugin~@Plugins@ modules.
#Confirmation# Switch on or off ~confirmations~@ConfirmDlg@ for
some operations.
#File panel modes# ~Customize file panel view modes~@PanelViewModes@ settings.
#File descriptions# ~File descriptions~@FileDiz@ list names and update mode.
#Folder description# Specify names (~wildcards~@FileMasks@ are allowed) of
#files# files, displayed in the ~Info panel~@InfoPanel@ as folder
#Viewer settings# External ~viewer settings~@ViewerSettings@.
#Editor settings# External and internal ~editor settings~@EditorSettings@.
#Colors# Allows color selection for different
interface items, change whole FAR colors
palette to black and white or set colors
to default.
#Files highlighting# Change ~files highlighting~@Highlight@ settings.
#Save setup# Save current configuration, colors and
screen layout.
$ #Confirmations#
In the #Confirmations# dialog you can switch on or off confirmations
for following operations:
- overwrite destination files when performing file copying;
- overwrite destination files when performing file moving;
- ~drag and drop~@DragAndDrop@ files;
- delete files;
- delete folders;
- exit from FAR.
$ #Find file#
This command is intended to find, in the folder tree, one or more
files and folders, matching one or more wildcards, delimited
with commas. Also it may be used with file systems, emulated
by ~plugins~@Plugins@.
Optional text string may be specified to find only files containing
this text. If the string is entered, option "Case sensitive" selects
case sensitive comparison. With "Table" button it is possible to change
the character table for the text search. Option "Use all installed character tables"
forces usage of all available to Far tables to search text in files with
different coding. Set "Search in archives" to search also in known to FAR
archive formats, but note that this option significantly decreases
oepration performance. FAR cannot search in nested archives.
Search may be performed in all non-removable disks, in all folders
from the disk root, from the current folder, in the current folder only
or in selected folders. Search area is saved in the configuration.
While search is in progress or when it is finished, you may use
the cursor keys for the files list scrolling and buttons to perform
required actions.
During or after search the following buttons are available:
#New search# Start new search session.
#Go to# Breaks current search, changes panel folder
and moves cursor to the selected file.
#View# View selected file. If search is not completed,
it will be resumed after viewing.
#Panel# Create a temporary panel and fill it with
results of the last file search.
#Stop# Break current search. Available while search
is in progress.
#Cancel# Close the search dialog.
F3 and F4 may be used to view and edit found files,
but viewing and editing is not supported for plugin emulated
file systems.
$ #Find folder#
This command allows a quick look for the required folder in
the folders tree.
To select a folder you may use the cursor keys or type first
characters of the folder.
Press #Enter# to switch to the selected folder.
#Ctrl-R# and #F2# force folders tree rescan.
$ #History#
The history menu shows list of commands, executed from FAR.
You may choose a command and press #Enter# to execute it again,
#Shift-Enter# to execute it in the separate window or #Ctrl-Enter#
to paste it to the command line for editing. You may use highlighted
letters to execute the command, instead of using cursor keys and Enter.
#Del# clears commands history.
It is also possible to go to the previous or next command directly
from the command line, using keys Ctrl-E or Ctrl-X respectively.
To save history before exit use the appropriate option from
the ~System settings dialog~@SystemSettings@.
$ #Task list#
The task list displays active tasks. Each line of the list
contains a task window title.
From the task list you may switch to the task window,
or kill the task with the Del key. Be careful when killing a task.
It stops the task immediately, and any unsaved information will be lost,
so it should be used only when really necessary, for example
to interrupt a program which does not respond.
The task list may be called either from ~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@ or
using #Ctrl-W#. In the last case it is possible to call task list
also from viewer and editor.
$ #Compare folders#
The compare folders command is applicable only when two
~file panels~@FilePanel@ are displayed. It compares the contents
of folders displayed in the two panels. Files existing in one panel only,
or those which have a date more recent than files with the same name
in the other panel became marked.
Subfolders are not compared. Files are compared only by name,
size and time, file contents have no affect on the operation.
$ #User menu#
The user menu exists to facilitate calls of frequently used
operations. It contains a number of user defined commands and command
sequences, which may be executed when invoking the user menu. The menu
may contain submenus. Special symbols, described in
~File associations~@FileAssoc@ are supported both in the commands
and in the command titles. Note, that !?<title>?<init>! symbol may be
used to enter additional parameters directly before executing commands.
