PC World 2000 December
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327 lines
# Things we need.
# - A list with all the synonyms.
# - Location of the smb.conf file
# - Special case mapping both smb.conf -> XML and the inverse (just like apache dumper)
# We allow for external files to be included and configured. We just do not allow %
# escaped names
class sambaPrettyDumper {
inherit apachePrettyDumper
method getSection
method dumpRest
method dumpContainer
method dumpDirective
method processSection
method getLine
method getTypeOfLine
method processDirective
body sambaPrettyDumper::getSection {sectionInfo lineList} {
set data [getLine lineList]
set info [getTypeOfLine $data]
set section {}
# Only interested in endOfSection of same type, so we can anidate requests
while {![expr [string match [lindex $info 0] beginSection]]} {
lappend sectionLines $data
set data [getLine lineList]
set info [getTypeOfLine $data]
# Reached end of file
if ![llength $lineList] break
set lineList [concat $data $lineList]
return [list $sectionLines $lineList]
body sambaPrettyDumper::dumpRest {} {
set result \n
# Now we have left the ones that were not found in the template
foreach directive $currentXmlDirectives {
set dirName [string tolower [$directive getName]]
# # Skip disabled directives
# if ![$moduleManager isDirectiveEnabled $dirName] {
# continue
# }
if [$directive doYouBelongTo unknownDirective] {
debug "dumping unknown in dumpRest $directive - [$directive getValue]"
append result [$directive getValue]\n
} elseif [info exists specialCaseMapping($dirName)] {
append result [dumpSpecialCase $dirName $directive]
} else {
append result [dumpDirective $directive]
# Same goes with containers
foreach one $containerList {
append result [dumpContainer $one]
set idx [lsearch -exact $containerList $one]
set containerList [lreplace $containerList $idx $idx]
return $result
body sambaPrettyDumper::dumpContainer {container} {
set result {}
append result "\[[$container getName]\]\n"
foreach directive [$xmlConfDoc getDirectives $container] {
set dirName [string tolower [$directive getName]]
if [info exists specialCaseMapping($dirName)] {
append result [dumpSpecialCase $dirName $directive]
} else {
append result [dumpDirective $directive]
# No anidated containers in Samba
# foreach childContainer [$xmlConfDoc getContainers $container] {
# append result [ dumpContainer $childContainer]
# }
return $result
# sectionInfo is a list containing {value class}
body sambaPrettyDumper::processSection {sectionInfo data} {
set result {}
set value [lindex $sectionInfo 0]
# Save previous state
$xmlDirectivesStack push $currentXmlDirectives
$currentContainerStack push $currentContainer
# All classes should be the same (sambaContainer). So just look for a match in the name
set matchingContainers {}
foreach one $containerList {
if [string match [$one getName] $value] {
lappend matchingContainers $one
switch [llength $matchingContainers] {
0 {
# Do nothing
} 1 {
set matchingContainer $matchingContainers
# Remove container from list
set idx [lsearch -exact $containerList $matchingContainer]
set containerList [lreplace $containerList $idx $idx]
$containerListStack push $containerList
set currentXmlDirectives [$xmlConfDoc getDirectives $matchingContainer]
set currentContainer $matchingContainer
set containerList [$xmlConfDoc getContainers $matchingContainer]
append result "\[[$matchingContainer getName]\]\n"
append result [parseText $data]
append result [dumpRest]
set containerList [$containerListStack pop]
} default {
# Should not more than one container in Samba
# set commented {
# # By now, just ignore
# # To-do finish this
# # Address name based virtualhost
# if [string match $class virtualhost] {
# # Check for servernames
# }
# }
set currentXmlDirectives [$xmlDirectivesStack pop]
set currentContainer [$currentContainerStack pop]
return $result
body sambaPrettyDumper::getLine { lineList } {
upvar $lineList list
set result [lindex $list 0]
set list [lrange $list 1 end]
return $result
body sambaPrettyDumper::getTypeOfLine { line } {
# In Samba, all sections have the same
set data [string trim $line]
if {[regexp "^#+" $data] || ![string length $data] || [regexp {^;} $data]} {
return comment
} elseif [regexp "^include (.*)" [string tolower $data] dummy fileName] {
# By now, include directives are ignored until we handle them properly
# (fix includeroot)
return directive
# Only include files that are not % substituted
# If that is the case, just ignore it and leave it as-is (directive)
if [string match *%* $fileName] {
return directive
return [list include $fileName]
} elseif [regexp {^\[(.*)\]} $data dummy name] {
# If the regular expresion has [] on it, braces, not quotes
# All containers in Samba have same class
return [list beginSection [list $name sambaContainer]]
} else {
return directive
body sambaPrettyDumper::processDirective {data} {
set result {}
# TODO: check if belongs to disabled module and return if so.
set dirName [string tolower \
[lindex [set elements \
[ ::sambautils::getElements $data ]] 0]]
# Check here synonyms
if [ isSpecialCase $dirName ] {
set xuiDirectiveName [string tolower $specialCaseDirectiveMapping($dirName)]
# check if currentXMLDirectives contains xuiDirective associated
# with this special case
if [llength [set xuiDirective [ getXmlDirectivesWithThatName $xuiDirectiveName ]]] {
# yes -> process it append to result
# delete from currentXml
set result [dumpSpecialCase $xuiDirectiveName $xuiDirective]
set idx [lsearch -exact $currentXmlDirectives $xuiDirective]
set currentXmlDirectives [lreplace $currentXmlDirectives $idx $idx]
return $result
} else {
# no -> We already processed it return nothing
return {}
if [llength [set list [ getXmlDirectivesWithThatName $dirName ]]] {
# yes --> process it append to result
# delete from currentXmlDirectives
# switch depending if unknown or not
foreach one $list {
if [$one doYouBelongTo unknownDirective] {
append result [$one getValue]\n
} else {
append result [dumpDirective $one]
set idx [lsearch -exact $currentXmlDirectives $one]
set currentXmlDirectives [lreplace $currentXmlDirectives $idx $idx]
return $result
# If we are here it was not found, so we ignore it
return {}
body sambaPrettyDumper::dumpDirective {directive} {
set result {}
if [$directive doYouBelongTo unknownDirective] {
set result "[$directive getValue]\n"
return $result
set dirName [string tolower [$directive getName]]
switch [$directive getXuiClass] {
string - number {
set value [$directive getValue]
if [string compare $value [$directive getDefault]] {
set value [$directive getValue]
if {[$directive doYouBelongTo file] || \
[$directive doYouBelongTo directory] } {
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result "[split $dirName _] = $value\n"
} boolean {
set value [$directive getValue]
if [string compare $value [$directive getDefault]] {
switch $value {
0 {
append result "[split $dirName _] = no\n"
} 1 {
append result "[split $dirName _] = yes\n"
} choice {
# TO-DO: Check if it is multiple choice
if ![string match [$directive getName] [$directive getDefault]] {
append result \
"[split $dirName _] = [$directive getSelected]\n"
} default {
error "No special case and not recognized in dumping\
[$directive getXuiClass] [$directive getName]"
if ![string length [string trim $result]] {
return {}
} else {
return $result