PC World 2000 December
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/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
/* The account wizard creates new accounts */
data flow into the account wizard like this:
For new accounts:
* pageData -> Array -> createAccount -> finishAccount
For accounts coming from the ISP setup:
* RDF -> Array -> pageData -> Array -> createAccount -> finishAccount
for "unfinished accounts"
* account -> Array -> pageData -> Array -> finishAccount
pageData - the actual pages coming out of the Widget State Manager
RDF - the ISP datasource
Array - associative array of attributes, that very closely
resembles the nsIMsgAccount/nsIMsgIncomingServer/nsIMsgIdentity
createAccount() - creates an account from the above Array
finishAccount() - fills an existing account with data from the above Array
the account wizard path is something like:
accounttype -> identity -> server -> login -> accname -> done
\-> newsserver ----/
where the accounttype determines which path to take
(server vs. newsserver)
var gWizardMap = {
accounttype: { next: "identity" },
identity: { previous: "accounttype"}, // don't define next: server/newsserver
server: { next: "login", previous: "identity"},
newsserver: { next: "accname", previous: "identity"},
login: { next: "accname", previous: "server"},
accname: { next: "done", }, // don't define previous: login/newsserver
done: { previous: "accname", finish: true }
var pagePrefix="chrome://messenger/content/aw-";
var pagePostfix=".xul";
var currentPageTag;
var contentWindow;
var smtpService;
var am;
var nsIMsgIdentity = Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity;
var nsIMsgIncomingServer = Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIncomingServer;
// the current nsIMsgAccount
var gCurrentAccount;
// the current associative array that
// will eventually be dumped into the account
var gCurrentAccountData;
// event handlers
function onLoad() {
// wizard stuff
// instantiate the Wizard Manager
wizardManager = new WizardManager( "wizardContents", null, null,
gWizardMap );
wizardManager.URL_PagePrefix = "chrome://messenger/content/aw-";
wizardManager.URL_PagePostfix = ".xul";
wizardManager.SetHandlers(null, null, onFinish, onCancel, null, null);
// load up the SMTP service for later
if (!smtpService) {
smtpService =
var pageData = GetPageData();
updateMap(pageData, gWizardMap);
// skip the first page if we have an account
if (gCurrentAccount) {
// skip past first pane
gWizardMap.identity.previous = null;
wizardManager.LoadPage("identity", false);
wizardManager.LoadPage("accounttype", false);
function onCancel()
var firstInvalidAccount = getFirstInvalidAccount();
// if the user cancels the the wizard when it pops up because of
// an invalid account (example, a webmail account that activation started)
// we just force create it by setting some values and calling the FinishAccount()
// see bug #47521 for the full discussion
if (firstInvalidAccount) {
var pageData = GetPageData();
// set the fullName if it doesn't exist
if (!pageData.identity.fullName || !pageData.identity.fullName.value) {
setPageData(pageData, "identity", "fullName", "");
// set the email if it doesn't exist
if (!pageData.identity.email || !pageData.identity.email.value) {
setPageData(pageData, "identity", "email", "nospam@nospam");
// call FinishAccount() and not onFinish(), since the "finish"
// button may be disabled
else {
// since this is not an invalid account
// really cancel if the user hits the "cancel" button
function onFinish() {
if( !wizardManager.wizardMap[wizardManager.currentPageTag].finish )
function FinishAccount() {
var pageData = GetPageData();
var accountData= gCurrentAccountData;
if (!accountData)
accountData = new Object;
PageDataToAccountData(pageData, accountData);
// we might be simply finishing another account
if (!gCurrentAccount)
gCurrentAccount = createAccount(accountData);
// transfer all attributes from the accountdata
finishAccount(gCurrentAccount, accountData);
// hack hack - save the prefs file NOW in case we crash
try {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
} catch (ex) {
dump("Error saving prefs!\n");
dump("ex = " + ex + "\n");
// prepopulate pageData with stuff from accountData
// use: to prepopulate the wizard with account information
function AccountDataToPageData(accountData, pageData)
if (!accountData) {
dump("null account data! clearing..\n");