With the #Edit user menu# command from the ~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@,
you may edit or create main or local user menu. There may only be one main
user menu. The main user menu is called if no local menu for the current
folder is available. The local menu may be placed in any folder.
For execution of a user menu command select it with cursor movement
keys and press Enter. You may press the hot key, assigned to required
menu item.
You may delete a submenu or menu item with the Del key, insert new
submenu or menu item with the Ins key or edit existent submenu or menu
item with the F4 key. Press Alt-F4 to edit menu in text file form.
It is possible to use digits, letters and function keys (F1..F12)
as hot keys in user menu. If F1 or F4 is used, its original function
in user menu is overrided. Though you still may use Shift-F4 for edit
When you edit or create menu item, you should enter the hot key
for fast item access, the item title which will be displayed in the
menu and the command sequence to execute when this item will be selected.
When you edit or create a submenu, you should enter the hot key and
the item title only.
Local user menus are stored in the text files #FarMenu.Ini#.
The main menu, by default, is stored in the registry, but it is possible
to store it in a file. If you create a local menu in the FAR folder,
it will be used instead of the main menu saved in the registry.
$ #File associations#
FAR allows up to three commands to be associated with a particular
file type, defined by wildcard mask:
#Execute command# Performed if Enter is pressed
#View command# Performed if F3 is pressed
#Edit command# Performed if F4 is pressed
The association can be described in the #Description of the association#
If you do not wish to switch panels off before executing
the associated program, start its command line with '@@' character.
You may add new associations with the #Edit associations# command
in the ~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@.
In associated command the following special symbols may be used:
!! '!' character
! Long file name without extension
!~~ Short file name without extension
!.! Long file name with extension
!-! Short file name with extension
!+! Similar to !-! but if a long file name was lost
after performing the command, FAR will restore it
!@@! Name of file with selected file names list
!$! Name of file with selected short file names list
!: Current drive
!\ Current path
!/ Short name of the current path
This symbol is replaced by user input, when
executing command. <title> and <init> - title
and initial text of edit control.
Several such symbols are allowed in the same line,
for example:
grep !?Search for:?! !?In:?*.*!|c:\far\far.exe -v -
"!##" modifier specified before file association symbol forces it
to refer to passive panel. For example, !##!.! denotes a current file
name on passive panel.
1. If no execute command is associated with file and
#Use Windows registered types# option in ~System settings~@SystemSettings@
is on, FAR tries to use Windows association for execution of this file type;
2. You may define several associations for one file type and select
the desired association from the menu.
$ #System settings dialog#
#Clear R/O attribute# Clear read-only attribute from files copied
#from CD files# from CD.
#Delete to Recycle Bin# Enables file deletion via the Recycle Bin.
#Use system copy# Use Windows function CopyFileEx
#routine# (or CopyFile if CopyFileEx not available)
instead of internal copy implemenation
to copy files. It may be useful on NTFS,
because CopyFileEx performs a more rational
disk space allocation and copies file
extended attributes.
#Copy files opened# Allows to copy files, which are opened
#for writing# by other programs for writing. This mode
is handy to copy a file opened for a long
time, but it could be dangerous, if a file
is modifying at the same time as copying.
#Create folders# If the name of new folder contains only
#in uppercase# lowercase letters and this option is on,
the folder will be created in uppercase.
#Inactivity time# Terminate FAR after a specified interval
without keyboard or mouse activity. This
works only if FAR waits for command line
input without viewer or editor screens
in the background.
#Save commands history# Forces saving commands history before exit
and restoring after starting FAR.
#Save folders history# Forces saving folders history before exit
and restoring after starting FAR. Folders
history list may be activated by Alt-F12.
#Save view and edit# Forces saving history of viewed and edited
#history# files before exit and restoring it after
starting FAR. View and edit history list
may be activated by Alt-F11.
#Use Windows# When this option is on and Enter is pressed
#registered types# on a file, the type of which is known to
Windows and absent in the list of FAR
~file associations~@FileAssoc@, the Windows program
registered to process this file type
will be executed.
#Auto save setup# If checked, FAR will save setup
automatically. Both panel current folders
will be saved also.
