PC World 2000 December
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March
* 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
* Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
function nsHelperAppLauncherDialog() {
// Initialize data properties.
this.userChoseApp = false;
this.chosenApp = null;
try {
// App launcher is passed as dialog argument.
this.appLauncher = window.arguments[0];
// Initialize the dialog contents.
} catch( e ) {
// On error, close dialog.
dump( "nsHelperAppLauncherDialog error: " + e + "\n" );
nsHelperAppLauncherDialog.prototype= {
// Statics.
nsIHelperAppLauncher : Components.interfaces.nsIHelperAppLauncher,
nsIMIMEInfo : Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEInfo,
nsIFilePicker : Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker,
// Fill dialog from app launcher attributes.
initDialog : function () {
// "Always ask me" is always set (or else we wouldn't have got here!).
document.getElementById( "alwaysAskMe" ).checked = true;
document.getElementById( "alwaysAskMe" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
// Pre-select the choice the user made last time.
this.chosenApp = this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredApplicationHandler;
if ( this.chosenApp && this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction != this.nsIMIMEInfo.saveToDisk ) {
// Run app.
document.getElementById( "runApp" ).checked = true;
} else {
// Save to disk.
document.getElementById( "saveToDisk" ).checked = true;
// Disable choose app button.
document.getElementById( "chooseApp" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
var applicationDescription = this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.applicationDescription;
if (applicationDescription != "")
document.getElementById( "appName" ).value = applicationDescription;
else if (this.chosenApp)
// If a user-chosen application, show its path.
document.getElementById( "appName" ).value = this.chosenApp.unicodePath;
// Put content type into dialog text.
var html = document.getElementById( "intro" );
if ( html && html.childNodes && html.childNodes.length ) {
// Get raw text.
var text = html.childNodes[ 0 ].nodeValue;
// Substitute content type for "#1".
text = text.replace( /#1/, this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.MIMEType );
// Replace #2 with product name.
var brandBundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://global/locale/brand.properties");
if ( brandBundle ) {
var product = brandBundle.GetStringFromName( "brandShortName" );
text = text.replace( /#2/, product );
// Replace text in document.
html.childNodes[ 0 ].nodeValue = text;
// Set up dialog button callbacks.
var object = this;
doSetOKCancel( function () { return object.onOK(); },
function () { return object.onCancel(); } );
// If the user presses OK, we do as requested...
onOK : function () {
// Get boolean switch from checkbox.
var dontAskNextTime = !document.getElementById( "alwaysAskMe" ).checked;
if ( document.getElementById( "runApp" ).checked ) {
// Update preferred action if the user chose an app.
if ( this.userChoseApp ) {
this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction = this.nsIHelperAppLauncher.useHelperApp;
this.appLauncher.launchWithApplication( this.chosenApp, dontAskNextTime );
} else {
this.appLauncher.MIMEInfo.preferredAction = this.nsIHelperAppLauncher.saveToDisk;
try {
this.appLauncher.saveToDisk( null, dontAskNextTime );
} catch (exception) {
// If the user presses cancel, tell the app launcher and close the dialog...
onCancel : function () {
// Cancel app launcher.
try {
} catch( exception ) {
// Close up dialog by returning true.
return true;
// Enable pick app button if the user chooses that option.
toggleChoice : function () {
// See what option is checked.
if ( document.getElementById( "runApp" ).checked ) {
// We can enable the pick app button.
document.getElementById( "chooseApp" ).removeAttribute( "disabled" );
} else {
// We can disable the pick app button.
document.getElementById( "chooseApp" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
// Choose a new/different app...
chooseApp : function () {
var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance( this.nsIFilePicker );
fp.init( window,
this.getString( "chooseAppFilePickerTitle" ),
this.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen );
// XXX - We want to say nsIFilePicker.filterExecutable or something
fp.appendFilters( this.nsIFilePicker.filterAll );
if ( fp.show() == this.nsIFilePicker.returnOK && fp.file ) {
// Remember the file they chose to run.
this.userChoseApp = true;
this.chosenApp = fp.file;
// Update dialog.
document.getElementById( "appName" ).value = this.chosenApp.unicodePath;
// Get string from bundle.
getString : function ( id ) {
// String of last resort is the id.
var result = id;
// Get string bundle (if not done previously).
if ( !this.strings ) {
this.strings = srGetStrBundle("chrome://global/locale/helperAppLauncher.properties");
if ( this.strings ) {
// Get string from bundle.
result = this.strings.GetStringFromName( id );
return result;