// handle null accountData as if it were an empty object
// so that we clear-out any old pagedata from a
// previous accountdata. The trick is that
// with an empty object, accountData.identity.slot is undefined,
// so this will clear out the prefill data in setPageData
accountData = new Object;
accountData.incomingServer = new Object;
accountData.identity = new Object;
accountData.smtp = new Object;
var server = accountData.incomingServer;
if (server.type == undefined) {
// clear out the old server data
//setPageData(pageData, "accounttype", "mailaccount", undefined);
// setPageData(pageData, "accounttype", "newsaccount", undefined);
setPageData(pageData, "server", "servertype", undefined);
setPageData(pageData, "server", "hostname", undefined);
} else {
if (server.type == "nntp") {
setPageData(pageData, "accounttype", "newsaccount", true);
setPageData(pageData, "newsserver", "hostname", server.hostName);
else {
setPageData(pageData, "accounttype", "mailaccount", true);
setPageData(pageData, "server", "servertype", server.type);
setPageData(pageData, "server", "hostname", server.hostName);
setPageData(pageData, "login", "username", server.username);
setPageData(pageData, "login", "password", server.password);
setPageData(pageData, "login", "rememberPassword", server.rememberPassword);
setPageData(pageData, "accname", "prettyName", server.prettyName);
var identity;
if (accountData.identity) {
dump("This is an accountdata\n");
identity = accountData.identity;
else if (accountData.identities) {
identity = accountData.identities.QueryElementAt(0, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity);
dump("this is an account, id= " + identity + "\n");
setPageData(pageData, "identity", "email", identity.email);
setPageData(pageData, "identity", "fullName", identity.fullName);
var smtp;
if (accountData.smtp) {
smtp = accountData.smtp;
setPageData(pageData, "server", "smtphostname",
// take data from each page of pageData and dump it into accountData
// use: to put results of wizard into a account-oriented object
function PageDataToAccountData(pageData, accountData)
if (!accountData.identity)
accountData.identity = new Object;
if (!accountData.incomingServer)
accountData.incomingServer = new Object;
if (!accountData.smtp)
accountData.smtp = new Object;
var identity = accountData.identity;
var server = accountData.incomingServer;
var smtp = accountData.smtp;
dump("Setting identity for " + pageData.identity.email.value + "\n");
identity.email = pageData.identity.email.value;
identity.fullName = pageData.identity.fullName.value;
server.type = getCurrentServerType(pageData);
server.hostName = getCurrentHostname(pageData);
if (serverIsNntp(pageData)) {
// this stuff probably not relevant
dump("not setting username/password/rememberpassword/etc\n");
} else {
if (pageData.login) {
if (pageData.login.username)
server.username = pageData.login.username.value;
if (pageData.login.password)
server.password = pageData.login.password.value;
if (pageData.login.rememberPassword)
server.rememberPassword = pageData.login.rememberPassword.value;
dump("pageData.server = " + pageData.server + "\n");
if (pageData.server) {
dump("pageData.server.smtphostname.value = " + pageData.server.smtphostname + "\n");
if (pageData.server.smtphostname &&
smtp.hostname = pageData.server.smtphostname.value;
if (pageData.accname) {
if (pageData.accname.prettyName)
server.prettyName = pageData.accname.prettyName.value;
// given an accountData structure, create an account
// (but don't fill in any fields, that's for finishAccount()
function createAccount(accountData)
var server = accountData.incomingServer;
dump("am.createIncomingServer(" + server.username + "," +
server.hostName + "," +
server.type + ")\n");
var server = am.createIncomingServer(server.username,
var identity = am.createIdentity();
/* new nntp identities should use plain text by default
* we want that GNKSA (The Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval) */
if (server.type == "nntp") {
identity.composeHtml = false;
var account = am.createAccount();
account.incomingServer = server;
return account;
// given an accountData structure, copy the data into the
// given account, incoming server, and so forth
function finishAccount(account, accountData) {
if (accountData.incomingServer) {
var destServer = account.incomingServer;
var srcServer = accountData.incomingServer;
copyObjectToInterface(destServer, srcServer);