$ #Panel settings dialog#
#Show hidden and# Enable to show files with Hidden
#system files# and System attributes. This option may
also be switched by Ctrl-H.
#Highlight files# Enable ~files highlighting~@Highlight@.
#Auto change folder# If checked, cursor moves in the ~tree panel~@TreePanel@
will cause a folder change in the other
panel. If it is not checked, you must press
Enter to change the folder from the tree
#Select folders# Enable to select folders, using Gray +
and Gray *. Otherwise these keys will
select files only.
#Allow reverse# If this option is on and the current file
#sort modes# panel sort mode is reselected, reverse
sort mode will be set.
#Show column titles# Enable display of ~file panel~@FilePanel@ column titles.
#Show status line# Enable display of file panel status line.
#Show total# Enable display of total information data
#information# at the bottom line of file panel.
#Show free size# Enable display of the current disk free
#Show scrollbar# Enable display of file and ~tree panel~@TreePanel@
#Show background# Enable display of the number of
#screens number# ~background screens~@ScrSwitch@.
#Show sort mode# Indicate current sort mode in the
#letter# upper left panel corner.
$ #Interface settings dialog#
#Clock# Show clock at the right top corner of
the screen.
#Clock in viewer# Show clock in viewer and editor.
#and editor#
#Mouse# Use mouse.
#Show key bar# Show the functional key bar at the bottom
line. This option also may be switched
by Ctrl-B.
#Always show menu bar# Show top screen menu bar even when
it is inactive.
#Screen saver# Run screen saver after the inactivity
interval in minutes.
#History in dialog# Keep history in edit controls of some
#edit controls# FAR dialogs. The previous strings history
list may be activated by mouse or using
Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down. If you do not wish
to track such history, for example due to
security reasons, switch this option off.
#Set command line# This option allows setting of the default
#prompt format# FAR command line prompt. You may use
the following format variables:
$p - current path;
$n - current drive letter;
$g - the > character;
$$ - the $ character.
#Use right Alt# Set this option, if you experience
#as AltGr# problems with using right Alt combinations
to enter symbols under Windows 9x.
Or clear it, if you prefer to use right Alt
for quick search.
This option has meaning only under
Windows 9x and is ignored under Windows NT.
#Show total copy# Show total progress bar, when performing
#indicator# a file copy operation. This may require
some additional time before starting
copying to calculate the total files size.
$ #Internal viewer#
Viewer commands
#Left# Character left
#Right# Character right
#Up# Line up
#Down# Line down
#Ctrl-Left# 20 characters left
#Ctrl-Right# 20 characters right
#PgUp# Page up
#PgDn# Page down
#Home# Start of file
#End# End of file
#F1# Help
#F2# Toggle strings wrap/unwrap
#F4# Toggle text/hex mode
#F6# Switch to editor
#F7# Search
#Shift-F7, Space# Continue search
#F8# Toggle DOS/Windows text view mode
#Shift-F8# Select custom character table
(see notes below)
#Alt-F8# Change current position
#Numpad5,F3,F10,Esc# Quit
#F11# Call "Plugin commands" menu
#+# Go to next file
#-# Go to previous file
#Ctrl-O# Show user screen
#Alt-BS, Ctrl-Z# Undo position change
#RightCtrl+<N># Save current position
(N must be '0'..'9')
#LeftCtrl+<N># Restore saved position
1. Custom character tables are provided in "Addons\Tables"
subfolder of Far folder in the form of .reg files.
Before any table may be used, it must be installed: just press
Shift-Enter on the corresponding file.
2. Also to call search dialog you may just start typing the text
to be located.
$ #Internal editor#
Cursor movements
#Left# Character left
#Right# Character right
#Up# Line up
#Down# Line down
#Ctrl-Left# Word left
#Ctrl-Right# Word right
#Ctrl-Up# Scroll screen up
#Ctrl-Down# Scroll screen down
#PgUp# Page up
#PgDn# Page down
#Home# Start of line
#End# End of line
#Ctrl-Home# Start of file
#Ctrl-End# End of file
#Ctrl-N# Start of screen
#Ctrl-E# End of screen
Delete operations
#Del# Delete char (also may delete block,
depending upon ~Editor settings~@EditorSettings@).
