106 Installation cannot continue because the necessary version of the Windows Installer was not detected. Would you like to install it now?\nClick No to cancel the installation.\n\nPlease reboot your computer after the Windows Installer is installed and rerun Setup.
107 %s requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater. Some products can be installed now, but will lack features. To obtain the latest version of Internet Explorer, visit Microsoft's web site (http://www.microsoft.com/ie).
108 PKZIP for Windows\n
109 PKZIP Explorer with PKZIP Attachments\n
110 PKZIP Command Line\n
111 PKZIP Plugin\n
112 The following product(s) will be installed: \n
113 \n\nThe following product(s) will be removed: \n
114 This item is already installed. Uncheck box to remove.
115 \n\nInstall files to:\n
116 The %s installation is finished. \n\nClick Close to exit.
117 The path entered is not valid. Please enter a different installation folder.
118 %s requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater. To obtain the latest version of Internet Explorer, visit Microsoft's web site (http://www.microsoft.com/ie).
119 An Error occured while trying to install Windows Installer. \nThe installation will be canceled.
120 Installation Options - Help
121 Associating common archive file types with PKZIP for Windows or PKZIP Explorer facilitates quick and easy (e.g. double-click) access to your archives. \n\nYou can associate your .ZIP file with either
122 PKZIP for Windows or PKZIP Explorer. Additionally, you can associate other archive types (MIME, TAR, GZIP, etc) with PKZIP for Windows. To associate other archive types with PKZIP for Windows, check the box next to the archive type.
123 Select the location where you would like to install the software. Click Change to select a different folder.
124 File Associations
125 Install To
126 Installation Type - Help
127 Choosing Install %s will allow you to install multiple products with the recommended settings. Choosing to Install one product will allow you to install a single product and customize settings (such as shortcuts).
128 individual product, select the product to uninstall.\n\nNote: Some products may not be available with this package. If you wish to purchase these products contact PKWARE. Refer to the key below for infomation on available products.
129 Choose which product(s) to install by selecting the box/button next to the product(s). To uninstall an installed product, uncheck the box. If you are uninstalling an
131 Select Product(s) to Install
132 Before continuing, please read over the license agreement. If you agree to its conditions, click the radio button next to I agree and click on "Next". Otherwise, you may cancel the installation by clicking on "Cancel".
133 License Information
134 License Agreement - Help
135 The summary gives you a chance to review the changes which will be made to your system. It lists products which will be installed, products which will be uninstalled and the installation location.
136 Review the summary. If you find anything you would like to change, you may do so by clicking the '"Back" button. Otherwise click "install".
137 Summary
138 Installation Summary - Help
139 You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation. Log on as an administrator and then retry this installation.
140 An error occured while trying to open the file.
141 Install %s with &recommended settings
142 This item is installed. Select to remove or modify.