PC World 2000 December
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Text File
380 lines
namespace eval ::apache1.3:: {}
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLPassPhraseDialog {text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [apacheparserutils::getElements $text ]
# Take into account the exec: stuff and file can contain spaces
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists SSLPassPhraseDialog \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
switch [string tolower [lindex $elements 1]] {
builtin {
$xuiObj selectComponentByName builtin
default {
regexp {:(.*)$} $text match file
$xuiObj selectComponentByName exec
# loadValue takes care of spaces and quotes
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [$xuiObj getComponentByName exec] $file
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLPassPhraseDialog { xuiObj } {
set result {SSLPassPhraseDialog }
switch [$xuiObj getSelectedComponentName] {
builtin {
append result builtin
return $result\n
} exec {
set value [[$xuiObj getComponentByName exec] getValue]
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result exec:
append result $value
return $result\n
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLMutex {text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [apacheparserutils::getElements $text ]
# Take into account the exec: stuff and file can contain spaces
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists SSLMutex \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
switch [string tolower [lindex $elements 1]] {
none {
$xuiObj selectComponentByName none
} sem {
$xuiObj selectComponentByName sem
} default {
regexp {:(.*)$} $text match file
$xuiObj selectComponentByName file
# loadValue takes care of spaces and quotes
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [$xuiObj getComponentByName file] $file
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLMutex { xuiObj } {
set result {SSLMutex }
switch [$xuiObj getSelectedComponentName] {
none {
append result none
return $result\n
} sem {
append result sem
return $result\n
} file {
set value [[$xuiObj getComponentByName file] getValue]
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result exec:
append result $value
return $result\n
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLRandomSeed {text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [apacheparserutils::getElements $text ]
# Take into account the exec: stuff and file can contain spaces
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists SSLRandomSeed \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
set child [$xuiObj newChild]
$xuiObj insertChild $child
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [$child getComponentByName context] \
[lindex $elements 1]
set source [$child getComponentByName source]
switch -glob [string tolower [lindex $elements 2]] {
builtin {
$source selectComponentByName builtin
} file:* {
$source selectComponentByName file
regexp {:(.*)$} $text match file
set newElements [apacheparserutils::getElements $file]
set file [lindex $newElements 0]
set bytes [lindex $newElements 1]
# loadValue takes care of spaces and quotes
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [[$source getComponentByName file] \
getComponentByName file] $file
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [[$source getComponentByName file] \
getComponentByName bytes] $bytes
} exec:* {
$source selectComponentByName exec
regexp {:(.*)$} $text match program
set newElements [apacheparserutils::getElements $program]
set program [lindex $newElements 0]
set bytes [lindex $newElements 1]
# loadValue takes care of spaces and quotes
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [[$source getComponentByName exec] \
getComponentByName program] $program
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [[$source getComponentByName exec] \
getComponentByName bytes] $bytes
} default {
error "Should never happen in SSLRandomSeed"
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLRandomSeed { xuiObj } {
set result {}
foreach child [$xuiObj getChildren] {
append result {SSLRandomSeed }
append result [[$child getComponentByName context] getSelected]
append resul { }
set source [$child getComponentByName source]
set component [$source getSelectedComponent]
switch [$component getName] {
builtin {
append result builtin
} file {
set value [[$component getComponentByName file] getValue]
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result $value
append result { }
set bytes [[$component getComponentByName bytes] getValue]
append result $bytes
append result \n
} exec {
set value [[$component getComponentByName program] getValue]
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result $value
append result { }
set bytes [[$component getComponentByName bytes] getValue]
append result $bytes
append result \n
} default {
error "Should never happen. No selected SSLRandomSeed"
return $result
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLSessionCache {text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [apacheparserutils::getElements $text ]
# Take into account the exec: stuff and file can contain spaces
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists SSLSessionCache \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
switch [string tolower [lindex $elements 1]] {
none {
$xuiObj selectComponentByName none
default {
regexp {:(.*)$} $text match file
$xuiObj selectComponentByName dbm
# loadValue takes care of spaces and quotes
::apacheparserutils::loadValue [$xuiObj getComponentByName dbm] $file
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLSessionCache { xuiObj } {
set result {SSLSessionCache }
switch [$xuiObj getSelectedComponentName] {
none {
append result none
return $result\n
} dbm {
set value [[$xuiObj getComponentByName dbm] getValue]
if [regexp {\ } $value] {
set value "\"$value\""
append result dbm:
append result $value
return $result\n
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLProtocol \
{text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [::apacheparserutils::getElements $text]
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists options \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
foreach element [lrange $elements 1 end] {
set child [$xuiObj newChild]
$xuiObj insertChild $child
switch -- [string index $element 0] {
+ {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName protocol] selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} - {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem disable
[$child getComponentByName protocol] selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} default {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName protocol] selectItem \
[string tolower $element]
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLProtocol {xuiObj} {
if ![llength [set children [$xuiObj getChildren]]] {
set result {SSLProtocol }
foreach child $children {
append result { }
switch [[$child getComponentByName action] getSelected] {
enable {
append result +
} disable {
append result -
append result [[$child getComponentByName protocol] getSelected]
return $result\n
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLOptions \
{text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [::apacheparserutils::getElements $text]
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists SSLOptions \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
set list [$xuiObj getComponentByName rules]
[$xuiObj getComponentByName merge] setValue
foreach element [lrange $elements 1 end] {
set child [$list newChild]
$list insertChild $child
switch -- [string index $element 0] {
+ {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName option] selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} - {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem disable
[$child getComponentByName option] selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} default {
[$xuiObj getComponentByName merge] clearValue
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName option] selectItem \
[string tolower $element]
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLOptions {xuiObj} {
set mergeFlag [[$xuiObj getComponentByName merge] getValue]
set list [$xuiObj getComponentByName rules]
if ![llength [set children [$list getChildren]]] {
set result {SSLOptions }
foreach child $children {
append result { }
switch [[$child getComponentByName action] getSelected] {
enable {
if $mergeFlag {
append result +
} disable {
if $mergeFlag {
append result -
} else {
# If we are not merging, we do not need - (unsure)
append result [[$child getComponentByName option] getSelected]
return $result\n
set old {
proc ::apache1.3::parseSSLOptions \
{text parser dirDef xmlConf currentContainer} {
set elements [::apacheparserutils::getElements $text]
set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists options \
$dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
foreach element [lrange $elements 1 end] {
set child [$xuiObj newChild]
$xuiObj insertChild $child
switch -- [string index $element 0] {
+ {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName protocol]
selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} - {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem disable
[$child getComponentByName protocol] selectItem \
[string tolower [string range $element 1 end]]
} default {
[$child getComponentByName action] selectItem enable
[$child getComponentByName protocol] selectItem \
[string tolower $element]
proc ::apache1.3::dumpSSLOptions {xuiObj} {
if ![llength [set children [$xuiObj getChildren]]] {
set result {SSLOptions }
foreach child $children {
append result { }
switch [[$child getComponentByName action] getSelected] {
enable {
append result +
} disable {
append result -
append result [[$child getComponentByName protocol] getSelected]