#BS# Delete char left
#Ctrl-Y# Delete line
#Ctrl-K# Delete to end of line
#Ctrl-BS# Delete word left
#Ctrl-T, Ctrl-Del# Delete word right
Block operations
#Shift+Cursor keys# Select block
#Ctrl-Shift+Cursor keys# Select block
#Alt+gray cursor keys# Select vertical block
#Alt-Shift+Cursor keys# Select vertical block
#Ctrl-A# Select all text
#Ctrl-U# Deselect block
#Shift-Ins, Ctrl-V# Paste block from clipboard
#Shift-Del, Ctrl-X# Cut block
#Ctrl-Ins, Ctrl-C# Copy block to clipboard
#Ctrl-<Gray +># Append block to clipboard
#Ctrl-D# Delete block
#Ctrl-P# Copy block to current cursor position
(in persistent blocks mode only)
#Ctrl-M# Move block to current cursor position
(in persistent blocks mode only)
#Alt-U# Shift block left
#Alt-I# Shift block right
Other operations
#F1# Help
#F2# Save file
#Shift-F2# Save file as...
#F6# Switch to viewer
#F7# Search
#Ctrl-F7# Replace
#Shift-F7# Continue search
#F8# Toggle DOS/Windows text
#Shift-F8# Select custom character table
(see notes below)
#Alt-F8# Go to specified line
#F10, Esc# Quit
#Shift-F10# Save and quit
#F11# Call "Plugin commands" menu
#Alt-BS, Ctrl-Z# Undo
#Ctrl-L# Disable edited text modification
#Ctrl-O# Show user screen
#Ctrl-Q# Treat the next key combination
as a character code
#RightCtrl+<N># Save current position
(N must be '0'..'9')
#LeftCtrl+<N># Restore saved position
1. Custom character tables are provided in the "Addons\Tables"
subfolder of the Far folder in the form of .reg files.
Before any table may be used it must be installed: just press
Shift-Enter on the corresponding file.
$ #Change drive#
This menu allows to change panel current drive, disconnect
from network drive or open a new ~plugin~@Plugins@ panel.
Select item with the corresponding drive letter to change drive or
item with plugin name to create new plugin panel. If the panel type is not
a ~file panel~@FilePanel@, it will be changed to the file panel.
Del key may be used to disconnect from network drives.
#Ctrl-1# - #Ctrl-8# switches display of different information:
Ctrl-1 - disk type;
Ctrl-2 - network name
(and path, associated with SUBST drive under NT);
Ctrl-3 - disk label;
Ctrl-4 - file system;
Ctrl-5 - total and free disk size;
Ctrl-6 - display of removable disk parameters;
Ctrl-7 - display of plugin items;
Ctrl-8 - display of CD parameters.
#Change drive# menu settings are saved in the FAR configuration.
$ #Files highlighting#
#Files highlighting# dialog in the ~Options menu~@OptMenu@
allows to define file highlighting groups. Each group
definition includes:
- one or more delimited with commas ~file masks~@FileMasks@;
- include attributes;
- exclude attributes;
- normal name, selected name, name under cursor and
selected name under cursor colors to display file names.
If you wish to use default color, set color to "Black on black";
- any optional character to mark files from the group. It may be
used both with or instead of color highlighting.
File belongs to the highlighting group if:
- its name matches at least one of file masks;
- it has all of the included attributes;
- it has none of the excluded attributes.
Highlighting groups are analyzed from the beginning.
If a file fits a certain group, it will not be checked to fit
the rest of the groups.
$ #Viewer settings#
This dialog allows the default external viewer settings to be changed.
External viewer
#Use for F3# Run external viewer using F3.
#Use for Alt-F3# Run external viewer using Alt-F3.
#Viewer command# Command to execute external viewer.
Use special symbols described in
~File associations~@FileAssoc@ to specify the name of
the file to view. If you do not wish to
switch panels off before executing
the external viewer, start command from
'@@' character.
Internal viewer
#Save file position# Save and restore positions in the recently
viewed files. This option also forces
restoring of character table, if the table
was manually selected by user.
#Autodetect character# If you use several character tables and
#table# have installed a table with the character
frequency distribution for your language,
you may switch this option on to autodetect
table of the currently viewed file. Note
that correct detection is not guaranteed,
especially for small or non-typical text
files. You will find some character tables
in "Addons\Tables" folder of Far package.
#Tab size# Tab display spacing.