// see if there are any protocol-specific attributes
// if so, we use the type to get the IID, QueryInterface
// as appropriate, then copy the data over
dump("srcServer.ServerType-" + srcServer.type + " = " +
srcServer["ServerType-" + srcServer.type] + "\n");
if (srcServer["ServerType-" + srcServer.type]) {
// handle server-specific stuff
var IID = getInterfaceForType(srcServer.type);
if (IID) {
destProtocolServer = destServer.QueryInterface(IID);
srcProtocolServer = srcServer["ServerType-" + srcServer.type];
dump("Copying over " + srcServer.type + "-specific data\n");
copyObjectToInterface(destProtocolServer, srcProtocolServer);
// copy identity info
var destIdentity =
account.identities.QueryElementAt(0, nsIMsgIdentity);
if (accountData.identity && destIdentity) {
// fixup the email address if we have a default domain
var emailArray = accountData.identity.email.split('@');
if (emailArray.length < 2 && accountData.domain) {
accountData.identity.email += '@' + accountData.domain;
// don't try to create an smtp server if we already have one.
if (!destIdentity.smtpServerKey)
var smtpServer = smtpService.defaultServer;
if (accountData.smtpCreateNewServer)
smtpServer = smtpService.createSmtpServer();
dump("Copying smtpServer (" + smtpServer + ") to accountData\n");
copyObjectToInterface(smtpServer, accountData.smtp);
// some identities have 'preferred'
if (accountData.smtpUsePreferredServer && destIdentity)
destIdentity.smtpServerKey = smtpServer.key;
// copy over all attributes from dest into src that already exist in src
// the assumption is that src is an XPConnect interface full of attributes
function copyObjectToInterface(dest, src) {
if (!dest) return;
if (!src) return;
var i;
for (i in src) {
try {
if (dest[i] != src[i])
dest[i] = src[i];
catch (ex) {
dump("Error copying the " +
i + " attribute: " + ex + "\n");
dump("(This is ok if this is a ServerType-* attribute)\n");
// check if there already is a "Local Folders"
// if not, create it.
function verifyLocalFoldersAccount(account) {
dump("Looking for Local Folders.....\n");
var localMailServer = null;
try {
localMailServer = am.localFoldersServer;
catch (ex) {
// dump("exception in findserver: " + ex + "\n");
localMailServer = null;
try {
var server = account.incomingServer;
var identity = account.identities.QueryElementAt(0, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity);
// use server type to get the protocol info
var protocolinfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/protocol/info;1?type=" + server.type].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgProtocolInfo);
// for this protocol, do we default the folder prefs to this server, or to the "Local Folders" server
defaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefsToServer = protocolinfo.defaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefsToServer;
if (!localMailServer) {
// dump("Creating local mail account\n");
// creates a copy of the identity you pass in
messengerMigrator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/migrator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMessengerMigrator);
messengerMigrator.createLocalMailAccount(false /* false, since we are not migrating */);
try {
localMailServer = am.localFoldersServer;
catch (ex) {
dump("error! we should have found the local mail server after we created it.\n");
localMailServer = null;
var copiesAndFoldersServer = null;
if (defaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefsToServer) {
copiesAndFoldersServer = server;
else {
if (!localMailServer) {
dump("error! we should have a local mail server at this point\n");
copiesAndFoldersServer = localMailServer;
setDefaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefs(identity, copiesAndFoldersServer);
} catch (ex) {
// return false (meaning we did not create the account)
// on any error
dump("Error creating local mail: " + ex + "\n");
return false;
return true;
function setDefaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefs(identity, server)
dump("finding folders on server = " + server.hostName + "\n");
var rootFolder = server.RootFolder;
// we need to do this or it is possible that the server's draft,
// stationery fcc folder will not be in rdf
// this can happen in a couple cases
// 1) the first account we create, creates the local mail. since
// local mail was just created, it obviously hasn't been opened,
// or in rdf..
