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- class sambaPlugIn {
- inherit basePlugIn
- public variable dumper
- public variable ppManager
- public variable ppDef
- public variable configurationFilesManager
- public variable namespace
- public variable nodeManagement
- public variable confDoc
- public variable rootNode
- variable shares
- variable printers
- variable status
- variable homes
- method _registerWithNamespace {}
- method _inquiryForPropertyPages { node }
- method _inquiryForMenu { node }
- method _inquiryForWizard { type node }
- method _inquiryForRightPaneContent { node }
- method _receivedWizard { node xuiPropertyPages }
- method _receivedPropertyPages { node xuiPropertyPages }
- method _receivedCommand { node command }
- method init
- method _createAllNodes { }
- method _createShare {container}
- method _createShares {}
- method _createHomes { container }
- method _createStatus {}
- method _createPrinters {}
- method _createAllPrinters { container }
- method _createPrinter {container}
- method _saveConfig
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_saveConfig {} {
- # set f [open $::comanche::globals(smb.conf) w]
- # puts $f [$dumper dump $confDoc]
- # close $f
- $dumper dump $confDoc $::comanche::globals(smb.conf)
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_receivedPropertyPages { node xuiPropertyPages } {
- set container [ $nodeManagement getContainer $node ]
- if [string length $container] {
- foreach pp [$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] {
- $ppManager savePropertyPage $pp $confDoc $container
- }
- }
- _saveConfig
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_receivedWizard { node xuiPropertyPages } {
- set container [ $nodeManagement getContainer $node ]
- set name [ $nodeManagement getNodeName $node ]
- switch $name {
- shares {
- set name [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName share_name] getValue]
- set cont [$confDoc addContainer \
- [$confDoc getRootContainer] $name share]
- $confDoc addDirective [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName comment] clone] $cont
- $confDoc addDirective [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName path] clone] $cont
- _createShare $cont
- } printers {
- set name [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName section_name] getValue]
- set cont [$confDoc addContainer \
- [$confDoc getRootContainer] $name share]
- $confDoc addDirective [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName comment] clone] $cont
- $confDoc addDirective [[[$xuiPropertyPages getComponents] \
- getComponentByName path] clone] $cont
- _createPrinter $cont
- } default {
- error "Container: $name "
- }
- }
- _saveConfig
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::init {} {
- _createAllNodes
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_inquiryForPropertyPages { node } {
- set result {}
- set name [$nodeManagement getNodeName $node]
- set container [$nodeManagement getContainer $node]
- switch $name {
- shares {
- foreach pp { newbieBaseOptions newbieLog \
- newbieBrowse newbieSecurity } {
- set mypp [$ppDef getPPByName $pp]
- lappend result $mypp
- $ppManager loadPropertyPage $mypp $confDoc $container
- }
- } share - homes {
- foreach pp { newbieShareBase
- newbieShareBrowse newbieShareSecurity } {
- set mypp [$ppDef getPPByName $pp]
- lappend result $mypp
- $ppManager loadPropertyPage $mypp $confDoc $container
- }
- } printer - printers {
- foreach pp { newbieShareBase
- newbieShareBrowse newbieShareSecurity newbiePrintingOptions} {
- set mypp [$ppDef getPPByName $pp]
- lappend result $mypp
- $ppManager loadPropertyPage $mypp $confDoc $container
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_inquiryForWizard { type node } {
- set result {}
- set name [$nodeManagement getNodeName $node]
- set container [$nodeManagement getContainer $node]
- switch $name {
- shares {
- set mypp [$ppDef getPPByName shareAddWizard]
- return $mypp
- } rootNode - status {
- return {}
- } printers {
- set mypp [$ppDef getPPByName printerAddWizard]
- return $mypp
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_inquiryForRightPaneContent { node } {
- set container [$nodeManagement getContainer $node]
- set name [$nodeManagement getNodeName $node]
- switch $name {
- rootNode {
- set result {
- <img src="samba_logo">
- <h1>Samba</h1>
- <br>
- This plugin configures the <b>Samba file and printing services</b>.