If external viewer is assigned to F3 key, it will be executed
only if ~associated~@FileAssoc@ viewer for the current file type is absent.
$ #Editor settings#
This dialog allows the default external and internal editor
settings to be changed.
External editor
#Use for F4# Run external editor using F4.
#Use for Alt-F4# Run external editor using Alt-F4.
#Editor command# Command to execute the external editor.
Use special symbols described in
~File associations~@FileAssoc@ to specify the name of
the file to edit. If you do not wish to
switch panels off before executing
the external editor, start command from
'@@' character.
Internal editor
#Expand Tabs to spaces# Replace Tab character with the appropriate
number of spaces.
#Persistent blocks# Do not remove block selection after
moving the cursor.
#Del removes blocks# If the selected block is present, Del will
not remove the character under cursor, but
this block.
#Auto indent# Enables auto indent mode when entering
#Save file position# Save and restore positions in the recently
edited files. This option also forces
restoring of character table, if the table
was manually selected by user.
#Autodetect character# If you use several character tables and
#table# have installed a table with the character
frequency distribution for your language,
you may switch this option on to autodetect
table of the currently viewed file. Note
that correct detection is not guaranteed,
especially for small or non-typical text
files. You will find some character tables
in "Addons\Tables" folder of Far package.
#Tab size# Tab display spacing.
#Cursor beyond# Allow moving cursor beyond end of line.
#end of line#
If external editor is assigned to F4 key, it will be executed only
if ~associated~@FileAssoc@ editor for the current file type is absent.
$ #File attributes dialog#
With this command it is possible to change file attributes and
file time. Either single file or group of files may be processed.
If you do not want to process files in subfolders, clear
the "Process subfolders" option.
Attribute "Compressed" may be changed only for NTFS drives.
Three different file times are supported:
- last modification time;
- creation time;
- last access time.
On the FAT drives hours, minutes and seconds of last access time
are always equal to zero.
If you want to keep the file time unchanged, leave the corresponding
field empty.
#Current# button fills the file time fields with the current time.
$ #Folder shortcuts#
Folder shortcuts are designed to provide fast access to frequently
used folders. Press Ctrl+Shift+<N>, where N is '0'..'9', to create a shortcut
to the current folder. To change to the folder recorded in the shortcut,
press RightCtrl+<N>. If RightCtrl+<N> pressed in edit line, it inserts shortcut
path to the line.
The #Show folder shortcuts# item in the ~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@ may be
used to view, set, edit and delete folder shortcuts.
$ #File panel filter#
With filter you may control which files will be displayed
in the file panel.
The filter menu contains two parts. In the upper part custom filters are
shown. Use Ins, Del and F4 keys to add, delete and edit these filters. Each
custom filter consists of an optional title and a file mask or several
~file masks~@FileMasks@ delimited by commas.
The lower part of the filter menu contains masks of all files from the
active file panel.
Use Space, '+' and '-' keys to select filter menu items. Selected items
will be indicated by '+' marks. If filters are present, only files which are
filtered will be shown. Items selected with '-' will be indicated by '-'
mark, and all files satisfied them will be excluded from the file panel.
Custom filters selection is stored in the FAR configuration.
When a filter is used in a panel, it is indicated by '*' after
the sort mode letter in the upper left corner of the panel.
$ #File descriptions#
File descriptions may be used to associate text information with a file.
Descriptions of the current folder files are stored in this folder in
a description list file. The format of the description file is the file name
followed by spaces and the description.
Descriptions may be viewed in the appropriate file panel
~view modes~@PanelViewModes@. By default these modes are #Descriptions#
and #Long descriptions#.
Command #Describe# (Ctrl-Z) from the ~Files menu~@FilesMenu@ is
used to describe selected files.
Description list names may be changed using #File descriptions#
dialog from the ~Options menu~@OptMenu@. In this dialog you can also
set local descriptions update mode. Updating may be disabled,
enabled only if panel current view mode displays descriptions or always
enabled. By default FAR sets "Hidden" attribute to created description
lists, but you may disable it switching off the option
"Set "Hidden" attribute to new description lists" in this dialog.
Also here you may specify the position to align new file descriptions
in a description list.
