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- 1 FinePrint
- 2 FinePrint 2000
- 3 FinePrint2000
- 4 FinePrint 2000
- 5 FinePrint 2000
- 6 FPR4:
- 7 FinePrint Dispatcher
- 8 FinePrint Readme
- 9 Uninstall FinePrint
- 10 Out of memory (^1).
- 11 Out of memory.
- 12 Could not create file "^1".^2
- 13 Error writing to file "^1".^2
- 14 This version of FinePrint is for Windows NT 4.0 or higher.\n\nYou can download other versions of FinePrint at http://www.fineprint.com.
- 15 You must have administrative privileges in order to install FinePrint. Please contact your network administrator if you need assistance.
- 16 This version of FinePrint is for Windows 95 or 98.\n\nYou can download other versions of FinePrint at http://www.fineprint.com.
- 17 Could not locate the file "^1".
- 18 Could not delete the file "^1".
- 19 Could not create the folder "^1".
- 20 Could not copy the file "^1" to "^2".
- 21 Default Tray
- 22 Could not open file "^1".^2
- 23 Seek error in file "^1".^2
- 24 Error reading from file "^1".^2
- 25 FinePrint could not be installed (^1 failed).^2
- 26 An error occurred in Windows (^1 failed.)^2
- 27 This will install ^1 ^2 on your computer. Would you like to continue?
- 28 This will remove FinePrint from your computer. Would you like to continue?
- 29 FinePrint was successfully installed!\n\nTo use FinePrint, just print to ^1 from any Windows application.
- 30 FinePrint was successfully installed!\n\nYou must restart your computer before using FinePrint. Would you like to restart now?
- 31 FinePrint installation was not successful.
- 32 FinePrint was successfully uninstalled.
- 33 FinePrint was successfully uninstalled.\n\nYou must restart your computer to complete the uninstallation process. Would you like to restart now?
- 34 FinePrint uninstallation was not successful.
- 35 Installing new files and settings...
- 36 Searching for previous files and settings...
- 37 Removing files and settings...
- 38 Please remember to restart your computer before using FinePrint.
- 39 before spooling (preview off)
- 40 after spooling (preview on)
- 41 not at all
- 46 Please remember to restart your computer in order to complete FinePrint uninstallation.
- 47 1
- 48 Arial
- 49 8
- 50 fp4.hlp
- 51 fpreg4.rtf
- 52 fpreg4u1.rtf
- 53 fpreg4u2.rtf
- 54 fpreg4u3.rtf
- 65 1 page
- 66 %d pages
- 67 Version ^1
- 68 You have %d deferred print job(s), which will be lost if you restart your computer.\n\nDo you want to look at these jobs before you restart?
- 69 FinePrint Help
- 70 80
- 71 Resolution
- 72 %d dpi
- 73 %d x %d dpi
- 74 ^1 x ^2 inches
- 75 ^1 x ^2 mm
- 76 Could not locate the FinePrint Dispatcher. Try starting the dispatcher manually from the shortcut in the FinePrint program group.
- 77 When installation is complete, you will need to logoff or restart Windows before you can use FinePrint.
- 78 FinePrint installation failed because the FinePrint Dispatcher could not be installed.
- 79 File server "^1" has an updated version of FinePrint.\n\n your version: ^2\n server version: ^3\n\nWould you like to update your version now?
- 81 Explore FinePrint files
- 82 Administrator's Guide
- 83 Installation was successful!
- 84 Installation was not successful.
- 85 Would you like to make FinePrint your default printer? This will make FinePrint easier to use.
- 86 ^1 KB
- 87 ^1 MB
- 88 Paper size "^1" cannot be modified; please choose another name.
- 89 Are you sure you want to delete paper size "^1"?
- 90 copy of ^1
- 91 ^1 on ^2
- 92 Could not create the printer "^1".^2
- 93 Printer "^1" was created.
- 94 %s (Copy %d)
- 95 Terminal Server error.\n\nFinePrint requires Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition (Service Pack 4), or Windows 2000.
- 96 FinePrint files
- 97 You ended your last FinePrint session with unsaved print jobs. Would you like to reload those jobs now?
- 98 AutoSave
- 99 FinePrint Quick Bypass
- 101 You currently have ^1 installed. Are you sure you want to replace it with ^2?
- 102 You must uninstall ^1 before you can install ^2.\n\nWould you like to uninstall now?
- 103 After uninstalling, you will need to restart your computer and run this setup program again to install ^1.
- 104 The FinePrint Dispatcher is already running.
- 105 The FinePrint Dispatcher was restarted and is now running.
- 106 Setup found settings from a previous installation of FinePrint. Would you like to import those settings now?