home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- namespace eval ::apacheparserutils:: {}
- proc ::apacheparserutils::loadValue {dirObject value } {
- switch [$dirObject getXuiClass] {
- string - number {
- if {[$dirObject doYouBelongTo directory] || \
- [$dirObject doYouBelongTo file]} {
- $dirObject setValue [string trim [string trim $value] \"]
- } else {
- $dirObject setValue [string trim $value]
- }
- } choice {
- $dirObject selectItem [string trim $value]
- } boolean {
- switch [string tolower [string trim $value]] {
- on - yes - true - 1 {
- $dirObject setValue
- }
- off - false - no - 0 {
- $dirObject clearValue
- } default {
- error "Boolean with value different from on/off"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc ::apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists \
- {directiveName dirDefinition xmlConf currentContainer} {
- if [llength [set existingDir [$xmlConf getDirectiveByName \
- $currentContainer $directiveName]]] {
- if [$existingDir doYouBelongTo unknownDirective] {
- error
- }
- set xuiObj $existingDir
- } else {
- if [llength [set xuiObj [[$dirDefinition getDirectiveByName \
- $directiveName] clone]]] {
- # If list, it has by construction the default. Since we are
- # parsing, we delete that value (we are going to overwrite)
- if ![string compare [$xuiObj getXuiClass] list] {
- $xuiObj reset
- }
- $xmlConf addDirective $xuiObj $currentContainer
- } else {
- error
- }
- }
- return $xuiObj
- }
- proc ::apacheparserutils::loadInComponent { xuiObj name value } {
- ::apacheparserutils::loadValue [$xuiObj getComponentByName $name] $value
- }
- proc ::apacheparserutils::getElements {text} {
- foreach {element rest} [ ::apacheparserutils::getElement $text] break
- eval lappend result \{$element\}
- while {[string length $rest]} {
- foreach {element rest} [::apacheparserutils::getElement $rest] break
- lappend result $element
- }
- #
- return $result
- }
- proc ::apacheparserutils::getElement { text } {
- set text [string trim $text]
- regexp {(("[^"]*")|([^ ]*)) ?} \
- $text element
- # There was a problem with things like BrowserMatch, but the problem was
- # not in getElements, but rather that the passed to special case is
- # the text, not the elements! (change the naming in
- # modules/*/specialCase.tcl )
- return [list [string trim $element] \
- [string range $text [string length $element] end ]]
- }
- namespace eval ::apache1.3:: {}
- proc ::apache1.3::parseStringList {elements parser dirDef xmlConf
- currentContainer} {
- # Name is lowercase. Hope it works
- set xuiObj [apacheparserutils::getOrCreateIfNotExists \
- [string tolower [lindex $elements 0]] \
- $dirDef $xmlConf $currentContainer]
- foreach one [lrange $elements 1 end] {
- set child [$xuiObj newChild]
- $xuiObj insertChild $child
- $child setValue $one
- }
- }
- proc ::apache1.3::dumpStringList { xuiObj } {
- if ![llength [ $xuiObj getChildren ]] {return}
- set result "[$xuiObj getName] "
- foreach child [ $xuiObj getChildren ] {
- append result "[$child getValue] "
- }
- append result "\n"
- return $result
- }