// 2) the account we created is of a type where
// defaultCopiesAndFoldersPrefsToServer is true
// this since we are creating the server, it obviously hasn't been
// opened, or in rdf.
// this makes the assumption that the server's draft, stationery fcc folder
// are at the top level (ie subfolders of the root folder.) this works
// because we happen to be doing things that way, and if the user changes
// that, it will work because to change the folder, it must be in rdf,
// coming from the folder cache, in the worst case.
var folders = rootFolder.GetSubFolders();
var msgFolder = rootFolder.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder);
var numFolders = new Object();
// these hex values come from nsMsgFolderFlags.h
var draftFolder = msgFolder.getFoldersWithFlag(0x0400, 1, numFolders);
var stationeryFolder = msgFolder.getFoldersWithFlag(0x400000, 1, numFolders);
var fccFolder = msgFolder.getFoldersWithFlag(0x0200, 1, numFolders);
if (draftFolder) identity.draftFolder = draftFolder.URI;
if (stationeryFolder) identity.stationeryFolder = stationeryFolder.URI;
if (fccFolder) identity.fccFolder = fccFolder.URI;
dump("fccFolder = " + identity.fccFolder + "\n");
dump("draftFolder = " + identity.draftFolder + "\n");
dump("stationeryFolder = " + identity.stationeryFolder + "\n");
function AccountExists(userName,hostName,serverType)
var accountExists = false;
var accountManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/account-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgAccountManager);
try {
var server = accountManager.FindServer(userName,hostName,serverType);
if (server) {
dump("account exists\n");
accountExists = true;
catch (ex) {
dump("AccountExists() failed: "+ex+"\n");
accountExists = false;
return accountExists;
function getFirstInvalidAccount()
am = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/account-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgAccountManager);
var invalidAccounts = getInvalidAccounts(am.accounts);
if (invalidAccounts.length > 0)
return invalidAccounts[0];
return null;
function checkForInvalidAccounts()
var firstInvalidAccount = getFirstInvalidAccount();
if (firstInvalidAccount) {
var pageData = GetPageData();
dump("We have an invalid account, " + firstInvalidAccount + ", let's use that!\n");
gCurrentAccount = firstInvalidAccount;
// there's a possibility that the invalid account has ISP defaults
// as well.. so first pre-fill accountData with ISP info, then
// overwrite it with the account data
var identity =
firstInvalidAccount.identities.QueryElementAt(0, nsIMsgIdentity);
dump("Invalid account: trying to get ISP data for " + identity.email + "\n");
var accountData = getIspDefaultsForEmail(identity.email);
dump("Invalid account: Got " + accountData + "\n");
// account -> accountData -> pageData
accountData = AccountToAccountData(firstInvalidAccount, accountData);
AccountDataToPageData(accountData, pageData);
gCurrentAccountData = accountData;
function AccountToAccountData(account, defaultAccountData)
dump("AccountToAccountData(" + account + ", " +
defaultAccountData + ")\n");
var accountData = defaultAccountData;
if (!accountData)
accountData = new Object;
accountData.incomingServer = account.incomingServer;
accountData.identity = account.identities.QueryElementAt(0, nsIMsgIdentity);
accountData.smtp = smtpService.defaultServer;
return accountData;
// sets the page data, automatically creating the arrays as necessary
function setPageData(pageData, tag, slot, value) {
if (!pageData[tag]) pageData[tag] = [];
if (value == undefined) {
// clear out this slot
if (pageData[tag][slot]) delete pageData[tag][slot];
} else {
// pre-fill this slot
if (!pageData[tag][slot]) pageData[tag][slot] = [];
pageData[tag][slot].id = slot;
pageData[tag][slot].value = value;
// value of checkbox on the first page
function serverIsNntp(pageData) {
if (pageData.accounttype.newsaccount)
return pageData.accounttype.newsaccount.value;
return false;
function getUsernameFromEmail(email)
var emailData = email.split("@");
return emailData[0];
function getCurrentUserName(pageData)
var userName = "";
if (pageData.login) {
if (pageData.login.username) {
userName = pageData.login.username.value;
if (userName == "") {
var email = pageData.identity.email.value;
userName = getUsernameFromEmail(email);
return userName;
function getCurrentServerType(pageData) {
var servertype = "pop3"; // hopefully don't resort to default!