If it is enabled in the configuration, FAR updates file
descriptions when copying, moving and deleting files. But if a command
processes files from subfolders, descriptions in the subfolders are not
$ #Customizing file panel view modes#
~File panel~@FilePanel@ can represent information using 10 predefined
modes: brief, medium, full, wide, detailed, descriptions, long descriptions,
file owners, file links and alternative full. Usually it is enough,
but if you wish, you may either customize its parameters or even replace
them with completely new modes.
Command #File panel modes# from the ~Options menu~@OptMenu@ allows the
changing of view mode settings. First, it offers to select the desired mode
from the list. In this list "Brief mode" item corresponds to brief panel mode
(LeftCtrl-1), "Medium" corresponds to medium panel mode (LeftCtrl-2) and
so on. The last "Alternative full" item corresponds to view mode called with
LeftCtrl-0. When selection is complete, you may change the following settings:
- #Column types# - column types are encoded as one or several
characters, delimited with commas. Allowed column types are:
N[M,O,R] - file name
where: M - show selection marks
O - show names without paths
(intended mainly for plugins)
R - right aligned names
These modifiers may be used in combination,
for example NMR
S[C,T] - file size
where: C - format file size with commas;
T - use 1000 instead of 1024 as divider,
if column width is too small to show
full size;
P[C,T] - packed file size
where: C - format file size with commas;
T - use 1000 instead of 1024 as divider,
if column width is too small to show
full size;
D - file modification date
T - file modification time
DM[B,M] - file modification date and time
DC[B,M] - file creation date and time
DA[B,M] - file last access date and time
where: B - brief (Unix style) file time format;
M - use text month names;
A - file attributes
Z - file descriptions
O - file owner
LN - hard links number
If the column types description contains more than one file name
column, the file panel will be displayed in the multicolumn form.
- #Column widths# - used to change width of panel columns.
If the width is equal to 0, the default value will be used. If the width of
name, description or owner column is 0, it will be calculated automatically,
dependant upon the panel width. For correct operation with different screen
widths, it is highly recommended to have at least one column with
automatically calculated width.
Incrementing the default width of the file time column or file date and
time column by 1 will force a 12-hour time format. Further increase will
lead to the display of seconds and milliseconds.
To display years in 4-digits format increase date column width by 2.
- #Status line column types# and #Status line column widths# -
similar to "Column types" and "Column widths", but for panel status line.
- #Fullscreen view# - force fullscreen view instead of half-screen.
- #Align file extensions# - show file extensions aligned.
- #Show folders in uppercase# - display all folder names in upper
case, ignoring the original case.
- #Show files in lowercase# - display all file names in lower case,
ignoring the original case.
- #Show uppercase file names in lowercase# - display all uppercase
file names in lower case. By default this option is on, but if you wish
to always see the real files case, switch it, "Show folders in uppercase"
and "Show files in lowercase" options off. All these settings only change
the method of displaying files, when processing files FAR always uses the
real case.
- #Use case sensitive sort# - use case sensitive sort for file names.
$ #Sort groups#
File sort groups may be used in #by name# and #by extension#
~file panel~@FilePanel@ sort modes. It is applied by #Shift-F11#
and allows the definition of additional file sorting rules, complementary to
those already used.
Each sort group contains one or more comma delimited
~file masks~@FileMasks@. If one sort group position in the group list
is higher than another and an ascending sort is performed, all files
belonging to this group files will be higher than those belonging to
following groups.
Command #Edit sort groups# from the ~Commands menu~@CmdMenu@ is used
to delete, create and edit sort groups, using Del, Ins and F4. The groups
above the menu separator are applicable to the file panel start, and
included files will be placed higher, than those not included to any group.
The groups below the menu separator are applicable to the file panel end,
and included files will be placed lower, than those not included.
$ #File masks#
File masks are frequently used in FAR commands to select single files
and folders or their groups. Masks may contain common valid file name
symbols, wildcards ('*' and '?') and special expressions:
* any number of characters;
? any single character;
[c,x-z] any character enclosed by the brackets.
Both separate characters and character intervals
are allowed.
For example, files ftp.exe, fc.exe and f.ext may be selected
using mask f*.ex?, mask *co* will select both color.ini and edit.com,
mask [c-f,t]*.txt can select config.txt, demo.txt, faq.txt and tips.txt.