- <br>You can configure existing printers and shares:<br><br>}
- append result { <img src="sharesBig" ><a href="command selectNode -namespaceNode }
- append result $shares
- append result { " >Shares</a> <br><br>}
- append result { <img src="printerBig"> <a href="command selectNode -namespaceNode }
- append result $printers
- append result { " >Printers</a> <br><br>}
- } shares {
- set result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Shares</h1>
- <br>
- <img src="sharesBig">
- Here you can configure the
- <a href="command propertyPages">global properties</a> that apply to all shares and <a href="command addNewNode">create</a> new ones
- <br>}
- } printers {
- set result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Printers</h1>
- <br>
- <img src="printerBig">
- Here you can configure the
- <a href="command propertyPages">global properties</a> that apply to all printers and <a href="command addNewNode">create</a> new ones.
- <br>}
- } share {
- append result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Share }
- append result [ $container getName ]
- append result {</h1><br>}
- catch [list append result "Path: [[$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container path] getValue]<br>"]
- catch [list append result "Comment: [[$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container comment] getValue]<br>"]
- append result {
- <br><br>
- <img src="folderBig">
- You can configure the properties of this share <a href="command
- propertyPages" >here</a>}
- } homes {
- append result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Homes</h1> <br>
- <img src="kfmHomeBig>
- If a section called 'homes' is created, services connecting clients to their home directories can be created on the fly by the server.
- You can configure the properties of this share <a href="command
- propertyPages" >here</a>}
- } printer {
- append result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Share }
- append result [ $container getName ]
- append result {</h1><br>}
- catch [list append result "Path: [[$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container path] getValue]<br>"]
- catch [list append result "Comment: [[$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container comment] getValue]<br>"]
- append result {
- <br><br>
- <img src="printerBig">
- You can configure the properties of this printer <a href="command
- propertyPages" >here</a>}
- } status {
- append result {
- <img src="samba_logo"><br>
- <h1>Info</h1>
- <img src="informationBig"> Here you will be able to find information about active connections and shares and open folders.
- }
- } default {
- set result kkk
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createAllNodes { } {
- _createStatus
- _createShares
- _createPrinters
- foreach container [$confDoc getContainers [$confDoc getRootContainer]] {
- switch [$container getName] {
- global {
- $nodeManagement setContainer $shares $container
- } printers {
- $nodeManagement setContainer $printers $container
- } homes {
- _createHomes $container
- } default {
- if [string length \
- [$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container printer]] {
- _createPrinter $container
- } else {
- _createShare $container
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createShares { } {
- set shares [ $nodeManagement addNode $rootNode\
- -label "Shares" \
- -openIcon shares\
- -classes {container samba} \
- -closedIcon shares\
- -container {} \
- -nodeName shares ]
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createShare { container } {
- set label [$container getName]
- if [string length \
- [set cdir [$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container comment]]] {
- append label " - [$cdir getValue]"
- }
- $nodeManagement addNode $shares\
- -label $label \
- -openIcon openFolder\
- -classes {leaf samba} \
- -closedIcon closedFolder\
- -container $container \
- -nodeName share
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createPrinter { container } {
- set label [$container getName]
- if [string length \
- [set cdir [$confDoc getDirectiveByName $container comment]]] {
- append label " - [$cdir getValue]"
- }
- $nodeManagement addNode $printers\
- -label $label \
- -openIcon openFolder\
- -classes {leaf samba} \
- -closedIcon printer\
- -container $container \
- -nodeName printer
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createHomes { container } {
- set homes [ $nodeManagement addNode $shares\
- -label "Homes" \
- -openIcon kfmHome\
- -classes {leaf samba} \
- -closedIcon kfmHome\
- -container $container \
- -nodeName homes ]
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createAllPrinters { container } {
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createPrinters { } {
- set printers [ $nodeManagement addNode $rootNode\
- -label "Printers" \
- -openIcon printer\
- -classes {container samba} \
- -closedIcon printer\
- -container {}\
- -nodeName printers ]
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_createStatus {} {
- set status [ $nodeManagement addNode $rootNode\
- -label "Status" \
- -openIcon information\
- -classes {leaf samba} \
- -closedIcon information \
- -container {}\
- -nodeName status ]
- }
- body sambaPlugIn::_registerWithNamespace {} {
- set node $rootNode
- set rootNode [$nodeManagement addNode $node\
- -label "Samba 2.0.0" \
- -openIcon samba\
- -closedIcon samba\
- -container {}\
- -nodeName rootNode]
- }