if (serverIsNntp(pageData))
servertype = "nntp";
else if (pageData.server && pageData.server.servertype)
servertype = pageData.server.servertype.value;
return servertype;
function getCurrentHostname(pageData) {
if (serverIsNntp(pageData))
return pageData.newsserver.hostname.value;
return pageData.server.hostname.value;
function UpdateWizardMap() {
updateMap(GetPageData(), gWizardMap);
// updates the map based on various odd states
// conditions handled right now:
// -
function updateMap(pageData, wizardMap) {
dump("Updating wizard map..\n");
if (pageData.accounttype) {
var ismailaccount = pageData.accounttype.mailaccount;
dump("Accounttype is mail: " + (ismailaccount && ismailaccount.value) + "\n");
// set up default account stuff
wizardMap.identity.next = "server";
wizardMap.done.previous = "accname";
if (pageData.accounttype.mailaccount &&
pageData.accounttype.mailaccount.value) {
wizardMap.accname.previous = "login";
if (gCurrentAccountData && gCurrentAccountData.wizardSkipPanels) {
wizardMap.identity.next = "done";
wizardMap.done.previous = "identity";
else if (pageData.accounttype.newsaccount &&
pageData.accounttype.newsaccount.value) {
wizardMap.identity.next = "newsserver";
wizardMap.accname.previous = "newsserver";
else {
dump("Handle other types (" + pageData.accounttype + ") here?\n");
function GetPageData()
return parent.wizardManager.WSM.PageData;
function PrefillAccountForIsp(ispName)
dump("AccountWizard.prefillAccountForIsp(" + ispName + ")\n");
var ispData = getIspDefaultsForUri(ispName);
var pageData = GetPageData();
// prefill the rest of the wizard
dump("PrefillAccountForISP: filling with " + ispData + "\n");
AccountDataToPageData(ispData, pageData);
// does any cleanup work for the the account data
// - sets the username from the email address if it's not already set
// - anything else?
function FixupAccountDataForIsp(accountData)
var email = accountData.identity.email;
var username;
if (email) {
username = getUsernameFromEmail(email);
// fix up the username
if (!accountData.incomingServer.username) {
accountData.incomingServer.username = username;
if (!accountData.smtp.username &&
accountData.smtpRequiresUsername) {
accountData.smtp.username = username;
function SetCurrentAccountData(accountData)
// dump("Setting current account data (" + gCurrentAccountData + ") to " + accountData + "\n");
gCurrentAccountData = accountData;
function getInterfaceForType(type) {
try {
var protocolInfoContractIDPrefix = "@mozilla.org/messenger/protocol/info;1?type=";
var thisContractID = protocolInfoContractIDPrefix + type;
var protoInfo = Components.classes[thisContractID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgProtocolInfo);
return protoInfo.serverIID;
} catch (ex) {
dump("could not get IID for " + type + ": " + ex + "\n");
return undefined;
// flush the XUL cache - just for debugging purposes - not called
function onFlush() {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
prefs.SetBoolPref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache", true);
prefs.SetBoolPref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache", false);