Many FAR commands allow the specification of several, comma delimited,
file masks. For example, to select all documents, you may enter
*.doc,*.txt,*.wri in the "Select group" command.
$ #Selecting files#
To process several ~file panel~@FilePanel@ files and folders,
they may be selected using different methods. #Ins# selects the file under
the cursor and moves the cursor down, #Shift+Cursor keys# moves the cursor
in different directions.
#Gray +# and #Gray -# perform group select and deselect,
using one or more, comma delimited, ~file masks~@FileMasks@.
#Gray *# inverts the current selection. #Restore selection#
command (#Ctrl-M#) restores the previously selected group.
#Ctrl-<Gray +># and #Ctrl-<Gray -># selects and deselects
all files with the same extension as the file under cursor.
#Alt-<Gray +># and #Alt-<Gray -># selects and deselects
all files with the same name as the file under cursor.
#Ctrl-<Gray *># inverts the current selection including folders.
If #Select folders# option in ~Panel settings~@PanelSettings@ dialog
is on, it works similar to #Gray *#.
#Shift-<Gray +># and #Shift-<Gray -># selects and deselects
all files.
If no files are selected, only the file under cursor will be processed.
$ #Copying, moving, renaming and creating links#
Following commands may be used to copy, move and rename
files and folders:
Copy ~selected~@SelectFiles@ files #F5#
Copy the file under cursor regardless of selection #Shift-F5#
Rename or move selected files #F6#
Rename or move the file under the cursor #Shift-F6#
regardless of selection
On an NTFS partition it is also possible to create hard file links
using #Alt-F6# command, so you may have several file names referring
to the same data.
If you wish to create a destination folder before copying,
terminate the name with backslash. Also in the Copy dialog you may press
F10 to select a folder from the active file panel tree or Alt-F10
to select from the passive file panel tree.
The possibility of copying, moving and renaming files for plugins
depends upon the plugin module functionality.
If a destination file already exists it can be overwritten,
skipped or appended with a copied file.
If during copying or moving the destination disk becomes full,
it is possible to either cancel the operation or replace the disk and
select "Split" item. In the last case the file being copied will be
split between disks. This feature is available only when "Use system
copy routine" option in the ~System settings~@SystemSettings@ dialog
is switched off.
Option "Copy access rights" is valid only for NTFS file
system and allows the copying of file access information.
Option "Use system copy routine" from ~System settings~@SystemSettings@
dialog forces the Windows function CopyFileEx usage (or CopyFile if CopyFileEx
not available) instead of the internal copy implemenation to copy files.
It may be useful on NTFS, because CopyFileEx performs a more rational
disk space allocation and copies file extended attributes.
$ #Screens switching#
FAR allows several copies of the internal viewer and editor to open at
once. Use #Ctrl-Tab#, #Ctrl-Shift-Tab# or #F12# to switch between panels
and screens with these copies. Ctrl-Tab switches to the next screen, Ctrl-
Shift-Tab to the previous, F12 shows a list of all available screens.
The number of background viewers and editors is displayed in the left
panel upper left corner. This may be disabled by using ~Panel settings~@PanelSettings@
$ #Apply command#
With #Apply command# item in ~Files menu~@FilesMenu@ it is possible
to apply a command to each selected file. The same as in ~File associations~@FileAssoc@
special symbols should be used to denote the file name.
For example, 'type !.!' will output to the screen all selected files,
one at a time.
$ #Keyboard macros#
Keyboard macros may be used to redefine standard FAR keys,
key combinations or to implement new keyboard commands.
To define a key macro press #Ctrl-<.># (Ctrl and dot key) followed by
desired keys sequence, then Ctrl-<.> again and the key or key combination
to which the macro should be assigned. FAR displays 'R' character
in the upper left screen corner while recording a macro command.
To delete a macro and return the key its original function
press Ctrl-<.> twice and then the key to which the macro was assigned.
In addition to standard FAR keys combinations it is possible to assign
macros to Ctrl-Shift-<letter>, Ctrl-Alt-<letter> and Alt-Shift-<letter>.
Far supports several independent macro sets: shell, viewer, editor and
few other macro types. Macro sets are saved on the "Save setup" command from
~Options menu~@OptMenu@.
To specify additional macro settings, start or finish macro
recording with #Ctrl-Shift-<.># instead of Ctrl-<.> and select the desired
options in the dialog.